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Betrayal Page 12

by Martina Cole

  ‘The only room you have now is what I choose to allow you. I trusted you, Gerry, and you took my money under false pretences. That was not wise, mate. That’s what’s called in London, having a fucking death wish. As far as I am concerned, all you need is a last fag and a fucking blindfold. But Kevin Barry you fucking well ain’t.’

  Gerry Murphy could not remember how he got to this place but he shrewdly realised that he had been served up by his so-called old mate in Kilburn. That meant that he might not have the backing he usually relied on, which told him that his latest stunt had been frowned upon by the people who mattered. He was suddenly aware that he had been left in the wind, that he was most probably on his own – and the people he dealt with were interested in working with Aiden O’Hara.

  Gerry was just collateral damage now. He had pushed his luck on more than one occasion, and he had been warned about his actions and the need he had to con people out of their hard-earned money using his credentials and reputation without fear or favour. He had been made aware as to how that could undermine the cause and now he was paying the price. It was fucking annoying. He had been a crucial part of the cause since he was a lad and, for all his fuckery, he still believed in it wholeheartedly. It rankled that he was being cut loose for the likes of Aiden O’Hara. ‘Look, Aiden, you know this was never personal. Is there any way I can resolve this situation?’

  ‘Always the fucking same thing with you. “Nothing personal”. Well, Gerry, this is fucking personal to me. I trusted you. I thought you were a diamond geezer. It’s not even the money. It’s the fucking piss-take I’m taking umbrage to. It’s the knowing you believed you could treat me like a complete cunt.’

  Gerry Murphy looked truly frightened now, and that went some way to making Aiden feel better.

  ‘You made the mistake of a lifetime. You, Gerry, my old mucker, are going to tell me everything I need to know. I want the ins and outs of the cat’s arse, and you will tell me, boy. Because now I am dealing directly with your fucking organisation. That means that I need to be not only forewarned but also fucking forearmed. I want to know everything you know.’

  Gerry Murphy laughed then. ‘You can’t even imagine what you are dealing with, Aiden. Believe me.’

  The arrogance had returned. Gerry still believed in the cause, no matter what might have happened.

  Aiden laughed himself. Shaking his head sadly, he said quietly but with venom, ‘You stupid cunt. You will tell me what I want to know.’

  Then the beating started. In fairness to Gerry Murphy, as Aiden told anyone who asked, he kept his trap shut until the pliers were brought out. Aiden always gave credit where credit was due. He could not help but admire bravery in all its forms. He had liked Gerry Murphy and it grieved him that the man had seen fit to try and have him over. That was an unforgivable sin.

  Gerry Murphy had lost all his fingernails and toenails before Aiden finally gave in to his temper and threatened to remove his eyelids. Then, and only then, did Gerry Murphy realise he was going to have to swallow his knob and tell Aiden everything.

  Chapter Fifty

  Jade was tired and she looked it. As she wiped off her make-up she stared at herself in the mirror. She had to admit that, although she was ageing well, the bottom line was she was still getting older. But she had a lot going for her, not least her ability to clear up Aiden’s mistakes. When he had told her the full facts of his Gerry Murphy story, she had done what she did best – she had used everyone in her orbit to find the fucker and bring him to heel. Only she could summon that much clout, and she was gratified that Aiden seemed to appreciate that fact. It was her contacts who had found Gerry Murphy in Kilburn, and her contacts who had made sure he was served up without too much trouble. For all his clout, Aiden still didn’t understand that the world they inhabited did not suffer fools gladly. He might have made his mark – she knew that he was well respected, his phenomenal temper was legendary and his violence was something that was capable of instilling fear into the hardest of hearts – but he was still a youngster. Luckily, he had Eric Palmer backing him up, and his reputation on his side. Aiden was over the moon with her for stepping in and delivering Gerry Murphy to him on a plate. He could not thank her more – but they both knew that the damage had been done. It hurt her to know that Aiden had been willing to go into business with people she had introduced him to without including her. That he could be so fucking snide had made her have a complete rethink about their relationship. He was clever in so many ways, but his weakness was that he really believed that he could control everything and everyone around him with his good looks and his ability to turn on the charm if necessary, combined with his temper and penchant for violence.

