Blaze (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 5)

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Blaze (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 5) Page 9

by Piper Stone

  “Just a few more yards. Okay? I know something is here.”

  After a few seconds, he nodded. “But I lead.”

  “Okay.” The moment she took a step, she heard what had to be laughter. Anger turned to rage. She loathed hunters and all they stood for. Clenching her fists, she continued to follow him until the smell became stronger. She knew the copper scent, could tell the kill was fresh. Tears welled in her eyes even though she had no idea the animal who’d been destroyed, killed for nothing more than flesh and food.

  “Wait here. Just for a minute,” Boone whispered. “Please.”

  The look in his eyes was terrifying enough. Nodding, she hugged her arms, a chill taking over every inch of her body.

  He advanced, moving out of sight.

  She could do this. She could follow his orders. Until she heard a sharp cry. His cry.

  “Boone?” She raced forward, unconcerned for her own safety. The moment she saw his slumped shoulders, she could tell he was crying. “Boone?”

  “Don’t! Don’t come any closer.” His cry was riddled with terror.

  “Boone. What?” Refusing to obey, refusing to stop, she darted in his direction. When she looked in the direction of his gaze, she broke into tears. “No!”

  Chapter 5

  I don’t care that this isn’t an emergency to your department. You have an obligation to find the motherfucker who did this.” Boone’s voice remained rattled, full of rage. He paced the floor, the phone in his hand. Anger and adrenaline kept his body shaking, his mind reeling. The gunshot had been more telling than he’d wanted to admit. A quick glance to the kitchen table was all he needed to fuel the fire burning within, Stasha hadn’t been able to stop crying. After the brutal discovery, they’d doubled back, grabbing the horses. He’d raced through the woods, Blaze moving with ease over the fallen debris, but had only managed to catch a glimpse of the truck leaving the scene.

  He’d seen enough to be able to hunt them down.

  “Boone. There’s only so much we can do. I have a crew going up there to collect the carcass.”

  “This isn’t the first slaughter, is it?” he asked, keeping his voice low.

  The sheriff hesitated. “What does that mean?”

  “I’ve heard stories. Ranchers in Billings are terrified.”

  “They’re just stories, Boone. We have no corroborating evidence.”

  He heard the sheriff’s voice, could tell there was some concern, but not enough. He could also tell the man was lying. “Sheriff James, you will find the person responsible. As you can imagine, the press will be interested in learning certain details.”

  “Don’t you dare threaten me, boy.”

  “Boone!” Stasha admonished.

  Boone clenched his fist. “There’s no threat, Sheriff. I think we both want to get to the bottom of this.” Yeah, he’d crossed the line, but his experiences with a similar situation in Texas hadn’t ended well for anyone involved. There was enough of a putrid stench to indicate additional dead animals.

  Or worse.

  “That’s good to hear,” the sheriff said after a full minute. “While this is a tragedy, the last thing I need is for some cowboy to go off half-cocked. I have a very capable team who will investigate. Let it go.”

  As if he could.

  “Okay, now, can you tell me anything else that you noticed or heard?” Sheriff James asked, this time his voice encapsulated with concern.

  “I told you before. Twice now. After the gunshot, we heard two male voices. Laughter. Then we heard a large truck leaving. They meant to leave the poor baby in a heavily wooded portion of the forest near an abandoned house. They meant for the horse to die. Do you get it?”

  The sheriff sighed. “I get it, Boone. I really do, and this is a horrible situation. There are a hell of a lot of questions in my mind as to why anyone would bother dumping a horse so far out. Plenty of other places to bury the evidence.”

  This was true enough. “I get that. There’s always a reason.”

  “Yeah, sadly there is. A deputy is on his way. Just tell him everything you know, no matter how insignificant.”

  “Sure,” Boone gripped the counter, staring out the back window.

  “We will get to the bottom of this. I promise you. Okay?”

  “Right. I just hope another horse doesn’t lose its life in the process.” Ending the call, he slammed his phone down on the table. “Goddamn asshole.”

