Desert Kings Boxed Set: The Complete Series Books 1-6

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Desert Kings Boxed Set: The Complete Series Books 1-6 Page 34

by Jennifer Lewis

  “That’s wonderful!” chimed in Sam. “I’m so glad you agreed to design it, Ronnie. I know it means a lot to Zadir.”

  Ronnie turned to look at Zadir, who snuck her a little blue-eyed glance that made her want to slap him—or kiss him—she wasn’t sure which.

  “I haven’t agreed to anything yet. I’ll have to see how my schedule is looking in the upcoming months.”

  “Which means she needs to know if she’s getting the presidential library commission or not.” Zadir raised a brow. “I hope you don’t think I torched the plane myself in a fiendish attempt to derail your prospects.”

  “That’s one thing that hadn’t occurred to me.” Ronnie looked at him archly. “Now I’m not so sure.” She sipped her drink and watched his expression of amusement turn to one of concern. “But the truth is I could probably do both. If I enjoyed air travel, of course. Lately, that hasn’t been going so well for me. Or, as I said to Sam, maybe Zadir is bad luck.” She looked right at Zadir as she said it and saw the flash of a smile cross his mouth.

  “You could be forgiven for thinking that. If I was a forgiving type of man.”

  “And you’re not?” She raised a brow. This conversation was getting entirely too flirtatious for a public dinner conversation! How did Zadir manage to wind her up like this?

  “I absolutely am. I can forgive a beautiful woman almost anything.”

  Ronnie felt her face heat. She shouldn’t let this cheesy flattery suck her in. “Does he always talk like this?” She looked at Sam.

  “No.” Sam smiled knowingly. “In fact, I haven’t seen him flirt with anyone the whole time I’ve been here.”

  Ronnie was both touched and alarmed. Was Zadir really serious about her? He’d gone to so much trouble to bring her here on the basis of a brief and tumultuous acquaintance. Now they knew each other better, him liking her didn’t seem so outlandish, but still, he was a king, or soon would be….

  She decided to change the subject. “It’s interesting that you’re all so Westernized. Why did your family decide to send you abroad for school?”

  “It’s not unusual in this region. Our father went to Harrow and Sandhurst, in England, before returning here to wear long robes and smoke a hookah for the rest of his life. I suppose it’s considered sensible to learn the ways of the outside world, before deciding whether to embrace it or retreat from it.”

  “And which camp do you all fall into?”

  “Since I’m not sure any of us except Osman would have even come back here if it wasn’t for our father’s will, you can probably guess,” said Amahd. “Early on I developed a passion for business and for making things happen. Moving back to another century where deals are made in camel loads didn’t appeal to me too much.”

  “Even I was seduced by the easy freedoms of the West.” Osman sipped from his glass. “I liked that you could decide on a goal—any goal, really—and go out and achieve it. Here, you’re generally born into a wealthy family, or you’re destined to live your life as a shoemaker or a baker or a potter, depending on what your father did.

  “In a way it’s funny that your father was a king, and now you’re all going to be kings.” Sam smiled. “How very Ubarite.”

  “True.” Osman smiled at Sam. Ronnie could see the love in his expression and it touched her. “But I’m looking forward to opening up a world of opportunity for our people. We need more teachers, more accountants, more journalists, and certainly more documentary producers.”

  Sam smiled back. “More restaurants might be nice, and maybe a theater with actors and singers and musicians. I miss going out in the evening for entertainment.”

  “And I think we need some sports,” said Amahd. “Cricket or polo or football. And tennis. People don’t run around enough here.”

  “That could be due to the high temperatures,” said Sam.

  “Nonsense. We’ll build more swimming pools for them to jump into.” Amahd looked more enthusiastic than Ronnie had seen him yet. “And I plan to bring a tent-pegging team to the world games. It’s a sport unique to our region and Ubar should be represented.”

  “What is it?” asked Ronnie.

