The Guardians (The Tempest Isle Series Book 1)

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The Guardians (The Tempest Isle Series Book 1) Page 9

by S. C. Storm

  “Does that happen often?” Alexandra asked.

  “Not always, but enough. We’ve also come upon them attacking other vampires or wolves,” Ryden stated. “Or even killing humans.”

  Alexandra looked between the two vampires. “I wasn’t told that. The information I was given about the two of you made it seem as if all you were concerned with was partying.”

  “That’s the way we like it. We may not have ascended, but we’ve done our duty by killing enough of them,” Ryden told her.

  “Yeah, we just don’t go around bragging about it like some do,” Ryder said dryly.

  Jasmyn looked at him. “What do you mean?”

  “There are some who like to make it known how often they’re risking their lives killing reapers,” he said.

  “We don’t care about getting the recognition for doing what we’re supposed to.” Ryden got up and went to the bar. He poured another drink. “All that aside, we’ll be on the first plane to Tempest.”

  Alexandra gave him a searching glance.

  “I give you my word,” Ryden told her.

  Nodding, she finished her drink and got up. “I believe you. Then I guess we’ll see you there.”

  Jasmyn rose too. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  “You doubt us, little wolf?” Ryder asked.

  Jasmyn stared at him for a moment. “Like I said, I’ll believe it when I see you both on Tempest.”

  Ryder smiled. “Touché, little wolf. I look forward to making you believe it.”

  Jasmyn and Ryder stared at each other a moment, then she broke eye contact. “Let’s head out, Lex.”

  Smirking to herself, Alexandra followed her cousin to the door. “See you guys soon,” she said and then went out to the elevator. It opened and she followed Jasmyn in. Punching the button for their floor, she started chuckling.

  Jasmyn gave her a look. “What’s so funny?”

  “You sure didn’t seem annoyed with Ryder in there.”

  “He is annoying.” Jasmyn growled.

  “And fine as hell, Jaz. You’re interested in him, aren’t you?”


  Alexandra gave her a disbelieving look.

  “Maybe I am a little, but he’s got women falling over him all the time. I don’t want to be one of them.”

  Alexandra smiled. “You’re not like that, Jaz.”

  “I know but he’ll probably think I am.”

  “Then you need to show him he’s wrong,” Alexandra said.

  “What about you and your ‘promise’ to Ryden?” Jasmyn asked her.

  Alexandra shrugged her shoulders. “I would find some way to thank him.”

  “I bet you would.” The elevator stopped on their floor.

  “You know me,” Alexandra said as she got out. “I’ll call the airport and see if I can get us a flight out in the morning.”

  “You don’t want to leave tonight?” Jasmyn asked her.

  Alexandra fished her card key out of the pocket of her shorts. “We can if you want to.”

  Jasmyn looked at Lexi’s leg. “No, we’ll wait for morning. You get some rest.”

  Alexandra smiled. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I think we could both do with some sleep.” Jasmyn hugged her. “Night, cuz.”

  “Goodnight, see you in the morning,” Alexandra said as they both went into their rooms. She got her phone out, found the information to the airport, and called. She hung up, changed, and went to bed, glad they would be on their way home first thing in the morning.


  As the door closed behind the wolves, Ryden handed his brother another drink. “So are her legs as long as you thought?” He smirked.

  “Longer.” Ryder grinned. “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice.”

  “Oh, I did, and Alexandra’s lips are just as luscious as I thought. I’d like to find out if they taste as good as they look.”

  “I’m sure you would.” His smile faded from his face. “Are we leaving tonight?”

  “Let’s wait until morning,” Ryden said.

  “Do you think Arthur is as bad off as they think?”

  “I’m not sure. I hope not. If his granddaughter is still on the islands, I’d like to talk to her,” Ryden told him.

  “Me too,” Ryder said, taking a seat again. He stretched out his legs. “Are you ready for this?”

  Ryden looked at his twin. “Yes, I am. It’s something I should have done long ago.”

  “We both know why you didn’t.”

