Naughty by Nature

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Naughty by Nature Page 4

by Brenda Hampton

  There was only one stylist left, so I headed back to my office and kicked off my shoes. I unbuttoned my tight jeans and undid a few buttons on my silk blouse so my breasts could breathe. Before soaking my feet, I reached for the phone to call Mackenzie. My sister, Leslie, and her kids had been living with me for three months. My condo sometimes didn’t feel like home and I hated to go there. She was never a good housekeeper and all the yelling and screaming at her kids drove me crazy. When she asked if she could live with me, I really didn’t want her to. Then, I’d thought about all the times I’d run to her when Jaylin and me had our problems. There was no way for me to tell her no. Since I had a tenant soon moving out of one of my apartments on the Southside, I told Leslie she could move there rent free. It seemed as if time wasn’t moving fast enough, but I had to bear with it.

  I called home and Leslie said that everyone was asleep. She sounded down for the count too, so I told her I’d be home soon and ended the call.

  Finally, the last customer was out, so I locked the door and changed into my white and black swimming suit. I put my hair in a ponytail and turned on the water jets to the Jacuzzi in one of my rooms. I dimmed the lights and sunk deep down into the water. I tightly closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the contoured headrest. With it already being Friday, seeing Jaylin was heavy on my mind. I didn’t know what I was going to say, how I would say it, or why I wanted to say anything. I recited my words over and over but they never seemed to come out right. I’d even skimmed over some notes I’d taken earlier, but I realized that they hadn’t made much sense. My stomach was tied in a knot, but I knew once I saw him that I’d soon be able to breathe.

  “I love you,” he said, standing over me.

  “I love you, too,” I responded back. “But, why’d you stay gone for so long.”

  “Because I needed time to get myself together, baby.” He touched the side of my face, as he sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi. “Now that I’ve thought about things, I’m ready for us to do this. I want you to be my wife.”

  Before I could respond, the sound of my cell phone ringing awakened me. I’d fallen asleep in the Jacuzzi and quickly reached for my phone.

  “Hello,” I snapped.

  “Can we talk about how you played me?”

  It was Spencer.

  “Spencer, I didn’t play you. Like I said, I didn’t think we clicked. That’s all.”

  “After I sucked your pussy the way I did, and now, you don’t think we clicked? That shit doesn’t sound right to me.”

  “Well, I didn’t ask you to suck my pussy. You took that upon yourself. Besides, don’t be mad, I returned the favor, didn’t I?”

  He was silent, and then calmed his tone. “Just give me another chance. Let me take you out tomorrow night.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “And why not?”

  “Because I don’t want you getting the wrong idea about us. Besides, I’m seeing somebody else right now.” I lied.

  The phone went dead, and I had a feeling that Spencer was going to be a problem for me. What was it that he didn’t understand? I said no, and as a matter of fact, I’d been saying no to a relationship with every man who’d come my way since my breakup with Jaylin. I guess I was kind of making them pay for what had gone down between us. Maybe I wasn’t feeling anybody else because my heart wouldn’t allow me to. Hell, I didn’t know, but it did make sense.

  I glanced at the clock on the wall and it showed 6:45 A.M. Being in the Jacuzzi felt so relaxing and I couldn’t help but fall asleep. And then, to dream about Jaylin really made me feel good. I hadn’t dreamed about him in awhile, but since he was heavy on my mind, I couldn’t help myself.

  I was so anxious to see him that I hurried home to find something to wear. The sun was up and the streets were nearly empty. I drove nearly thirty miles to my condominium in Lake St. Louis and was furious when I pulled into the driveway. The kids had all kinds of toys and stuff in the yard. Before Leslie had moved in, my place had remained pretty tidy and clean. Mackenzie would have her toys in the yard from time to time, but nothing like this.

  I opened the door and headed upstairs to my room. Leslie and her kids slept in the basement, so I was quiet enough not to wake anyone. Mackenzie had her own room, but always wanting to be close to me, she was laid across my bed with her dog, Barbie, lying beside her. Jaylin had gotten her Barbie as a Christmas present, and she was very attached to her.

