Fate and Destiny

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Fate and Destiny Page 10

by Claire Collins

  “Shadow found her lying against a rock at the edge of the property by the road. I thought she was dead until I saw her breathing.”

  “Good. Now we’re getting somewhere. Destiny, how did you end up next to the rock?”

  “Those men who were here when you arrived kidnapped me. Doug, the big guy, drove me up here from a private airport and I think he pushed me out of the truck.”

  “Kidnapping, huh?”

  Destiny expected to see suspicion when she looked at Matt’s face, into his eyes. Her heart sinking, she squeezed Andrew's hand tighter, imagining what life in prison for murder would be like. Instead of doubts, Matt’s clear brown eyes seemed sympathetic. The corner of his mouth quirked into a slight smile.

  “Destiny. Why is that ringing a bell? Ahh, I remember now. I recall an APB out of Vegas. Not to mention I’ve seen your face splashed on newscasts and in the paper.”

  He grinned at Andrew and Destiny.

  “Well, first things first, I’m going to step out to my car and have one of the boys do a nice little traffic stop on our friends in the snow truck. I have the feeling they don’t have a Colorado state permit to carry a concealed weapon.”

  Setting his coffee cup on the mantel over the fireplace, Matt stopped in front of Destiny on his way out. His fingers curled under her chin, lifting her face to meet his gaze.

  Resigned to her fate, Destiny wanted to let tears fall, but none welled to the surface. Her face was rubbery and unfeeling. She wanted to close down the shutters over her eyes, mind, and heart so she wouldn’t feel or hurt anymore. Matt’s voice came out softly as his eyes locked on hers. She had no doubts the trust genes in this family ran deep.

  “Destiny, if you are innocent, then you have nothing to worry about. From what I’ve already heard this morning, I know we can get you out of this. We just have to figure out how.”

  All she could do was nod. Matt left the cabin, taking Shadow with him. The dog ambling after him on three legs. Destiny and Andrew remained on the bed, his hand holding hers, his arm around her shoulders. Giving her another hug and stroking her hand, Andrew rose to refresh the black brew in their cups.

  So, a sheriff in the middle of nowhere believed her. Big deal. Judge, jury, and executioner in Vegas would fry her unless Charles and his cronies got to her first. They didn’t just want to pin the murder on her. They wanted her dead, and they were too close to finding her.

  “Thanks for not shooting me this time Destiny.” Andrew broke through her thoughts, trying to lighten her mood although his tone had an edge of irritation.

  “I told you to stay in the cellar. I guess that’s why Shadow sat at your side when I came back in. He was out of the line of fire over there.”

  Glancing her way, Andrew was surprised to see her cock her head at him, her brows furrowing together with anger. Her face a mask of sheer determination.

  Speechless, his hand paused in midair with the scoop of powder that passed for creamer hanging over Destiny’s cup.

  “When my parents died, I hid and didn’t do a damn thing except cry. I did the same thing when Marcus died. I couldn’t sit down there in the dark, hiding, and scared while something happened to you because you were only trying to protect me. I heard Shadow up here making such a commotion and I knew you didn’t even have him with you. I wasn’t about to sit down there and cower.”

  Rising from the bed, Destiny pulled herself up to her full height, shoulders back, head held high. Crossing her arms over her chest, brows still knitted together, anger seethed through her.

  “I won’t hide and cower anymore. I’ve lost too many times in my life. I’ve lost too many people. I can’t replace any of them and I can’t bring them back. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit by and watch while you are massacred when I could have done something about it!”

  Realizing his mouth gaped open and his eyebrows pointed to the ceiling, Andrew forced his face to regain its normal composure. Releasing the cream from the spoon and into the cup, stirring it together, he returned to the living room. Standing before her, his calm face gazing into her determined one. She uncrossed her arms to accept the cup he offered but her stance didn’t ease.

  “Destiny, I wasn’t completely unprotected out there. I have a Smith & Wesson in my pocket every time I leave, and I know how to use it. My grandfather was the sheriff here his whole life. He taught all five of his kids and fifteen grandkids how to shoot and hit the target. I know how to take care of myself. And you.”

