Virgin for Sale (Yummy Virgins Book 1)

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Virgin for Sale (Yummy Virgins Book 1) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Silence falls after I finish my warning.

  Everyone was looking out for Kerry.


  Doctors. Nurses. Teachers. Counselors. The lot.

  Who is taking care of Faye? She’s twenty years old, and has taken responsibility of her teenage sister like it came natural to her. Everyone judges her, and no one takes her side. Well, I’m going to be her sounding board because she clearly fucking needs it.

  I am done with her sister walking all over her.

  “You love my sister?” Kerry looks at me, and she’s gone a little pale.


  “Does she know?”


  “Why won’t you tell her?”

  I smile. “She’s likely to run far away from me when I admit it.”

  “You’re the first guy she brought home, ever. I’m pleased she has someone.”

  “She has you, Kerry. That’s what she wants. She needs to know that she’s done the right thing because if there’s one thing I know for sure, she loves you.”

  I don’t need to say the same stuff.

  Kerry gets it, and I see it in her eyes.

  “Am I interrupting something?” Faye asks, drawing my attention to her.

  She’s in a pair of jeans and a huge shirt that doesn’t show off her curves. Next on my list of things to do, new wardrobe.

  “Chase here was riding my ass. I need to, like, finish my homework. It’s so incredibly lame, and I’ve been putting it off.” There was a pause. “Would you, erm, would you help me?”

  “You want my help with your homework?”

  “It’s an English paper, and I don’t have a clue what to do. You aced English in high school. Please, I’ll be a really good student.”

  The request has surprised Faye, but I see the happiness in her eyes.

  “We’ll eat dinner, and I’ll help you straight away.”

  When Kerry turns to look at me, I nod in her direction.

  It’s a start, but as far as I’m concerned, she’s got a long way to go.

  We eat our food, and Kerry fills the silence, talking about a current program she’s watching. I listen as Faye laughs. She’s not faking it either. Her happiness and humor are genuine.

  After we finish, I clean away the empty cartons as Faye helps Kerry with her homework. Taking a long shower, I wait as they finish up.

  Once they have, Faye joins me on the sofa and straddles my lap. “Thank you.”

  “What for?”

  “For whatever you said to Kerry. I finally feel like I got my sister back tonight, and I know it’s because of you.”

  I smile. “I’ll give you anything you want. You just got to ask.”

  For several seconds she just stares at me. I’m very happy with her straddling my cock, but I wait, patiently.

  “Hold me, Chase.”


  Chapter Fifteen


  Life with Chase is kind of surreal. I love it completely. Kerry goes in and out of liking him, which is more than fine with me. I don’t expect her to like my man immediately. There are days I’m not sure I like him. He rides my ass at work. He never accepts second best, and I never give it to him that way either. It’s one of the reasons he’s the best.

  I’ve been working for his company nearly four months, and three of them I’ve spent in close proximity to the boss. I’ve even been given the title of his PA, which I know a couple of interns from the same division of college dropouts are pissed about.

  His lips travel down my back, and when his hands cup my ass, spreading the cheeks wide, I know what he wants. For the past couple of weeks, he’s been teasing me, preparing me. He’ll spread my cheeks wide, make me moan, and he’s even filled me with a couple of his fingers.

  The pain. The burn.

  It only serves to turn me on even more.

  One of his hands cups my pussy, stroking between my slit to tease my clit. He wants to own every single part of me, and what’s more, I want to give him everything.

  What I’m even more afraid of right now is I think he owns more than he wants.

  What started out as being a one-way ticket of earning money has turned into so much more. Chase has somehow gotten into my heart, and I can’t let him go.

  I don’t want to let him go.

  He makes me burn and drives me crazy.

  His passion consumes me, but once he’s done, whenever he finishes inside me, he doesn’t walk away. He holds me throughout the night, and in the morning, we share breakfast. We do the same things that all couples do, and it’s messing with my head.

  I don’t know what to do about all of this. I’m scared it’s going to go away, terrified I’m going to fuck it up, but above all else, I don’t want him to stop.

  Falling in love wasn’t part of the plan.

  I’d set out how I was going to handle Kerry, the debt, all of it, but it wasn’t this. Walking into that elevator that day changed every single one of my plans. When he touches me, I don’t hate it; I need more of it.

  The moment he releases me, I miss his touch.

  The love that fills my body is not fickle or something that will go away when another pretty face comes into my life.

  There’s a reason I’ve never had a boyfriend. No boy or man has ever done what Chase has been able to.

  He kisses down my back, and I push my doubt to the back of my mind as his lips wreak havoc with my whole body.

  I’m putty in his hands.

  He’s the one in complete control, not me.

  When his lips get to the base of my back, I expect him to stop, but he doesn’t. He moves me so that I’m on my knees, and he bites down on my ass. His tongue glides across. He slips into my pussy, and the pleasure is instant.

  He moves down to my clit, stroking over. His nose has to be right next to my entrance, but he doesn’t stop.

  His face is on my pussy, and I close my eyes, basking in the pleasure he’s giving me. His tongue moves up from my clit to my back entrance, and he doesn’t stop.