  I figured I’d go to Davenports around 11:00 A.M. That would give Jaylin time to get settled and it left a little time before his 2:00 P.M. meeting. I had a few hours to take a nap, but before I did, I went into my closet, filled to capacity with clothes and shoes, and searched for something to wear. If I hadn’t worn my canary yellow dress that had Shane drooling, I probably would have opted for that. Instead, I pulled out three more seductive little numbers then decided against those as well. Realizing that I looked good in just about anything I wore, I decided on a simple pair of Apple Bottom jeans and a red fitted shirt that left my back bare. Two strings tied it together in the back, and since my bra could be seen, I was forced to go without one. My shoes weren’t a problem, so I reached for my red strapped shoes that had a three-inch heel.

  Once I decided what to wear, I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed with Mackenzie. She woke up just long enough to wrap her arms around my neck and had fallen right back to sleep.

  The kids downstairs arguing and Barbie’s barking was what awakened me. I pounded my fist into the pillow and screamed. Sleep in this place was a thing of the past and I was damn mad about it. Mackenzie was already out of bed, so I yanked the covers back and screamed again. Nobody heard me; as the noise downstairs was enough to drown me out. Instead of going downstairs to kick some butt, I hopped out of bed, noticing it was already a few minutes after 9:00 A.M. I showered, changed into my outfit for the day and looked at my gorgeous body in the mirror. Eat your heart out, Beyoncé, I thought. You my girl, but I can work it just as good as you do.

  I headed downstairs and the kids were still in the kitchen making much noise. Leslie was cooking pancakes and had totally tuned them out.

  “Please,” I yelled, while reaching for the orange juice. “Can a sista ever get some sleep around here?”

  They laughed and the noise came to a halt. I gave Mackenzie a kiss on her forehead. “Hi, baby. Did you sleep well last night?”

  “Yes, Mommy. I tried to wait for you, but you took too long.”

  “Well, don’t stay up trying to wait for me. Sometimes, I get real busy and I don’t want you losing your beauty sleep, okay?”

  She smiled.

  Leslie looked me up and down before saying anything. “You look cute,” she said in her ghetto, but sassy voice. “Maybe I need to go to Jay’s today since all the men are going to be following you.”

  “Girl, please. Ain’t nobody gon’ be following me nowhere. Especially, if I put on my don’t-fuck-with-me mug.”

  We both laughed.

  The kids were out of school for the summer, so Leslie said she’d take them to the zoo today. The good thing about having her around was Mackenzie got a chance to spend time with her cousins rather than being cooped up with me at Jay’s.

  “I’ll see y’all later,” I said on my way out. “If anybody needs me, you know where I’ll be.”

  I gave Mackenzie another kiss and I was finally on my way to see what I’d been missing.



  Jay and I sat on two stools by my designer’s table and cracked up at the pictures he’d shown me from Nokea’s surprise birthday party. I’d gotten messed up and had passed out on the beach.

  “I can’t believe you took a picture of me under those conditions,” I smiled and continued to look through the pictures.

  “Hey, don’t blame me, my brotha. Nokea was the one with the camera. I suggest you take your beef up with her.”

  We laughed and when I’d gotten to a picture of Jaylene, his bab
y girl, he was all over it.

  “Ain’t she beautiful, man,” he said, standing up like a proud father.

  “More than beautiful. I can’t understand how a Negro as ugly as you pulled off something like this.”

  Jaylin snatched the pictures from my hands. He rubbed his goatee with the tips of his fingers. “Fuck you, fool. Both of my babies got me written all over them. LJ and Jaylene are a spitting image of this handsome brotha that stands before you today.”

  As we were talking, Felicia came in. She wore a soft white suit with a skirt that had a major split in the back. The suit tightly hugged her hips and showed off her hour glass figure. Her braids were in a bun and I could tell she went out of her way to impress Jaylin.

  “Hello, boys,” she said, wiggling her fingers in the air and trotting into her office. She placed a bag on her desk and then came out to join us.

