Wolf in her Soul: Salvation Pack, Book 8

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Wolf in her Soul: Salvation Pack, Book 8 Page 8

by N. J. Walters

  “How?” Sage asked.

  “Someone tried to kill her.” Reece decided to tell his brother everything. “She’s a half-breed and some full-blood tried to kill her.”

  Sage gave a low whistle. “Pack sanctioned?”

  Some packs would kill a half-breed if they discovered one connected to their pack. Most left them alone as long as they stayed away from the pack and lived in the human world. Very few accepted half-breeds.

  That was what made the Salvation Pack so unique.

  “I don’t think so. There was another murder recently. Covered up with arson, but the body disintegrated. Literally. I was thinking it might be a werewolf murder when Hannah was attacked.”

  “That’s her name? Hannah?”

  “Yeah, Hannah Burdette. Her father is a full-blooded werewolf. He left her on her own when she became an adult. He said it was to protect her.”

  “You don’t believe that?”

  “What kind of a man leaves his own daughter alone and undefended?” Reece couldn’t wrap his head around that one.

  “Not every family is like ours,” Sage reminded him.

  “Yeah. Listen I’ve got to go. I know Sean is probably cursing me right about now. I left my partner handling the investigation and all the paperwork.”

  “Where’s the woman?” Sage asked. “Where’s Hannah?” Before Reece could answer, Sage gave a groan. “Don’t bother answering. I know where she is.”

  Reece knew his brother had probably gotten an image of Hannah tucked in his bed.

  “You be careful,” Sage warned. “And for God’s sake, call if you need anything. You need to talk to Jacque if you plan on bringing her here.”

  “I will.” Just not right now. “Give Rina a hug for me.” Reece knew that mentioning Sage’s mate would get him off the topic.

  “I’ll hug her but from me, not you,” Sage quipped. “Seriously, bro, you watch your back. This is serious shit if she’s got a full-blood after her.”

  “I will.” Reece ended the call. He took a deep breath and listened. Hannah wasn’t moving.

  Knowing he couldn’t put it off any longer, Reece called his partner.

  * * * * *

  “What’s going on?” Rina asked him.

  Sage tugged her into his arms and kissed her. She was his miracle and not a day went by when he wasn’t grateful for her presence in his life.

  “Hey.” She pulled back and stared up at him with worry clouding her amazing green eyes. “Is Reece okay?”

  “For now. I need to talk to Uncle Elias and Jacque. Hell, I need to talk to everyone.”

  “This is that serious?” Rina tightened her grip on his shoulders.

  He leaned down and kissed her temple. “Yeah, it is. It involves a woman who is being hunted by a full-blooded werewolf. Oh, she’s a half-breed.”

  Rina whistled. “Your brother doesn’t do anything the easy way, does he?”

  Sage couldn’t help but laugh. “I can’t point a finger. I’m the one who went camping and found a full-blooded female wolf running through the forest. And, don’t forget, you were running from human hunters at the time.”

  She shuddered. “Don’t remind me.”

  He hugged her tight. “That’s behind us now,” he assured her. “Now we have to help Reece.”

  “Sue mentioned she and most of the women were gathering at Sylvie and Gator’s place this afternoon. I’m not sure where Jacque and your uncle are.”

  “I’m right here.” Elias Gallagher stood in the doorway, taking up all of the space between the door frame. “You’ve heard from Reece?”

  Sage knew his uncle was just as worried as he was about Reece. “Yeah, I’ve heard from him. This is something the entire pack should know.”

  “Good enough. I’ll collect Sue and meet you at Jacque’s place.” Sage wasn’t surprised his uncle was going to get his mate. He felt the same way about Rina. He wanted her right by his side so he could protect her.

  He hoped Reece was safe. He didn’t know what he’d do if anything ever happened to his brother.