  Now, to save his face, she had ensured that this business with the Irish would go ahead anyway. It had to, because Aiden would not have the sense to see the big picture – all he was focused on was punishing Gerry Murphy for trying to have him over. She had no choice but to make the deal to save his face and stop him being ridiculed. In spite of everything she could not bear to see him brought low, even though she knew in her heart that it would have been the best thing for him. Because if ever a man needed a reality check, it was Aiden O’Hara.

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Gerry Murphy knew when he was beaten, and he had been royally beaten by Aiden. In a way, he couldn’t blame the man for his ire. He had had every intention of carrying out their plan, which would have been very lucrative for them both. Unfortunately, Aiden had certain rules and guidelines he wanted followed, and Gerry had ignored them. His complete disregard for Aiden had been his downfall. And now he had no choice but to deliver.

  Never before had anyone outside the cause had the guts to pull him up, give him a tug. His affiliation had guaranteed him a swerve and he had believed that his unreliability had been all right because he was part of something so much bigger. He had been served up by his own this time, though, and he could never forget that. They were telling him that he had gone too far. Now, lying on a concrete floor in a cellar somewhere, he was much more inclined to agree with Aiden’s way of thinking. One eye was closed, he knew a few ribs were broken and the teeth that had been extracted were all telling him he had fucked up big time. He had lost his fingernails and his toenails and, even though they would eventually grow back, he knew that it was pain that most people couldn’t endure. But he was alive and that alone was enough for him at this moment in time.

  It was obvious that he had underestimated Aiden. Now he had to convince him that he had every intention of following through on their deal. But Aiden was not in the mood for chit-chat. In fact, he would lay money on Aiden O’Hara being so fucking aggravated that he was not going to be approachable any time in the near future.

  He was absolutely right. Aiden was practically spitting feathers. It was bad enough that this cunt had made a fool out of him, but the fact that Jade had been the one to sort it was like a red rag to a bull. Aiden had trusted him, had known him for years. He had weighed out serious amounts of bunce, and this prick had taken it with a cheeky smile and a cheery wave.

  ‘Where’s my fucking money? You better have my fucking dough!’

  Gerry sighed heavily. ‘I told you before, your money is as safe as houses. I might have gone on the trot for a few days, but that’s me. It’s what I do. I always see my business partners all right. I know you think differently and, Aiden, I get it. But you can’t last as long as me in this business without producing the goods.’

  He shrugged painfully, trying to act like he was back on track, that the previous few hours meant nothing to him. ‘I like a fucking Out Out. Where is the harm?’ He could see that Aiden was not in the mood to listen so he took another tack. ‘Look, Ade, I can guarantee you a serious return on your investment. I will arrange for you to meet with the supplier. But you have to believe me when I tell you that your money is as safe as houses.’

  Gerry Murphy prided himself on his gift of the gab but he was cutting no ice with Aiden O’Hara. Fo
r the first time ever he was feeling nervous. If he didn’t watch himself Aiden would finish him without a second thought. This was about pride and, knowing that he had finally pushed his Irish colleagues too far, he had to broker a deal that would suit everyone, especially Aiden. He was lying on a concrete floor minus his nails and nursing broken ribs; it was the wake-up call he needed. It was obvious that the people he worked for wanted Aiden on board, and that he had told Aiden more than was good for either of them frightened him. His mum always said to him and his brothers, ‘People only know what you tell them.’ Until now he had never understood the power of that statement.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Reeva had sensed there was something not right between her son and Jade, but she didn’t feel confident enough to ask him about it. There was a definite coolness between them. She had a feeling that whatever had gone wrong was her Aiden’s doing; for all Jade’s faults, there had never been a hint of scandal where she was concerned.

