Naughty by Nature

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Naughty by Nature Page 6

by Brenda Hampton

  Jaylin was silent, so I continued.

  “Well, I remember. I want to feel your dick Jaylin. What is so wrong with me wanting to feel and taste your cum again? You want to taste me, don’t you?”

  “Maybe,” he said. I felt his voice getting weak.

  “Then, come claim your pussy. It’s always going to be yours, whenever and however you want it. If my memory serves me correctly, I’ll be bending over by the time you get here. Jay’s closes at midnight. I’m kicking everybody out by 10:00 P.M., so tell me, Can I expect to see you walking through those doors shortly thereafter?”

  He breathed heavily into the phone. “Listen, I’ll call you back. I can’t answer that right now, I’ll just hit you back in a bit.”

  He hung up and I made my way up front to tell everybody to quickly wrap it up. I had a feeling he’d come tonight, and I didn’t want no interruptions.

  Bernie and Jamaica were the only two still doing hair. Yasing was on her last customer for the evening, so the pressure was not on her. Jamaica had just washed her customer’s hair and it looked as if she had another hour or two to go. It was already after 9:00 P.M., so I had to make some other arrangements.

  “I apologize everybody, but Jay’s is gonna close in about five minutes. Again, I’m sorry for the inconvenience, and I’ll give you all a free gift certificate to come back another time.”

  The last few customers tripped a bit, but not as much as Jamaica and Bernie. After the customers left, we quickly discussed it.

  “Couldn’t you meet him somewhere else,” Bernie said. “Putting our customers out like that was kind of cold.”

  Jamaica put her hands on her hips. “You mean to tell me you kick them out over some dick? You can’t be serious.”

  “Bernie and Jamaica, y’all please understand. This might be the last opportunity I have with him, and since he’s so close by, I couldn’t take a chance on asking him to meet me some place else. I know y’all felt like this for a man before, so don’t be mad at me, okay?”

  Both of them looked at me and broke off a half ass smile. Jamaica rolled her eyes, and Bernie walked to her work station to get her purse. “Call if you need me,” she said. “And, don’t do nothing I wouldn’t do.”

  “Well, that means suck his dick, lick his balls, and if you got any whips,” Jamaica said, looking at Bernie. “You might want to use those, too.”

  We laughed and Jamaica and Bernie walked out together going off on each other. Shortly after, Yasing left and I locked the door behind her.

  I went back into my office and straightened up a bit. This would be Jaylin’s first time in Jay’s and I wanted him to see how my place had it going on.

  After I finished tidying up a few of my stylists’ workstations, I went back into my office. I put on a CD by Miles Davis that reminded me of Jaylin and poured myself a glass of wine. I lay back on the couch and slid a few pillows behind my head and back. Thinking more about him, I sipped the wine and looked at my hard nipples that were visible through my red shirt. I placed the glass on the table and removed my top. My hands roamed over my breasts and I massaged them together. I visualized the tip of Jaylin’s tongue circling them and let out soft moans as if I could really feel him. Getting more excited, I unbuttoned my jeans and slid my hand down between my legs. I didn’t have on any panties, so my hand grazed the smooth neatly trimmed hair on my pussy. Letting out more moans, I turned to my side and squeezed my legs tightly together.

  I heard hard knocks at the door and listened to someone loudly call my name. When I jumped out of a deep sleep, I was still shirtless and my hand remained between my legs. Knowing that it was early morning, I was furious because Jaylin hadn’t called back. I quickly put on my shirt and zipped my jeans. Before going to the door, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, and just to confirm the time, I looked at the clock sitting on my desk. It was 7:45 A.M., and obviously, my opportunity had passed.

  With a serious frown on my face, I hurried to the door to see who was outside banging. It was Bernie and she grinned as I slowly opened the door.

  “Is he here?” she whispered.

  I shook my head and tears welled in my eyes.

  She locked the door behind her. She pointed her finger at me, as I was almost ready to lose it.

  “Don’t you dare!” she yelled. “I have watched you hurt yourself one time too many about the thoughts of this man! You need to stop, move on, and recognize what in the hell you got to offer somebody else! Do you understand?”