  Chapter Seven

  Hannah was toasty warm when she woke. She also wasn’t alone. She didn’t panic because she recognized Reece’s scent. He was curled around her so her back was against his chest. One of his arms was carefully draped over her so it wasn’t hurting her injuries.

  He stirred and pressed his lips to her temple. She stilled, not quite sure what she should do. She was very attracted to Reece but didn’t quite trust him. Too many years of having her father drill rules into her couldn’t be changed overnight, no matter how handsome Reece was or how much he’d already done for her.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  He shifted position and lifted his wrist up so he could see his watch. “It’s just after seven.”

  Damn, it wasn’t right that his voice should be so sexy. She shivered and pulled the blanket closer to her chin.

  Reece carefully moved away, put his hand on her shoulder, and rolled her until she was lying flat on her back. “You slept for a few hours.” He put his hand on her forehead. “No fever.”

  That wasn’t surprising. Werewolves rarely got infections. At least that was what her father had told her. If they did get one, it would most likely kill them. There was no in-between.

  “You hungry?” he asked. Her stomach growled in answer, making him grin. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and stretched his arms over his head. It was only then that she realized he was naked from the waist up. At some point while she’d been asleep, he’d removed his shirt and swapped his dress pants for a pair of faded jeans.

  Was there anything sexier than a man wearing only a pair of jeans? She didn’t think so.

  As he stretched, the muscles in his back and arms rippled and bunched. Her hand was halfway to touching him before she caught herself and pulled it back. Just in time too, because he looked over his shoulder. “I had some groceries delivered earlier.”

  Wow, she had to have been sleeping hard to miss that. She didn’t like that idea at all. Being aware of her surroundings at all times was what had kept her safe and alive. Even her attack this morning would have been worse if she hadn’t heeded her instincts and moved away from the mouth of the alley. Her attacker would have killed her for sure.

  Reece stood and scratched his lean stomach. “Steaks and all the fixings.” He motioned to a partly open door. “Bathroom is in there if you want to get a shower.” He pointed at his closet. “Feel free to help yourself to one of my shirts. It will be looser than wearing your own clothes and won’t irritate your stitches.”

  His voice had dropped a notch, and she clenched her thighs together against the intense sensation that shot through her lower body.

  “I’ll just get a shower.” She needed him out of his room before he smelled her arousal. He’d be on her in a heartbeat if he did. According to what her father had told her, that was just the way male werewolves were.

  Of course, she was no longer sure what to believe. Reece wasn’t acting anything like she’d expected. She wondered how much her father had told her was truth, and how much was designed to keep her away from wolves, especially male wolves.

  Reece bent down and dropped a kiss on her forehead. He was always touching her in little ways. She didn’t want to admit to herself how much she liked those touches. She might only be a half-breed but it was in her nature to want to be a part of a group, a pack. And rubbing up against one another, pats, and hugs were a part of that. A part that she’d been missing for a long time.

  It wasn’t the same with her human friends. They didn’t really know who she really was. What she really was.

  He froze, his face just inches from hers. He inhaled deeply and his big body shuddered. His eyes seemed to glow in the darkened room. Hannah tensed, ready to defend
herself and not one hundred percent sure she wanted to.

  “Take your time in the shower,” he told her, his voice low and rough. “The potatoes will take a while.” He straightened and stepped back. “I won’t put the steaks on until you join me.” He turned and walked out of the room. She couldn’t stop herself from admiring the play of muscles on his back and the way the faded denim hugged his firm butt.

  The second he was gone, she dropped her face in her hands. What was wrong with her? And what the hell had just happened?

  Reece had been aroused. There was no hiding his erection in those tight jeans. But he’d stepped away from her. Why?

  Crap, why was she looking a gift horse in the mouth? She wasn’t ready to get involved with anyone, let alone Reece. That would be stupid. Wouldn’t it?

  Of course it would.

