Breeding an Angel

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by Fiona Thompson

  Copyright 3013, Fiona Thompson

  Lucille is an angel with many of questions. Sweet, naive, and with no knowledge about humans, she wasn't due on Earth for another ten years, but is sent down to observe man and their sinful desires.

  She is supposed to observe and not interact, but when she narrowly avoids an accident, Lucille's life is saved by Gerard. Now per angelic law, she will become his guardian angel, but she doesn't expect him to feel protective of her.

  He's dangerous, yet kind, and Lucille falls in love with him. Not ready to have her wings clipped, she thinks she can hide a love affair from the heavens, but when she falls pregnant, will Gerard still want her? And what will happen when the angels find out she not only slept with a human, but got pregnant by one too?


  Heaven was a magical place of light, harmony, gold and angels. In the center of it all, a grand city with giant white pillars and towering mansions built with the finest stones. Carvings of God and his angelic choir, singing in harmony were on each wall and inside the grandest of the buildings two angels walked side by side.

  I, my name, Lucille am the youngest of the angels and about to reach my birthday. When that happened it would finally be time for me to go down to Earth and do my job. I was beautiful with long auburn hair and blue almond shaped eyes. My wings were wide and grand. Dressed in only a blue wrap skirt, my blossoming nocturne shaped breasts were perfect and seemed to defy gravity. They were round, supple, with pink, soft nipples.

  “I don’t understand,” I said for the twelfth time that day. I looked to Jessica, my mentor and guardian. “If humans are so full of sin, so horrible, why does He put up with them? Why send us at all?”

  Jessica was older, but beautiful and with flawless skin. “My dear, they are not without merit. He loves them and orders we must help them. They are flawed but capable of art, beauty, and most of all, love.”

  I scowled. It was nothing new. I had heard this speech before. I sighed. “I wish I could see with my own eyes what it is you are telling me. I don’t understand…”

  Jessica held up her and to quiet the young woman. “I know, you don’t understand. But you need to, before your birth day. “ She sighed. “What I am going to do must be our secret. Understand? I will send you.”

  “Send me?” I blinked my large eyes.

  Jessica nodded. “Send you to Earth to observe your charge. The one you are designed to help. But you can’t talk to him. After few hours there, I’ll summon you back.”

  “Surely a few hours with him, won’t change my mind,” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I wasn’t ready to go to Earth. I didn’t want to live as a human being, even if for only a few hours! Just the thought maybe me sick to my stomach.

  “No touching.” Jessica reminded. “No talking. Keep to yourself and keep your eyes open.” She offered me a photograph of a gorgeous man. He had dimples on his face and his hair was dark, curly on top, and long stopping just at his shoulders. I had never seen a man before who wasn’t God. I was surprised how dark and sinister his eyes looked and how chiseled and gorgeous the lines of his face was.

  I glanced up at Jessica to ask one final question, but there was a light burst in my face and when I blinked, the world changed.



  I wasn’t sure what to expect, but landing on Earth in a bathroom wasn’t exactly it. It wasn’t even clean. It was crummy, with a dripping faucet and the mirror bathroom stalls had graffiti drawn all over them. I couldn’t think the words, let alone say them out loud, they were so vile and offensive.

  This was what I came to Earth for? People who had done this?

  It was only a few hours, right? That meant I could hide out somewhere. No one had to see me. Course if I did that, it’s possible I’d never get to leave. Angels could be very stubborn when it came to their rules.

  I sighed and spun around, seeing myself in the mirror for the first time.

  My long red hair was wavy and I was wearing earrings. I never had material possession before, but now I was carrying a purse and dressed in blue jeans, a green Henley, and a soft black jacket that ended right above my waist. It showed off my curves, but I still looked respectful.

  Respectful as they came anyway. Pretty. I hoped whoever this guy was, he could keep his hands to himself.

