His to Defend (A BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance)

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His to Defend (A BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance) Page 8

by Elena Aitken

  Vaguely, she was aware of the other men coming to greet their girlfriends and partners before pulling up another table to join them, but still Ryker didn’t move.

  What was he waiting for?

  She’d told him it was nothing. It would never happen again. She’d lied. It was something. She just didn’t know what exactly it was. But maybe she should find out.

  Nina swallowed and then, letting herself go, she offered him the brightest smile she could and raised her hand, just a little, in a wave.

  Surely he’d come over now.

  But he didn’t. As Nina watched, Ryker finally broke eye contact with her. He dropped his head and shook it slightly before turning and walking back outside.

  Nina couldn’t be sure whether the gasp she heard came from her or someone else, because all at once, as if someone had turned on a switch, the sound of the room rushed back into her head. The floor beneath her tilted dangerously, but she knew now it wasn’t because of the alcohol.


  It was Natalia. She turned to look at Ryker’s little sister. Her familiar eyes were clouded with concern, her pretty mouth turned down in a frown. “Are you…what was…I don’t know what my brother is thinking, but—”

  “I’m fine.”

  She shook her head and flipped her hair back off her face. Whatever had just happened, she was not going to let it ruin her night and she was definitely not going to let it ruin Harper’s party. She just needed to shake it off.

  A new song came on. Still with a good beat, although a little slower than the songs before. She spun in her seat, determined to get on with her night, and her eyes landed directly on Matt.

  It wasn’t ideal. But it was a whole lot better than being openly rejected. She slipped off her stool, ignoring whatever it was that Natalia was saying, and walked directly over to him. “How about that drink?”

  Two more shots later, Nina was pleasantly numb and this time when Matt slipped his arms around her and pressed up against her, she didn’t pull away.

  The fresh mountain air should have filled his lungs and cleared his head the way it always did. It should have given him a moment to think clearly. But it didn’t. All Ryker could think of was Nina.

  She filled his senses. Overpowering and overwhelming.

  He needed to get hold of himself. He could not go back in there and let his bear take control.

  Earlier, when he was out on the river, he’d convinced himself that maybe his bear was right. That his cousins were right. That it didn’t matter if Nina wasn’t a grizzly. Nothing mattered except the scent of honey and apples and having her in his arms.

  Having her.

  He’d been in control.

  But the moment he walked through the doors of the Station, Ryker’s head had started to pound, his senses blurred, and he could barely focus on anything except the woman who sat across the room, wearing that ridiculous hot-pink top that was half a size too small, causing her breasts to pop up in a scandalous amount of cleavage that made his mouth water.

  He couldn’t go back in there. Not until he was under control.

  Ryker forced himself to take a deep breath. And then another. And another until finally his heart rate slowed and his vision cleared.


  He ran his hands through his hair and nodded to himself. Time to go get her.

  A smile danced on his lips as he pulled the heavy door open and stepped inside. Ryker was done resisting it. He needed her. She was his. And he finally knew it.

  The one thing he hadn’t counted on, however, was the fact that Nina might not agree.

  His eyes went straight to the seat she’d been sitting in a few minutes ago.


  In an instant, Ryker scanned the room. There, in the far corner of the dance floor, partly hidden in the shadows, were the familiar soft curves of his mate.

  With another man’s hands on them.

  Only barely kept under the surface, Ryker’s bear roared in protest. This time not in desire for his mate, but in anger. His hands clenched into fists at his sides.

  He’d kill him.

  He charged forward, but a hand on his arm stopped him. “Ryker.”

  He spun to see who dared stop him from defending what was his. Natalia?

  Through the red haze of fury, he only barely registered the presence of his sister. It wasn’t until she spoke again that he was able to make the connection. Of course. Luke had mentioned she was coming.

  “Let me go, Natalia.” He spoke through clenched teeth. “Now.”

  “I get it,” she said.