  She sighed and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She felt better but wasn’t about to rush things. Using the nightstand for support, she slowly stood. Her legs held but she felt slightly lightheaded. Thankfully, that passed quickly. She didn’t want to have to yell for Reece’s help. She needed some time alone to pull herself together and figure out her next move.

  She carefully made her way to the bathroom and turned on the light. The space wasn’t overly large and there was only a shower stall. No bathtub. That worked for her. As much as she longed for a long, hot soak, she just wanted to get cleaned up as fast as possible. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a bath. Most of the cheap apartments she’d rented over the past few years only had showers.

  She turned on the water to allow it to heat, and then pulled off the scrub top and her underwear. The bandage they’d wrapped around her at the hospital was still in place. She carefully pulled away the tape and unwound it. She dropped the gauze wrap in the garbage and then peeled away the thick padding. It was stained with blood in one spot, but thankfully, the wound was no longer bleeding. Sleep had helped her body speed up the healing process. She tossed the padding on top of the discarded gauze.

  Leaving her clothing on the floor, she stepped into the stall and adjusted the temperature. She leaned her hands against the wall and let the water flow over her.

  Reece’s scent permeated the small space. She glanced down and saw his soap sitting on the built-in ledge. She picked it up and brought it to her nose and inhaled. Outdoorsy and fresh and not a chemical to be found.

  Sighing with relief, she began to wash. Some of the stitches fell out, but it was mostly a few at the ends of the deep slashes. The rest were still a necessity. They would most likely be gone in a couple of days if she ate well and continued to rest.

  For most people, getting their stitches wet was a no-no. But she wasn’t fully human so it didn’t affect her healing process.

  She soaped up quickly and then rinsed. Her hair was wet but she didn’t have the energy to shampoo it. That would have to wait until tomorrow. At least the hospital stink and any remaining dirt and grime from the sidewalk should be gone.

  A knock came on the bathroom door. Before she could answer, Reece opened the door and poked his head around it.

  Hannah shrieked and turned her back on him. “What are you doing? Get out,” she ordered.

  “Just wanted to see if you needed any help.”

  “No. Now go.” God, could she be any more humiliated? It was bad enough she was weak and he had to take care of her. She hated being this weak.

  The door closed and she gave a sigh of relief. She was just reaching out to turn off the taps when she realized he hadn’t left. He’d tricked her into thinking he had.

  She turned off the water. The silence was almost deafening after the patter of the water on the tiles.

  Hannah straightened her shoulders. “Hand me a towel.” She put out her hand. Soft material hit her palm and she closed her fingers around the fabric. She wrapped the towel around her before she turned to face him.

  Whatever she was going to say died on her lips. He was watching her with such hunger, such blatant need that it almost felled her.

  “You are so beautiful.” His voice was thick with need.

  “I look like a drowned rat.” Her hair was hanging in wet lengths over her shoulders and dripping down her back. Her body was covered, but beneath the towel her stomach was a patchwork of stitches and scars from her attack.

  He shook his head and corrected her. “Beautiful.” He grabbed another towel and stepped in the shower behind her. She glanced down at his bare feet. They were big and solid, just like the rest of him. He gathered her wet hair into the towel and squeezed out the excess water. “I would have washed it for you,” he told her.

  “I know.” And that was the problem. She could easily come to depend on Reece. That wasn’t smart or safe. Not for her physical wellbeing and certainly not for her emotional health. She was already too drawn to him as it was.

  He stilled and then went back to work gently rubbing the towel over her hair until it was only damp. When he was done, he tossed the towel aside, then reached out and snagged a comb from the vanity. Before she could object, he started working the tangles out of her hair. He began at the bottom and worked his way up, careful not to tug or pull on her scalp.

  Had anyone ever taken care of her in such an intimate way? She didn’t think so. Her mother had abandoned her soon after giving birth. Her father had loved her, but he’d always kept a distance between them, as if he’d known even when she was a child that he was going to leave her the moment she was legally an adult.