  Jaylin opened his arms to embrace her. “Good morning, Miss Lady. I see that life is treating you well.”

  She pulled herself back and looked up at Jaylin. “Well, it must be treating you extremely well. Nokea knows better than to let you come to St. Louis alone. Is she crazy!”

  Jaylin let loose of Felicia and smiled. He didn’t say anything because he’d already known how to handle sexual advancements. They started as soon as he got off the plane. The reservationists tried to jump his bones, the chick at the rental car facility was trying to get fucked, and the receptionist in the lobby had thrown herself at him, too. The Jaylin I once knew, no doubt, would have handled his business and handled it well.

  “So, how long will you be staying?” Felicia asked him.

  “Not long. I’m gonna head back as soon as we get finished with the Mayor’s Group.”

  “Negro, I thought we were having dinner tonight? And—” I cleared my throat.

  “And what?” he said.

  “And, I’m having a li’l somethin-somethin for my cousin, Trey, tomorrow night. Nothing extravagant, but I invited him and his friends to Davenports for a li’l celebration.”

  Jaylin held out his hands. “Well, why you ain’t say nothing? I don’t mind staying.”

  “Wait a minute,” Felicia said. “Did you ask me if it was okay to invite those thugs over here?”

  “Thugs? Trey and his friends ain’t no thugs. And even if they were, I don’t have to ask you nothing, Felicia. This is my place and yours.”

  She looked at Jaylin, “Do you see what kind of monster you’ve created? Shane is just . . . He’s out of control. He talks to me like—

  “Whoa—wait a minute,” Jaylin said. “I’m out of it, baby. If anything, y’all need to learn how to get along. Every time I talk to Shane y’all fighting over some bullshit.”

  She smiled. “I know, but that’s because we love each other, don’t we boo?” She kissed me on the cheek.

  I wiped my cheek and joked with her. “Get away from me. Don’t be trying to butter me up, alright?”

  She held her hand up to my face and trotted back to her office. She threw her hips from side to side, and didn’t have to worry about Jaylin or me looking because our eyes were glued to her butt.

  Once we came out of our trances, Jaylin leaned on my work table. “Man, how do you work with her everyday and not have the desire to fuck her?”

  I laughed. “Because I’ve been there and done that. And, she hurt me. Once a woman hurts me as bad as she did, then I’m able to look at her in a different way. That doesn’t mean I can’t look at her ass, though.”

  We slammed our hands together. “I guess that makes sense. But, I honestly don’t know how you do it.”

  I took a moment to gather my thoughts, trying to break the news to him about Scorpio coming to see him. It was already 10:15 A.M., and since she said she’d be here by 11:00 A.M., I knew my time was running out.

  “If you don’t mind,” he said. “I’ma hit up your phone and tell Nokea I won’t be back until Sunday. Then, I need to let out my leakage I’ve been holding since I got off the plane.”

  “Go do your thang,” I said. Jaylin grabbed his Brooks Brothers suit jacket from the back of the chair and headed off to my office.

  Felicia came out of her office and stood next to me with her arms folded. Her eyes were locked in on Jaylin through the glass windows in my office.

  “He is still so fucking fine,” she confessed. “Body all tanned, grey eyes glowing, goatee and beard neatly trimmed. All I can think about is those multiple orgasms he gave me and running my fingers through his thick curly hair when he screwed me.”

  She was in a daze.

  I cleared my throat. “Felicia, I don’t care to hear about your sexual experience with Jaylin. Do you mind?”

  She reached over and rubbed the side of my face. “Don’t be jealous, boo. You fine as hell, too, but that man is in a category all by himself.” She gazed at him again. “Shane, look at that suit.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “So, what about it?”

  “It just—just clings to his muscles. And, the way he’s showing off his chest with his button down crisp shirt, a tie would murder that outfit.”

  “Yes, Felicia. He has on a very nice suit. Now, would you please go take your mother her present so you can be on time for our meeting?”

