What was currently important, was Himmler keeping his word or at least the facade of his word. Both men had visited Krakow on different occasions to keep a pulse on the city’s activities. Since they had returned, the daily patrols had not been doubled but apparently had been pulled back into town. No new check-points had been detected. A new colonel had been assigned to Krakow, but instead of hunting down roaming partisan bands, he came from an engineering unit of the Wehrmacht to oversee the construction project at the brewery.
Jacub informed each man that the Germans were more interested in completing the project at the brewery, than investigating the soldiers who had disappeared through the year. Trains were no longer moving cargo to the east but rather pulling into the station with residents that had been displaced. He had received a memo from Berlin to expect the return of over 20,000 residents. Apparently there were not sufficient quarters in Germany for them. He was to see they returned to their previous homes and resumed their lives. Another 5,000 would be returning to work on laying new track and building new roads to Lvov. He also mentioned that the amount of military convoys and rail traffic moving east, had tripled over the past few months. The Germans were preparing for something big on the border but that was all he knew.
Nikoli and Kirilli agreed to have a chance meeting in Krakow to verify all of the information each one, and their respective patrols, had gathered over the past weeks. They entered town within an hour of each other and met at Jacub's office. His demeanor was much more relaxed. He was actually glad to see his old friends in a much more relaxed atmosphere. Since the two men had traveled to Germany, and the untimely demise of Major Ernst, life had returned to some form of normalcy.
"Nikoli, Kirilli, please come in and have a seat. Would you like something to drink? It is good some semblance of order has returned. The elimination of Major Ernst and Colonel Eckhardt has indeed lessened the load. I have been authorized to hire two assistants to help with the returning residents. Berlin was very insistent that everything proceed smoothly. Look, I have the signed order on my desk. It is signed by Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler. Did either of you meet him during your recent travel?" The men could barely hold back the smiles brewing under their lips.
"Jacub, may I?" Kirilli had an outstretched arm for the document.
"Of course." He and Nikoli viewed the document with intense interest. Yes, the document was dated two days after they had met. Their message had hit home. Herr Himmler would not be bothering them for a while.
"Thank you, Jacub. I'm glad the work load is lightening. We have been worried about your health. You are a good man and have witnessed much pain over the last seven months. Nikoli, myself, and the rest of our clan would like to invite you to Bezpieczenstwo in a few weeks, if you wish, to honor the death of your mother. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to provide the body, but it is the least we can do for a family that has been a loyal friend and ally."
"Thank you, Kirilli, I shall let you know. It would be nice to obtain her body but that is a restricted area which is heavily guarded. The site is too close to the brewery to attempt retrieval."
"Jacub, do you have any idea what they are doing north of town? Isn't it curious they are building an extra rail line to the old site?"
"Nikoli, I have no desire to jeopardize the current situation. I am happy to perform my duties and not create suspicion. I suggest you do the same. We have seen what these men are capable of. We should leave well enough alone."
"Jacub, I understand. Forgive me for prying." He looked at Kirilli with his prying eyes, sending a strong message. Even though we have achieved a victory in battle, we are still embroiled in a war. Some day we should venture out and examine the old brewery. Maybe they are manufacturing a new beverage fit for kings. Kirilli's eyes acknowledged the thought.
The men enjoyed a drink with Jacub and talked of what the future might bring. Several engine whistles broke the tranquil meeting. All three men went outside to watch the trains pull in. One pulled onto the siding at the depot. It was a passenger train with returning refugees. The other was directed to the north. It was filled with wood, masonry, and other building materials.
"Nikoli, we are going to someday investigate the events taking place north of town."
"Gentlemen, if you please, I have friends to welcome back home. If you plan on any trips to the north, please do not inform me. I have plenty of worries myself."
"Not a problem, my friend," boasted Nikoli. "We would never think of implicating you in any of our endeavors." He and Kirilli let out a loud relaxed laugh.
As Jacub made his way to the depot to greet the new arrivals, another siren blasted in the west. There was a different tone to the whistle. It wasn't announcing a stop; it was screaming for the tracks to remain clear. Nikoli and Kirilli moved closer for a better look. The engine was making top speed. Guards stopped the unloading process and made sure the tracks were clear. It was the largest locomotive they had ever seen. It had eight drive wheels belching out steam and smoke. The stoker was working overtime. The train blasted into the station at over 60 kilometers an hour. Car after car was loaded with the weapons of war. Trucks, artillery guns, and steel monsters mounted with guns. The shades were pulled down on the passenger cars. If there were soldiers on board, no one would have known. It was the longest train they had seen. As the last car cleared the station, they counted over seventy cars full of weapons and munitions.
"At least three of them pass each day," replied Jacub.
"Interesting," commented Kirilli. "Nikoli, what do you make of this activity?"
