Monachi: Masters of Water and Fire

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Monachi: Masters of Water and Fire Page 7

by Jade Sánchez

  He said, “My name is not crucial to the mission.”

  “No seriously, it’s a harmless question,” I remarked.

  Aggravated, he said; “You don’t need to know!”

  “Just tell me, you have nothing to lose,” I replied.

  He held the steering wheel tight; so tight that his knuckles turned white. “I don’t know, I was brainwashed to forget it. That’s why I’m on this mission; so that I could get my name back.”

  I leaned back in my chair. This is some drama; too much drama for me. But then again, these past few days have been very dramatic.

  I leaned my chair back and looked at the celling. “So, if you knew your name, you would let us go?” I asked.

  “Not exactly, I’m also on this mission because I think you are dangerous, and should be killed.”

  “What?! You mean, they’re going to kill us?” Tess shouted, making my ears go numb.

  “You guys have caused so many deaths in the fires you’ve created. Plus, you’re not normal, and are a danger to society.”

  “Trust me; I’ve heard that all my life. Being a danger,” Tess replied lying down. It’s true. She has often been told that. For goodness sake, she knows how to kill someone with anything, even a thumbtack. She knows how to kill someone and make it look like an accident; even a suicide.

  She started humming a different song than before; I could even tell what part she was on, in this song:

  According to you I’m stupid, I’m useless, I can’t do anything right.

  I closed my eyes and thought to myself; ‘ Think of something Tess, you always come through for me’

  Suddenly, Tess stopped humming and I heard a voice in my head saying:

  ‘Hello? Maddy, was that you? This is Tess by the way, if you can hear me.’

  I was freaked out for a second.

  Then I thought:

  ‘Are we mind-messaging each other? I think we are. This is a little freaky. If we are, and you can actually get this; say pickles.’

  All of a sudden, and not in my head; Tess said, “Pickles are wonderful!”

  That was confirmation for me. All of a sudden I felt the car get fiery hot.

  Chapter Thirty Last Chance

  I shot my eyes open again. Is this what happens every time I close my eyes?

  Tess’s hair was on fire, but she was extra careful not to set the car on fire.

  At least not yet.

  Tess grabbed the water bottle that he used before, and threw it into the trunk area behind her. “Now let us go and no one gets hurt.”

  He shook his head. “No way, I know you don’t have the guts to set this car on fire.”

  Tess hesitated.

  He was winning against her, and I knew she didn’t like it.

  “This isn’t right. This isn’t humane!” she yelled.

  “Has anything around you been humane these past few days?” he responded.

  He was right.

  Still, Tess didn’t set her hair out. There was no way she was going down without a fight. Without a rebellion.

  Without protest.

  Without insubordination.

  Tess decided to give him one last chance. “It’s either us gone, or your life gone. Your choice. Whatwill it be?”

  He sighed. “I’m not letting you go,” he decided.

  “Fine. Your life then,” Tess said. She unleashed her hair, setting the car ablaze.

  Chapter Thirty-One Car ablaze

  “Tess you idiot! Why would you set the car on fire while we’re still in it?” I yelled.

  “Because I can do this!” she said, while setting her door on fire. It didn’t melt, or even start to go down. “Um… oops this isn’t going according to plan,” she remarked.

  “You just noticed that?” I replied.

  “I’m sorry! I didn’t expect the door to be fire-proof!" she yelled.

  We only have one option; to put the fire out. I put my hand out and concentrated.

  “C’mon water ball, don’t fail me now!” I thought out loud.

  All of a sudden, the water ball appeared, and I threw it against the door, putting the flames on the door out.

  Tess stood up, even though it was hard to do in a moving car. She grabbed the glass water bottle that she had thrown into the trunk area behind her, and smashed the driver across the head with it; knocking him over-and-out!

  “We have to move…NOW!” Tess yelled.

  “What about him?” I asked.

  “Never mind him, we have to leave!”

  The car started to slow down as Tess put her hand on my shoulder, used me as leverage, and jumped into the driver’s seat, and on top of the slumped over man. She flung open the door and jumped out.

  With one of my hands, I grabbed the driver seat head rest, and jumped into the front seat. Scared as hell, I glanced out past the open driver door, as the road was just a moving blur, and hesitated. Tess ran alongside the car as it slowed down even more. “Maddy, I know you can do this. JUST JUMP!” She exclaimed.

  I closed my eyes and jumped out.

  I woke up in a field. Tess looked at me, and hugged me. “You’re alive!” she said.

  “Yeah…what happened?” I asked. I had no clue, whatsoever.

  She said, “Well, let’s just say it’s not wise to jump out of a moving car with your eyes closed.”

  I replied, “I blacked out?”

  “Sort of…well… yes,” Tess remarked.

  Touching the side of my aching forehead, I replied, “Well now I know not to jump out of cars.” I felt blood. Dizzy, I Looked at my hands.

  “How long was I out for?” I asked.

  “It’s been about an hour. That blood is nearly dry,” I replied.

