"I will agree. You have a much better grasp on military actions than most of the officers we have served with. We will get better as the war progresses."
Hess was pleased to hear Mackenson was finally seeing events in his light.
"Our relief is not due for another hour-and-a-half. Let's make the best of our current post. We shall be in the thick of it soon enough and this desolate punishment will become a bad memory." Hess’ thoughts turned towards the battles he had taken part in, and how each one could have been better planned and executed. Too many fine soldiers lay strewn around this insignificant countryside. His thoughts of past conquests were rudely interrupted.
"Sergeant, look down the road. What do you make of it?"
"There. Do you see them? It is a checkpoint. Are we ready?" The girls nodded in agreement.
"I make out two on the road and perhaps four more lining the tree line.” Dmitri and Yakov spotted the checkpoint moments later.
"Yakov, you take the right side of the road. I will take the left side. We must make sure there are no surprises waiting deep in the woods."
Yakov agreed and moved off.
The pathetic group slowly made their way to the checkpoint. Hess motioned for the guards standing at the tree line to move a little closer to the road. From what he could make out, it was a boy with three girls. What threat could they possibly be to him and his men? He would easily overcome the boy, and then he and his men would do as they pleased with the females.
"Halt. Show me your papers," barked Sergeant Hess.
"Papers? We have no papers, Sir. We lost everything when the troops moved through our town and burned our house to the ground." replied Roman.
"No papers? Why have you not reported to Krakow and applied for the proper identification cards?"
"Sir, no one ever instructed us to go to Krakow. We have only been told to keep the roads clear and stay out of the way," Roman's words were very believable.
"Mackenson, they have no papers. What should we do with these beggars? Any ideas?"
Mackenson cautiously produced a smile. "I'm not sure, Sergeant. What do you have in mind?"
"Well, men," as he addressed the entire patrol, "what should we do with this rag-tag band?" All of the men laughed out loud.
"Indeed Herr Sergeant, what shall we do?" echoed a private.
"Sir, my sisters haven't eaten in over a week. Is there some food you could spare us?"
"And how will you pay us for food, peasant? Do you have any money or anything of value to trade with?"
"No sir, we have no money or any valuables. We have lost everything."
Hess produced an evil grin with the preceding words, in a tone as the cold Baltic wind blasting through the treetops. The sound of branches cracking, breaking, and crashing to the forest floor could be heard close by. Hess had motioned the soldiers to hasten their approach to himself and the rabble of peasants. They closed to within five meters of the group.
"Well, that is too bad. But if you want food, you will have to provide something in return." His gaze fell on the body of Natashia. She and the other girls had kept their faces hidden by bowing and staring at the ground.
Roman took a few steps backwards, stopping two meters from two of the guards.
"Sir, you may take what you want as long as you provide us with a few crumbs of bread or meat."
The words struck Sergeant Hess as an order. An order from a peasant? "You are correct, my friend, we will take what we want and if you attempt to stop us, you will die where you stand." Hess moved towards Natashia licking and wetting his lips. He knew he and his men wouldn't be disturbed. The last convoy of the day had passed an hour ago. The only other scheduled traffic would be the relief squad. The two smaller girls moved away from Natashia taking up a position close to a guard each.
"Mackenson, maybe I shall save some for you, or perhaps one of the younger ones would serve you better?" Hess lowered his right hand and placed it on Natashia's chin moving her face up so he could have a better look at the night’s entertainment.
The sound of branches breaking was increasing in volume, yet the howling north wind had momentarily stopped. Sergeant Hess could feel her face trembling and moving. He attributed it to a small girl about to give up her virginity.
"Now, now, Uncle Hess will be kind to you, I promise." He slowly moved her face up so he could have a good look. What stared back at him wasn’t the face of a small beautiful girl, but rather a grotesque form resembling some sort of creature. The skin was turning thick, like leather. Her soft black hair was becoming coarse and thin. His hand felt her jawbones moving around as if trying to expand and her eyes were flickering a dark blue flame. The creature opened its growing mouth revealing three inch long fangs where the incisors had once been. Before he could pull himself back, he felt something like large nails digging into the hand holding her face.
“What is happening? Who are you people?” cried Hess.
Natashia pulled him down and sank her young thirsty fangs deep into the poor sergeant’s neck. The other guards had no idea what was happening. They stared on in disbelief as the once little girl, who was going to be a sacrifice for their carnal instincts, clung to the neck of their sergeant who had become paralyzed in a vain fight for his life. Natashia was rapidly soaking in his rich, vital blood. One of the guards standing close to Roman raised his rifle, barking for the creature to release his sergeant.
His actions were too late. Roman grabbed the end of the rifle, used it as a pendulum, and flung the guard hard into another comrade knocking them both unconscious. Dina and Eva had stationed themselves close to a guard each. As the stunned men stared at the spectacle, they became part of the action as the girls sank their fangs into their respective prey. The soldier farthest from the group, who had no peasant companion, made a dash for the woods when he realized he could offer no help for his comrades. Roman detected the guard attempting to escape the cauldron of death. He kicked both the fallen men in the head hard enough to ensure they didn't regain consciousness any time soon. He looked back, catching the eyes of Natashia and signaling he was going to take pursuit.