  I closed my eyes to fight back my emotions and nodded.

  “Now, got get changed. Let’s go workout, and if you ever mention his name to me anymore, I’m gonna kick your butt!”

  I managed to grin and went to my office to change into my workout gear. Bernie and I didn’t talk about Jaylin, but I wasn’t going to let him go that easily. I knew he was in St. Louis for one more night, and in knowing so, I had another plan up my sleeve.



  “Good for you,” I said to Jaylin, as we sat at IHOP eating breakfast. “I gotta tell you man, I was a little worried.”

  “Well, you weren’t the only damn person worried. I just don’t see how I was able to shake off that feeling. When I got back to your place last night, I stayed in the shower almost all night trying to calm down my dick.”

  “I bet Scorpio is mad as hell this morning.”

  “I’m sure she’s mad, but hell, I’m mad, too. I couldn’t do it, though, dog. I—I just couldn’t do it.”

  “I understand. And, like I said, I’m happy for you. Once you get through tonight, you’ll be home free.”

  Jaylin scooped a fork full of cheese eggs in his mouth. “So, what kind of entertainment you got for Trey and his friends?”

  “Man, it’s gon’ be funny. That fool turning twenty-one and I got this fine young tender coming to work his bones. You know the nigga a nerd, so I can’t wait to see the look on his face. I be teasing him all the time about not getting no pussy.”

  “Twenty-one and he ain’t getting no pussy? Something is definitely wrong with that picture. Shit, I was bone’en and own’en when I was twelve.”

  “Shit, man, me too. I hit my first gal when I was fourteen. She was twenty-six and titties and ass was out to here.” I showed examples of how big they were with my hands.

  “Shane, you don’t even like women with that much titties or ass. The majority of your flavah has been tall and skinny chicks with nothing to work with. And, that’s no offense to Sam, but it’s the truth.”

  “I won’t dispute that with you, my brotha, because you are certainly on the right path. It ain’t about all that shit for me, though, Jay. I be looking for somebody who loves me for me, that’s all.”

  “I feel you. Ain’t nothing more special than loving a woman who definitely loves you back.”

  We finished up breakfast and I told Jaylin to meet me at Davenports by 9:00 P.M. I had a few errands to run, and since Sam wanted to help, I stopped by her place and picked her up.

  She took all day getting ready, and when she came out she wore a strapless pink sundress with flowers and some flat sandals that matched. Her long hair was parted through the middle and hung along the sides of her cheeks.

  “I’m ready,” she said, while holding her straw purse in her hand.

  “It’s about time.”

  She walked over to me and buttoned up the few buttons I had undone on my white crisp Sean John shirt. I placed my hands in the pockets of my stone washed Sean John jeans and smiled as she tried to cover my chest.

  “I don’t want these other women looking at you while we’re out,” she joked. “Are you trying to get me into a fight?”

  “I’d help if you did, you know. There’s no way I’ll let you get beat up.”

  She placed her hand on her hip. “There’s no need to help me. I might be a thin woman, but I can fight.”

  I laughed and took Sam by her hand. By the time we made it to my Lexus, I had already undone the buttons
on my shirt.

  Sam helped me pick out a gift for Trey, and went to Davenports to help me decorate. She had the place looking really nice, and when it neared 5:00 P.M., I asked her to hurry so we could have dinner and I could get back here by nine.

  When 9:00 P.M. rolled around, I was running late and rushed to get to Davenports. I’d given Jaylin the keys so that he could get in and he called to tell me the guest of honor had already arrived. What held me up was, as Sam and I broke off a quickie, she started in with her questions about getting married. This time, our argument got heated, and I left her place without saying good-bye.

  The few fellows I’d invited were already there. Trey, his partners, Zeek, Jermaine, Cedric, and Tony. On my end, I’d invited a cool client of mine named Brandon, and of course, Jay. I kept it simple because I didn’t want to get Trey accustomed to the many wild parties that we’d thrown in the past.

  Everything seemed to be in order. For the most part, we sat around drinking, talking about women and our careers. I was completely stunned when Trey told us how much pussy he’d had. I couldn’t believe it; I’d seriously thought he was a nerd. I guess he’d acted that way around his parents because they were in church all the time.