  When I pulled open the bathroom door I was taken back my the sounds and smells coming from outside. It was crowded with people, woman and men. There was a pool table, the sounds of the cue breaking the balls. Glasses clinking together and I could smell…I could smell meat. Hamburger.

  Gross. Angels couldn’t eat meat. Just the thought sickened me.

  I took a deep breath and walked out into the bar. A bar! Me, an angel, in a bar. This was ridiculous.

  I passed by several people, excusing myself, when I saw him. The man from the photograph. He was smiling, hunched over the pool table about to make his shot. He winked at the girl he was with, pulled his pool stick back and wham! Two balls hit the corner pockets.

  “Impressive.” I said without meaning to.

  He startled, blinking his dark eyes. When he came over to me, I trembled, crossing my arms. “What did you say to me?”

  “I said, uh,” I cleared my throat, “It was a good shot.”

  Gerard grinned. “What’s your name, love?”

  “Lucy.” I muttered. “You can call me, Lucy.”

  “Want a drink, Lucy?” Gerard’s eyes twinkled and I saw he was wearing a cross around his neck. So he was a believer? Well, he certainly didn’t act like one.

  “No. I can’t stay. I was…just leaving.” I moved away, but he grabbed my arm.

  “Stay for a few minutes.”

  “No, I can’t really.” I yanked my arm for him and made a break for the front door. I don’t know why I was so scared, but I was petrified. I didn’t want him to touch me. It felt wrong. A rush of electricity traveled through my skin. I just wanted to go home. I wanted heaven back.

  Outside was pouring rain and I didn’t know where to go. I could barely see as I stepped out from the curb. All I knew was I saw a strange light traveling toward me. I didn’t know what it was, if it was an orb sent to take me home.

  But as it got closer I realized it was a headlight. I forgot about humans and their cars.

  It was too late. I was going to be struck. I couldn’t be killed, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t going to hurt.

  “Lucy!” Gerard screamed and before I knew it, his body slammed into me. We went tumbling to the pavement, just out of the car’s reach. It’s horn wailed, my elbow smacked a rock, and on top of me Gerard landed.

  He saved me. And by the order of the angels that meant I was now attached to him. By the tradition he was now my charge. I was his guardian angel, just like for a brief moment he was mine.

  “You all right?” He asked, his dangerous eyes peered into mine.

  “I’m fine.” My chest heaved, my breasts rising and falling with each breath. “If you would please…”

  “Oh, right. Sorry.” Gerard stood and took my hand to help me up. His hands were rough, callous, but they warmed me. “Didn’t you see the car?”

  “I guess not. Thank you, but I am sorry for the trouble.” I turned to leave, but Gerard followed me.

  “Where are you going? Is your car this way.”

  “I don’t have a car.”

  “Bus then? Train?” Gerard asked.

  I shrugged and turned around. My hair was soaked, my outfit was drenched, I must have looked like a drowned rat. “I don’t have any money.”

  Surprised, he blinked his eyes twice. “You have nowhere to go?”

  “Why do you care?” I asked sharply. Why wouldn’t this guy just leave me alone?
br />   “I dunno. But you seem…like you need something. Protection? Look, I live right down the block. Why not come with me? Dry off at least and get warm. You’re shivering.”

  I tried to hide it, but he was right. I couldn’t stop shaking. Even my lip was trembling. Finally I said yes. What other choice did I have?

  Gerard’s Apartment

  It was small and cluttered. Not exactly fit for a lady, but it was warm and that was all I could ask for. I changed into what he gave me. One of his t-shirts and old pajama bottoms. Then I wrapped in a blanket on the sofa while he made a pot of coffee.

  When he returned, he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Just his jeans and a cross and several long necklaces hung from his neck. I never saw a man’s chest before and his was rippled with strong, large muscles. Even his arms were perfect, covered in tattoos from his shoulders to his wrists.

  “Don’t mind me for asking.” He said as he handed me a mug of coffee. It tasted strong and bitter. “But why were you in that bar? You don’t exactly look like the type.”