  Easing himself to the bed, Andrew absentmindedly rubbed his fingers along his thigh over the gash.

  “On the other hand, if I have to worry about where you are and what you’re doing because you aren’t doing what I told you to do, then I can’t protect myself as well. From now on, I need you to do what I tell you to do. Not because I don’t think you are capable, but because I need to know where we stand so I know how to react to what’s happening.”

  Destiny’s posture eased, although the determination only grew stronger as she sat on the bed next to him, placing the cup on the floor.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll do what you tell me to do as much as I can, as long as you don’t try to lock me up anymore in dark holes in the ground. I need to be able to defend myself and help you at the same time.”

  Grinning at the spitfire he knew had been within her the whole time, Andrew stuck out his hand to shake hers.

  “It’s a deal. How about sealing it with a kiss?”

  Bending towards her, pulling her to him by her hand, he meant to casually brush his lips over hers. Instead, her free hand wrapped around the back of his head, her fingers stroking through the hair at his nape. Her mouth met his with fire, her tongue searing along the edges of his mouth before dipping in for a deeper taste. He met her claim with his own, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her in even closer. Heat simmered through his gut. The flame of passion competed within him against the fear of loss.

  Not once since hearing the truck idling up the road had he been concerned with his own safety. All thoughts strictly centered on protecting Destiny. Other than his family, Andrew had never even thought of willingly putting his life on the line to keep someone else from harm. He could picture her in his living room, snuggled on the couch next to him watching TV, in the kitchen sitting at the breakfast bar having coffee, in his bed sleeping soundly next to him. He could envision her in his house, filling every room with the light from her smile and the sound of her laughter. The images melded until it was no longer just her, him, and Shadow occupying the space, but children, several of them with brilliant green eyes and childish laughter and squeals of delight.


  Neither of them heard the door open and close. Matt finally cleared his throat to alert them to his presence.

  “Am I interrupting?”

  Amusement twinkled in the golden depths of his sharp brown eyes.

  “Should I go back out and knock?”

  Separating themselves from each other, sharing a lingering look, Andrew finally diverted his attention to Matt.

  “Could you? But it may take us awhile to answer the door since we are both injured. It may actually take us a couple of hours to get there, so be patient.”

  Ignoring Andrew’s request, Matt resumed his position in the chair.

  “Yeah, buddy, you are the funny one aren’t you? I guess this is why you weren’t trying too hard to get out of here. Although, I can’t say I blame you. Knowing my luck, if I found a woman in a snowstorm in a secluded cabin, she’d be five hundred pounds, a face like Medusa, and the personality of a pit bull. No offense Shadow.”

  The dog thumped his tail, rolled his eyes at Matt, and then stretched out for his morning nap.

  “Anyway,” Matt continued, “if you two can control yourselves for a few minutes. I’d like to know what we can do here. I made another call into the station while I was out there. Doreen pulled up the criminal warrant for Destiny. Seems they are trying to stick you with homicide, embezzlement, and forgery.
Bunch of minor offenses like trespassing. Sounds like someone turned over a ton of evidence to make the case against you pretty strong.”

  Worry flooded over Destiny.

  “Did you tell Doreen I was here?”

  Smiling, Matt shook his head.

  “Nah, she didn’t ask and I didn’t tell. She only knows what she needs to know. I’m going to do some checking when I get back down to town and I will probably have her help me, but don’t worry. Doreen can be trusted. She would do anything for Andrew.”

  Destiny glanced from Matt to Andrew, one eyebrow raised. “An old girlfriend?”

  Both men erupted into laughter. Andrew took a moment to contain himself.

  “Forgot all about the mess you’re in for a little jealousy? What if she was an old girlfriend? You going to hike into town to kick her ass or something? I’m flattered to know you care so much for me.”

  The look on her face stopped his teasing.

  “Okay, honey, calm down. Doreen is Matt’s little sister. The baby of the group. She followed us around as soon as she learned to crawl. Her first word was Andrew, although it sounded more like Dew. Matt and I spent our entire years in high school keeping her out of trouble. She owes me big and she adores me anyway. If she let any of this out, I’d hike down there myself and kick her ass.”

