Upended Life (Artemis University Book 1)

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Upended Life (Artemis University Book 1) Page 9

by Erin R Flynn

  Great, because who wouldn’t rewash them then? It might be a clean school but it was still the basement of a dorm. They couldn’t have at least used the table or something?

  The tops of the dryers were completely cleared too so yeah, bitch move. Mine was inconsiderate and not planned but dumping clothes like that was a bitch move.

  “Yeah, I hate to tell you that school will absolutely be like that,” she grumbled, gesturing to my clothes. “I don’t want you to run because it would be nice to have a friend, but it’s really like that.”

  “I already got a few tastes of it.” I shot her the best smile I could muster. “You keep my secrets and don’t talk about me to people and you’ve got a friend.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, being private is smart with the elites and ‘top tier’ people.”

  I opened bags and started sorting what I needed into the washers, giving her a curious glance. “Aren’t you one of them?”

  She went over to the detergents and waved her hand asking me which I wanted. She picked the one I told her and brought it over.

  “Technically I am, or at least enough to afford to be here but barely. And we’re newer money from tech so you know, that doesn’t always go well with established families sort of crap. High school was one thing as they’re split up more locally and all top tier.

  “But to get into Artemis? Yeah, that would surprise a lot of those I know as I’m not old wealth, but my test scores and academics pushed me over the line to make it. I’m the first one of my family to make it to a top tier college. My older brothers went through a lot of shit with the new money thing and I saw it young so I knew it was the way to go.”

  “We can definitely be friends if you’re smart,” I chuckled darkly. “Between you and the tutor the university assigned me, maybe I won’t completely drown here.”

  “Sure, but you have to promise not to bail on me when all the cool people want to be your friends,” she countered as I finished up with two of the washers. “You’re smoking and have a lot of additive mystery around you. Plus you’re the talk of campus and that’s what the popular cliques like.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I burned those bridges this morning when I implied I’d cut a few of the ‘plastics’ if they fucked with me.”

  “One, good movie reference.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Two, I would have paid to see that.”

  “I’m sure there will be a repeat showing,” I promised her, which tickled her from the way she burst out laughing.

  She gave me a curious look as she picked up my clothes from the floor and set them on the table. “You’ve got a wide range of taste.”

  I snorted. That was putting the array mildly. “More like a misguided—but honestly kindhearted—attempt to add some flair to my wardrobe for college. Unfortunately I was running on autopilot this morning from the late night getting here.” I could feel her about to burst. “One question that’s bugging you most and I’ll answer more as you earn my trust. It’s how I work.”

  “I like you lay it out so bluntly,” she admitted as she finished and sat on the table, watching me as I tossed clothes or added them to washers. She waited until I finished and faced her. “Is it true you were abducted here? Someone supposedly overheard you say it in the cafeteria.”

  I cursed in a few combinations and nodded. “I’ve got to get used to living around supes and fast. I wasn’t talking that loudly.” I decided to give her a bit more. “I had no clue. Turns out my best friend is a dragon and thought I knew so that’s about the only way I’m dealing and not a complete mess.”

  “Well, you have me now too,” she said confidently as she hopped off the table. “And this I can help with. Follow me.”

  I did, curious what she was thinking about. She waited until we were on the second floor and waved me to hold off. I nodded as she backed away, waving her arms as if drawing an imaginary line on the floor.

  “This is normal witch/warlock hearing, a bit better than humans but not much,” she explained. Then she backed up a few steps. “Dragons are about here, better than humans and us but close like a bird.”

  She waited until I nodded before moving back several more steps.

  “Here are vamps, maybe double humans and a lot more sensitive to range, so high-pitched screams work well if one jumps you.”

  “That happen often?” I worried.

  “No,” she called back. “It’s just something added in self-defense the girls got at my high school and popped into my head.”

  “Cool, thanks, any facts you got help as long as you don’t dump it all on me. I’m doing the doggie paddle.”

  “Got it.”

  She backed up almost to our door, which was more than halfway down the long hallway. She waved her arms as if to signal the spot and then waved me to join her. Good call as it was getting kinda late.

  I jogged over to her and she went for our door.

  “That’s shifters and maybe better depending on their animal. Felines and the wolves are really good but they get distracted by large groups and tend to avoid them.”

  “Thanks, that really helps,” I admitted as she let us into the room. “Yeah, breaking things down for me will make it stick.”

  “No worries. Those are the ones we’re at school with but there are also hobgoblins who work for the school doing janitorial stuff and whatnot. It’s the best place for any fair folk—”

  “I thought all the fairies were gone?” I cut in, trying to hide my panic that I was lied to.

  “They are,” she answered as she plopped down on her bed. I locked us in and glanced around, trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my side of the room. “Fair folk is another name for fae, like cousins of fairies but don’t blend like fairies do. They stick out. A lot.”

  “Are we talking like Harry Potter here or what?”

  “A bit, but not nasty. As long as you’re polite to them, they are the sweetest people you’ll ever meet, all fae are, but if you’re rude, they will group up and it won’t be pretty. Even the bitches here won’t push that unless they’re completely stupid.”