  “I had to use the restroom.” I lied. “Then I saw you playing pool and I guess got distracted.”

  He winked at me. “I do that to the ladies a lot.”

  I laughed and rolled my eyes. “If you say so. How about you?” I asked as he sat beside me. “You don’t look like the type who goes around rescuing damsel’s in distress. Running out after me, why?”

  Gerard shrugged. “I have a heart, just like anyone. I saw you, innocent, just thought I should run out after you. Then when I saw the car, I just reacted. No great big story, princess.”

  “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “You didn’t.” He said, but he said it with a harsh tone.

  “I’ve never seen tattoos.” I said and went to touch his arm. I stopped myself, remembering I wasn’t supposed to touch him. But we had already held hands, his body knocked into mine. What would one more touch hurt. So I did. My finger traced a snake on his bicep.

  “You’re kidding? You escape from a convent, or something?” Gerard asked.

  I laughed. “Something like that.”

  His eyebrows rose. “No shit? And here you are in my apartment? I guess I should tidy up.”

  “You don’t need to. I won’t stay long.”

  “It’s still raining out there.” Gerard said. “And since it’s late, and I don’t feel like driving you anywhere, I think you should spend the night.”

  My eyes widened. “Not sure what you think I’m after…”

  He grinned, one of his eyebrows raising. “I didn’t mean like that. But since you brought it up…” His hands moved my blanket away from my shoulders. Suddenly I felt naked and very vulnerable.

  Maybe I made a mistake trusting him.

  “I’m just kidding. I’ll make us some soup. You do like soup, don’t you?”

  I nodded. “Thank you.” I watched him leave and wondered what I was doing. How I was going to get out of there? And why it felt like my blood was boiling?


  The soup was hot, tasty and it relaxed me. I had never eaten anything before, up in heaven you don’t really need to. But the bread was incredible. The entire time I ate Gerard was staring at me.

  I sat up straighter. “It’s like you’ve never seen anyone eat before.”

  “I feel like I should say that to you. I’ve never seen anyone….so focused on eating. Must be your first meal in a long time.”

  “Something like that. But I don’t want your pity. I’m fine on my own.”

  Gerard smirked. “Clearly, someone who nearly gets run down in the street is fine on their own.”

  “I can see how that would look, but really I don’t need someone to take care of me.”

  He nodded, wiping at his mouth. When he crossed his arms, his muscles rippled and tensed. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them. He noticed. “You think you have me pegged, is that it? Someone who uses and abuses. Someone who isn’t tied down.”

  “That’s not what I was thinking at all. You have me wrong too.”

  Gerard played with his glass on the table. “Seems we both have our own misconceptions. Just don’t judge me by what you see. There’s a lot more to me than what you think.” He picked up his glass of beer and left for his bedroom.

  I didn’t mean to offend him, again. And I really wanted to correct how he saw me, but I didn’t know how. I was supposed to protect him. Make sure he found his way in life. So how was I supposed to do that if I kept making him angry?

  How could I talk to him if he kept storming off?


  Normally angels don’t need to sleep but if you were on Earth for prolonged periods of time, it was helpful to at least recharge. Think. The sofa wasn’t exactly what I would call comfortable. It was lumpy in places, sagging in others, but I slept anyway.

  When I woke up my stomach was growling like that of a humans and I heard the shower running in the bathroom. After I folded my blanket I went into the kitchen and prepared breakfast. While in heaven it wasn’t necessary, we were taught how to look human. Act like one. Course I guess I haven’t been doing a really good job at that!

  But it was time to collect my thoughts. Do my job. If I ever wanted to get summoned back to heaven I had to do that much.

  After I finished setting the table, I heard the bathroom door open. “Good morning.” I said and turned with surprise. My heart skipped a beat to see Gerard standing in front of me. His hair was wet and his muscles were gleaming. The only thing he was wearing around his waist was a towel.

  A very little towel.