  But he wasn’t listening. Not really. Ryker’s focus was once again on Nina and the man who had his hands all over her. Nina’s eyes were closed. She looked drunk. But the man didn’t seem to care. Ryker sniffed the air. Wolf.

  Nina was with a dog?

  He’d kill him.

  “She’s your mate.” Natalia was still talking. “But does she know that?”

  Her words penetrated his fog. He looked at her. “No.”

  His sister shook her head slightly. “Be careful, Ryker. Don’t do anything stupid. Not in here. Don’t scare her.”

  He hadn’t seen his sister in years. Barely even knew what she’d been doing in all that time. She had no idea what was going on. But it didn’t matter, because she had a point. If Ryker lost control in the bar and let his bear loose, he’d be breaking every one of the rules for shifters living among humans. More importantly, he’d scare the hell out of her and risk losing her forever.

  A growl, low and menacing, escaped his throat. “Dammit.”

  Natalia’s grip on his arm tightened for a moment before letting go. “It’s okay,” she said. “She cares about you. I can feel it.” He looked at her blankly but she only smiled and nodded. “Go get her. But remember…”

  “Don’t scare her,” he said, more as a reminder to himself before striding across the dance floor.

  “Hey.” Remembering what his sister said, Ryker took two fingers and poked the man’s shoulder roughly to get his attention. It seemed like a fair compromise from grabbing him and tossing him across the dance floor, which was what he really wanted to do.

  “Fuck off,” the dog mumbled over his shoulder, ignoring Ryker.

  “I don’t think so.” He worked hard to control the fury in his voice. “You’re dancing with my woman.”

  Nina’s eyes popped open and locked on his. “Ryker?”

  He held his hand out. “Come with me, Nina.”

  She shook her head and Ryker worked hard not to growl. “You made it clear you didn’t want me.” She turned away and wiggled her hips to the beat of the music.

  What the hell was she talking about?

  “Doesn’t look like your woman to me.” The mangy mutt, still ignoring Ryker’s presence, put his hand on Nina’s ass and pulled her roughly in toward him.

  Nina gasped against the man’s advances.

  In an instant, Ryker’s bear roared within him. There was no more controlling it. Not when there was a dog manhandling his mate.

  “I warned you, mutt.”

  “The name is Matt.” For the first time, the man turned around. His eyes widened when he saw Ryker. No doubt the alcohol had numbed his own senses, but once he set eyes on an angry bear shifter, the dog knew exactly what he was dealing with. Yet, he still didn’t back down. “And she’s with me now.”

  “Like hell she is.” Ryker grabbed the dog’s shoulder and yanked him back roughly to get him away from Nina.

  Matt stumbled but stayed on his feet.

  “Ryker! What are you doing?” Nina swayed, visibly intoxicated, but Natalia was right there to catch her. She was taken care of for the moment and there was one thing Ryker needed to do before getting his mate out of there.

  He took two steps toward Matt the mutt, swung, and hit him hard in the face. There was a crunching noise as Ryker connected with the man’s nose. He went down hard on the dance floor, but Ryker didn’t care. He stood direc
tly over the man, who was clutching his face and moaning. “If you ever lay another grimy paw on my mate again, you’ll—”

  “Okay, okay.” Kade and Luke, each with one arm through Ryker’s, pulled him back before he could finish the threat. “That’s enough, Ryker.”

  “Fuck that.” Ryker shook himself free. “I should kill him for the way he was touching my mate.” He turned in time to see a bunch of Matt’s friends picking him up off the floor and rushing him away.

  Good. They knew better than to screw with a bear.

  “Settle down,” Luke said. “You can’t start anything in—”

  “Your mate?” Kade interrupted with a grin.

  Ryker looked between his cousins before gritting his teeth. “Shut up,” he muttered. “Both of you.” Without another word, Ryker stalked across the dance floor, where Natalia had her arm around a very drunk Nina. He gave his sister a look of gratitude but didn’t say a word before scooping Nina up in his arms and walking out of the bar, with her body pressed up against his and her head resting on his chest.