  “Yeah, but it’s time. Nothing and no one will stop me from ascending.” Ryden finished his drink. “I’m heading to bed,” he told his brother.

  “I will too, in a few.”

  Ryden walked toward his room and then stopped, looking back at his twin. Ryder seemed lost in thought. Turning back, he closed the door behind him. He stripped and got into bed. He took out his phone and texted the pilot to have the plane readied for morning. Not waiting for an answer, he put his phone on the night stand and turned the light out. It was quite a while later when he heard Ryder go to his room, and even longer before he slept.

  Chapter 9

  Once she was packed, Jasmyn made her way down to the lobby. She wasn’t surprised to find Alexandra waiting on her. “Sorry for running late. I didn’t sleep very well last night.”

  “No worries, cuz. I haven’t been down here long,” Alexandra told her as she grabbed her bag and got to her feet. Turning, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Looks like we aren’t the only ones running late,” she told her cousin as she pointed out the Athertons making their way through the lobby.

  “Do you think they are really heading to Tempest?” Jasmyn asked her as they watched.

  “I sure hope so,” Alexandra replied, and she started for the twins.

  Glancing around the lobby, Ryden heard his brother chuckle. Shaking his head, he watched as the two wolves made their way through the crowd of people. “Good morning, ladies.” He smiled as they reached them.

  “Good morning.” Alexandra smiled. She noted the bags they had with them. “I’m hoping those bags mean you are heading on to Tempest.”

  “Yes, we are going. We told you we would, and we always keep our word.” Ryden glanced at his brother, who was eyeing the other wolf. “You are quiet this morning, little one,” he said slyly.

  “I’m keeping my opinions to myself until I see your asses actually on Tempest,” Jasmyn said, unable to keep from smirking.

  “Once we are actually on Tempest, perhaps we will see more of that fire of yours,” Ryder teased.

  “Maybe. No, most likely. I don’t usually hold myself back,” Jasmyn said as she picked up her bag. “I guess we will see you on the plane—”

  “No, little wolf, we actually have a private plane being readied as we speak. You two are more than welcome to go with us,” Ryden interrupted.

  Alexandra shook her head. “No, we have our tickets, so we’ll stick to our flight. We’ll see you there, I’m sure.”

  “How will we know how to find the two of you? You haven’t told us a thing about yourselves.” Ryder and his brother followed the girls as they made their way out the main doors.

  “Go to the resort and ask for Lexi or Jaz. They’ll most likely know where we are,” Alexandra told them as she opened the door to the car they had rented.

  “We need a last name,” Ryden said.

  “Sure, it’s O’Connor,” Jasmyn said nonchalantly as she tossed her bag in the trunk. Seeing their faces, she laughed. “Shocked?”

  “The two of you are intriguing,” Ryden said, shaking his head. “Why would the wolves allow a purebred family to leave the island so close to the ascension?”

  “They know we will be fine. Besides, we know what we are doing,” Alexandra replied testily.

  “Calm yourself. I meant no disrespect. However, I should have known who you were. I could sense you were a pureblood,” Ryden told her.

  “That’s usually hard for some to do,” she said.

  “We’ve been able to do it for quite a while,” Ryder added in as he looked at Jasmyn. “You are not a pureblood; however, you are ready for ascension, correct?” he asked.

  “No, I’m not a pureblood. I just came to back Lex up so she could make it to the ascension, but yeah if I’m chosen, I will ascend and then head out to fight,” Jasmyn explained.

  “You are needed at the ascension as well,” Ryder said, watching her.

  She shrugged. “I know, but the three of you are more important, so maybe we should get a move on.”

  “Yeah, we don’t want to miss our flight,” Alexandra added.

  “By all means. Hopefully we will see you soon. Lots of you,” Ryden added, looking them over. Hearing them laugh, both he and Ryder stepped back to allow them to pull away. “Come brother, let’s get to Tempest,” he told his twin as they headed for their plane.


