Nephilius - A Walker Saga Book 5

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Nephilius - A Walker Saga Book 5 Page 25

by Jaymin Eve

  “I’m pretty sure that was made for you, Luce.”

  She smiled and hugged it toward her. “It’s perfect. I really want to show Colt.” Shaking her head, she re-hung the other dress. “It’s funny that the one person’s opinion I want is the one who can’t see my dress until the ceremony. What Earth moron came up with that?” She snorted.

  “I guess you’re supposed to know your man well enough to choose something he’d love.” I offered the other side, but I definitely saw her point.

  She snorted again, trailing into laughter. “I could wear a sack and Colt would love it. That Walker wears blinkers when it comes to my appearance.”

  The door opened then and in trooped Talina, Ria and Fury. And with a squeal Lucy was off, ordering them around, finding them dresses, and generally being a pain in the butt. Eventually I grabbed her and shoved her into one of the chairs.

  “Calm down. You need to get your hair and make-up done.” We were running out of time.

  Glenda stepped forward. In her hands she held a small scanning device. It was First World technology that helped in the application of make-up. I sat in another chair and Cherine hurried to me.

  “Close your eyes, please.” She had a sweet, innocent voice.

  With a sigh my lids shut down, blocking out the sight of Fury falling down in laughter after finding a horrid floral dress on the rack. Gods knew what those three were going to decide to wear. I wondered where Delane was and if she’d bother coming to the ceremony. We should have invited her up here, but I knew I wasn’t getting warrior-Walker into a dress.

  Thirty minutes (or what felt like hours) later, I was allowed to open my eyes. I caught my reflection in the mirror, and had to admit Cherine had done a great job.

  My hair was in loose curls that fell in a red mass to my waist. White and green flowers had been woven high across the crown of my head. My make-up was flawless, but subtle. Just touches here and there to accentuate my features.

  I wrinkled my nose. I always found it weird how huge my eyes looked when I wore any kohl or shadow. I’d had enough time staring at my reflection, so I pushed myself up from the chair, and Talina took my place.

  The next few hours were filled with a flurry of dresses, hair, make-up, and tantrums – which were just from Lucy – but in the end all of us were dressed and waiting at the door. My dress fit perfectly, and it was really comfortable. I had totally lucked out.

  Fury wore red, which suited her personality and somehow didn’t clash with her skin. Talina’s dress was short and a pearly white color, which set off her stunning hair, and Ria looked like a supermodel in the black strapless number that I’d been denied.

  And then there was Lucy.

  She looked ethereal, her long blond and green hair falling in large curls, flowers threaded through in the same design as mine, but hers continued down the full length of her hair. Her dress was also a perfect fit, thanks in part to the lace-up corset back.

  “You look so beautiful, Luce.” Talina looked teary as she hugged our tiny pixie friend, arms a little awkward over the wings.

  “Gosh, stop that, Talli, she’ll be shedding glitter again,” Fury said, her voice light.

  A knock at the door had us straightening. And before I could speak Lallielle stepped into the room. She was dressed in a shimmery white silk that fell to her knees and draped her figure beautifully. She looked stunning.

  “Oh, my god, you girls all look just beautiful,” she gasped as her eyes scanned us. “Glenda and Cherine, you did a spectacular job.” She moved forward and hugged them both. “I left your portraits in the front room,” I heard her say as the mother and daughter exited the room.

  First World worked on a barter system, so that was more than likely payment for their time spent on our make-up.

  “Okay, let’s get downstairs. Everything is set up.” Lallielle started ushering us out of the room. Most of us were unsteady on our heels, except for Lucy, of course.

  “Did someone see if Delane wanted to come?” I asked as we staggered down the stairs, risking our necks. Fury had a double-handed death-grip on the railing.

  “She’s already in her seat,” Lallielle said. “The spare chairs next to her are for Fury, Ria, and Talli.”

  “Lucky,” I muttered.

