Immortals: Pendant of Power

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Immortals: Pendant of Power Page 1

by Brenton Bloch



  Brenton Bloch

  © 2015 Brenton Bloch

  All rights reserved

  Immortals: Pendant of Power

  Ch. 1: Bloodline

  Immortals, once a thriving race that has dwindled down to few as the humans took over.  We used to cover the world, mostly in groups or tribes, but now only a small number of us remain.  Our people led humanity to great discoveries in the past and they were punished for it.  Such is human nature. A legendary immortal named Nevarious saw an opportunity for advancements in electricity, showing Benjamin Franklin the secret.  Much to his surprise, he was turned on and never heard from again.  We have discovered that if we share our secrets with humans they would take the idea for themselves in hopes of gaining fame or recognition.  Most immortals were imprisoned or under special circumstances killed.  As these mistakes were repeated we immortals could no longer trust the humans.  Since they outnumbered us we had to go into hiding.

  Very near the beginning immortals had many powers, such as conjuring fire or reading the minds of animals or very rarely humans.  But as the humans rose we witnessed our many powers lowered to a single attribute.  Due to our race slowly dying out, some immortals bred children with humans making half breeds.  Some immortals were born with no powers and were named outcasts.  Our powers are unique and pertain to our family lineage.  My ability is accelerated cell rate, meaning I am able to heal fairly quickly and with knowledge in the right situations can make cellular acceleration a great advantage.  I am Scott Dracus, heir to the Dracus bloodline of which myself, my father and mother are the only known members.

  I am forty-seven years old but look as if I'm twenty.  White hair, which is rare for my bloodline, down to my neck and parted to the sides.  Hassle eyes which I get from my father's side.  No hair on my chin, well, some peach fuzz maybe but I haven't bothered to check or shave since we accelerate at a slow rate.  With me I can control it, making myself look a bit younger or however I like, as time passes.  My favorite, and tattered, dark red coat with my family name sewed into the back.  Pitch black and loose fitting jeans ripped and injured from the many days at a time I wear them.  Red and white shoes with my name again sewn on the sides which I believe my dad made entirely by hand, but I usually don't wear them.

  My mother ran away from us soon after I came into existence.  Without a word she vanished from our lives and has never returned or sent any indication if she is even alive.  My father brought me up, teaching me what he knew, then went on a grand adventure which he must have deemed more important than taking care of me.  He left me, all in search of a sacred pendant he read about in a book with the power to revive our race.  I hate that book.  I blame it for him leaving me but could never bring myself to throw it away or burn it.  In a way it is my only connection to him now.  I was left in his house, which he held a mysterious benefactor to keep running and pay bills.  A large house with one story above ground and two stories below.  Too many rooms for me to count.  The lab was a nice addition my dad made with everything he could ever need.  I mostly spend my time in the library, a gigantic room of books and shelves because of what my dad said to me when he left.

  "Son, if I don't make it back I leave you these books to remember me by."

  Those were his last words before he walked out of this house and abandoned me.  In the span of three years I hardly set foot out of that library except to eat or bathe.  Through the books I have increased my knowledge and learned my gift to a finer degree.  I have read many of these book over and over again and never felt any closer to my dad.  In time I grew to despise him and later, at some point, let it go and stopped caring all together.  At times acquiring all this knowledge drove me to near insanity but I snapped out of it which brought me to a new desire: to look at the book which drove my father away.  Many times this has happened but I always disregarded it.  Perhaps someday I will, but for now I'm content with reading my books.

  I sat within the walls of the library, dark and unkempt.  The walls dark green with white diamonds which have been covered by dust and spider webs.  Wooden shelves lined the room and on them books looking beaten up due to my constant readings.  A red, soft chair and a lone, circular wooden table placed in the middle which is where all my knowledge is absorbed.  Having only a single reading lamp of light to turn on and off, though it is rarely without luminescence.  Sitting and reading my favorite tales.

  "And, if aught in this miscarried by my fault, let my old life be sacrificed, some hour before his time, unto the rigor of severest low."  I read aloud to myself.

  Putting the book back on the shelf I stood up to select another.  For some reason none seemed to interest me, except one.  The book that has challenged my temptation and held my hatred in its pages.  Ruby red, hardcover with gold trimmings.  Fancy letters were displayed on the surface that read Pendant of Power.  I could feel it calling to me, as if my dad was trying to communicate indirectly.  I've never felt this way about that book before which broke the barrier of my decisions.  I held it close to my reading lamp.   Gazing upon it I felt like I was destined to continue what my father had started.  Marching to a life that I thought despicable until I realized...

  "I have nothing better to do."  I smirked as the words slipped out.

  Ch.2: Sacred Pendant

  Reading aloud, as I always do, I discovered why my dad was so interested in this book.  I couldn't stop reading it, processing the information of these mystical items that when brought together unlocked the powers of immortals that began our race long ago.  I thought it only myth but reading on I'm becoming convinced that it is all too real.

  I flipped through page after page until I turned to page numbered 145 when unexpectedly something fell out and dropped to the floor.  The sudden movement must have scared me because when I gathered myself I found the entire book on the ground and the chair moved back slightly.

  Placing my eyes to the floor I found a dark yellow, folded, piece of paper which didn't match any other pages.  I picked it up leaving the book open to where the note dropped out.  Sitting back down, I unfolded the paper to reveal words written in black ink and at the bottom it was signed by my father.

  "Hello son, finally decided to open that book huh?  I have no idea your age now but you must look around twenty or twenty-five.  Good to see you’re still wearing the clothes I gave you though.  So much to catch up on. I bet the thing you're dying to know right now is how I know all this.  We all have gifts son, and mine is to see the future.  Although it's not as cool as you might think, I can only see years ahead and I never see my own future.  Luckily I saw you grown up, imagine how happy that made me.  Sorry, you don't want me rambling on, you're here for my work right?  Walking in the footsteps of your old man.  I'll tell you everything I discovered so far.

  After reading this book I found certain words on certain pages instructed by the book revealing the location of the first object.  The second and last piece I still have no idea.  Nobody's perfect.  I've marked the words in red ink and the arrangement is on the back so we could meet.  Look for them and come find me, it might be hard to trust me but I'll explain why I left you like I did.  Follow my lead and bring sunscreen.  Didn't give away too much did I?"

  "Dammit old need to answer for what you did so fine.  As much as I hate you I'll track you down, whatever it takes."  I bellowed as I shook the paper.

  I stood up abruptly, knocking my chair back as I kicked the table to the wall letting it smash into a thousand pieces.

  Shouting in an angry rage "And when I find you I'll ring your neck!"

  Days had passed as I collected the b
ooks off the shelf and placed them in the center of the room.  I moved the book shelves out of the way and occasionally knocked one over making them more like dominos.  I threw books off the shelves and into a pile as well as tear some up that held no information.  I found it a good way of getting rid of some anger although I knew it never, truly, helped.

  "No, no, no, I don't know why I've never read this book"  I said while throwing them around.

  Finally, after days of searching I found the combination of words throughout one hundred forty-five books.  The room of course a mess with papers and books everywhere.

  "It all seems to point to a pharaoh named Ptolemy VI Philometor.  One forty-five.  It can't just be a coincidence.  The note was on page one forty-five as well as the number of books and the words leading to his name.  Maybe if I search Ptolemy VI Philometor on the internet."  Speaking with my brain's wheels turning in my head.

  Walking into the lab, I made my way to a dusty and unused computer.  Removing the dust I turned it on and looked for the pharaoh's history.

  "186-145 B.C. That must be it, all the words and books lead to what year he

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