  I got up. “So we escaped yet again, now what?” I asked.

  “Well, I wouldn’t say escaped. Look around, haven’t you noticed?” Tess remarked.

  I looked around: we were surrounded by cops with guns.

  Side Stories VII Two roads diverged

  Surprisingly, that wasn’t the first time I’d been surrounded by cops with guns.

  Once, when I was at a park with Tess, her enemy’s house started on fire. Her enemy blamed her, called the cops on us, and soon enough we were surrounded. Tess almost got arrested that day.

  I still remember when they threatened to shoot Tessif she didn’t put her hands up. I had to give them an alibi, so I told them that we were both at laser tag; and I showed them the receipt. It was crazy, but they finally left us alone.

  It was a pretty crazy day for both of us.

  More so for Tess than me, I’m sure.

  That day was the very same day that we got kidnapped one year later.

  It’s crazy how some things work out.

  For some reason this makes me think of this poem:

  “The road not taken” by Robert Frost.

  Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;

  Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,

  And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back.

  I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

  Isn’t it odd that I thought of that? Maybe it will make sense later.

  Chapter Thirty-Two Monachi

  I put my hands up but Tess quickly grabbed them and put them down. All of a sudden I got a mind message from Tess, saying “Don’t give in to them, they’re the enemies.”

  I nodded. Tess smiled; the way she always smiles when she has a plan.

  One of the cops yelled, “Do anything funny
and we will shoot, and we know about your feet powers.” That wiped the smile clean off Tess’s face.

  There had to be something we could use against them. All of a sudden, I had an idea. I grabbed Tess’s hand and held it tight. I looked at her and thought;

  “I have a plan…” Then I told her the entire plan; from within our minds.

  She nodded in agreement.

  We let go of each other’s hand.

  Using my waterpower, I created a ball; and suspended it in mid-air.

  Then, Tess using her firepower, lit the water ball on fire. The fire didn’t go out. The form that the two elements created seemed pure, somehow. It was magical, mythical, and supernatural. The only explanation for it was…..Monachi!

  I launched it at some random cop, and quickly created another ball that Tess then set on fire. And then another one. Pretty soon it became a running cycle. Soon, there was only one cop left. As I readied my next water ball, I suddenly felt a harsh blow to the side of my head.

  Chapter Thirty-Three Our Death Day

  I woke up in a room identical to the last ultimate prison cell that we stayed in. What had happened?

  Then Tess woke up. She stretched, and rubbed the side of her head. “What happened?” she probed.

  “We just got so close to victory, only to have it stripped away from us. That’s what happened,” I replied feeling ashamed.

  Tess put her hand on my back and smiled a cold, fake smile while saying, “So, this is it. Our death day. The day Maddy Webber and Tess Turner disappear off the face of the Earth

  “Guess so. At least we almost made it,” I said, flashing a fake smile right back at her. I didn’t think anyone could be happy at a time like this.

  All of a sudden we heard the doorknob turn. This was it. This was the end. Tess and I locked hands and shut our eyes.

  “We will conduct one or two more tests. Possibly require you to do something; and then execute you. Any thoughts?” one of the guards said.

  “I have something to declare,” Tess said with her eyes still shut.

  “What would that be?” he replied.

  “I hate your guts,” Tess said while I laughed.

  “I get that a lot. Now come with me to your last hour or two on Earth,” he snickered.

  We opened our eyes and got up off the floor. We walked hand in hand out the door.

  The first thing I thought of when I walked out the door was that everything seemed so white, and bright; unlike our future. Tess and I glanced at each other. If this was going to be the place where we die then why is it so bright?

  I squeezed Tess’s hand. It was a foolish mistake; she thought I wanted to play mercy, which was one of her favorite games to play. You see, mercy is a pain game where you bend your opponents hand back until they scream for mercy, from the pain. Tess never lost at that game.

  While we walked down the halls, I began thinking up a list of regrets:

  1. Never kissing anyone. I’ve never kissed anyone that wasn’t family, and probably never will. I’m going to die not knowing what it’s like to have your special first kiss.

  2. I always played by the rules. I never got into trouble at school, and never did anything bad, really. The worst thing I ever did was that recent scene with the cops; where Tess and I formed that Monachi ball and wreaked havoc.

  3. I never told my crush I liked him. I will die knowing that I never told him, and that he will never know. He probably doesn’t even know who I am.

  I lost my concentration when I heard Tess starting to hyperventilate. I glanced over at her, and she looked pale white; dead like. I thought she was going to pass out right next to me, again. She lost her balance and fell to one knee onto the floor.

  I let go of her hand and knelt down to comfort her. The guard that was following close behind us kicked Tess and told her to quit faking it, and to get up off the ground and keep walking. I hit him in the shin with my fist and called him a jerk. He looked at me with an evil eye and told me to pick her up, and to keep walking.

  I helped Tess back to her feet, and we kept walking. I squeezed her hand trying to calm her down. Once again, she tried to play mercy, but I shook my head and gave a stern look at her. Is she crazy? She doesn’t have enough strength to walk right, but has enough strength to play mercy.