  “It’s a mounted contest,” said Amahd. “Where the competitors perform feats of horsemanship once commonly used in battle. The namesake activity involves riding into your enemy’s camp on horseback and pulling their tent pegs so their housing collapses and they’re trapped while you….” He paused, as if pondering what they would do.

  “Run off with their camels,” finished Zadir helpfully. “It involves stuff like throwing spears from a horse and galloping through various tasks at breakneck speed like a complete lunatic.”

  “It’s a lot of fun.” Osman grinned.

  “Babe, do you really need to fall off a horse again?” Sam pretended to look concerned. “Remember what happened last time.”

  “Absolutely.” He looked at her lovingly. “Last time I got knocked unconscious and you whispered a secret that woke me right up. I’ll never forget that moment as long as I live.”

  Sam blinked, and they held hands across the table. It was heartwarming to see such a happy couple.

  “Do you ride, Ronnie?” Zadir looked curious.

  “Strangely enough, I do. For some reason everyone assumes that African-Americans can’t ride, but I took lessons when I was in boarding school. I even leased a thoroughbred mare called Wishes for a while when I was about fifteen. I love to jump.”

  Zadir’s grin could have lit up a room. He looked at his brothers. “See? I told you she was perfect.”

  Ronnie blinked. This gave her a weird feeling that she was his intended bride, and that he’d discussed this with them. Was she supposed to just sit here like she accepted that and was happy about it? Right now she was proud and scared and excited and all kinds of confused.

  “There’s really nothing perfect about me.” She tried to pretend that he hadn’t just implied she was perfect for him. “I’m a workaholic, for one thing. I have to exercise every day or I get stressed out. And I tend to fall asleep in movies.”

  They all laughed. “I suspect you fall asleep in movies because you’re so busy working that you don’t sleep.”

  “You’ll have to watch one of Sam’s films.” Osman topped up Ronnie’s glass. “I wouldn’t have thought I’d enjoy a documentary, but she captures all these intriguing details and always manages to build in some kind of plot to keep you on the edge of your seat.”

  “I’d love to. As long as there isn’t a big shoot-out or a high-speed car chase. Those are when I go under.” She smiled. She really liked these people. Which was weird, considering that she’d been practically kidnapped and brought here, and now she was being held hostage due to the unrest.

  “Let’s watch one after dinner.” Sam suggested. “I don’t think even Osman has seen my film about the man who kayaked up the Nile.”

  “He sounds like a madman.” Osman lifted a brow.

  “In the best possible way. I think you’ll like him.”

  They finished the delicious multicourse dinner, then retired to a comfortable and high-tech screening room, where Ronnie stayed wide awake for every second of the unusual travelogue. Not just because Zadir sat right next to her and the feel of his big body nestled up against hers threatened to boil her blood. The film was funny and full of surprises, and Sam entertained them with anecdotes from the filming, which had involved the crew following behind him in an ancient boat with a quirky motor.

  Damn. I’m actually having fun.

  She couldn’t think of a time when she’d had a more enjoyable evening. And this on a day in which she’d participated in a white-knuckle car chase across the desert, seen a jet go up flames, and realized she wasn’t going to shake hands with the president this week.

  Zadir had a lot to answer for, yet she had to admit it felt pretty darn good being right here, next to him on this comfortable sofa, laughing along with the goofy anecdotes of a strange man from Iowa and his kayak. He didn’t let language
barriers stop him from making friends or unexpected setbacks deter him from his goal.

  “That was pretty inspiring,” she admitted, after the credits had rolled.

  “Isn’t it? I tell you, at times none of us thought he was going to make it. Especially during that afternoon where his boat started filling with water and the crocodiles circled around him. He never stopped believing, though. He made it happen.”

  Osman kissed her on the cheek. “You made it happen, beautiful. You were the producer.”

  “I helped.” She smiled at her husband. “And I felt privileged to give him a chance to tell his story.”

  “I’m off to bed.” Amahd rose to his feet. “Early phone meeting with someone who could help us overhaul our security.”

  “Me too.” Osman fondled Sam’s hair. “Tomorrow is the last day before we make divorce legal. It could be interesting.” They stood and kissed each other softly on the lips—as if no one else was there—then bid their good nights and headed off.

