Virgin for Sale (Yummy Virgins Book 1)

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Virgin for Sale (Yummy Virgins Book 1) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  When she wriggles out of the skirt, I nearly lose it. Her tits shake with each move from side to side, those curves being revealed to me.

  I love her fuller figure, the thickness of her thighs, even with the dots of cellulite, her rounded hips and stomach along with her large tits. For me, she is the best fucking package I have to unwrap, and I intend to take my time.

  She has no idea what my main plan is, and I’m not about to tell her, not yet. Faye’s not ready to know, but when she does, she’ll be ready to deal with it and with me.

  With only her underwear on, she stands before me, looking unsure. There’s no confidence there.

  Reaching out, I tease the strap of her bra down her arm, watching it fall loosely to her elbow. I do the same with the next. Pulling her close, I flick the catch of the bra, and it springs open.

  I help her remove it, letting the item fall to the floor. Her tits spring free as if they have a mind of their own, and in a way, they do.

  Cupping the mounds, I press them together, watching her nipples harden. Licking one beaded nipple, I watch as she gasps, her back arching up, offering them to me.

  Her eyes close as I suck on each tip, lathering them, coating her in my spit and running my thumbs across the tips. Her moans fill my office, echoing off the walls.

  It’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.

  I release her tits only to grasp her hips. I don’t peel her panties down her body. In a strong grip, I tear them from her, pocketing the fabric.

  “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  She’s completely naked now, in my office. Running my hands down her back, I cup her ass, drawing her close so that she feels my erection. My need for her.

  “What now?” she asks.

  Her voice is breathy as I continue to stroke up her spine.

  “Go sit on my sofa.”

  I love how red her cheeks are. I didn’t realize how arousing it could be to have a blushing female in my bed, but there’s no getting away from it. I love it. Her innocence, her sweetness, it belongs to me and had from the moment I saw her picture.

  She sits down on the sofa, her hands clasped together. She’s trying to cover her body, and I won’t have that.

  “Lean back.” She does as I tell her. “Put your legs on the edge of the sofa and then spread them.”

  She hesitates again, knowing this will spread her open for me. There won’t be a single part of her to hide.

  I kneel before her and stare at her.

  Her pussy is slick. Her pubic hair is still neatly trimmed, but the damp curls give away her arousal.

  Cupping her knees, I spread them a little wider.

  Her tits shake with every single indrawn breath.

  Stroking up the inside of her thighs, I tease her pussy, not touching her directly, but close, so close. I hear her moan as I slide back to her knees before advancing up again.

  She’s tense, but I figured she would be.

  Faye doesn’t know me.

  All she’s known between us is this.

  Gripping her ankles, I pull them so that they’re on the floor, and then hold her waist. I tug her close so that her ass is on the edge of the sofa.

  There’s no getting away now.

  Still looking into her eyes, I lean down and touch my tongue to her clit.

  She gasps again. The lips of her sex are already open, and I don’t need to spread her wide. Her clit is already so swollen, her pussy soaked with her arousal. My teasing earlier is helping her to relax.

  Finally looking away, I stroke down toward her entrance and touch her cunt. I don’t penetrate, just tease of what I can do.

  She says my name, once, twice, three times, before finally lifting her pelvis up to my face.

  I suck on her clit, biting down just enough to hear her cry of pain, which I soothe out with my tongue.

  I keep hold of her hips as she jerks within my arms. When I can’t take it anymore, I pull back, slide my hands to her pussy, and spread those lips wide to see her hole and clit. Stroking two fingers across her nub, working them down, I slide them inside her, feeling how tight and wet she is.

  In and out, I thrust inside her. Pressing my thumb to her clit, moving side to side, I watch her take my fingers, her pussy stretching around the digits.

  She’s rocking on them, taking them in deeper.

  When I add a third finger, she pauses as this stretches her even wider.


  “You can take them.” Working my fingers inside her, I watch her, mesmerized. She doesn’t hold back. Her face is so expressive, showing me how much she’s loving the pleasure I’m giving her.

  I want those screams to fill the air, to surround us both.

  I take her clit once again, feeling her cunt ripple and pulse around my fingers as I draw her closer and closer to orgasm.

  Her pleasure is building and my need for her along with it.

  I want her to come because this first time, I won’t be able to control it. I need to fuck her. To own her once again and to remember how good she feels on my dick.

  She cries my name, the sound echoing off the walls as she comes. Keeping my lips on her pussy, I stroke her to completion. When she can’t take any more of my tongue, I pull back but drive my fingers inside her, stretching her out.

  She whimpers, and I pull them from her body, sucking them clean as well. I love the taste of her pussy.

  My hand goes to my belt, and her eyes open.

  That’s right, sweetheart. We’ve only just started.

  Chapter Eleven


  I should hate him.

  Report his ass to HR and just let the legal system handle everything. There’s no way I should allow him to blackmail me or force me into a corner that I don’t want to be in.

  He’s got no control over me.

  Yet, seeing him lick my cum from his fingers, and hearing the sound of his belt in the room, I know it would all be a lie. I don’t want him to stop.