  Lucy elbowed me, and I threw her a huge grin.

  Instead of taking us through the front door Lallielle led us out the back, and toward the right side of the house.

  “Okay, you two wait here while I seat the girls.” Lallielle looked excited. Her voice was breathless.

  With last hugs and kisses on the cheek, Lucy and I were left to wait nervously. We couldn’t see any of the setup. We stood just out of sight, but I could smell wafts of floral scents and hear the sounds of soothing music. Like a harp or piano or something. Lallielle was back in moments and she had two bundles of flowers and Josian with her. My jaw dropped at how handsome my dad looked. His black tuxedo fitted him perfectly, accentuating his giant height and breadth. His red hair was brushed back, framing his perfect features and flashing bronze eyes.

  “I have some very good-looking parents.” I gave them both a hug.

  “You look stunning, baby girl.” Josian kissed me on the forehead. “And you Lucy are a picture of beauty.” He held out one of his tuxedo-clad arms. “I’m here to walk you down the aisle. You’re like a daughter to me, and it would be my honor.”

  Flickers of something crossed Lucy’s face. I guessed she was thinking of not only her fake Earth parents, but also of her unknown faerie father. But finally a teary grin crossed her features.

  “I couldn’t think of anyone better to walk me down the aisle.” Lucy slipped her arm into Josian’s. She had to fly to reach his elbow, but it didn’t look awkward.

  “Come on, Aribella.” Lallielle took my hand. “You’re first. Just follow the red path all the way and stand on the opposite side to Brace.”

  She handed me the slightly smaller bouquet. I shuffled along after her, my eyes trained on my feet because the grassy terrain was not suitable for heels. I looked up the moment my toes hit the red carpet, its ruby tones sparkling in the last rays of the setting sun.

  The sunset blinded me for a moment before a series of harsh breaths fell from my lips. I froze in the act of taking my first step. You would think the reason I almost fell on my face was because of the stunning ceremony that had been set up. But I barely even noticed.

  My feet started to move then, but it must have been instinct because I seemed to have lost all control of my body. I didn’t see the softly glowing candle arches that led the way down the aisle. Or the huge bunches of colorful and deliciously scented flowers that filled in the end of every chair row. Or the masses of people who had turned to face me. Or even the backdrop of a stunning sunset over the tumult of the crashing ocean.

  I saw nothing but Brace.

  I felt as if my eyes had been locked onto him and there was nothing I could do to tear them free. He stood next to Colton and he looked solemn as he stared at me, but there was heat in his dark eyes, and something more. I tried to figure out what his expression revealed, and finally, halfway down the aisle, it came to me – awe. As if he couldn’t believe I was real.

  I had to physically stop myself from running straight down the red carpet and throwing myself into his arms. Just before I reached the end, he leveled the softest of smiles on me. I fought back my tears, turning away to take my place opposite him.

  Cerberus moved from where he’d been perched at the back of the seated guests and bounded up to sit next to me. Reaching out a hand, I laid it on his closest head. I loved this dog; he was the most loyal creature I’d ever met.

  All of the faces had turned back to look down the red carpet, waiting for the bride. It looked as if Lallielle had coached them on wedding protocol. I took a moment to observe the crowd.

  I could see scattered Doreens and Abernaths, including Brace’s mother and sister. Magenta was also there. She stood next to a golden-haired man who h
ad soft moss-colored eyes. The man held Petal; she was squirming in his arms. Maybe he was the little Walker’s father. Magenta and Petal were the two remaining members of Colton’s family. The rest had been killed by his father’s wolf. I was glad they were there.

  Another familiar face caught my eye. Malisna was fluttering just above the ground, Refis next to her. I felt my heart jump at the thought of Lucy’s family also being here. For so long we had both thought we had no one but each other, and now our hearts overflowed.

  It was Colton’s low rumbling growl vibrating through his chest which tipped me off to Lucy’s arrival.