  She began to sway on her feet. Reece swore and tossed the comb aside. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t be standing here like that.” He whisked her off her feet again and then carried her into his bedroom before placing her on the end of his bed. He returned to the bathroom to retrieve her clothing, which he set beside her.

  “I’ll be in the kitchen.” He backed away, his gaze never leaving her. His gaze slid low and widened.

  Hannah glanced down and realized the towel had dipped and she was now showing quite a bit of cleavage. She yanked it back up.

  Reece sucked in a breath and slowly released it. “Yeah, I’ll be in the kitchen.” He paused and his gaze softened. “And Hannah. You are beautiful, and I will wash your hair for you someday.”

  Before she could respond to his outrageous statement, he was gone. He was good at that. Making pronouncements that raised her hackles and then leaving before she could respond. Probably just as well. She was in no shape to handle Reece at the moment.

  She spied the duffle bag, which was next to her knapsack. Clean clothes. She tugged over the bag and opened it. Her clothing was a jumbled mess from where Reece had packed it, but it was clean. She released the towel and pulled on clean underwear, socks, and a pair of jeans.

  Reece might go around barefoot but she found the floors chilly. She could usually regulate her body temperature better but figured her body was expending all its energy trying to heal her injuries. She’d also lost quite a bit of blood and hadn’t eaten in almost twenty-four hours. All of it added up to her being cold.

  She had plenty of sweaters and shirts to choose from but she ignored them and made her way over to Reece’s closet. His closet was separated into two halves. One side had a few pairs of dress pants and a half-dozen dress shirts, hung in a row. Two sport coats rounded out what she knew was his work clothes.

  On the other side was jeans and a couple pairs of sweatpants, some work shirts, and a leather jacket. A stack of T-shirts and sweaters sat on the shelf above.

  Hannah reached up and pulled down a soft-looking sweater. It was a deep plum color. Her eyes widened when she read the label. Cashmere. It was as soft as it looked. She hesitated and then reminded herself he’d told her she could borrow from his closet. She slipped the garment over her head and rubbed her hands over the soft fabric.

  The sweater was big and fell to her thighs. She had to roll the sleeves back
to keep them from covering part of her hand. It was like being wrapped in a cozy blanket. She loved it.

  She’d almost pushed herself to the end of her strength but took a moment to repack her duffle and zip it shut. Then she took the damp towel back to the bathroom and hung it over the rod to dry.

  She glanced at herself in the mirror and winced at how pale she was. Even her lips looked bloodless. Not exactly inspiring. Her hair was smooth and fell around her shoulders. She thought about braiding it, but couldn’t summon the energy.

  Reece would braid it for her. The thought popped into her head out of nowhere and she swiftly banished it. The thought of him combing his strong fingers through her hair and caring for her weakened her resolve to remain aloof from him.

  Really, it was for his protection as much as hers. She had a murdering stalker after her. It would be easy to forget that fact and focus on how much she was attracted to Reece, but that would be foolhardy and dangerous.

  There was nothing left for her to do but join Reece in the kitchen. She was starving.

  She ignored the little mocking voice in her head that warned she was just as starved for the sight of Reece as she was for the steak he’d promised her.

  Reece tracked Hannah’s movements through the sounds floating down the hallway. She was quiet but he had superior hearing. He’d rattled her earlier by going into the bathroom, but he’d been worried about her fainting or falling.

  Instead, she’d gotten her hackles up.

  He swallowed hard and gave the large pan full of mushrooms and onions a quick stir. Now he knew what she looked like naked. And it was better than any fantasy he’d ever had.

  Her red hair was much darker when it was wet. Her breasts were high and firm, her waist slender, and her hips curved just right. She looked a little too thin, but he didn’t know if that was natural for her or if she’d missed a few meals lately.

  A werewolf, even a half-breed, needed a lot more calories to maintain normal body function. Their metabolism ran faster and they used the energy for shifting and healing. Not that Hannah could shift, but she was healing.


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