The Lessons We Learn (FWB Book 2)

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The Lessons We Learn (FWB Book 2) Page 12

by Alexandra Warren

  “Leave it to the boss lady to be a true trailblazer in all things,” I thought as we pulled up to her place, Jayla’s face straining when she climbed out of the car as if the soreness in her butt was starting to settle in even more.

  So once I got her inside, I headed straight for the freezer to get an ice pack. Except there wasn’t an ice pack, or even any ice in the ice maker. Just a single frozen meal that looked like it had been in there since she first moved to town.

  “Damn, shorty. You need to go grocery shopping. The only thing cold you have in here is a Lean Cuisine.”

  I was already on my way to meet her on the couch when she yelled, “I buy what I need when I need it!”

  “Like that ice cream, right?”

  Smirking, she accepted the frozen meal from my hand. “You have the memory of an elephant.”

  “When it’s something I actually care about, I’d say that’s true,” I replied unashamedly since I knew a lot more about her habits than she probably realized.

  Not in a creepy way.

  But I had always been an observer by nature, something that paid off more often than not.

  It was clearly paying off right now considering the smile on Jayla’s face as she sat the Lean Cuisine on the coffee table while telling me, “Thanks for talking me down earlier.”

  “That’s what friends are for.”

  “We are friends, aren’t we?” she asked in a tone that was borderline sarcastic; something that might’ve confused me if she hadn’t made things clear for us from the jump.

  So with a shrug, I answered, “Amongst other things. But yeah, friends is definitely at the top of the list.”

  “Well can my friend give me a booty rub, please?”

  If she would’ve asked me that question months ago, I would’ve pounced on the opportunity. But now that we were really vibing, I felt like I had the leverage to answer, “Nah, shorty. Booty rubs are a part of the premium friend package. You’re still subscribed to the basic, so until you decide to upgrade...”

  Her voice went up an octave when she - wincingly - turned my way to ask, “So you’re telling me you haven’t been getting premium pussy?”

  “You damn right I have. But that’s because I invested in the premium package a long time ago even though all of my perks haven’t kicked in yet for some reason. I might have to give customer service a call on Monday. Make sure you answer the phone.”

  Jayla started cracking up laughing at that; an infectious laugh that made me laugh too even when she said, “You claim I’m on the basic package, but you haven’t been giving me basic dick. So what’s the truth here?”

  “Nah, that’s just what you think. I still got another level in me. Some shit you ain’t never seen before,” I told her with a lick of my lips that had her chuckling again; except this time it was paired with her sexily pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

  She leaned into me to ask, “So when can I get a preview of this “premium” package? I mean, it’s only fair that I know what I’m investing in, right?”

  “Jayla, you’re legit one of the best business women, best business people, I know for a reason. It’s because you read this shit from two miles away, work hard to see the fine print that everyone else misses and spot the bullshit neatly tucked in between the lines. So I know you know exactly what you’re investing in when you look at me, and you know I’m worth it too.”

  It wasn’t arrogance, just the God-honest truth. From the very beginning, I had always been as open as open got intentionally, wanting her to see and understand exactly who I was with no filters. It was the same energy I brought to my hustle as an influencer and part of the reason why so many brands wanted to work with me; authenticity.

  She had seen it through both lenses - personally and in business - but leave it to Jayla to remain a skeptic when she asked, “So if I say I’m ready to upgrade to the premium package right now this second, what does that really mean?”

  I took a moment to consider my answer, wanting to find the perfect balance between being selfless and getting mine like Londyn insisted. But in the end, I could only respond straight from the heart no matter how rough it all came together.

  “Well, right now it would mean gettin’ your booty rubbed on, some premium dick if auntie flow with the thick mustache has finally stopped kicking your ass, and gettin’ your freezer stocked with something more than just a sorry ass Lean Cuisine first thing in the morning. But I’m down to discuss the long-term perks at a later date.”

  To me, it sounded simple enough. But Jayla seemed to still be struggling with it all according to the uneasy expression on her face.

  “So there’s really no free trial period, huh?”

  Chuckling, I told her, “Jayla, quit tryna game the system. I’m only asking for you to accept this organic progress between us, not for you to marry me. I already told you before, I respect your position. That hasn’t changed.”

  “Still kinda feels like my finger is hovering the “submit” button on a major purchase,” she whined as if it was really all that complicated.

  Since the last thing I wanted to do was complicate things to the point of turning shit awkward, I decided to remove myself from the situation, popping up from the couch as I told her, “In that case, go lay down and put that Lean Cuisine on your butt. I’m getting outta here before I do too much.”

  I didn’t get more than a step away before Jayla caught me by the wrist. “Khalid, wait. It’s done. I’m upgrading. No backsies.”

  My eyebrow piqued with amusement. “Did you really just say…”

  Instead of letting me finish, she nodded enthusiastically with a grin as she stood up to join me. And while it felt good to have her onboard, I still wanted to make things clear when I told her, “I’m really not tryna pressure you into some impulse shit, Jayla. I swear. But you make it hard for me not to want just a little bit more.”