  By 11:00 P.M., we were all beyond fucked up. We’d been acting rather silly, and when Tony insisted he had to throw up, we all laughed as he crawled on the floor like a dog on his way to the bathroom. Trey was laid out on the floor with his arms stretched out while talking crazy underneath his breath.

  “That cat is gone,” Jay said with a major buzz. His eyes were red and so glassy that it looked as if they were filled with tears.

  “He’ll be all right,” Brandon responded. “By morning, he won’t remember a thing.”

  I walked over to Trey and smacked his leg. “Trey, get up man. Why you drink all that shit?”

  “Cauuuuse,” he moaned. “It’s my muuutha-fuckin’ birthday, that’s why.”

  He grabbed my neck and held me in a choke hold. Slightly drunk, I fell to the floor and wrestled with him. During all of the commotion, the door opened and in walked Lady Ice. She was decent, but I’d seen better. Basically, had she been there for me, the party might have been over. Everybody’s head turned, and when she dimmed the lights, I maneuvered myself off the floor.

  “Y’all boys having fun without me,” she said. She switched her hips from side to side and was searched from head to toe by wandering eyes.

  “Get him now,” I yelled, as Trey was still swaying back and forth on the floor. I handed Lady Ice a bottle of wine and she gave me her CD to start the music. She straddled her legs and stood over Trey. He opened his mouth wide and she poured the wine into his mouth. The wine spilt all over the place and that caused him to act like a serious maniac.

  Lady Ice started dancing and her moves were definitely to the rhythm. I looked at Jay and Brandon and they were all into what she was putting on Trey. His other partners were too, and I wanted to make sure that this was a twenty-first birthday he’d never forget.

  Jaylin seemed indulged and slid his hand down over his thang. He kicked my leg, noticing my attentiveness as well.

  “You wrong, Shane. You are wrong for this.”

  I laughed at how fucked up he was. “Don’t blame me. You don’t have to watch if you don’t want to.”

  “Damn, I wish I had my wife here! I have never missed her so damn much!”

  “Well, then, go home, fool. Get yo ass on the plane tonight and jet.”

  “I plan to,” he said standing up. He pulled out his cell phone and held his manhood. Before heading to another room, he took one last look at Lady Ice and Trey fake playing with each other on the floor.

  By the time Jaylin came out of my office, he mentioned that Tony was almost passed out on the bathroom floor. Lady Ice had two chairs sitting face-to-face by the windows that viewed the dark streets in Clayton. She asked me to sit in one and asked Jaylin to sit in the other. He declined.

  “Naw, baby, you gon’ and do your thang. I just want to watch,” he replied.

  She walked up to him and took his hand. “Come on, now, honey. I want the younger boys to see how their elders can really get down.”

  Jaylin hesitated, but I coaxed him into it. He plopped down in the chair and looked as if he were high.

  Lady Ice reached in her bag for some handcuffs and willingly cuffed Jaylin’s and my hands behind our backs. He didn’t seem too happy, but he went with the flow. I, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to see what else Lady Ice had to offer.

  She kept the lights dim and turned off her music. She asked the other fellows to follow her, and after rescuing Tony from the bathroom, they all left the room. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but I sat there thinking that she’d soon be back.

  “I’on like this shit,” Jaylin said. “Yell for her ass to come back in here and remove these cuffs.”

  “Yo, Lady Ice,” I yelled. “Can brothas get some assistance?”

  Nothing came of my yelling, until the door finally came open. I felt relieved that she was back because I knew Jaylin was moments away from getting his clown on.

  We could barely see from the dimmed lighting, but when we were able to make out who had entered the room, it was Scorpio. She was boldly dressed in a black sheer strapless mini dress that showed her sheer bra and string tied panties underneath. Every part of her jaw dropping body was clearly visible and I couldn’t help but sit there with my mouth wide open. I was too afraid to look at Jaylin because I knew his dick had to be thumping just as much as mine.