  Leaving Ronnie and Zadir alone in the screening room, with the distributor logo still glowing on the big screen.

  “So. I guess we should go to bed, too.” Ronnie stretched awkwardly, trying not to brush against Zadir and ignite a brushfire in her nervous system.

  “Yes.” He turned off the equipment with a remote. Then he turned and looked at her. The soulful expression in his dark blue eyes stole her breath. “I’d like to sleep with you.”

  She swallowed. She wasn’t supposed to be here right now. She should be safely back in the Japanese platform bed that hovered elegantly over the reclaimed wood floor of her loft bedroom.

  He took her hands in his. “I’d like to sleep with you on purpose. Not because we became overcome by passion or tried to seize a few gasps of life because we thought we were about to die. I’d like to sleep with you because although I’m sorry you’re still here, I’m also glad, because I really enjoy your company.”

  She realized when he stopped speaking that she’d been holding her breath the whole time, terrified he’d say he loved her or some other too-much-too-soon or over-the-top and phony proclamation.

  But he didn’t. He said that he wanted them to be together—deliberately.

  “I’d like that.”

  He smiled just enough for her to see that cute dimple appear near his mouth. “Then let’s go to bed.”


  Ronnie had noticed before that her room had a door linking it to Zadir’s suite next door. Up until now she’d been glad that door had remained firmly closed. Now, however, she watched him unlock it with growing anticipation.

  His furnishings were elegant and modern, like the ones in her room, and made for an intriguing contrast with the old world details of the room such as the mosaic floor and arched windows. A large lantern with a thousand tiny cutouts scattered light over the walls and the ceiling, which was painted dark blue with a scrolling pattern of gold lines.

  It was amazing she could still notice architectural details. Zadir held her hand in his, and her body, already overstimulated by sitting next to him during the film, was approaching a dangerous level of excitement. Her supersensitive nipples pressed against her top, and heat gathered between her legs just walking across the room with him.

  His long robe swished around his powerful legs and the sash at his waist emphasized the inviting curve of his backside and the rolling movement of his hips. “Do you get hot wearing a long robe?”

  She tried not to think about how hot she was getting watching him wear it.

  “Not unless I’m looking at you.” He turned to her, and the soft look in his blue eyes melted her. “Then it’s very hard for me to stay cool, no matter what I’m wearing.”

  What a charmer! She really shouldn’t be taken in. Still, she felt a smile creep across her mouth. He could be so adorable. Her heart beat faster as he removed the sheathed dagger from his sash and placed it on a sleek side table. Then he pulled on one end of the sash and the whole thing unfurled in a flourish. She blinked as he then lifted the robe up over his head and threw it down over a chair.

  Her mouth fell open slightly at the sight of Zadir standing before her in a pair of well-fitting black briefs. This man had the finest body she’d ever seen in her life. Even though this wasn’t her first time laying eyes on it, the effect was intoxicating. He had the heavy, athletic build of a man who comes by it naturally rather than pumping it up with machines and steroids. Every part of him rippled with strength and power.

  “Now you’re wearing too many clothes.” His gaze drifted over her body, sending a rush of sensation from her breasts to her belly to her toes as his hot stare made them come alive.

  “For once, I think you’re right.” She lifted her hands to unbutton the back of her top, but he grabbed them and held her wrists softly.

  “Allow me.” His deep voice shivered through her. He turned her gently, and she could picture his big fingers gently manhandling the tiny button. Then he took the hem of her top and lifted it carefully over her head, easing her arm out one by one and smoothing it carefully over her hair.

  She heard his rough exhale from behind. “You’re so beautiful.” He traced a broad finger down her spine, from her shoulders to her waist. “Your body excites me so much.”

  She wanted to protest. Her body was gangly and awkward at best! But in Zadir’s arms she felt slim and lithe and sensual. He seemed to bring out a confidence in her own physique that she’d never felt before.