  Taking his cup from the mantel, discovering it had grown cold, Matt ventured to the kitchen to refresh it. Although he had seen many women and girls completely head over heels for Andrew, Matt had never seen his cousin return those feelings.

  This one was different. Destiny’s voice flowed with concern as Matt settled back into the chair. She kept her eyes downcast on her lap. Refusing to let either of them see her fear and acceptance.

  “So do you arrest me now? Lock me up until you can ship me back there?”

  “No. As far as I’m concerned, I thought I saw someone who fit the bill for the warrant, but I didn’t have sufficient proof to make the arrest. You will stay here in Andrew’s care while I see what’s really going on. I think those two in the truck are going to be the biggest clues. If I can’t arrest them for anything, or detain them, they will probably be back. What will you do then?”

  Andrew steeled himself against his cousins concern.

  “We will fight for our lives if we have to. Neither of us plans to go down easy. With the newswires out, I don’t think it’s safe to take her to California. Someone would see her picture on TV and we’d have law enforcement all over us. I don’t think I could sway them as easily as I did you.”

  “Well at least come down into town and stay with me or Doreen. Someplace where you aren’t alone.”

  Andrew was shaking his head before Matt even stopped speaking.

  “You know that won’t work. If this goes bad, we can’t bring any of the family down with us for harboring a fugitive. Especially you. Your career and life would be ruined. What woman will ever want you then? You can’t find a good one now even with the respect and authority you have.”

  Matt puffed out his chest in mock annoyance. Rising from the chair, he delivered his empty cup to the kitchen sink.

  “Just so you know, I have no problem finding women. I find them all over. Drunk in their cars, being beat by their husbands, seeking me out as a paycheck with medical insurance. For your information, I just haven’t found one I wanted to keep. You are right about one thing though. It would be a risk to anyone who knew she was here, but any of us would gladly take that chance for both of you.”

  He looked pointedly at Destiny, who returned his gaze with awe and disbelief.

  “I gotta get going. Who knows how many lawbreakers are out there running rampant while I’m up here socializing.”

  Moving to Andrew, Matt gave his cousin’s shoulder a comforting squeeze.

  “I’m going to bring you a two way radio so you can get a hold of me if you need me. And while you’re here, you better get down to see Grandma. You know she will drop a ton of guilt on you if you don’t visit. She already knows you’re here.”

  Grinning mischievously, he winked at Destiny before directing his attention to her. Taking her hands in his, he bent to look through her eyes into her heart.

  “Everything will be okay. In this family, we stand united and don’t let each other down. You take care of yourself and this big oaf too.”

  He gestured his head towards Andrew, his gaze unwavering.

  “Give me just a little time to get this all straight, and please try not to shoot him again unless it’s absolutely necessary. On second thought, try not to do it even then. Maybe I better just take the rifle with me and remove any temptation?”

  Destiny almost laughed. So, this is what family felt like. She wanted to immerse herself in these people and never leave. Matt wrapped his arms around her in a friendly and protective hug. It was Andrew’s turn to fight the twinge of his own jealousy as his cousin embraced Destiny.

  Lenny didn’t intend to drive back to DeMont without the body of Destiny as his prize. Something about the cabin with the noisy dog tickled at the back of his mind. They would have gotten a lot farther if that damn sheriff hadn’t come snooping around. The grumbling in his stomach interrupted his thoughts, drawing his attention away from determining what it was about the cabin and the man that bothered him. Just on the edge of town, a diner sat under a flashing neon sign boasting the best food and last stop to eat for the next eighty miles. Doug hadn’t said a single word since they arrived at the cabin. If anything, he looked a little green around the eyes.

  “Hey, dummy, I’m hungry. We’re gonna stop in here and get something to eat. What’s wrong with you anyway?”

  “That was a close one Lenny. That cop could’ve figured out we had something to do with that girl disappearing. Cops are pretty smart about stuff like that.”

  “Shit. I haven’t met a cop yet smarter than me. Bunch of donut eating, coffee drinking, overweight slobs who sit on their butts in cars all day. Especially out here in the middle of nowhere. Little dinky town like this probably doesn’t even have its own law. They just ride on the state patrol and county sheriff departments to get by. There’s no crime here. These people are so dumb they sit around with their doors unlocked, just waiting for someone like me to come along and take what I want. By the time any of these hicks got the cops out there, I’d be long gone with their money, jewelry, and daughters. Whatever I wanted.”