  Obsidian Island, Langford House

  Mileena made her way down the stairs to the sound of voices filling the kitchen. Staying out of sight, she saw her grandfather, Arthur, sitting at the table, a cup of coffee in his hand, with his head thrown back in laughter. Seeing the difference in him meant the world to her. It was clear he was feeling better, even if his former appearance hadn’t returned. She wondered absently if it ever would. Deciding to join him, she began to step forward when she heard a female. Stopping abruptly, she listened, knowing the voice was familiar. Finally, it hit her. It was the older lady she had met at the resort. Millie was her name.

  “They are old friends,” a voice called out behind her.

  Jumping slightly, she turned to find Raymond standing in the hallway with a cup of coffee in hand.

  “You startled me.” She smiled as she stepped over and took the cup he offered.

  “I am sorry, miss. I did not realize I approached unnoticed.” The little man motioned her to follow him. With a nod, she went after him. “I’m sure you met Miss Millie when you arrived,” he continued. “She lived here back when the family lived on the islands. She and Miss Audra were quite close. They spent much time together.”

  “She seemed sweet when I met her. She told me all the rules of being here on the islands,” Mileena told him as she followed him into the library. “I could tell she was a human though. How has she lived this long?”

  “Miss Millie is what the goddess calls a keeper. Her family was bestowed with longevity and endurance,” he answered.

  Mileena waited, but the butler added no more information. “Why, Raymond?” she asked.

  With a shake of his head he smiled. “I am sorry, miss. Sometimes I do forget that you do not know all that is happening on the islands. You see, the keepers were humans the goddess took a liking to. The first keeper found out about the supernatural races but kept the secret. Never once did she attempt to tell a soul. This impressed the goddess. She then deemed her entire line special. Their job is to watch the races, the guardians especially. They record all the histories and follow the family lines. All births, marriages, deaths, all things of importance are to be reported to the keepers, for shall we say, safekeeping. They record everything in the book.”

  “The book?” Mileena asked.

  “Oh yes, the Book of Origins. Only those of keeper blood can read what is written inside. To all others, the words appear in an unreadable language. The keepers are quite special. They live a very long time but are not completely immortal like we are. The eldest in the family shares their knowledge with the younger ones, for one day, they must step into the shoes of the Keeper Prime.” Raymond rambled as he dusted the tables inside the library. Looking around, he saw Mileena looking at him expectedly once again. “Again, I apologize, miss. The Keeper Prime is the family elder who maintains the book and keeps all in order.”

  “Wow, that’s a lot of responsibility for one person,” Mileena said as she watched the little man bounce around the room.

  “Yes, it is, but Millie was bred for it. She will also prepare her family for it,” he said, then smiled. “She, however, is quite different from the other keepers. She is more opinionated and loves to put all supernaturals in their place. Still, keepers are bound to hold their knowledge to themselves.”

  “Yes, I noticed that about her.” Mileena chuckled, hearing her grandfather still laughing. “I’m so thankful he is doing better. Does this mean he is out of the woods?” she asked, glancing at the butler again. Seeing the worry cross his face, she sighed. “He isn’t, is he?”

  “No, miss, not unless a pure-blooded vampire ascends. That is the only thing that will ensure his immortality continues. Let us hope the Athertons decide to ascend.” He sighed.

  Mileena sat down to drink her coffee. Thinking on his words, she asked, “You said the Athertons. From what I understood, it only had to be Ryden.”

  “Ryden has to be the first to ascend because he’s the oldest.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Each time a pure-blooded guardian ascends, the race gets stronger,” Raymond replied.

  Puzzled, Mileena asked, “So does that mean another pure-blooded vampire wouldn’t have to ascend for a long time?”

  “In all honesty, there wouldn’t have to be, but our race has been without an ascended pure-blood guardian for so long, more are needed than just Ryden Atherton,” Raymond replied. Mileena was quiet as he worked. He finished and started out the door, stopping at the sound of her voice.

  “Raymond, if all three Athertons ascend, will that help grandfather?”

  “I wish I could tell you yes, but we simply do not know.” He saw her stricken face. “I will never lie to you, miss.”