  Safe in his arms. Just the way she should be.

  Chapter Twelve

  Her head hurt.

  A lot.

  Slowly, Nina reached up and pressed a hand to her temple. The action made her groan and she rolled over in an effort to get away from the pain.

  “Good morning.”

  Nina’s eyes snapped open at Ryker’s voice, and instantly she wished they hadn’t. She squeezed them shut again.

  “Here.” She felt Ryker open her hand and drop two pills in her palm. “Take these and go back to sleep. You’ll feel better soon.”

  She did as she was told, swallowing the pills with a glass of water he put in her hand.

  Nina once more put her head on the pillow as Ryker’s hand gently rubbed her back before he laid down next to her and pulled her close against him. The last thing she remembered as she drifted off to sleep again was feeling the pleasant weight of his arm draped over her as he held her close.

  A few hours later, Nina’s eyes fluttered open. Her headache was gone, but the general feeling of achiness and exhaustion that followed a night of drinking too much took over her body. She blinked and rubbed at her eyes.

  She was alone in her room.

  Had she dreamt Ryker?

  No. It was too real. The warmth of his body heating hers and keeping her safe. That was real.


  The memory of the night before and Ryker punching the man she’d been dancing with flashed through her head.

  What was it that he’d said?

  She couldn’t quite remember what he’d said to Matt moments before punching him. But she could remember the way it had made her feel. Tingly. Good. Wanted.

  The clock across the room told her it was almost noon. Nina fell back to her pillow and groaned. She’d slept almost half the day. She hadn’t meant to get so drunk and out of control the night before. What would Harper think? Hopefully she wouldn’t be too upset that Nina had lost control at her bachelorette party. And thank God there was still a few days before the wedding. She was in no shape to think about maid of honor duties.

  “Knock-knock.” The door opened a crack before Ryker slipped through, a tray in his hands. “Oh, good. You’re awake.”

  He walked across the room and set the tray on the bedside table. “I wasn’t sure what you’d like to eat. Or if you’d like to eat. But I thought I’d take a chance.” He started to pour her a cup of coffee, but she stopped him with a hand on his arm.

  “Were you here all night?”

  Ryker nodded. “I wasn’t going to leave you.”

  Her stomach flipped, but not because of the hangover.

  “Besides.” He winked. “Luke kicked me out to a tent, so your room seemed like a good option.”

  She tried to laugh, but her head split with pain. After a moment, she said, “You carried me out of the bar.”

  He nodded again. “I did. You’d had a few drinks.”

  A blush heated her face and she covered it with her hands, mortified that not only had she let everyone else see her after too many drinks, but Ryker, too.

  “Hey.” Ryker put the coffee aside and sat on the bed next to her. He took her hands in his and pulled them away from her face. “It’s okay.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “It’s not. I can’t believe I did that. But when you came into the bar and then left, I just thought…well…” She swallowed hard. There was no point dancing around it. “I thought maybe you didn’t want me and since earlier you made it really clear that it was a one-time thing and—”

  His lips silenced her. Ryker’s hands came around her head and held her in place as he kissed her thoroughly. “Does that feel like I don’t want you?”

  She shook her head slightly, unable to speak.

  “Christ, Nina. All I’ve done from the moment I set eyes on you was want you. You drive me crazy, do you know that?”

  She shook her head but then she smiled because she did know. He drove her just as crazy.

  “Besides,” Ryker said. “I believe it was you who said it was a one-night-only thing. Not me.” He sat back and grinned.

  It had been her. “That’s only because—”

  This time to silence her, he pressed her backward to the pillow while kissing her. “Less talking.”

  She murmured her agreement. It didn’t matter what happened last night or why she drank too much or what she may have thought or what he thought. The only thing that mattered was that he was on top of her, kissing her, and he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him. There was just one more thing.