"Be safe, my brother. We shall finish our business with these men and will await your return." Roman silently disappeared into the woods.
The ill-fated soldier ran blindly through the trees. The forest canopy was dense and thick, allowing little sunlight to the forest floor, even on a sunny day. It was now pitch dark and his unfamiliarity with the terrain was a true disadvantage. His only hope was that the attackers would have the same problem with night vision. He tripped and stumbled. He shed his rifle, back pack, ammunition belt and canteen. His helmet was lost with the first tree he had collided with. He was at least fifty meters into the woods with no signs or sounds he had been followed. He wasn’t aware that his pursuer had excellent night vision. The guard pressed on through the dark dense forest, bumping into trees and stumbling to the ground time and time again. He knew the tree line would eventually break, exposing a small side road leading to E44. He just needed to get to it, then hurry north and warn someone what was happening. His breathing was labored with each stride. His lungs could not pull in enough of the night’s cold air to properly fill his lungs. The adrenaline that had propelled him into the forest and masked the pain of his collisions, started wearing off. He saw the break in the trees and could make out the road that would lead him to safety. He jumped onto the road looking behind him. He could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears; it started to slow down. I lost them. I must warn the others of what I saw. Will they believe me? It doesn’t matter, I must raise the warning. He regained his breath and attempted to remove the mud and snow clinging to his uniform, so he would look somewhat presentable when making his report. His eyes were still attempting to refocus within the dark night as he started walking briskly to the north.
Confident he had lost his attackers, he stopped to light up a smoke. It would be his last. As he drew the match towards his face, it revea
led a creature his nightmares could not fathom. A rough, hide covered face, a gaping mouth revealing pieces of flesh and blood which dripped down its chin, and those weapons of death; steely white, razor sharp fangs. They seemed to be pulsating as the creature breathed. His match moved higher up looking for the cigarette in a reflexive motion, illuminating the most horrifying sight he had seen in his twenty young years, small bright red balls of death. It was the last thing he would ever see.
Roman rejoined the others carrying the soldier’s body. A loud, shrill scream erupted through the woods from each side of the road. Kirilli? Nikoli? Who is in the forest? The figures slowly made their way out of the woods. “Dmitri, Yakov, what are you doing here?” demanded Roman.
“Nikoli and Kirilli wanted us to follow and make sure everything went well. We were not sent as spies but as observers. They will be more than pleased with how the hunt progressed. We will also be able to assist with the bodies.”
Yes, they had six bodies to return home, and the two small girls did not possess the physical strength yet to tote a body the full distance. Dmitri would make mention of the oversight in the plan to Kirilli when they returned.
* * *
“Excellent, boys and girls, excellent. I could not have performed the hunt any better. Kirilli, there is hope for your people after all.”
Kirilli again bristled at the sarcasm pouring from Nikoli.
“Roman, you performed admirably and with great precision. Well done. Girls I also commend you for your efforts. Nikoli, based on the results of the first hunt, how would you grade the results?” Of course Nikoli would have some additional comments to add.
“The guard should have never been allowed to escape. We were lucky no one else was on the road and came to the ill-fated private’s rescue. It would have been most unfortunate for all of us. Roman...”
“Roman performed within expectations. The fault falls on us, Nikoli. Do not blame him for our oversight. You are again trying my patience.”
“And what if the private escaped? What if they had been caught?”
“Then we shoulder the blame for the failed mission, you arrogant bastard. We would bear their failure together.” The argument was gaining anger and momentum as each man maneuvered for better position.
Sasha could take the bickering no more. “Enough from both of you. Each of you should be glad that the mission was successful and no harm came to anyone.” Her words were hard and concise. Nikoli did not care for a woman interrupting his tirade. If it would have been Svetlana, he would have instantly silenced her, but alas, it wasn’t. Maybe Kirilli would take care of this insolent woman and her untimely comments.
With the first mission completed, it was time to try a different approach. Nikoli had actually wanted to use it as the first conversion mission, but had agreed to caution. He wanted to see and hear how the Germans reacted around the women. He was more than pleased with how easily they had been lured with the temptations of flesh. Now, he wanted to try a mission with just women. Stephan and Taros had been scouting the area around Bochnia and reported that the patrols consisted of only three men each. He was eager to put the next mission in motion. He knew it would have risks, but it was worth the chance and it might actually prove a good lesson for his wife. He was going to put her resolve to the test.
He quickly described how the next mission would be implemented. Sasha was apprehensive; Svetlana fully embraced it. She would be able to use the gifts she had so well-honed over the ages and barely been able to use with Captain Brown. It was agreed; Svetlana and Dina would head out in two days for Bochnia or Brzesko. The Germans had increased the number of patrols in these small towns since the disappearance of Captain Brown, but had failed to increase the manpower per patrol. They seemed bent on finding exactly what happened to one of their own. Nikoli had made mental notes gleaned from Major Ernst during their brief arrangement, that the patrols usually only consisted of three men. One of the soldiers would stand guard while the other two would forage about in the surrounding land. It was too early to venture into Krakow and find appropriate targets; there were plenty of other choices. Krakow would wait.