  Stasha lifted her head from her hands. “He’s just doing his job. Nobody cares about a dead horse. Nobody.”

  Swallowing hard, he envisioned the dying creature and his heart continued to race. He’d seen a lot of shit in his life, but this was barbaric on every level. “We will find out who did this. I swear to you that we will.”

  She nodded as she took a gulp of her drink.

  He could see her hand was still shaking, her entire body slumped against the chair.


  Stasha yelped when he slammed his hand on the table. Looking up, her lower lip quivered. “Who would do something so horrible? Who?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t answer that at all. Some asshole.” He continued to pace the floor. “Fits the fucking shit going on.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Hissing, he wrapped his hand around his glass, taking a huge gulp as he tried to figure out why he’d blurted out anything of the nature. What little the captain had told him didn’t mean there was a pattern. However, his red flags were raised.

  “What, Boone? What are you talking about?”

  “Look, there have been some reports of horses being stolen, the ranches burned to the ground. No one knows what’s going on but the information coming in suggests the issue is statewide. I don’t know any details and the sheriff certainly doesn’t want to talk about what he’s learned, which quite frankly, leads me to believe there is a connection.”

  “Why would anyone kill a horse? The stallion seemed perfectly healthy from what I could tell.”

  “Unwanted for some reason. Horse thieves generally sell them to a higher bidder for racing or breeding. I’ve seen it happen on the circuit a few times.”

  “But to burn down a ranch?” Stasha asked, her tone stilted. “What’s the point?”

  Boone exhaled. “That’s the big question here.”

  She tossed her head back, her face ashen. “I will kill the motherfucker when I find him. Them. There were two of them who did this. You heard them laughing. They planned the kill. They took that horse out to those woods to slaughter him. Why? Why?”

  He moved around the table, crouching down beside her. “I don’t know. I wish I had answers. I just don’t know.”

  Her face contorted, she wiped away her tears as she gulped for air. “I thought I found a better place to live coming here. I was wrong.”

  “You weren’t wrong. There are some amazing people in Missoula.” Taking her hand, he attempted to find any words that would be comforting. “You and I know there’s a hell of a lot of bad shit in this world and there’s no amount of faith or understanding to be able to make sense of the wretched deeds. There are also amazing people who stop at nothing to give back. I learned that the day I moved here. You just have to believe.”

  A nervous laugh was followed by a slight smile as she cupped his cheek. “I appreciate that you’re trying to make me feel better.” She eased back and had a faraway look in her eyes. “When I was practicing in San Francisco, I was forced to deal with the most horrible abuses. I never thought people in such an amazing city could be so terrible, but I was wrong.”

  He remained where he was, able to see such horror in her eyes.

  “One night, I had a call, an emergency and I was the vet on duty. We took turns for the emergency situations. There were no details except that a puppy was close to death.” She closed her eyes, her mouth sagging. “What I witnessed that night, the horror, was the very night I realized how much I hated human beings. The poor puppy. The screams, the constant sad yelping wil
l never leave me.”

  “What happened?”

  Her hand shook as she wiped her eyes, the tears continuing, streaming down her face. “Some asshole put the little fur ball of love on a gas grill. They fucking burned him on purpose!” She gripped his hand, her fingers digging in and gulped air. “I’d never experienced anything… anything like this. I just had no idea, but I worked. I tried. I used everything I could to save that sweet little baby.”


  She dropped her head, sobbing for a few seconds then sucked in her breath. “I managed to save him. I don’t know how, maybe by some grace of God, but I did. I stayed at the hospital with him for five days. That little face, so helpless and so loving.”

  Boone exhaled and kissed her palm. “That’s because you’re a wonderful person. Did he survive?”

  Nodding several times, she darted a glance in his eyes. “He did and by some miracle, he recovered pretty well. He lost one leg. The burns were so severe, but he was a fighter and a little spitfire. The entire team adopted him. I miss that little tyke.”

  “What happened to the monster who did this?”