  The candlelight washed across her in a sparkling light as she fluttered her wings up near Josian’s shoulder. She looked otherworldly. Her pixie genetics had never been more obvious than right at that moment. And she was radiantly happy. It oozed from her (along with some wafts of pixie dust).

  Colton started to move. It was only Brace’s hand on his shoulder that stopped him charging down the aisle and claiming his mate right then and there.

  I grinned at Josian. He looked proud, standing tall as he led the floating pixie through the masses of smiling faces. Colton was still now, but in that way of a predator who is biding his time to strike for the kill. His eyes always gave away his wolf.

  Finally they reached the end of the red carpet, and with a Walker handshake Josian handed Lucy off to Colton.

  Brace moved from his place to stand in front of the couple. Lucy handed me her bouquet to hold, and we all faced toward the stunning ocean.

  Brace gave me a wink as he started. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today …”

  I hid my smile in the masses of flowers I held. It sounded as if they’d done some research, which had to include old movies. There was no other way to see Earth weddings.

  The ceremony was beautiful, short and sweet.

  Lucy and Colton held on to each other and their eyes saw nothing but the other. Finally it came to the moment where they had to speak their vows. But in Walker style we did not get to hear the words. They were spoken quietly, private and meant only for the other.

  And then it was time for the true bonding.

  Energy left Brace, and I watched as it entered Colton, and then in long shimmery tendrils connected to Lucy. Her head fell back as she gasped. And then both of them were visibly surrounded in their green and white tethers.

  I wasn’t sure if everyone else noticed it, or if it was just me, but I saw the actual bond cement between them. It was tangible now. I could have reached out and grasped onto the thick cord which seemed to extend from their chests.

  “You’re in my head,” I heard Lucy whisper. Tears filled her eyes. “Don’t you ever leave.”

  Colton kissed her, lifting her delicate body up into his arms. “Not even death could steal this bond. I will come back for you in any life.”

  Their love held us all immobile. I could see lots of kissing couples in the crowd. Dune and Fury were almost on the side of indecent. The fire between those two was figurative and literal.

  And then I felt his warmth wrap around me. Brace captured my hand and hauled me into his arms. I felt the shock from a few people – especially the half-Walker girls – when he kissed me.

  I’d forgotten that most people didn’t know we were true mates. Well, they did now. And I planned on telling them the entire story, no more keeping information from the very people who deserved to know everything.

  “So is this the full Walker bonding done?” I thought he’d told me long ago about something more.

  “No, they still have to travel into the place of Walker birth, and if their mating is accepted, I believe something magical happens that brings the bond into a level of untouchability.”

  We’d never been ‘officially’ bonded, so he didn’t actually know.

  “Is the bond always accepted?” I asked.

  Brace tightened his arms around me. “No, sometimes people mistake lust for love, a true mate for a right-now mate. You can fool yourself, but you can’t fool the bond.”

  While the ceremony had been going on, Lallielle must have had people setting up a banquet on the front lawn, in the space between the house and the ocean. She led the crowds around.

  The area was lit up with millions of what looked like faerie lights, but they were not connected to anything. Just tiny, sparkling lights floating above the scene. I looked closer. Were they actually little faerie’s floating there? How would Lallielle have managed that? Maybe Malisna had a hand in organizing the ceremony.

  I was distracted from the softly lit area set up for dancing by Lallielle capturing my hand.

  “This is so amazing, Mom.” I hugged her hard. “I can’t thank you enough. You made the most beautiful moment of Lucy’s life absolutely perfect.” I realized that she was alone. I looked around. “Where’s Dad?”

  “He had to go and take care of something, baby girl. He said he’d try and make it back as soon as he could.”

  I found that a little strange, him leaving in the middle of an important event and not even telling Lallielle why. It was obvious he’d just given her the old something-important-came-up line.

  “Is everything okay with Dad?” It was time to ask the question. “He’s been acting a little strangely. Has the fifth Seventine been released?”

  Josian had said he would let me know. Was that where he’d disappeared to?