  “And I’m fine with a little bit more, Khalid. I mean, tonight technically was a little bit more,” she replied, wrapping her arms around me in a hug that told me she really stood by her decision.

  With that, I felt confident teasing, “Nah, you just want your booty rubbed on.”

  Now she was the one chuckling, squeezing me a little tighter as she clarified, “No. I just want a little bit more of you… and my booty rubbed on.”

  “And you know what?” I asked, tilting her chin back to meet my eyes and finding hers gleaming with hope, and adoration, and a bunch of other sweet shit that made those moths come back in my stomach when I told her, “That’s good enough for me.”


  This is how life is supposed to be.

  My professional life was thriving, the addition of Khalid to my roster of clients paying off in a major way as more and more companies were reaching out to work with him which meant his asking price was steadily increasing. My personal life was showing major improvement, my decision to upgrade from the basic package to the premium proving itself to be worth it in more ways than one. And the best part about it all, there were no qualms about either.

  I was happy.

  Legitimately happy.

  So happy that I wasn’t even pressed when I walked down to the lobby and saw Khalid talking to one of the younger woman assistants from my agency, a sight that would’ve easily made me suspicious with anyone else - i.e. Jason. But as expected, things with Khalid were just… different.

  Even though we weren’t in any official relationship, I somehow still felt secure in where we stood for the moment, felt secure in the fact that he’d keep me in the know if things were changing, and knew our lines of communication were wide the hell open. And not only that, but he respected the hell out of me, was more honest than a shady toddler, had the patience of a saint, and was equipped with a heart of gold; all things I needed as if my doctor had prescribed it herself.

  Once he saw me approaching, he stood up from behind his desk, giving the politest nod to say, “Good evening, Jayla.”

ning his nod with a knowing smirk, I replied, “Good evening, Khalid. Shawnie.”

  Shawnie gave a little wave, the flirty vibes I had peeped from afar turning a lot more professional when she said, “Hey Jayla. I was just telling Khalid he should think about bringing some of that star power to the company party in a few weeks.”

  My eyes flashed back to Khalid who was clearly looking for an out from the situation according to the pleading look in his eyes; an out I had no problem giving him when I leaned into the top of his security desk to reply, “He is coming. With me.”

  Even though I hadn’t formally invited Khalid to the company party, it was really a no-brainer to bring him as my plus one; especially after our conversation about doing a “little bit more” together. And if nothing else, his presence would make it easier for me to tolerate some of my associates who I did my best to avoid otherwise.

  Khalid seemed legitimately surprised by the invitation, his eyebrow piqued when he asked, “Oh, word?”

  “Of course. I mean, you are one of my most profitable clients. You deserve to be celebrated,” I replied with a little more emphasis than I probably should’ve been using in this setting. But I honestly couldn’t help myself, that “organic progress” finding ways to grow almost daily in the best way possible.

  It was clear I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t help myself considering the way Khalid licked his lips to say, “I’ma remember that,” pairing it with a look that told me we’d be celebrating with a lot more than just the company party. And now that I was on the premium package, I was really looking forward to it, completely forgetting we had an audience until Shawnie spoke up.

  “I’m… gonna get out of here. I’ll see you guys later,” she pushed out awkwardly before hustling out of the door without peeking back. And once it shut behind her, Khalid and I looked at each other and instantly busted out laughing.

  “You think she’s onto us?” I asked, not really caring either way.

  But it was interesting to hear Khalid answer, “Oh, most definitely. Cause before you came over here, she was talking about all the things she wanted to do to me after the company party; not that I should come. But once you staked claim with that invite, she fell back. So thank you for playing along, boss lady.”

  It felt good to be helpful, but it didn’t feel good to turn all territorial over someone who wasn’t really mine. So with a sigh, I rested my elbows on his desk to admit, “I probably shouldn’t have done that. I mean, I don’t wanna interfere with you finding your true love. And Shawnie is pretty, seems nice, clearly has a good head on her…”

  My compliment spree was interrupted by Khalid giving me the stalest look when he said, “Jayla, with all due respect, shut up.”

  My lips snapped closed in shock before my frown settled in, prompting Khalid to come from behind the desk as he gushed, “Awww. I hurt your little feelings. Come here. Lemme make it better.”

  He pulled me into a hug that I was only pretending to resist, giggling as I dodged every kiss attempt he tried to land on my face. And just when I was about ready to give in without a care in the world of who saw, I heard a familiar voice behind us say, “Jayla?”

  Without needing to see his face, I knew exactly who it was who had said my name, his tone forever ingrained in my head as if we hadn’t been apart for months now. But it was because of the years we had spent together before that that I felt myself grow cold when I peeled away from Khalid to respond, “Jason. What are you doing here?”

  He looked as well-groomed as he always had been, his tailored suit giving off those “stand-up guy” vibes that only annoyed the hell out of me since I knew that shit was far from the truth. But it was part of what made him who he was, the fact that he could sell that persona to anyone he got in front of; my mother included.