  “Good thing I’m only a bitch when pushed,” I admitted, which amused her. I checked my phone and saw I had messages from Mel, quickly texting her back a few things.

  She knew about the ball and decided to come out Saturday so she wasn’t in the way with that chaos but was worried about me. I promised my roommate was cool and I was doing better, which she was relieved about.

  Izzy and I compared schedules and while we had five of the same classes, we didn’t have them at the same times. At least lunch we did, which was what she seemed most concerned about. I would have preferred to eat alone but maybe I could talk her into taking food to go while it was nicer out until I learned to block my telepathy.

  It was a hope, at least.

  The not sleeping caught up to her and she was in bed before I finished my laundry. I was still on a night owl sleep schedule and I needed to slowly crank it back for school, but at least I was used to Midwest time given I’d been in Illinois.

  I managed to get about half unpacked and put away, at least laying my clean clothes out on my desk in piles to hang or fold later.

  It seemed lazy but I was tired and I wasn’t going to push that back when I needed to get up early starting Monday. I took my pill before bed and crawled into my freshly washed sheets, glad I took the time to wash the pillows as well.

  That was my last thought before I drifted off, trying to believe this was the right place for me and I was safe here.

  Though I still kept a knife under my pillow. I couldn’t change that fast.


  The next morning I was up way too early, biting back a groan as I cursed the curtains that let in too much light. I would need to fix that and soon or I would be getting up with the sun.

  Then again, that might not be such a bad thing when I had to get back into the rhythm of going to school.

  It would be nice to have the
option though. Like sleeping in on weekends. Decision made, I added it to the mental list and the phone call I planned for Claudia after breakfast.

  I still didn’t know how I was paying for books and everything I needed. We’d gotten so caught up on the house and the ball and several other issues that I’d forgotten that one.


  I got up and used the washroom, wondering what the women were like who shared it with us. We’d have to work out a schedule for showers so I didn’t beat them for being bathroom hogs. There was already too much shit all over the bathroom but I’d let that go, hoping they were still unpacking and organizing like I was.

  I had another of those energy jolts like I had yesterday from the pills and after I recovered I knew I had to burn off what I was feeling. It was the end of August so it was cooler in the morning, but not fall yet for sure, and the afternoons got hot.

  I opted for running shorts and a crop top hoodie over my sports bra. I clipped on my Fitbit and iPod, both barely hanging on, so I added those to replace to the list.

  I let out a slow breath as I thought of what else. Keys, ID, and phone were it. I could start my workout by going to the guard station and work from there. Plan made, I headed out, glad I didn’t wake Izzy.

  I lightly stretched as I walked out of the dorm. It wasn’t even full daylight as I pushed open the door. Oh well, nice to get a jump on the day, right?


  I started at a jog and was ready for real stretching when I reached the guard station. I waved at the guy who came to open the door for me. “Hi, Marshall said I had to come over and get my phone updated?”

  “Vale?” he checked, waving me in when I nodded. “Yeah, he told us. Got your phone?”

  I nodded, pulling it out of my bra and handing it to him. I wanted to roll my eyes when he looked a bit uncomfortable with that. I could not be the only woman he’d come across who carried her cell in her boobs.

  “Okay, you need to get a phone we can update,” he said with a nervous chuckle. “It’s required if any supe has a cell that it’s a smartphone so we can put the right update and app on it to alert us if there’s an emergency.”

  “Got it, I’ll get something ordered today,” I promised, taking the phone back from him.

  “We’ll be here when you do, but we’re expected to give the all clear by the time classes start that there aren’t any unsecured phones on campus,” he warned but his tone calm like he was just giving me the heads-up.

  “I’ll do my best.” There wasn’t anything else I could say besides that really.

  I had mostly stretched while we talked but after a few more outside, I continued on the path I’d been on. I figured it might be a good idea to take my runs on the outskirts of campus almost to the end of the magic or whatever so there was less chance of eyes or crossing paths with people.

  Or so I hoped. For all I knew it was the standard for runners on campus.

  A half mile from the guard station a woods area started, a bit sparse but there was an untended trail that didn’t seem to get much traffic. Well, that was better than wild running through the woods when I wasn’t wearing pants and there could be poison ivy.

  Did they have poison ivy in Kansas?

  Something else to look up later.

  I cranked up the music, my heart and footsteps thumping with Eminem, which was my default when I had too much to sort through and feeling like everyone was against me.

  Or most everyone. I pushed harder as “Fall” resounded in me, and I started throwing punches as I went, giving my arms just as much of a workout as my legs.

  When there was a flat stretch I flipped around and jogged backwards as I worked on my pivoting and checking myself on all sides. I turned back around and sprinted a stretch before slowing and doing the pivoting drills again.

  I was huffing by almost the third mile, having slacked off the past few weeks with the crazy in Illinois but also the stress I was currently under.

  But still I pushed and turned to head back when I hit three miles. Something crashed into me before I could even register anyone else was there. Fur surrounded me as we went flying and I realized it was a large animal as we landed, the animal taking the brunt of it.