  Pulling into a parking space right in front, Lenny’s smugly superior attitude rose even higher.

  “Doug, look over there at that girl. She’s about… what? Twenty-two? Twenty-three? Long legs, long hair, big boobs. I’d love to get her to Vegas and into a club. She would draw in some money.”

  The woman under scrutiny walked across the parking lot and into the diner, waving to a waitress before taking a seat at the counter. Doug glanced at her, but was too sick to his stomach to pay much attention. Not that he paid much attention to women anyway. They never seemed to like him much. Usually, they looked more frightened than interested when he tried to talk to them. Lenny on the other hand, stared at her even as they exited the truck and headed towards the twin glass doors.

  “Yep, take a woman like that out of this hellhole and show her the good life. Let her get a taste of money and expensive things. Maybe hook her up with a few mood inducers, nail her a couple of times, then bam! She’s on the stage, topless and begging for more.”

  Doug’s stomach rolled. He didn’t want to eat. He didn’t want to think about the girl. He didn’t even want to be a part of any of this to start with. He just wanted to get out of town and as far away from the mountain and Lenny as he could. He wanted to go home. Not Vegas, but home. Spend time with his mom. Get an honest job doing construction again.

  The thoughts soothed him. His gut settled until he looked up to open the door and caught sight of Lenny’s infatuation. Her long hair hung just like Destiny’s. She was shaped similar too. Curvy and leggy, but not as tall. Doug gagged, sucking in air and looking away from the c

  Every time he thought of Destiny, he imagined she wasn’t dead when he pushed her from the truck. Very much alive but lost and disoriented. Falling victim to wild animals and freezing on that cold lonely mountain all by herself. Visions of finding her mutilated body flooded through his head again. The same images haunting him since DeMont told them to come back here and find her.

  Lenny led the way to a corner table with a clear view of the profile of the girl at the counter. Doug scooted into the bench with his back to the girl while Lenny sat across from him to enjoy the view. Clearing the nightmare of finding Destiny out of his mind, Doug suddenly realized he hated Lenny. Hated him with a passion. Lenny was cold and heartless. Doug wanted to wrap his massive hands around Lenny’s neck and squeeze until his eyes bugged out. Even better, get one hand around Lenny’s neck and the other around Charles DeMont’s. That thought made him smile, his stomach finally easing. Maybe he would be able to enjoy his breakfast after all.

  The waitress took their order while Lenny openly stared her up and down. Uncomfortable, the waitress turned more towards Doug to feel less naked in her uniform.

  Returning with plates of pancakes, ham, sausages, and eggs, the waitress swiftly unloaded the tray. A few moments later, she was back again to refill their coffee cups.

  “Oh man, the hot chick is coming over here.” Mouth full of food, Lenny almost choked out the words to Doug. Wiping a piece of Lenny’s spittle from his cheek, Doug looked up, his unbelieving eyes proving Lenny right. She was beautiful. Large deep brown twinkling eyes, perfect lips set in a friendly smile. She actually looked right at him and the smile didn’t waver. The twinkle didn’t disappear. She didn’t seem to be scared of him at all. She floated right up to the table next to him.

  “Hi guys! I saw your truck as I was getting ready to leave. Are you the ones who just cleared off Millers Mountain Road?”

  Dumbfounded and awed, all Doug could do was nod. Lenny, as usual, was not at a loss for words.

  “Yeah, that would be me. You live up there or something?”

  “No, my cousin does and we were worried about him because no one heard from him since before the storm came in. My brother followed you up there and called back down to let me know the road was clear and everything was okay up that way. I just wanted to thank you. That storm was a doozy. Took us all by surprise that it was so intense. Anyway, it was nice of you to clear that pass out. Well, I really gotta get back to work. Nice talking to you.” Turning on her heel, she breezed to the doorway, Doug turned to watch her go. The waitress and several diners calling out, “Bye Doreen! See you later.”


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