  “I know, Raymond, and for that I love you dearly.” She smiled as she went over and hugged the little man.

  “And I you, miss, and I you.” The man smiled as he released her and left the room.


  Tempest Island

  Driving off the ferry, Alexandra felt a smile cross her face. She was finally home. It had been a long four months. In her mind, she was thinking of everything she needed to do. Of course, she would have to contact Mileena at some point, but before that, she wanted to see her family. She had kept in contact while she was gone, but the idea of Erin finally coming home just as she was leaving bothered her. She wanted a little time with her sister. Also, she would need to tell Jason and Kane everything that had happened while they were out. She was sure they knew of the increasing number of reapers, but she still felt the need to report to her alphas just how bad it had really been.

  “Deep in thought there, cuz.” Jasmyn’s voice interrupted her train of thought.

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I was mentally deciding what I needed to do first.”

  “Understandable.” Jasmyn grinned as they turned onto the main strip. The local shops came into view as did the smiling, chatty tourists. “Ah, home,” Jasmyn said with a sigh.

  “I know.” Alexandra smiled. “Do you want me to drop you off at your house?”

  “Nah, actually if you want to let me out at the resort, I’m going to check on things and see if Dad is actually there or taking care of things from home,” she answered as the Tempest Isle Luxury Resort and Spa came into her view. She smiled brightly. Her home away from home. No matter how much she tried to deny it, the resort was as much a part of her as the islands themselves.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Alexandra told her as she pulled to the Resort’s entrance. “Thanks for going with me, Jaz. I know I was pissed about it at first, but going together was fun.”

  “Yeah, it was. We may have to do it again,” Jasmyn said as she hopped out of the car. She grabbed her bag from the back. After telling her she would call when she got home, she started for the door as Alexandra drove away. With a wave, she turned to go inside.


  “Ah, it took you two long enough to make it back. We wondered if we needed to come and search for you this time around.” Ryden spoke as he and his twin emerged from their seats.

s head whipped around. “Waiting for me, huh? That’s cute. I was missed.” She mocked them with a roll of her eyes.

  Ryder strode toward her, attempting to hide the smirk on his face. The way her demeanor changed when he came closer amused him. “Of course we missed you, little wolf. Our views have been lacking beauty since you and your cousin left our sights.” He stopped directly in front of her. He could hear her heart beat faster as her breathtaking blue eyes looked up at him.

  Composing herself, Jasmyn took a deep breath. “I do believe you two exaggerate a bit.” She smiled and snatched up her bag, attempting to divert her attention from the vampire. “Have you already been inside?” she asked.

  “No exaggeration, little wolf. Just honesty,” Ryden smirked as he watched her regain her composure. “Yes, we have already been inside. We spoke with Millie. It’s been ages since we last saw her. We were going to head home soon. We just waited to see that the two of you made it back safely.”

  Jasmyn couldn’t help but smile. “I have to admit that is sweet of you two⸻a bit stalkerish⸻but very sweet,” she teased.

  “Stalkers? Us? Never,” Ryder said. Taking in the bag in her hand, he wondered why she hadn’t gone home. “Are you planning on staying here at the resort?” he asked with a nod toward the bag.

  Jasmyn shook her head. “No. I was going to check and see if my dad was inside. I can already sense that he’s not though, so it’s off to Moonstone I go.”

  “Your father? What is his name?” Ryden asked.

  “Bruce O’Connor,” Jasmyn told them.

  “Ah, I have heard of him, although I have never had the chance to meet him. The O’Connor family is very known, little wolf,” Ryden explained. “Even to those of us who have stayed away from Tempest.”

  “Yeah I know. One of the original purebred guardian families. Now the line is running out. Lexi, her brother Jason, and her sister, Erin, are the last pure-blooded ones in the family. They have a lot on their shoulders,” Jasmyn told them, noting the looks they gave her. “What?”

  “You seem a bit too nonchalant about all that, little wolf,” Ryder said, noting her difference in tone.


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