  Oh, she knew that Aiden had taken a few fliers over the years and, as long as the girls concerned had not brought any trouble to the family door, she had swallowed. Although, as a woman who had been used by men all her life, she had not been too impressed with his antics. As she had got older, she found that she didn’t have the temperament to allow such shenanigans in her own family.

  She admired Jade: without her, Aiden would be adrift. Meeting Jade was the best thing that could ever have happened to him – not that she would ever say that out loud, of course. In spite of their fractious beginning, Jade had somehow inveigled herself into Reeva’s heart. She was a fucking diamond. For all his reputation and his friendship with Eric Palmer, Reeva knew that without Jade Aiden would have fucked everything up for himself a long time ago. And he had nearly lost everything thanks to his foolishness. Tony had told her enough to make her see that her Aiden had dropped the bollock of a lifetime.

  He was lucky that Eric Palmer adored him and he was grooming him to be his successor. But her lad was still only twenty-five. He was going to have a long wait until Eric finally let go of the reins. And Aiden was going to have to watch himself because he was being watched by all and sundry – people only too happy to see him fall off his pedestal. He was of the opinion that he was beyond reproach and, until now, that had been the case. He had been given plenty of rope by Eric Palmer only to go and virtually hang himself. Thanks to Jade, though, he was basically home and dry.

  Reeva knew her son; he would not suffer this shit without swearing that he would get his own back at some point. Her eldest son was the love of her life in many respects and she worshipped him. He had just never understood that not everyone in his orbit felt the same way about him as she did. He had always been the main man in their home, but out in the real world he was still seen as up-and-coming. Because there, Eric Palmer was the main man. And if Aiden carried on this way he was going to be a fucking liability. He was so arrogant, acting like he was so much better than everyone else. He needed to be brought down a few pegs by Eric and Jade, for his own good.

  Plus, his treatment of Patsy bothered her. He was his brother, but Aiden talked to him like he was a fucking mug or a fucking romancer. Patsy would follow him into the bowels of hell without a second thought. He loved his brother and he worked for him happily. He trusted him to look out for him, to take care of him. But Aiden treated him like dirt, and that was starting to irritate her. Aiden was of the opinion that without him they were worth nothing, acting like they were dragging him down. He was even short with her at times.

  It was only the thought that she could lose her grandson that had stopped her giving him a piece of her mind. In her heart she knew that Aiden was more than capable of taking the boy away from her. He could be very petty-minded and very vindictive if thwarted. That she even thought that her son was capable of such actions told her everything. Suddenly, she didn’t trust him any more.

  She especially didn’t like the thought of Jade and Aiden at loggerheads. It worried her. The fact that Jade refused to marry Aiden had once pleased her; now their marriage was something she craved. It would cement her place in Aiden Junior’s life. Jade Dixon loved that she was looking after their boy − she had never once tried to keep Reeva and her grandson apart. Even though Jade wasn’t exactly motherly, Reeva knew that she loved that boy with all her heart. And it meant the world to Reeva that Jade trusted her with her precious son, and appreciated her for everything she did for him.

  She sighed as she took a large steak and kidney pie out of the oven. She had the whole family for dinner tonight, and she was looking forward to it. They were all growing up and growing away from her, but that was real life.

  Tony let himself in the front door. He had picked Aiden Junior up from school and, as the boy ran to her and grabbed her legs in a tight grip, she felt her usual happiness at having the child around her.

  ‘Hello, my little darling.’

  She picked him up into her arms and hugged him tightly to her, loving that he hugged her back.

  ‘Hello, Nanny. Granddad Tony said he was going to take me to the park.’

  Reeva grinned happily. Her Tony, who she had never thought would have stayed so long with her, loved this child as much as she did. She had been surprised to realise that she actually loved Tony too. Really loved him. Not just because they had amazing sex, but because she had finally understood that, against the odds, they had become genuine partners who cared for each other.