  From behind he slid his arms around her waist and unbuttoned her pants, while laying soft kisses on her neck. She writhed in his arms as he slid her pants down over her hips and thighs. “These long legs drive me crazy.” His mouth traced a hot trail of kisses down her back as he lowered her pants, and she stepped out of them. She wanted to protest that her legs were shapeless and too thin, but if he thought they were long and sexy, who was she to argue?

  Her breasts stirred as he unhooked her bra and lifted it gently away. A tiny breeze caught her hypersensitive nipples and almost made her gasp. “I can’t believe what a state you have me in already.” Her belly was jumping and shimmying as he splayed his fingers over it, preparing to remove her panties.

  “It’s nothing compared to the state you have me in.” She could hear his breathing grow heavier as he lowered her underwear and planted a kiss on each butt cheek. She couldn’t help smiling. She’d never experienced a man enjoying her body inch by inch like this before, and the sensation was wonderful.

  He proved his point when he spun her gently around and she could see his erection poking impatiently against his briefs. “I think we’d better get those off.” She fumbled with the waistband, her fingers tripping over each other at the touch of his skin and the sight of that seductive trail of dark hair below his bellybutton.

  She felt her own breathing quicken as she pulled the briefs down over his sturdy thighs and strong calves. She’d never thought she’d be attracted to such a big, sexy man. In her rare attempts to imagine her perfect partner, she’d visualized someone slim and intellectual—like herself, really—not a sturdy hunk of athletic manhood like Zadir Al Kilanjar.

  She could now see that she was way more attracted to the thick, masculine body that stood before her. Her insides already rippled in anticipation of the pleasure they were about to feel. There was something strangely liberating about the fact that they’d chosen to make love.

  Zadir knelt before her and pressed his mouth to her sex. She gasped at the feel of his cool tongue against her burning hot flesh. If his big hands hadn’t been holding her hips she might have fallen backward in surprise. He flicked his tongue over her, sending jolts of electricity through her that threatened to make her crumble to the floor. “I think we’d better move to the bed,” she managed, worried that she might climax and lose control of her limbs before he even entered her.

  “Your wish is my command, my queen.” She blinked as he carried her to the bed. She might not have batted her eyes at some other man calling
her his queen, but from a future king the endearment took on an entirely different meaning.

  He laid her gently on the soft sheets, pulled a condom out of the nightstand, and rolled it on. Heat gathered between her legs as he grew closer. She’d never been this aroused in her life. Every inch of her craved the feel of this man inside her, filling her, holding her, kissing her, and loving her.

  Loving her? No one said anything about love. She tried to calm herself down, but it was impossible. Zadir eased into her, and her hips lifted to welcome him deep as her arms wrapped around his neck and her fingers crept into his thick hair.

  A long, low sigh escaped her as her muscles tightened around him. Her heart filled with emotion for this man who’d pursued her to the far side of the world and jumped through hoops to bring her here. He must have put hours and days of effort into bringing her to Ubar. And if all had gone according to plan she’d be on her way home by now, and her time with him only a memory.

  She was glad to still be here.

  The thought shocked her as it made no practical sense. Her work was her top priority, and the biggest commission of her life was in danger due to this man’s insistent demand that she join him here in Ubar. She should be angry and frustrated to be stuck here, unable to attend a meeting she’d dreamed about for ages.

  But right now she wouldn’t be anywhere else in the world. Zadir had treated her like a queen every moment she’d been with him. He’d been a hero for her in the Empty Quarter, the most gracious host imaginable, and now he was the most amazing and caring lover.

  He moved slowly, letting their bodies adjust and accommodate to each other. Their bellies touched, and her nipples rubbed deliciously against his hard chest. She could swear she could feel his heart beating through the thick muscle of his chest and that it kept the same time as her own insistent heartbeat.

  His mouth alternately caressed and plundered hers, and their tongues danced together. The feelings flowing through her right now were so powerful and all encompassing it was hard to imagine they could be described as simply lust. Her chest ached with…something…and her fingers pressed into his muscle, holding him as close as she could, not wanting to ever let go.


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