Immortals: Pendant of Power

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Immortals: Pendant of Power Page 5

by Brenton Bloch

what keep doing it.  While you're doing that I'll reach my hand in and take the pendant, understood?"  He demanded we agree.

  "But won't that freeze your arm?  If you get the pendant out your arm will be frozen solid, veins and all."  I told him.

  "I know but we all have to make sacrifices sometimes.  Now get ready because we only have one shot at this."  He orders.

  I placed my palm to my lips and ice came flowing out freezing the lava.  My dad reached in, his pace slowing as the cold increased.  Through the blizzard I saw him snatch the pendant and without a word he yanked his hand back showing the ice covered object.  He gave it to me unclenching his hand as best he could.

  "We got it.  Let's hurry and get out of here."  He said.

  Just then, we heard a cracking beneath our feet as the lava's heat rose from any empty space it could find.  Juley screamed and moved around compensating for the loss of balance.  Knowing I could not summon another breath of ice I needed to get them out quickly or this whole journey would be for nothing.

  Ch. 9: Completion

  The once secure ground was breaking and became more lava than ice.  Thinking quickly I ran at Juley, lifted her onto my shoulder and jumped as far to the surface as I could.  My dad lunged up hanging to the crust with one hand, slowly pulling himself out.  Juley and I flew high above the top of the volcano.  I had leaped far more than I realized and landed on the ground sideways releasing Juley to roll into the dirt.

  "Guys are you ok?!"  My father asked in a surprisingly worried tone.

  "Yeah, just a few scrapes!"  I yelled back.

  Juley was unconscious but fine.  Clenching the second half of the pendant in my hand I knew it would all be worth it.

  Finding our way home, and Juley now awake blathering on as usual, we looked through the book yet again to see what had to be done to activate the power.  There was a large indent that resembled the shape of a diamond if both pieces were joined.  Finally, after hours of reading and re-reading the book we found the passage that would give us our answer.

  Hidden throughout the world these two pieces must never be joined.  Kept far away from a seeker's reach they will never obtain its power alone.  A third piece must fit with the pendant once it is whole.  To grant full power an immortal must BECOME the key.  The entirety of that person will be lost but may allow others to wield the pendant's power.

  "The key to the one of us?"  I said astonished.

  "They always make a catch even when you think you're close.  Fine, I'll become the key.  I'm much older and I'm the one who started this mission."  He told us in a firm voice.

  "No dad.  Look at your arm, it's useless. For all we know the key you make will be chipped or have a fragment missing making it nothing more than a paperweight."  I explained.

  "That's true my arm is useless."  He told us coldly.

  He put his frozen arm onto the table, clenched his other hand into a fist and smashed his useless arm into pieces.  The nub that remained was frozen on the end but as he saw it much more maneuverable.  I can't believe he smashed his entire arm while showing no emotion or pain.  He must have been screaming inside and the worst part was he couldn't regenerate it like I could.

  "Now you definitely aren't suited to become the key.  I'm the only choice can't you see that?"  I told him, confidence echoing in my voice.

  "Yeah I do but my heart just can't accept it.  I'm sure Juley feels the same way don't you?"  He looked over at Juley and smiled.

  Lowering her head she said nothing.  My guess is out of fear or sadness that her only real friend would disappear into an object she could hold in her hand.

  "Go ahead tell him” My father urged her.

  She lifted her head with her eyes watering.  Her face beat red and tears rolling down her face.  She sniffed a bit but finally mustered up the courage.  She opened her mouth slowly and began a speech she had been holding in since the moment she saw me.

  Ch. 10: Sacrifice

  "Scott.  I never cared if you were an immortal or not, I just wanted you to be my friend.  It did make me a bit sad that you were immortal because as I aged you might not want to see me anymore which terrified me at first so I ignored it.  Ever since I saw you in class you were always cold to everyone, even me.  But I knew if I cracked your tough shell I'd get to see who you really are.  Unfortunately I haven't gotten that far yet and you never made it easy.  Isolating yourself from everyone when they tried to include you and the way you wore that face everywhere you go like you didn't care about anything or anyone.  After your dad left you I knew you had changed.  You never came to school and even when I visited you, you made me stand far away while you read your books.  I could accept that you were going through a hard time and needed space so I didn't return until you said you gave up being mad at him.  Joining you, and your dad, on these adventures I thought I could see a different side of you and take a peek inside your shell.  But now it looks like I never will.  So before you go I need you to know something."  She spoke a bit shy but confident nonetheless.

  "What's that?"  I asked off my guard and astounded.

  She came in close to my face, the tears almost faded.  Relaxed and smiling her color returned.  She leaned in, our lips almost touch and spoke softly.

  "I love you."  I leaned forward and our lips connected, feeling a warmth I had never known before.  Warm, inviting, and a certain tingle through my body all at the same time.  I gave in to my feelings and left my, cold, unfeeling heart behind.  I kissed her back as she relaxed her lips and pulled away, holding her close to me, my arms wrapped around her.

  When it was over I looked into her eyes.  Knowing she would cry if I said something sappy I left her and ran for the tank.  Setting it to compression I hopped in and closed myself off from her.

  "What are you doing?!!"  She screamed.  I could see more tears leave her eyes, brighter than I remember.

  "I have to restore my race!  But I want you to know something before I go!  I love you Juley and some way or another I'll see you again!  I'll be waiting for the next time we meet and I can see your beautiful crying face!  I love you Juley...but this is the end...of us."  I emitted with my final breath.

  The tank filled with smoke as my body and its outline disappear out of their sight.  The machine roared and clanged ready to start the process.  With a loud CRUNCH I was no more.  I made no attempts at screaming to spare Juley the comfort of my last words...I'll see you again.

  The tank opened and the fog dissipated.  My body was gone, replaced by a shiny blood colored diamond laying on the ground.  I'll see you again...


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