  Scorpio stepped over to us clicking the sounds of her tall spiked heels. She looked at me first, and then we both turned our eyes to Jaylin. He didn’t say one word until Scorpio placed the palms of her hands on his knees and bent her ass over right in front of me. She placed her face directly in front of his, touching her lips with his as she spoke.

  “Why didn’t you call me last night?” she whispered.

  “Becaaause,” he whined and moved his head to the left, then right. “Get these cuffs off me. Now!” he yelled.

  I had to intervene. “Scorpio, game over, baby. Just take the cuffs off and—”

  She stood with her front facing Jaylin and her backside facing me. I couldn’t help but notice his name still tattooed on her butt. “I’ll take them off as soon as I’m finished,” she said.

  With her ass staring me right in the face, I couldn’t say shit. The back of her panties were sheer and silk and had me on a major rise. She backed herself up and sat on my lap. When she opened her legs, I could only envision what Jaylin saw. Her hands went down inside her panties and he closed his eyes. He dropped his head back in defeat. She politely asked for his attention, and I’ll be damned if he didn’t open his eyes and give it to her.

  Once his eyes were focused in, baby girl turned around and went to work. Not on him, but on me. She lowered the upper part of her sheer dress and held her breasts together. Placing them directly in my face, I wanted so badly to suck the shit out of them, but I couldn’t. She teased her nipples with her own hands and when she slid the rest of her dress off, she bent over and gave Jaylin the view I’d seen just moments ago. She had us both under her hypnotic spell, and after she popped off her bra, she reached for the button on my jeans.

  “Uh-uh,” I said. “That’s taking it too far, Scorpio. Would you please take the cuffs off both of us?”

  She ignored me, and when Jaylin yelled for her to remove them, she got more aggressive. She removed her panties, straddled his lap and forced her panties into his mouth. After they marinated, she pulled them back out and wrapped her arm around his neck.

  “How did they taste?” she whispered. “Were they sweet enough for you?”

  Jaylin didn’t respond. He dropped his head back again, and she grabbed the back of his head and moved it forward.

  “If you want me to stop, just say the word and I will.”

  “Stop,” he said softly. “Please stop.”

  “Don’t you want me to
remove those cuffs so you can feel me?”

  “Yesss,” he moaned. “Yes, I want to feel all of you.”

  She grabbed his face and placed her lips on his. Unable to hold back any longer, Jaylin smacked lips with Scorpio as if kissing was going out of style. The juicy smacks got louder and heavier as they both seemed to be all into it. Moments later, Jaylin turned his head to the side and tried to avoid her.

  “Stop this!” he ordered. “You’ve gotta stop this, baby. Don’t make me do this, please don’t make me do this.”

  Scorpio ignored every word he said. She reached for the button on his pants and I couldn’t stand to see how weak my boy had gotten.

  “Scorpio,” I said, “Baby, don’t regret what you’re about to do.”

  She turned around and faced me. She straddled Jaylin’s lap and gave me one of the sexiest looks I’d ever seen.

  “Do you want me, Shane?”

  I could barely respond, but trying to save all of us, I did. “Yes . . . Yes, I want you.”

  She stood up. “How bad do you want me? Cause, Jaylin sitting here like he don’t want me.”

  “I want you,” he said softly. “You just don’t know how bad I want you.”

  Scorpio snickered and continued to stare me down. I’d hoped that he kept quiet until I got both of us out of this mess I knew we’d regret.

  “He might want you, but not as bad as I do,” I shot back.

  She straddled my lap and placed her arms on my shoulders. We stared eye to eye without giving any blinks.

  “If you want me so bad then why don’t you take me?”

  “I am, and I will, but just not right now.”

  “Well, I’m asking that you take what you want right here and right now. I might not offer it to you again, so you might as well take it while you can.”

  My heart was pounding and pounding fast. I could feel my hands dripping with sweat, and so was my forehead that Scorpio had taken upon herself to wipe.

  Her performance continued as she turned on my lap and faced Jaylin again. This time, however, she removed my dick from my pants and it flopped out long, thick, and hard. At this point, I didn’t have the courage or balls to stop her. Her wish was my command and there wasn’t a damn thing I could say about it.


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