  Tony poured himself a cup of tea from the teapot that was constantly on the cooker. ‘Go and get changed, champ. Let me drink me tea and then we will hit that park.’

  Aiden Junior ran upstairs to get changed and, going to Tony, Reeva put her arms around him. Kissing him gently on the lips, she said quietly, ‘He loves you, Tony. You’re a good man.’

  Tony laughed and, grabbing Reeva’s arse, he pulled her to him tight. ‘Come on, Reeve, after all these years! Of course I love him! Like I love you, girl.’

  She knew he meant what he was saying and she laughed with happiness. ‘Who would have thought it, eh? Me and you, Tony.’

  ‘Listen, Reeve. You always rang my bells, girl. Stop selling yourself short. You’re a good woman.’

  Aiden Junior came back into the kitchen shouting, ‘Come on, Granddad Tony. You promised me the park!’

  Tony rolled his eyes with mock annoyance. ‘Oh, all right then, mate. Off we go.’

  Reeva watched them leave and felt the urge to cry. Tony had stayed with her longer than any other man and had also been the only one to ever make her feel even a modicum of safety. He was also the only man ever to make her feel that life was about more than her kids. All those years when she had been alone with yet another baby, that had been her mantra: I don’t need a man, I only need my kids. But it had been a load of old bollocks. Every time she had been left holding the proverbial baby it had broken her heart. Every time she had hoped that the father of her latest child would stand by her. None of them had.

  Finally, in His own way, God had been good to her. He had given her Tony. He had given her a man who accepted her no matter what, and He had given her kids someone to rely on. She had come out on top. After every disappointment, after every time she had given birth alone and had been forced to pretend that none of it mattered, Tony had made her see, finally, that life could be good. That she could be loved; that she could be needed.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Jade was exhausted. She had been having trouble sleeping since the aggravation with Aiden. There was a terrible void between them. She was partly to blame but, for once, Aiden had to understand that without her he just wasn’t in such a position of power. At least, not the kind of power that he imagined was his. He had his creds but that was because of Eric Palmer, and because she had always made sure that he had all the back-up he needed. Now he had been made aware of those facts, his pride was killing him. But she was not about to assuage his ego; this time he would have to acknowledge that she had as much clout as he did in certain are
as. More, if she was being honest. There were a lot of Faces out there who, even though they might give him his due and respect him for what he had achieved, had been in the game longer than he had, and they were still active earners. Aiden needed to understand that a lot of their business was about dealing with other people with creds. And it was about keeping the fucking peace and working alongside them. Just because you might be the main earner didn’t give you the right to throw your weight about and demand what you wanted. The latest debacle had brought this home to Aiden. Even he couldn’t pretend that he didn’t understand it.

  Jade had allowed him to do whatever he wanted because of their age difference and that was what really fucking burned. Standing back and letting him have his head had landed them all in a situation that no one in their right mind would be in if they had even half a brain. She was annoyed with herself for pandering to his ego for so long.

  Right now, she was meeting with Eric Palmer. She wished she had never agreed to this latest deal to save Aiden’s skin. Eric trusted her and respected her decisions, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try and blame her if it didn’t go to plan. People like Aiden and Eric Palmer spread blame around like fucking jam. There was no way any of this was ever going to be their fault. People in their world were only as good as their last earn. It was wrong but it was the way it worked. She knew that better than anyone, and it was why she had stayed at the top for so long. She had always fucking earned her keep, she’d made sure of that.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Eric Palmer thought the world of Jade, he always had. He appreciated her business acumen and, more to the point, her loyalty. Jade was a one-off really− she was a Tom who’d had the nous to take herself that one step further. She was a grafter in every sense of the word. She had proved herself worthy of his interest and he had never regretted that. He admired her and he trusted her, which was something he would never admit to anyone.


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