  I got enough of a view to realize it was a fucking bear. A black fucking bear tackled me.

  Or it was a black grizzly bear for all I knew. Another thing to look up. Not the best time to think about that.

  I was about to fight to get free, no clue what I should even do but willing to make him choke on me if it was going to eat me… Except I realized it wasn’t about to attack. The damn thing looked like it was smiling at me.

  Then it hit me. “You’re a shifter, right?” I groaned when it nodded. “Fuck, man, way to give me a heart attack. I was going to kill someone for not warning me bears were in the goddamn woods.” I yelped as it rolled to its feet and let me drop to mine. He was in the way of the path I’d been going and looked worried. “Can I not go over there?”

  It shook its head. I wanted to know if it was a guy or girl but I was not looking at bear junk when it was a person. Or natural bear junk either.

  “Is the campus broken up into sections or something?” I checked, cursing up a storm when he nodded. “Right, and it would totally be my fault when no one told me again. I swear to fuck I’m going to start fucking people up.” I blew out a harsh breath and reached out to rub its nose, not sure what else to do to pet a shifter. “Thanks. I was just about to turn around. I’ll ask about the breakdown.”

  I put in my earbuds as I spun around, restarting the playlist now that I was agitated again. It was set up to get the anger out and ease me down by the end of the workout.

  I could still make it work if I skipped every other song but I’d been in a good groove so I was miffed I had to do it.

  I checked my time after I finished hard to reach the dorm and found I’d at least made up my time dealing with the bear. It was still my slow time level but it was good enough for now and I could focus on my workouts again.

  I stretched as I walked to the cafeteria, ready to fill up and reminding myself to take my pill right before a shower.

  Seriously, my brain was going to explode with all the mental notes alone. The last song of the playlist was on—“The Monster”—when I reached the person waiting to swipe my ID.

  I thanked them and tucked it back in my bra before grabbing a tray. I reached the first buffet line when I felt that energy dancing on my skin and the hair on the back of my neck rise.

  I looked up and met those too blue eyes over the top of the buffet, entranced as they changed to a darker purple, almost eggplant.

  There stood tall, dark, and trouble, looking at me as if he planned to eat me instead of the buffet options. The energy continued to dance until I thought I lost my mind and it moved over my nipples and clit.

  Could that be a dragon power? For real?

  Whatever it was, I wanted more of it, more of him. I about licked my damn lips as I took a good look at him this time. He was almost seven feet, towering over my height and the damn buffet, and looked about as wide as it.

  Not really but I did wonder if he could walk through doorways normally. It fit his build though, as it was big so it wasn’t like the Rock’s muscles on muscles but more naturally strong and used.

  He had shorter dark brown hair that stuck up wet from a shower probably and had a clean fade. Clean shaven too, which made his strong jaw and chiseled features stand out even more.

  The damn man looked like a walking panty soaker. Men should not be that good-looking without a warning call for us.

  I jumped when someone tapped my tray, the spell broken and the energy dissipating. I pulled out my earbuds and glanced to see Juan had done it.

  “Morning, doll,” he greeted with a bright smile.

  “Doll?” I snorted, shaking my head and grabbing what I wanted. “Forget my name already?”

  “No, I know it, Tamsin,” he grumbled, catching I wasn’t going to make
flirting with me easy.

  Well, he should try harder at it instead of being lame.

  “Morning, Juan.”

  “You work out before breakfast?”

  I nodded as I grabbed what I wanted next to load my eggs up. “Went for a run.”

  “Um, where?” Juan worried.

  “Apparently in bear territory,” I about growled. “One tackled me and my heart is still freaking out. It was trying to stop me from crossing some imaginary line, I guess.”

  “Shit, yeah, wolf,” he groaned. “And unlike bears, if they see someone running, they give chase. In their animal form it’s kind of hard to fight it.”

  “I thought shifters were sentient?” I demanded, annoyed something important was left out again.

  “They are, dragons too, but we’re a lot more instinct than complicated people-type thinking,” he explained. “I’ll know that you’re you and we’re cool but if you grab my wing I won’t run through the steps of thinking you didn’t understand that’s bad because you’re not one of us and new to this. I’ll react on instinct to swat you away so you can’t take out my way to fly.”

  I shrugged. “That’s cool, I react the same when someone smacks my ass.”

  There was a loud snort and I realized it was Mr. Panty Soaker. Glad he liked that and wouldn’t think to be the normal conceited asshole that panty soakers tended to be.

  “They normally go over this the first physical training class but your dorm advisors should have talked to you after you got here. All the groups look out for each other.”

  Ahh, that was the answer then. I wasn’t a witch, just staying in that dorm. I needed to talk to Izzy and ask when she got info like that. Not aligning with any of the groups would be a handicap on that front, it seemed.

  “Hey, I saw you running,” Mason said as he moved up next to Mr. Panty Soaker. So he was the bear that hurried to tackle me. That made sense. “You were going at a good clip, girl, but you gotta watch that line to the wolves.”


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