  He pushes his pants down, along with the black boxer briefs he wears. His long, thick cock springs forward. I’m mesmerized by him. He runs his hand back and forth over his length, pulling back the foreskin to reveal the mushroomed head.

  I can’t believe I’ve sucked on that cock or been craving it.

  This man is blackmailing me, and even still, I want him inside me. I should hate him for what he’s doing, but at the same time, I’m relieved. I don’t have to make a decision here. To keep my sister close, I can give in to what I want.

  Chase Dunce is the man I want.

  The man I think about late at night.

  “Are you on the pill?”

  I shake my head.

  “Fuck. I want to feel you without a condom. We’re going to get you on the pill, and then there’s going to be nothing between us. You’re not going to have any other men, just me.”

  How can I tell him that there isn’t any other man that I want? I keep my mouth shut though. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. Within seconds he’s tearing open a condom, and I watch him roll it onto his length.

  The room back at Cherry had condoms all over the place, so it wasn’t hard to find one.

  He puts the tip of his cock at my entrance, and I tense up. My memory of the last time we were together recalls the pain of his entrance. Even though he took me over five times, the initial thrust was always uncomfortable.

  Slowly, he presses forward, taking his time as inch by inch he sinks in deep. I watch his cock disappear.

  This time, there’s no pain.

  Just pleasure.

  My release makes it easy for him to slide in. There’s nothing stopping him. He holds onto my hips, drawing me off the sofa. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding onto him as he moves so that his back is against the sofa. My legs go around his waist, and he’s seated to the hilt inside me.

  He’s so big that it is a little uncomfortable. As his fingers stroke up my back, I stare at his lips.

bsp; I don’t know what possesses me, but I can’t help but lean forward and take his lips. Kissing him for the first time, I cup his cheek, exploring his mouth. His hand sinks into my hair, holding me even closer.

  Chase takes over the kiss, nipping at my lips. The sheer power in him isn’t lost on me. He could do what he wanted with me and there isn’t anything I could do about it. Even with the bruises he left on my skin, I wasn’t scared of him.

  I’ll never be afraid of him.

  He drives my need for him higher.

  His cock pulses deep inside me, but he’s not in a rush to fuck.

  He caresses down my back, tracing to my ass, and I’m shocked as a single finger curves around back, stroking over my anus.

  I’ve not been explored there before, and he knows it. He knows everything about my body. He’s the only man to ever get me like this.



  And desperate.

  He caresses down my body, skimming the edge of my tits before grasping my hips. Holding onto his shoulders, I follow his lead as he starts to make me rock on his cock. Pushing me up then pulling me down.

  I cry, and the sound is swallowed by his lips. I’ve not stopped kissing him. I don’t want to stop.

  Chase does this repeatedly, lifting me up, pulling me down. Each time he draws me onto his cock, he thrusts up, and he seems to hit a spot deep within me that is too painful and yet so addictive I can’t think straight.

  Breaking from the kiss, I dip my head back, giving him my neck, and he nips at my flesh, sucking on my skin. Pleasure floods my body, and even as he teases my flesh, he doesn’t stop fucking me.

  Holding onto his shoulders, I help him, thrusting up and down on his cock.

  His lips leave my skin, and I open my eyes to see that he’s watching us.

  “See how fucking beautiful you are.”

  I stare down between us.

  His cock is driving in and out of me.

  The condom is not a welcome sight, but I’ve no interest in getting pregnant. Having a baby right now wouldn’t help my life.

  Instead, I moan, driving down on him, feeling a tightening deep within me as he fucks me.

  “That’s it, sweetheart, fuck me. Take your pleasure. Ride my cock. Show me what a dirty girl you are. You’re not a virgin anymore, Faye. That belongs to me. Your cherry is all mine.”

  Pressing my face against his shoulder, I ride his cock to completion, feeling him pulse as he fills the condom with his cum. We’re both panting.

  I don’t know how long we sit there, but I can’t feel my legs.

  Chase grips the back of my head and uses my hair to lift my face up. He’s not rough with me. As I stare into his eyes,, he cups my face and then kisses me. At first, the kiss is so hard that it hurts my teeth, but I can’t say no. I don’t want to say no.

  Slowly though, time stills as he kisses me. This kiss could destroy me.

  It’s tender.



  And I’m hungry for more.

  I want the sweet and rough.

  The nice and dirty.

  I want it all, and I know all I have to do is ask Chase, and he’ll give it to me. What’s even more scary, I’ll gladly give him anything.


  Chase wouldn’t take me home, nor would he allow me to walk. It is late. We left his office after eight, and now it’s close to nine-thirty. Kerry sent me a message while I was being fucked in my boss’s office to let me know she was okay.

  No matter what I do, I seem to be screwing up with her.

  Some days are a lot easier than others, but again, I failed. She won’t open up to me.

  “Wine?” Chase asks.

  Turning toward him, I see he’s holding two glasses and a bottle.

  “Erm, I don’t … drink.”

  “One glass won’t hurt. You need to relax.”

  I take the drink he poured but don’t drink it. I’m not a wine or alcohol drinker and never will be. He takes the glass and tips it back.

  I watch him swallow.

  “I’ll get you a water.”