Nikoli outlined the plan. They would start working on the periphery and slowly work their way into Krakow. He had calculated they would need to gather up six soldiers for the conversion, and another six for feeding over the next two weeks. If too many patrols came up missing, it could raise an unwanted alarm. Patience and caution would be the first order of business. As the plan progressed, they would be able to take bolder steps, one mission at a time.
Svetlana and Dina headed out two days later as instructed. They were to find one of the small patrols, coerce one guard for feeding, and lure the other two back to their fallen comrade. Svetlana was instructed to use her wiles to the fullest. She couldn't wait to feast on the fools that had botched her earlier plans. "Nikoli, it will be my pleasure. I know exactly how I shall proceed. Dina, come with mother; it is time we fed on the Third Reich."
It was decided they would leave around 3:00 in the afternoon. They would use the winter’s twilight as an additional weapon; it had served the first mission well. The patrol should be weary and bored from a day of milling about in the countryside with nothing to report. Yakov had the wagon/carriage prepared for the trip. This time the old vehicle would serve a purpose. It would match the old worn-out garments which she and Dina were wearing. The illusion of a woman and child struggling to survive would complete the visual imagery, poor and helpless.
Yakov rarely spoke, but this time he passed a warning and a request, "Svetlana, take care and bring back some food." She nodded and smiled.
"Yakov, prepare for a feast." With that said, she cracked the whip and headed out in search of prey. The feelings of euphoria completely filled her up like the blood she and the others would soon enjoy.
It would require two hours to reach Brzesko. Svetlana could barely retain the excitement swelling inside of her. She told Dina exactly what they would do when they had one of the guards alone. Dina nodded in agreement. She was ready to fill her small veins with the fluid that would bring her little body back to full strength. Even the young knew what new blood meant, life.
They arrived at the outskirts of Brzesko, and as Nikoli had predicted, they came upon a small patrol of three soldiers. They were cold, wet, and tired. They were standing around smoking cigarettes and quietly talking.
"Look there, Dina. Can you smell and taste their blood?" Dina looked at her mother and smiled. She had inherited the same beautiful, evil grin of her mother.
"Yes, Mother."
As the wagon approached, one of the guards dropped his cigarette on the ground, crushing it out with his mud-covered hobnailed boots. He unslung his rifle and started walking towards them. "Halt! Show me your papers," he barked.
"Papers, sir? What papers?" The expression on the guards face was of irritation and disgust.
"Frau, I need to see your papers now!" Svetlana could sense how tired and irritated the soldier was feeling after another fruitless day of patrolling.
"Sir, we have no papers. We are from Miechow traveling to Krakow to see some old friends we haven't heard from for some time. No one in town mentioned we would need papers to travel."
The guard was becoming more aggravated with this wench. "Frau, I must see your papers now!"
"Herr...? Herr...?"
"Corporal Schmidt, Frau," he barked.
"I have no papers, but maybe we could arrange something else?"
It had been many weeks since he had enjoyed the pleasures of a woman. No one would know. No one cared about this insignificant outpost. His comrades would not say a word, for they too would enjoy the fruits of the woman and her child. Corporal Schmidt turned and motioned for his comrades to continue searching the woods for partisans or other trespassers. They begrudgingly acknowledged the order and headed off into the woods.
Svetlana and Dina exited from the wagon and stood two meters from the corporal. "Corporal Schmidt, before we sta
rt, do you have any candy or food for my daughter? It has been weeks since we have had a good meal."
Schmidt looked at the little girl and noticed how pale and frail she looked. "Of course, Frau. I'm sure I can find a piece of chocolate for the small kinder." He fished about in his pockets and found a small candy bar he had been saving for the evening meal. The thought of having a woman for a piece of chocolate - what a bargain for such exquisite pleasures.
He bent down to give little Dina the chocolate bar. He was mesmerized by the bright green eyes looking into his (with only the innocence of approval a small child can portray). Svetlana thanked Corporal Schmidt for his kindness in an effort to keep his attention. He turned his head towards her to acknowledge his kindness.
"Frau you are most...." were the last words he ever spoke. His head turned back towards Dina. Her eyes had changed into a fiery green. Her facial features did not resemble the cute little girl he had seen just a moment ago. She opened her mouth revealing three inch long fangs dripping with saliva. Before he could pull back, she lunged at his neck, sinking her teeth deep into the carotid artery. Svetlana looked around to make sure the other guards were still patrolling. She didn't want to be disturbed and patted the head of her daughter uttering a few chilling words.
"Save some for Mother."
Dina filled her little body rapidly. Svetlana could see the color of her skin returning to its milky white condition. She wanted to drain this man completely until she remembered the incident at the rail station with Nikoli and Corporal Schmidt. She looked hard at the man Dina was feasting on and recognized him. This was the same man Nikoli was preparing to dismember limb by limb at the rail yard. What a fitting tribute if she were to bring this vile man into the clan for ninety days. Nikoli would be very pleased that he would be able to use this man to their bidding, and in the end, reap his vengeance. Yes, she would save him.
Occupation Page 16