  I cry out as his tongue strokes across my asshole, teasing the puckered hole. I’m completely lost. I want to tell him to stop, but the pleasure is immense.

  He holds me in place as he continues to tease my ass until he stops, pressing a kiss to my cheek once again.

  The tip of his cock strokes through my slit, replacing his tongue. He slaps my nub a few times with his cock before sliding back to fill my pussy, which he does with one thrust.

  One of his hands grips my hair, holding me in place as he slaps my ass and fills my pussy.

  He’s not done.

  I know what he wants.

  When he pulls out of my pussy, he eases me back down to the bed but pushes a pillow beneath my hips.

  “You’re so ready for this.”

  “It’s going to hurt,” I say.

  “I’ll make it good.”

  I don’t know how he’s going to make sticking his dick in my ass good, but I trust him.

  He’s using the lubricant he showed me before we got into bed. Kerry’s not at home. She’s on another camping trip, so we have the place all to ourselves.

  Chase covers my anus with plenty of lubricant, stroking it all in, and the tip of his finger pushes inside.

  I don’t know what he’s doing, but I wait patiently before I finally feel his cock on my ass.

  I tense up as he starts to push forward.

  “Relax, baby, you don’t need to worry.”

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I feel him as he pushes a little of his cock inside me. It burns, the pain making me cry out, and he stops. One of his hands goes to my hip, holding me. His fingers are stroking, soothing.

  I trust him completely.

  If I really can’t do this, he’ll stop.

  Even as I’m nervous, I know I want this. There’s no one else I’ll ever trust, just Chase. He’s part of my heart, and there’s no way I can make these feelings go away.

  He starts to tease
my clit, stroking across, around, over, and building up my need once again. I whimper as the pleasure is intense, especially as he sinks another inch inside my ass. He doesn’t stop his teasing, constantly building up what I want, and when he fills me with all of his cock, it’s no longer painful. I feel all of him inside me, and it only serves to make me want more.

  I want to come so badly, but he keeps his strokes gentle, refusing to let me go over that edge.

  “Please,” I say.

  “You want to come?”


  He pulls out of my ass, and with only the tip in, he slides back in. Thrusting inside me, he keeps his fingers on my clit, but doesn’t move them. I’m completely lost in an ocean of want.

  Chase doesn’t give me an inch, and I have to wait for him to fuck my ass, taking me in long strokes. Each push of his cock makes my need even more desperate.

  “You have such a tight ass, baby. I have every single part of you now. Your mouth, pussy, and ass. It’s all mine.”

  And I don’t care.

  He has my heart, body, and soul.

  He can take it.

  For Chase, I gladly give it.

  His touch on my clit begins again, only this time, he doesn’t stop. He pushes me to the edge of my release, holding me so close, knowing what I need to make me orgasm.

  Like a torturer, he holds it back, making me wait. Making me beg. It’s impossible for me not to beg for what I want, and I do.

  “Please, Chase, I want to come. Please.”

  He rams his cock inside me, and I cry out his name, pushing back against him, wanting his cock deep inside my ass.

  With each thrust, I find myself craving him even more. When he finally grants me release, I do so, screaming his name as he fills me. I feel his dick pulse, stretching my anus as he comes, his grip on my hip tightening.

  We’re both mindless in pleasure, his lips at my neck as he kisses me.

  Chase collapses over me afterward. His cock is still inside me. I feel a little sore, but I don’t care about the pain.

  Nothing matters to me other than his touch.

  “I knew that would be amazing.”

  I chuckle and look over my shoulder. I love his eyes. They are so blue and clear. He cups my tit, and I moan his name as he squeezes the flesh.

  “I could get used to this.”

  “Me being in your ass?”

  “Maybe but I’m just thinking about this. Us, together, in this bed.” I don’t want to ruin the moment with my feelings, but they’re there on the tip of my tongue. It wouldn’t be a hardship to spill the words to him, but I hold them in, terrified that I’ll change what is happening.

  “Have you got any plans to kick me out of the apartment?” he asks. He kisses my shoulder and chuckles.

  “Of course not.”

  “Then you better get used to it, Faye, because you’re never getting rid of me.”

  To some women, that may sound super-creepy, but I love it. I love him, and there’s no going back now. I want him with all my heart and soul.


  Chase is in a meeting, and he sent me into his office to find a damn file that so far I’m drawing a blank on. It’s not in his cabinet, and he told me the name to look for. As I go to his desk, I sit down and start at the top drawer, working my way to the bottom.

  When I find it, I lift it up like I found gold.

  I glance down to close the drawer, only to come to a stop. A file has my name on it, and it’s inside his desk.

  Picking it up, I open the file and stare in shock as I see every single personal detail of my life written down on paper. There’s pictures and other little things, and I’m so fucking terrified.

  This is my life right in front of me. Flicking through a couple of pages, I don’t know what to do.

  “Hey, we’re waiting for that file. Did you find it?” Chase asks, coming into his office.

  “You knew,” I say.


  “You knew everything.”

  He comes up to the desk, and I see his jaw clench. “I needed to get rid of that.”