  Laughing, she pressed the back of her hand against her mouth. “The authorities caught the guy. The kid was barely over eighteen, but the bastard didn’t serve a day. Not a day.”

  “That’s unbelievable. I don’t understand.” He had no idea how to comfort her.

  “Some glitch or something. I never found out the details. I was too angry. Enraged. So, I did what I had to do.”

  “What does that mean?”

  She gave him a single smile. “Let’s just say, he will never hurt another animal again.”

  Boone whistled. “Lady, you’re tough. But, honey you’re not taking matters into your own hands with this. Do you understand me?”

  “I don’t have people I can count on here, so don’t worry.”

  “We don’t know exactly what’s going on. Let the sheriff’s office work on this.”

  “Sure. That’s all we can do, right?”

  The woman had a hardened shell and while she had damn good reasons, he could tell she was hiding so much about her past. How in the hell was he supposed to break through her padlocked box?

  “I’m sorry. You didn’t need to hear that. I just have a terrible feeling that whatever is going on is connected to the Rodeo Association. I know they’re mistreating the animals.”

  Lifting an eyebrow, he knew damn good and well she wasn’t going to let this go. “And why would you think that?”

  “Gut feeling. Between Gerald Butler’s attitude and the warnings, there’s something not right about the organization. I think they’ve been drugged to perform. I know, don’t say it. That usually only happens with race horses, but I saw some of them. Something wasn’t right.”

  “That sounds farfetched to me, but you’re the expert. However, I suggest you make certain you tell the deputy whatever you think might be going on. If there is any connection, he needs to know in order to work a full investigation.”

  “I’m not ready. I don’t want to tip my hand.”

  Giving her a commanding look, he shook his head. “Nancy Drew you aren’t. You can’t play around with this. You pissed somebody off and now you’re in danger. That shit you did today could have gotten you killed. Tread lightly, Doctor. I think we know what these monsters are capable of and I don’t want to lose you.” The feel of her skin against his fingers was a powerful draw and for a few seconds, nothing else mattered. There were no fears or concerns, no evil creatures lurking in the shadows, merely a moment shared.

  Stasha leaned forward in her chair until their lips were only a couple inches apart. “This can’t happen.”

  He tilted his head, considering her words. “I know.” Pressing his lips against hers, he was unable to shove away his desire, a deep-seated longing that pushed him past any level of rationality. Gripping her neck, he tugged her forward, allowing the kiss to become a roar of passion. His head was foggy, words and thoughts drifting in and out of his rational mind.

  Clinging to him, she whimpered, the sound floating between them as she darted her tongue inside his mouth. Every move was tentative, full of trepidation and she remained shaking.

  Boone pulled her into a standing position and slipped his arms around her waist, easing her off her feet. The kiss became passionate, their teeth gnashing together, the sounds guttural.

  She tugged at his shirt, yanking it from the waistband of his jeans and slid her hands underneath.

  Electric jolts shot through every cell in his body, creating a wave of heat. He rubbed his hands up and down her back as he ground his groin against her stomach. The friction was killing him. Easing her down, he panted as he stared into her eyes.

  Fisting his shirt, she gave him a lust filled smile, her breath ragged.

  “By all rights I should plant you over my knee and give you the spanking of your life.”

  “Why?” she challenged, a slight smile curling on her lip.

  “Because you scared me to death. That shit is never going to happen again. You got it?”

  “Yes, sir.” Fumbling with his buttons, she gave him a saucy wink. “A spanking, huh?”

  “Hard. With my hand and my belt.”

  Stasha darted a glance down to his belt, licking her lips. “I like a powerful man.”

  “Don’t tease me or else.”

  “Maybe I want to find out what you’ll do.”

  Even the expression on her face was far too tempting. Boone took a step back and wrangled with his shirt, yanking the material up and off his shoulders. Giving her no time, he grabbed a handful of her T-shirt, removing it within seconds.