  When we reached the door at the end of the hall I knew this was going to be our final challenge.

  Penny lied to me.

  We were going to die.

  Chapter Thirty-Four Our final challenge

  I had high hopes of living, after all Penny was so sure that we were going to live.

  Thanks for lying to me again, Penny.

  I’ll tell you a need to know story about the first time she lied to me, later, if I’m still alive. The guard that was following behind us opened the door and pushed us in. Then he slammed the door behind us, and I heard the lock click. We were locked in. I heard another lock click. How many locks were there? I heard about ten more clicks before it stopped.

  I glanced quickly around the room. It seemed so isolated; except for Tess and I. Though it did have many things in it; it had a fish tank, a bucket, a candle, and a jar. Ok, so I guess I exaggerated when I said many.

  My first thought was how Tess and I seemed to be unsupervised; no camera visible anywhere. Were they not watching us? Did they trust us enough in our last moments on earth, not to pull any stunts? That wouldn’t be wise of them at all!

  I then noticed a T.V. hanging on the wall. A T.V.? Really? Do we get to watch a movie? One last episode of Doctor Who. Ha-ha. Sometimes, I can amuse even myself!

  As I continued to look around the room, this time slower; checking to see if I missed anything else, the T.V. suddenly turned on by itself. A face appeared on screen. It was Zeke.

  “Long time no see. How have you been?” I said casually, as if we were best of friends.

  He snickered, and replied, “Good. You look a mess. Your first assignment is to get all of the water out of the fish tank, and into the bucket. Yourassignment …” he started to face Tess, “Is to singe the water in the bucket after she fills it. You have one minute.


  Side Stories VIII Lies

  Here is the last side story for your reading pleasure.

  Ok, so I am still alive; so now is a good time as any to tell you about the first time that Penny lied to me. I know it’s a bit off subject, but here we go...

  Just about every day after school Tess stays with me until my mom or dad picks me up. Well, one day she had urgent business so she left early.

  So while I was waiting by a tree for my mom to pick me up, Penny came up to me. I didn’t know her that well; this was the first time that we had a real conversation.

  “Hey Maddy!” she said.

  “Hello…um… Penny is it?” I replied.

  “Yeah” she replied, and then continued to say “So, have you ever wanted to climb that tree?“

  I looked at the tree. “Sometimes, but it looks too dangerous.”

  “Looks can be deceiving. C’mon, just climb it. I bet it will be fun!” she remarked.

  “I really shouldn’t. I could easily injure myself,” I replied.

  “I’ve done it before. It’s easier than it looks. You won’t hurt yourself. Just do it,” she continued to pry.

  “Fine. Just stop nagging me,” I barked; giving in. She gave me a boost into the tree. When I stood up on one of the branches, it broke; and I fell down, twisting my ankle.

  “Oops. You must be a little clumsy,” Penny said, kneeling next to me.

  “You said you’ve done it before. Why didn’t you warn me about that branch?” I asked.

  “I kind of lied when I said I’ve done it before. That was just to get you to do it.”

  On that note, my mom arrived and Penny bolted. My mom had to take me to the hospital.

  By the way, I lied when I said you needed to know this. That was just to make sure you would come back.

  We have all told our share
of lies, ha-ha.

  Chapter Thirty-Five The Tasks

  I started off as soon as he said…Go! I had no idea why I was listening to him. I just wanted to get this done.

  As soon as I emptied the 30 gallon fish tank using my ability to control water, Tess started to complete her task of evaporating the water. She started shooting small flames out of her hands, only to watch them dance around the water’s edge; and go out.

  Tess slapped her hand, and yelled;

  “C’mon! you gotta get this DONE!” All of a sudden, her small flames turned into a flamethrower. I guess she hadn’t thought of holding the fire before. Now, as hard as she may have tried, she just couldn’t shoot small flames anymore.

  After about what seemed like an hour, she managed to evaporate all of the water, and set the bucket on fire. That, I believe was an accident; but with Tess, who knows?

  After I put the fiery bucket out using a water ball, Zeke looked up from his watch and said, “That took 4 minutes and 36 seconds.” The T.V. turned off and suddenly, after a bunch of ‘clicks,’ the door behind us opened. We scrambled to the door like hopeful puppies wanting to go out, but we didn’t.

  “No further tests. Just do one thing for us and then we will get your execution over with,” Zeke said with a laughing snort.

  “What is it that you want your highness?” Tess asked in a sarcastic tone.

  “All you need to do little missy, is light that

  candle using your powers. And you…” he said,

  turning to me; “Have to make a water thingy over

  that jar and put the water in it.”

  “And why do you need that?” I snorted. “Our research shows that if we do that and

  someone drinks the water or touches the flames,

  they will get your powers.”

  We shrugged. They still didn’t get it, did

  they? It would be ordinary water, and an

  ordinary flame. We shrugged again, and decided

  we would do it. We wouldn’t be the ones to crush

  this guy’s dream.


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