  Even now, he was putting his best foot forward, his tone incredibly passive when he slipped his hands into the pockets of his slacks and asked, “Is there somewhere we can go and talk?”

  My gut told me to say “no”, but my head was too curious to find out what could’ve possibly been important enough for him to bring his ass to town - and to my job of all places. So against my better judgment, I replied, “I was just getting ready to leave, but I suppose we can go talk in my office.”

  I figured talking here was a better option than letting the man come to my apartment, or even going out in public since I wasn’t exactly sure where this conversation would end up and I didn’t want to catch a case. But I was tempted to change my mind once I saw the dirty look he gave Khalid on the low; a look that prompted Khalid to whisper near my ear, “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, Jayla. I’ll get him outta here, no questions asked.”

  With a hand to his bicep, I assured him, “I’m fine. Really. We’ll be right back.”

  By the expression on his face, I could tell Khalid wasn’t as convinced. But he really had no choice other than to let me go, Jason following a few steps behind me as I led us out of sight towards the elevators. And of course, once it was just the two of us, Jason wasted no time breaking character to ask, “So you’re out here sleeping with hourly wage niggas now, huh?”

  “Excuse me?”

  The little chuckle he added only irked me even more as he stepped closer to me in the already confined space of the elevator to explain, “The guy at the front desk. I saw the way he was all hugged up on you when I came in. That’s what you’re on now?”

  The chime of the elevator arriving at my company’s floor was the only thing that saved me from going straight Solange on his ass, the fresh air allowing me to keep my emotions in check when I replied, “First of all, it’s none of your business what I’m on. Second of all, he’s my client.”

  Once again, he followed a few steps behind me on the way to my office, waiting until we made it inside to ask, “So you’re sleeping with a client? Come on, Jay. You’re better than that.”

  Was mixing business and pleasure risky? Sure. But for him of all people to act like it was some anomaly was utterly ridiculous, only amplifying my annoyance when I asked, “Why are you here, Jason?”

  His demeanor was a lot more subdued as he brought his hand to the nape of his neck and pushed out a heavy breath before he answered, “I… haven’t heard from you, and you blocked me on everything since the divorce was finalized. So I guess I just wanted to check on you. Make sure you were alright.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I quickly fired back, “I’m living, breathing, and the happiest I’ve been in a very long time. Is that the update you were looking for?”

  Instead of responding, he changed the subject. “Your birthday is coming up. Any big plans for the big three-o?”

  “What’s it to you?” I asked, surprised he even remembered considering the three birthdays that had passed during our time together were spent with him doing who knows what on one of his little business trips.

  Just the thought made me sick, even when he acknowledged, “I know you think I was an awful husband, but I had actually booked a trip for us. For your birthday. Eleven-day tour across Europe.”

  Coming from anyone else, eleven days in Europe would’ve been a dream come true, the perfect way to spend my birthday. But coming from Jason, it only made me angry since I knew there was probably more to his agenda than just celebrating my birthday; a more that I couldn’t keep myself from addressing when I asked, “Why? So you could visit some of your international bitches?”

  For whatever reason, that got him riled up enough to defend, “Because I loved you, Jayla! Damn.”

  I wasn’t at all moved by his admission, even when he continued, “I was… fucked up, wrapped up in the fast life, getting money and whatever women I wanted when I wanted them for the thrill of it all. But I always loved you, Jay. I still love you.”

  Naturally, my blood began to boil at that, seeing right through whatever he called himself trying to do by showing up here. But I refused to give him the satisfaction of even a raised voice when I replied, “I
stayed, Jason; through the bullshit, the lies, the excuses, the blatant disrespect of our vows. I held it down, played my role, did the whole dutiful wife thing because that’s what they say you’re supposed to do. And you know what? That only made you bolder; only made them bolder. There were women I had never even seen before coming up to me talking about the interior design in the home we shared, giving details on the things you did to them in the bed we shared. So, no. I’m not here for any of that, “I still love you” shit. You never loved me. You just loved the idea of me always being there for your trifling ass to walk all over.”

  Like the true coward that he was, he kept his mouth shut, unable to even defend himself since he knew I was speaking nothing but the truth. But saying it out loud only made me more upset with myself for letting it all go on for so long, speaking more to myself than him when I continued, “I just can’t believe I was so caught up in who everyone wanted me to be, in who you wanted me to be, that I completely lost my sense of self. But you know what? I’m excited about the woman I’m learning now, the woman I’m becoming, and I damn sure don’t need that sad ass excuse you call “love” as validation. I’m good.”

  “Jayla…” he started, but I quickly cut him off with a raised hand.

  “If you don’t have any relevant news, I suggest you see yourself out before I call security who also just so happens to be the man I’m screwing on the regular.”

  I knew it was petty, but it slipped out of my lips long before I even considered taking the high road. And of course, it was that that really got Jason’s attention as he shouted, “I knew it! I knew you were fuckin’ that nigga.”

  With a shrug, I replied, “Sure am, and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m no longer yours, Jason.”

  He was visibly seething, but the facts were the facts, something he couldn’t seem to get through his head when he insisted, “We still share a last name.”


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