  “Damn, I almost forgot.” Felicia stood for another moment, gazing at Jaylin until he hung up the phone. “Peep the square-toed shiny leather shoes,” she said, underneath her breath. “If you don’t learn nothing else from him, you’ve got to learn how to dress.”

  I smacked her ass hard and she laughed. “Girl, get your butt out of here. I got my style and he got his.”

  She rolled her eyes and walked off. Jaylin walked over and shook his head. He sat on the stool next to me.

  “What’s up with all the ass smacking, man? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’ve been lying to me.”

  “Trust me, I ain’t got nothing to hide. I’m satisfied with Sam, and I will not let Felicia or any other woman fuck that up for me.”

  “How’s Sam doing anyway? Whenever we chat, you don’t talk much about her.”

  “She cool. She just got back from handling this modeling gig in New York, and she’s going back in a few more weeks. She’s been talking about moving there, but I don’t see that happening for me.”

  “Yeah, New York is a busy place. But, if you love her, then you’ll do what you gotta do.”

  I nodded and wasn’t up to talking about Sam.

  Felicia told us she’d be back and Jaylin suggested that we go get something to eat.

  “Yeah, that sounds good, but, uh, I need to talk to you about something.”

  “What?” Jaylin said, standing with his suit jacket thrown over his shoulder.

  “I got a call the other day and it was from Scorpio. She asked me to meet her for dinner and I did.”

  Jaylin looked interested in what I had to say and laid his jacket on his lap before sitting back down. “So,” he said. “What happened?”

  “She wants to see you. I told her you were coming in town and she said that she wanted to see you.”

  “See me for what?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know.” I looked at my Rolex. “She said she’d stop by around eleven. It’s a quarter-to right now.”

  Jaylin gripped his hands together and looked down at the ground. He then raised his head and made direct eye contact with me. “I’m kind of uneasy about seeing her. Did you tell her—”

  “Yes. I told her about you and Nokea being married and I told her about Jaylene. For the record, I told her you were a completely fulfilled man and had no desire to be anywhere else.”

  “How did she take the news?”

  “For the most part, she did alright. She knows how much you love Nokea, but she still wants to see you.”

  Jaylin stood up and slowly walked over by the tall windows, gazing out at the view. He put his hands in his pockets and didn’t say a word.

  “Hey,” I said. “If her coming here makes you uncomfortable, I�
��ll call—”

  “Naw,” he said with his back facing me. “It’s okay,” he nodded, “it’s definitely okay.”

  As soon as the words left his mouth, the door came open and Scorpio sauntered her way in. She looked at me first and smiled, and then looked at Jaylin’s back since he was still turned.

  “Hi,” she said, walking up and giving me a hug. I squeezed her tightly, just to get a feel of her nipples that were hard and poking through her red fitted shirt. I rubbed my hand on her bare back and desperately wanted to remove the string that was tied in a knot.

  Even while hearing her voice, Jaylin still hadn’t turned around. Scorpio broke our embrace and walked over to him. I bit down on my lip as I glimpsed at her silky smooth fat-free back and ass that looked downright delicious in her hip-hugging jeans.

  As she stood next to him, Jaylin turned his head and stared her up and down. Nervous, she moved away the bangs on her forehead that nearly covered her eyes. He said nothing, and neither did she. He then leaned forward, wrapped his arms around her and held her close to his chest. She placed her arms around his neck and tightly closed her eyes. When I noticed his eyes closed too, I knew there was some deep shit between them.

  Scorpio broke their embrace, backed up a bit and smiled. I had never seen Jaylin look so nervous, but he managed to smile as well.

  “What’s up?” he said, in his deep masculine voice.

  “Hi,” she softly replied.

  Trying to ease this uncomfortable situation, I intervened. “Why don’t y’all come take a seat,” I said, pulling up another stool for Scorpio to sit. She walked over to it and Jaylin followed closely behind. His eyelids lowered and zoomed on her backside until she took a seat.

  I wanted to excuse myself so that they could be alone, but by the way Jaylin admired her, I didn’t think the two of them being alone was a good idea. Jaylin quickly spoke up.

  “How’s my baby doing?”


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