  She gasped but her hands moved to his belt buckle, her hands moving deftly as she unfastened it, slipping the leather from the first loop. “I like a challenge.”

  “You’re going to learn you’re not the one giving orders.” Dear God, the woman was driving him insane. His lust fueling his every move, he slipped both straps of her bra down her arms, revealing her voluptuous breasts. Grunting, he cupped both, fingering her nipples until they became rock hard.

  After sliding her hand inside his jeans and underwear, she wrapped her fingers around his shaft, squeezing as she purred, “God, I want you.”

  “Be careful what you ask for.” Bending at the knee, he opened his mouth wide, engulfing her aureole, sucking on her tender tissue, his tongue dragging back and forth.

  “Oh!” Tipping her head back, she moaned, her eyelids flitting open and closed. She pumped the base of his cock, moving her hand in a semi-circle.

  His balls were swollen, aching and he needed to shove his dick deep inside. He bit down on her nipple and pinched the other, twisting and pulling as her body undulated against his.

  She shoved at his jeans, pushing them down past his waist, exposing his throbbing cock. She continued rubbing, pumping all the way up to his cockhead, her index finger sliding across his sensitive slit.

  “Shit.” Panting, he tossed his head back as the sensations jabbed into his tense muscles, shooting stars into his periphery of vision. When he could no longer feel her hands, he realized she’d removed her bra as well as the rest of her clothes. Taken aback, his body continued to shake as he gazed down the length of her. His hunger off the charts, he laid her on the table, impaling her pussy in one hard thrust.

  “Oh, God.” Whimpering, she planted the palms of her hands on the table and curled her legs around his hips.

  Leaning over, they locked eyes as he plunged into her cunt in long, even drives. His breath was scattered, and his legs were on fire. The feel of her, the dazzling wetness was incredible, and her pussy muscles clenched around the thick invasion, drawing him in deeper.

  Stasha craned her neck, allowing their lips to just touch, a soft whisper, then darted her tongue around his lips.

  Every touch became more intense until he was moving in an almost desperate frenzy, skin slapping against skin.

  Arching her back, her head lolled,
and she opened her legs wider, the move forcing a shift in the angle. “Fuck! So tight.”

  “Mmm…” Boone picked up the pace, harder, faster until he was unable to breathe. He wanted her to come, to experience the same level of bliss. When she closed her eyes, her mouth going slack, he knew she was close. “Come for me.”

  “I…” Swallowing, she exhaled, the sound exaggerated.

  He pushed her all the way down and yanked her ass off the table then placed his hands on either side of her head. “Come for me.” Thrusting in and out, the rhythm was frantic, crazed as his adrenaline rushed through every vein. There was no way he was going to be able to hold back.

  She lifted her legs up and back, offering him every inch. When she opened her eyes, she remained unblinking. Beads of perspiration remained on the top of her lip and she kept her mouth open to a perfect ‘O’.

  “I said… Come for me!”

  “Yes, sir.” Her legs began to shake, and her eyes rolled back as she jerked up from the table. “Oh…”

  His calves tensed, anguish shooting up along the back of his legs. A single growl erupted from his mouth as the orgasm jetted up from his toes. “Yes. Yes!”

  “I… Boone!”

  He could feel her sweet juices flowing as her cunt muscles constricted and he lost it, exploding deep inside. “Fuck!” Every muscle remained prickling, his vision dulled, and he never wanted this to end. When he stopped shaking, he dropped his head and leaned over, his chest heaving. “Damn.”

  Purring, she brushed the tips of her fingers down his chest, swirling circles and zigzags. “That was… amazing.”

  Boone wiped his mouth then kissed her lips, his whisper commanding, “But you deserve that lesson.”

  “What?” Her voice sounded lazy, laced with satisfaction.

  “You heard me.” Easing back, he brushed both hands through his hair before turning her over onto her stomach and patting her ass.

  “What are you doing?”

  He pressed his hand against the small of her back. “Teaching you a lesson.”


  “No time like the present, lady. Grip the edge of the table and stay in position.”


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