"Herr Himmler is honoring his word. The rail traffic going east? That is another matter. From what we have seen and the information Jacub provided, the Germans are building up the forces on the border. I questioned your summation of Mein Kampf, but it is apparent this fool Adolf Hitler is about to awaken Mother Russia again. He might inflict damage and occupy vast territory, but in the end, their future will be sealed with the first shots. No one has ever been able to tame the bear. The smiles and arrogance of the Germans will turn into looks of horror and helplessness. Too bad, I actually pity these men. We introduced the occult to Herr Himmler; the Russians will introduce them to the true horrors of war. What a shame." A smile replaced his hard features with the last words. Russia succumbed to no man or beast. The real strength of Russia was fourfold - time, space, weather, and men. One must defeat and plan for the first three to be victorious over the fourth.
"I agree with the synopsis. War in the east has no rules. They may enjoy some quick victories, but like those before them, it will be fleeting. Now, what do you make of the work going on at the brewery? Jacub seems very nervous with the activity."
Another whistle was heard in the west moving towards the depot. Both men looked up to see the switchman throwing the lock that would move the new train to the north. The train was loaded with car after car of lumber and brick. Whatever the Germans were doing was more than a modification of an old brewery. One car in particular caught their attention. "Nikoli. Ovens?"
The question hung in the air with the thick smoke belching from the locomotive as it moved to the north. This would require more investigation. As long as Jacub didn't know what they were planning, he could continue with his duties and be free from unwanted questioning. Understanding the construction north of town could wait for now; they would enjoy what had been accomplished so far.
The clans were completely intertwined. The truce had turned into an ironclad bond. Each member would gladly sacrifice him or herself for any other member if threatened by an outside source. The chains of the past had crumbled and freed each man. Order had been temporarily restored to Southern Poland.
Chapter 25
Svetlana, Nicole, and the others watched as the last of the German trucks disappeared over the horizon in a cloud of dust. They had dealt the mighty Third Reich a heavy blow. It was the first of many defeats to come, but for now, peace had returned to Southern Poland. The d
epot was again filled with trains, but this time they weren't being loaded with human cargo, but returning them,or at least those who could be found, back home. Kirilli and Nikoli stood out like proud fathers over the successful plan and joint venture. It had been the mating of Dmitri and Nicole that kept the competing clans focused on the new enemy and not old scores. Both men stood side by side. No words were required as they silently congratulated each other on a job well done. Kirilli broke the silence with a few simple words.
"Nikoli, we have achieved not just a great victory over the Germans, we have also ensured the existence and continuation of our clans. I know I addressed the issue on the plane, but I have to ask again. What are you wishing for? A boy or a girl?"
Nikoli flashed his brilliant smile letting out a hefty relieved laugh and replied, “A boy, my dear Kirilli, a boy!"
They turned to look at the swollen stomach of Nicole. They could detect the movements and small pulses pushing against her skin. Svetlana was rubbing her hand gently on Nicole's stomach feeling the lifeblood moving slowly through the growing child.
She and Nicole were sharing an uneasy silence, broken only by the two new heartbeats pulsing through their bodies.
1. Raush move, hurry up
2. Danke thank you
3. Fraulein Miss
4. Jawohl yes
5. Frau Mrs
6. Hofbrau a bar
7. Heil hail to
8. Guten abend good evening
9. Wehrmacht German regular army
10. Mein Gott My God
11. Wie ghets how are you
12. Wo ist Where is
13. Was is los What is going on.
14. Verstehen Understood
15. Gott min us God go with us
16. Mein Kampf My Struggle
17. Versthehen Understood
18. OKH High Command of the German Army
19. Weimar Republic The ruling government until Hitler took power in 1933
20. Luftwaffe air force
21. Kriegsmarine navy
22. Sterbenhilfe mercy killing
Metric Conversions
1. Kilogram 2.2 pounds
2. Kilometer 0.62 miles
3. Meter 3.28 feet
4. Liter 0.26 gallons
5. Centimeter 2.54 inches
6. Millimeter 0.10 centimeters
1. Boirarksy Bor-ar-sky
2. Bezpieczenstwo Bech-piench-ens-tvo
3. M-Spartanin She-ar-tani
4. Walensa Valensa
5. Tatra same
6. Beskid Slaski Besh-kid Slahs-ki
7. Bieszczedy Bien-sh-chendy
8. Belovezh Ben-loen-zh
9. Miechow Mien-hohv
10. Nowy-Sacz Nohv-eh Sach
11. Wolbrum Vol-broom
12. Trzyciaz Tr-sey-chiah-zh
13. Myslowice Meh-slov-ichen
14. Tychy Yeh-heh
15. Chrzano Hr-zh-ahn-oh
16. Wadowice Vahd-o-vichen
17. Wewelsburg Vev-els-burg
18. Schmeisser same
19. Reichsfuehrer Rikes-fure-er
Occupation Page 31