“What?” Roger is modeling the hat.
Maynard pulls out another cap from his cart. “I’ve got one too!” Maynard puts his on. “Ta Da!”
“That’s a really good hat too. Where did you get that one?”
“I’ve had it for a while now just never really wanted to wear it. I think this one came from the dumpster behind that thrift store about fours blocks that way.” Maynard points.
“Yep, I know that one.”
Maynard puts the cap on. “Does it fit okay?”
“That’s an awesome hat for you. You pull it off well.”
“Okay, good. I really like it.”
Sam finishes the can of food and goes over to Maynard.
“You want up, Sam?”
Maynard gently picks Sam up and puts him in his little pet bed in the shopping cart. “There you go, bud.”
The clouds begin to drip. A few drops fall on Roger and Maynard and Sam.
“Uh oh, Sam, we better get out of here before it starts raining on us too much. We both know how smelly we get if we get rained on, don’t we?”
Roger smiles. “There’s a bridge that’s just west of here. It would get us out of the rain if you want to go there.”
“It’s kind of far away.”
“That’s fine. We can hurry.”
Chapter 111
The rain lets loose just as Roger and Maynard and Sam duck under the cover of the bridge.
“Just in time!” Maynard notes.
“Yea, that was really close.”
Roger stares into the rain. He remembers the last time he was here. It was raining.
He turns around.
There he is.
The bum with no teeth.
He’s looking, happily smiling, into the downpour of rain.
Roger walks over.
The old man looks over at Roger. The man smiles his perfect smile.
Roger smiles his smile back, then sits down next to the old man to watch the rain.
Guttersnipe Page 17