  Lallielle’s eyes dulled a little, but her smile appeared readily enough. “No, he checked out the dark mountain just before this ceremony. At the moment we’re ahead of them, and if you can find the next girl I think we’ll have a real shot at beating them to the end.”

  She reached out and grasped my hands. “Don’t you worry so much, darling. Jos is a strong, loyal man and an amazing leader. He’ll do the right thing in the end.”

  I was opening my mouth to ask her what the hell she was talking about, but she distracted me by taking my arm and ushering me onto the dance floor. I froze as I realized Brace was standing there waiting for me, forcing the other dancers to move around the mountain of a man standing in their center.

  I heard a shriek of laughter. Colton and Lucy were enthusiastically shaking what their mommas had given them, which made me laugh. No slow-music first-dance for those two.

  “Would you like to dance?” Brace had moved without me even noticing. He held a single hand out to me.

  I didn’t hesitate taking his hand and yanking him into me. Well, more like attempting to move a mound of muscle in my direction, which didn’t work. But thankfully he took pity on my weak-assed attempts and stepped forward.

  “I wish I had the words to describe how I felt when you walked down that aisle toward me.” Brace had his head lowered, speaking into my cheek. “Your beauty knocks me to my knees.”

  I could hear the tremble of emotions in his voice. My usually stoic, strong warrior-man sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

  “I felt the same,” I whispered back. “And I promise you, we’ll have our own ceremony and we’ll never be parted again.”

  “First thing in the morning, we go to the lalunas.” His arms tightened around me, almost to the point of pain, but I welcomed it.

  As his lips met mine in a kiss, I decided then and there that nothing would keep us apart any longer. I was no longer fighting that which fate had decreed. It was stupid of me to second-guess my melding bond, it had been a gift from whatever gods created our universe, and I would destroy anything and anyone that got in my way.

  But that destroying would have to wait for tomorrow; right now was for dancing, drinking and celebrating the beauty of love. I paused as my eye caught on something strange walking along the beach toward us. I pulled my face back from Brace.

  “What the hell …” I tried to get a better look. Brace stopped twirling me around, and turned his head in the direction of the water. “Tell me you’re seeing the same thing as I am,” I could finally gasp out.

  A low chuckle shook his chest. “It’s Lina.�

  “Oh, my freaking god.” Lucy ran up to me, screeching her head off. “Abbs, it’s a unicorn.”

  “Lina the unicorn, apparently.” I closed my mouth, which had been hanging open.

  Lina was beautiful, standing hands taller than most of the people present. The unicorn was black as night, and its horn was white and shimmery, like a glitter-threaded piece of ivory. Ivory that was a good three-foot long and lethal, with a razor sharp tip.

  Cerberus took off then, galloping along the sand until he circled Lina. I held my breath, but there was no attacking. Instead they seemed to be greeting each other.

  “Why is there a unicorn walking along the beach?” I managed to drag my eyes from the magnificence of the two animals to face Brace.

  He reached out a hand and pulled me closer. “The sacred ones are returning.”

  “Which means what?” Lucy asked.

  He paused for a moment before answering. “It’s time to prepare for war.”

  I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. Shit, things were starting to get real and I wasn’t ready. I doubted I’d ever be ready.

  Chapter 18


  Josian clenched his fists as the calling started again. He fought the urge, but he knew it wouldn’t be long before their power overwhelmed him and he had to leave.

  Lallielle lifted her face, meeting his eyes, and he knew that she could feel his unease. He reached out a hand and gently touched her perfect features; the connection worked as reassurance for both of them.

  The emerald green of her eyes softened as she turned back to the emotionally touching ceremony. Josian’s gaze alighted onto Aribella, who stood close to her best friend, Lucy the pixie.

  Josian loved nothing in this world more than his true mate Lallielle and their beautiful daughter. It made him happy to see that Aribella was happy. She stood tall in her green lace dress and she was as beautiful as her mother.


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