  Rubbing my hands down my skirt, I follow him. He leans into his fridge, pulling out a bottled water. My nerves are starting to get the better of me.

  He turns and hands me the bottle. Uncapping it, I sip the water. I’m not from a very wealthy area. My mom was a waitress, and my stepfather worked in construction. They only ever had enough to get by.

  Chase is a rich man. A millionaire if not a billionaire. His cars speak of his wealth, and so does his penthouse apartment.

  It’s strange, but up until this moment I didn’t think about how much he was worth. Seeing it like this, knowing what he paid for me, I can’t help but feel a little uncomfortable. This is … strange.

  Biting my lip, I turn away.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asks.

  Running fingers through my short hair, I shrug. “Nothing.” I need to lie.

  “You think I can’t read you.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “I know you better than you think. What’s wrong?” He grips my shoulder pulling me back against him. “Now tell me what’s wrong.”

  Telling him would make this even more real.

  “I … I’m not comfortable.”


  “The money you … paid me. I used it to pay for my sister’s medical bills and to start renting that place. I’m not used to this. You’re rich.”

  He kisses my neck, and I close my eyes. The scent of wine is on his breath.

  “That I am. I could’ve paid a hell of a lot more for you.”

  “You paid enough.”

  He snorted. “You were worth so much more.”

  His hand bands around my waist, keeping me captive, not that I want to go. I love when his hands are on me.

  The memory of his touch was what kept me going when I felt filled with despair.

  “I’ll never forget that night, Faye. I tried to find you after. I even hired a PI to hunt you down. You’ve got no criminal record, so finding you was next to impossible.” He nibbles on my neck, biting the curve. “I can’t believe you’ve been so close to me all this time.”

  “Why me? You can have anyone else.”

  “There’s no one else I want.”

  “Haven’t you been back to Cherry?” I hate that it bothers me so much that he could have any woman. All he’d need to do is click his fingers and there’d be a long line of them waiting to do his bidding.


  This makes me turn so that I can see him.

  His blue eyes, filled with so much promise, stare right back at me.

  “No?” I don’t know why I sound so shocked. I shouldn’t be, not really.

  “The only reason I was there that night was my friend. He likes to fuck a lot of virgins. Me, I have no interest.”

  “But why did you pick me?”

  “You’re the only woman I’ve been with who has been a virgin. I’ve no desire to be with another. The moment I saw your picture, I knew you were special, and I wanted you for myself. If you hadn’t sneaked out that night, I was going to talk to you about continuing after Cherry.” His fingers skim my cheek, gliding down to my breasts. He teased one nipple before going to the second.

  I couldn’t look away.

  “You can tell me to stop at any time,” he says.

  “Why would I want you to stop?”

  He turns me to face him, and I wait as he starts to unbutton my blouse. He takes his time. He puts the water bottle on the counter, grabs my arms, and walks me back. I don’t trip as he moves me slowly. I take each step, trusting him as we enter a bedroom.

  Once we’re there, he goes back to opening up my blouse, his fingers touching me all over.

  I’m putty in his hands as he gets me naked.

  When I stand before him completely so, he steps back, and I watch as he walks around me.

  He’s so much ta
ller than I am. So muscular. For a man who spends so much time behind a desk, he clearly works out.

  I wait with bated breath as he opens up his shirt, revealing his hard chest. His arms are so thick. They’ve held me many times already.

  He has the power in his grip to make me do whatever he wants, to put me in whatever position he desires.

  I don’t fight him.

  His cock is hard once again, the vein at the side seeming to pulse. He doesn’t touch himself this time.

  He walks up to me. His length brushes my stomach as he caresses down my arms, around my back, then settling on my hips. Licking my lips, I turn as he puts me on the bed, my knees on the mattress.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I watch him. His gaze is on my ass, both of his hands spreading the cheeks.

  “There’s a part of you that is still very much a virgin, Faye.”

  I tense up as he strokes over the puckered hole of my ass.

  I’ve never been touched there before. It’s too surreal as he presses just slightly and I can’t help but let out a little yelp. The pressure takes me by surprise.

  He chuckles. “I see we’re going to have to take care of that virgin part of you.”

  “I’m not ready.”

  “Not tonight, but soon. Soon I’m going to have you so wet and ready to take my cock you’re not going to be able to think straight. You’re going to be begging me to fuck this ass.”

  I cry out as his teeth sink into the flesh of my ass. The pain shocks me in place, but the arousal is not stopping as he moves to the other cheek and bites that one as well. I’ve never had my ass bitten before, and I kind of like it.

  No “kind of” about it.

  As he does the same again, pleasure floods my body. Whenever I’m around him, I seem to be in a constant state of arousal.

  I can’t help it.

  He’s my first in absolutely everything.

  It’s like my body is attuned to him.

  “Tomorrow we’re going to get you on that damn pill.”

  He walks to what I assume is the bathroom. He comes back carrying a condom. With quick movements the latex is over his dick and then he’s behind me.

  His cock is at my entrance. I don’t have time to get accustomed to the feel of him as he slams to the hilt within me. He doesn’t hold still this time. With his hands on my hips, he pounds away inside me.


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