  I blushed. “Ah, you are…”

  “Just out of the shower.” Gerard said and eyed the table. “You made breakfast for me?”

  “Well, it seemed only polite. You do live here.”

  He grinned. “So you went through my stuff, my fridge, all without asking, to make me breakfast because I live here?”

  My cheeks raged with flame. “I can’t win with you, can I?” I huffed and turned toward the door.

  “Wait, Lucy.” Gerard grabbed my arm. “Don’t go. I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry? For ever letting me into your home? I bet. I can’t do anything right it seems, so I’ll just leave.”

  “I don’t want you to.” His voice was suddenly lower, kind. Sultry. My heart pounded. “I want you to stay.”

  I turned toward him and his eyes were softer than ever. “Then why—.”

  “It’s been a long time. A long time since I’ve known a nice woman. One who makes me breakfast in the morning.”

  “You lost someone.” I whispered.

  His eyes darkened and he sighed. His entire soul seemed to sigh. “It’s a long story. I don’t need to get into it. I appreciate all you’ve done this morning, all right? Just know I’m not ready for you to walk out the door.”

  I smiled. “All right.”

  Gerard stepped forward and pushed my long red hair out of my face. His nose was right against mine. “What are you doing?” I practically shrieked. He couldn’t be doing what I thought he was going to. It wasn’t allowed. Angels who were found out to have slept with their charges, were punished.

  And I wasn’t even a full-fledged angel yet.

  “I was wrong,” his eyes smoldered and his lips hovered over mine. I could feel his hot breath against my skin and it made me tingle. I wanted nothing more than to have him kiss me. “I was wrong when I said last night I didn’t want you. I want nothing more than to have you. Hold on.”

  My eyes fluttered closed. I never imagined it would feel so incredible to have a man talk to me like that. “Gerard--.”

  His soft lips met mine. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I kissed him back. His warm, strong arms came around my body and I felt…well I don’t know what it was. A rush of heat, a rush of warmth, all traveling down my body. Every muscle, every bit of skin I had was on fire. I couldn’t stop myself from wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him tighter to me.

  The kisses grew stronger, m
ore passionate as his body pressed up against mine. His muscles were still wet as I ran my fingers down them. His towel dropped and I felt his dick pressed up against my leg. It drove me crazy. It set me aflame. I let out a gasp of breath as my head tilted back and he blew against my neck.

  It felt so good, so wild, my fingernails grazed his back. Gerard shivered against me, his hands traveling down my torso to untie my pajama bottoms.

  No, it was wrong. I couldn’t. “Gerard,” I whispered, but when his hands gripped my ass and picked me up, pushing my torso against his, I forgot what it was I was going to say. Staring into his eyes made it so I couldn’t say anything at all.

  I wrapped my arm around his neck as we kissed, and my legs were around his torso. He was able to hold me with one arm while the other cleared the table of plates. All that I worked to make that morning was ruined, piled onto the floor, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was Gerard getting inside me.

  We were moments from it. He laid me down on the table. His eyes never left mine, his dick playing at my entrance. My legs widened, as his hands ran down my inner thighs, relaxing me. We didn’t say anything, only gazed into each other’s eyes. I felt like I knew him. Understood him.

  And a moment later, there he was, pushing inside me.

  I gasped, my mouth falling open. My chin quivered. I never knew something could feel like that. No wonder humans were so obsessed with this.

  I groaned, holding onto his shoulders as he slowly rode me. His eyes closed and he grunted. I traced the pleasure I saw on his face with my finger, feeling his cock growing, pushing further into me. It pushed against every ripple, driving my legs open even further so it could do even more.

  The pleasure was so intense, my chest heaved for air. And when Gerard picked up speed, throttling me on the table, I thought I might die in bliss.

  His neck strained and his strong arm clung to my legs, bringing it up higher and closer to his body. I gasped, unable to catch my breath. It felt so good, I gritted my teeth and I called out as I climaxed.


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