  “Wait.” She squirmed out from under him, breaking their kiss.

  “No waiting.” He reached for her head again to pull her back to the kiss, but Nina managed to evade him.

  “Seriously,” she protested. “One thing.”

  With great reluctance, Ryker sat back. “What do you need?”

  Nina tried not to laugh. “A shower. I feel gross.”

  “You look amazing.”

  She did laugh then. “That’s not true.”

  He reached for her and trailed his finger up her bare thigh. “It is. And you smell delicious.” His fingers toyed with the hem of the oversized T-shirt she’d slept in. A shirt she recognized for the first time was Ryker’s.

  “No way.” She scampered backward. “And my breath. Oh my God, Ryker. I need to brush my teeth.”

  Nina jumped from the bed, but he wrapped his arms around her waist. “You are perfect just the way you are.” He nibbled her neck, and her knees buckled from the sensations he was sending through her. “But,” he said after a moment. “If you insist on a shower, then I must insist on joining you.”

  The only thing better than having Nina naked was having her naked and wet.

  A shower had been a fantastic idea.

  Ryker made a mental note to praise his cousins for their brilliant design work creating the rooms in the Den. The shower was huge, with plenty of space for both of them, and with a built-in tiled bench on one end, it didn’t take long for Ryker to think of a few creative ways to put it to use.

  From the moment they’d stepped under the hot water, Ryker took charge. First he lathered her hair, taking his time to massage her scalp, which elicited all sorts of moans of pleasure from her lips. Nina tipped her head back and let the water rinse her locks as Ryker began washing every inch of her. He worked up a lather and scrubbed the soap all over her. Starting with her heavy, luscious tits, he washed until each of her nipples pebbled into tight nubs.

  “You are sensational,” he murmured before taking one beautiful nipple into his mouth. He suckled until she groaned and moved his attentions to the other side.

  Satisfied that her breasts were clean, he turned his attentions lower, and ran the soap over her soft belly and her hips to her round, full ass. With one hand cupping her cheek, he slipped the other hand through her legs, to find her clit. But just for a second.

  The squeal
that escaped her lips sent a shot of desire straight to his groin and his cock sprang to attention.

  Damn. She was so responsive, so sexy. So…his.

  “Raise your arms.”

  Her eyes opened in question.

  “I need to wash all of you.” He smirked, but she did as he asked.

  With her arms overhead, her breasts lifted to attention and he couldn’t resist taking a moment to bury his head between the beautiful globes. When he stepped back, he once again took in the sight. She glanced down, taking in her own sight of him, and smiled appreciatively.

  “Like I said,” he told her. “You make me crazy. In all the best ways. Turn around.”

  “Turn around?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  There was no hesitation. “Completely.”

  She turned and gently he pushed her forward so her hands were pressed down on the built-in tile bench at the back of the shower. The presentation of her ass was perfect and his dick twitched with need.

  But first he had a job to do.

  With painstaking effort, Ryker worked the soap into a lather between his hands before sliding them over Nina’s ass. He took his time as he washed and massaged and worked her up. She squirmed and wiggled her hips in an effort to entice him in moving forward, but he had other plans.

  “Patience, Nina.”

  She groaned in response.

  With the water still showering over him, Ryker finally slipped one hand between her legs. Her knees buckled, but he held her firm with his free hand. “Not yet, babe. I’m only getting started.”

  Even with the hot water blasting their bodies, she was wet and ready for him. Perfect.

  It didn’t take long to work her into a frenzy with his fingers. He knew she was close to release, and he wanted to wait. No, what he really wanted to do was sink his teeth into the soft flesh of her plump, round ass. She’d scream out her release, and he could take her as his mate and—


  He couldn’t. He needed to talk to her. He needed to—

  “Ryker. I need you.” She interrupted his internal battle. “Now.”


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