  “Why do you have it?” I don’t know what to do. My hands are shaking.

  Chase doesn’t answer right away. He goes to the door and closes it, giving us privacy. I don’t care who knows in this instant. I feel … torn apart.

  I told him about so many private things, about Kerry, and he knew already. I recall the first day he took me home, I told him the address, and he already had it.

  “I wanted to know more about you.” He stands in front of the desk.

  “And you didn’t think to just ask me?”

  “No. I didn’t because you wouldn’t have told me everything.”

  “I have. There’s nothing in here that I’ve not told you.”

  “But it gave me a chance, Faye.”

  “A chance?”

  “Yes, a chance. You think I was able to deal the past six months? I didn’t know where to look. I tried everything, and then, when I was about to give up hope of finding you, you step into my damn elevator. Not only that, you don’t even notice me, and I looked at you, and I knew I wasn’t going to let you go. I’d spent six months hunting you.”

  “I’m not a piece of meat.”

  “I know. You’re so much more, and you don’t even see it.” He stares at me a couple of seconds. “Look back in the drawer.”


  “Look in the drawer.”

  I don’t want to follow his instruction, but I do and look in to see a velvet box. It looks like one from a jewelry store.

  “You see it? Pick it up, and open it.”

  Gritting my teeth, I want to tell him no, to fuck off. I’m so confused right now.

  I pick up the damn box and glare at him.

  “Now open it.”

  Opening the lid, I see the most beautiful diamond ring.

  “If I saw you as a piece of meat, a woman I just wanted to fuck, would I buy you an engagement ring and then ask you to be my wife?”

  Tears fill my eyes, and as far as proposals go, it is a combination of shitty and so perfect.

  “You want to marry me?”

  “Yes. I want it all, Faye. I want it all with you, and I don’t care how we started. I only care how it ends, and I know that I won’t settle for anything less than everything with you. It’s why I needed to know more. Why I did a search on you. I needed to take out any competition.”

  He rounds the desk and turns the chair, crouching down near my feet. Staring at him, I’m in shock. This is not what I’ve been expecting.

  “I have my sister.”

  “I don’t mind her being with you. She’s part of who you are, and I love you.” He smiles, and it’s so sweet and sexy. “I’ve never said that to another human being in my life. I, Chase Dunce, am absolutely, completely in love with you, Faye Carter. To the point that I do crazy things like buy your virginity and keep the sheets we made love on.”

  “You didn’t.”

  “I did. I kept it, and it even makes me feel weird. It made me try to blackmail you, but I would never have done anything to hurt you, Faye. Nothing at all. You’re my world, and I’ll do everything to make you happy, anything. I just can’t leave you. I’ll do anything but that.” He runs his hands up my thighs, and I’m lost in his blue eyes. I don’t want to leave him or to fight with him.

  I want him all to myself.

  “Chase, I love you too.”

  “You do?”

  I nod. “Yes, so much and it scares me. I’ve never loved anyone or anything the way I love you. I didn’t know if I should say anything.”

  I don’t get a chance to say anything more as his lips attack mine. Right there, in the office, for anyone looking in to see.

  “Is that a yes?”

  Staring at the ring, I nod.

  “It’s a yes. It’s a complete and total yes.”

  He takes the ring from the box and slides it onto my finger. Next his fingers tease the back
of my head as he pulls me to my feet. His lips are on mine once again, and I don’t care who sees us.

  Let them watch.

  All I care about is this man. The love of my life and the future we’re going to make with each other.

  “I’ve got to tell Kerry,” I say.

  “She knows.”


  “I already told her I wanted to marry you, and she gave me her blessing, not that it would stop me. I fucking love you, and nothing was getting in my way.”

  I can’t help but chuckle.

  In a matter of minutes, I’ve gone from feeling so afraid to joyous that I’m his. I belong to him, and no one is taking him away from him.

  “Your meeting,” I say, remembering we’ve got responsibilities that don’t include making out or marriage proposals.

  “Make them wait. I’m kissing my fiancée, and I’d much rather be doing that than sitting with a bunch of men.”

  He pushes me to the desk, and I wrap my arms around him, holding him close as his kiss consumes me.

  This is what I’d been hoping for, and never in my wildest dreams did I think it would actually happen.



  Two years later

  Marrying Faye was the best thing that ever happened to me. I didn’t think there was anything that could top that. Watching her walk down the aisle dressed in white, I remembered walking into the bedroom all those months ago. The way she looked, her nerves, and then how she felt when I put my hands on her.

  I’d fucking loved every second of taking her virginity, and as she came to me in front of our friends and colleagues in a church, I knew this moment would stay with me forever. Moving in together was another on the list of our shared moments. She went back to college, at my request, and I shared guardianship of Kerry, who in the last two years has grown up considerably.

  Now as I sit in the hospital room, waiting for the doctor to come back, this is going to be another of those shared moments I’ll never forget. Faye’s stomach is already nicely rounded, and the test she took had surpassed the happiness we experienced at our wedding. She’d been sick several mornings, and I’d finally bought a test.


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