Naughty by Nature

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Naughty by Nature Page 11

by Brenda Hampton

  “What’s that on your hands?” I moaned. “That shit feels so good.”

  “So, I take it that you like it?”

  “Love it,” I confirmed. She lowered herself and rolled my ass cheeks around in her hands. She massaged my left side, and then my right. Continuing to have her way with me, she used her tongue to tickle my butt. I wanted to burst into laughter, but I let out a soft snicker and she moved on with her foreplay.

  My dick got rock solid hard from her licks. I could barely lay on it, but she asked me to be patient until she was finished. I felt the tip of her finger gently rub the crack of my butt, but when she tried to go in further, that caused me to jump up and turn around.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked.

  “I’m playing with you—that’s what I’m doing.”

  “Well, sorry, I don’t play like that.” I quickly sat up and got out of bed. Sam grabbed my hand.

  “Would you wait a minute? All I wanted to do was try something different.”

  I snatched my hand away. “Then, why don’t you try something different with somebody else? I ain’t the one.” I walked over to the lights and turned them on. I blew out the candles and reached for my silk robe.

  “Hey, this party is over. I think you’d better be leaving.”

  Sam sighed and raked her hair back with her fingers. “Shane, what is wrong with you? You have got some nerve trying to put me out. Every time you experiment on me, I allow you to do it. When I try a li’l finger action, you go berserk.”

  “Look, I don’t know who the hell you’ve been experimenting with, but you can take that shit right back where you got it from. I hope you understand that ain’t nothing going in my ass, baby. That shit is for them DL brothas, and nothing about that pertains to me.”

  “Okay, fine. Just get back in bed so that we can continue. I promise to keep my fingers where they belong.”

  “They belong right on my doorknob on your way out. I’m not in the mood right now and I’ll call you later.”

  With attitude, Sam got out of bed and quickly put on her clothes. She was furious because I wasn’t ready to “try something new” and left without saying good-bye.

  To get my mind off what Sam had done, I went into my office and closed the door. I had a spacious office in my house that I’d go to when I wanted to concentrate on one of my projects. I’d been in my office many of nights, working on designs for the Mayor’s Group. The room was dark and just to give myself a little light, I turned on the twenty-inch monitor on my desk. I placed a pad of sketch paper in front of me and grabbed a pencil. I started to draw and when I realized I’d been sketching a picture of Scorpio, I wanted to make the picture appear as beautiful as she really was.

  My masterpiece was coming alive and I was almost finished. That wasn’t until the phone rang and interrupted me. I tried to ignore it, but the person called right back. Instead of ignoring it again, I picked up and it was Felicia.

  “What?” I said.

  “Now, that’s no way to greet me.”

  “What do you want, Felicia, I’m busy.”

  “Do you have company?”


  “Then you’re not busy.”

  “Listen, I’m not in the mood tonight. State your business or else I’m gone.”

  “You’re in love with Scorpio, aren’t you?”

  Frustrated, I took a deep breath. “No!” I yelled. “No, I am not in love with Scorpio.”

  “Then why do you defend her so much? During lunch, you stormed out like I had talked about your mama or something.”

  “Felicia, she’s a good friend of mine and I don’t appreciate you dogging her out like you do.”

  “I’m a good friend of yours, but you never defend me.”

  “That’s a lie. I defend you all the time. As many horrible things that people have said to me about you, I always take up for you.”

  “Whoever said something horrible about me is just jealous. People hate women who are in powerful positions and they do everything they can to tear them down.”

  “I agree. So, can I get back to doing what I was doing before you called?”

  “What were you doing?”

  I lifted the sketch pad with the picture of Scorpio and dared to tell Felicia what I’d been doing. “I was drawing.”

  “Drawing what?”

  “A picture of Sam.”

  “I’m sure she’ll like it.”

  “I’m sure she will, too.”

  Felicia paused. There was silence before either of us said anything. “Good night, Felicia, I’m going to bed.”

  “Just make sure it’s not with Scorpio.”

  “I’m convinced. You are obsessed with her, aren’t you?”

  “No, never. I’ve been thinking about a lot of things, that’s all.”

  “A lot of things like what?”

  “Get some rest and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

  I hung up and dropped my forehead in my hands, occasionally rubbing it. I had a banging ass headache and before closing my eyes, I took two aspirins and laid my head on my desk.

  By morning, I was leaned back in my chair, snoring my butt off. The trash trucks outside kicked up mega noise and interrupted my sleep. When I looked at the time on my monitor, it showed 10:00 A.M. I hadn’t slept this late in awhile, so I hurried to the bathroom to shower. By the time I got dressed and got to work, Felicia wasn’t there. She’d left a note on my desk that said I was fired and had a bagel laid beside it. The note had a big smiling face on it, so I knew she was bullshitting me.

  I put the bagel into my mouth, and Felicia came walking through the door. She peeked her head into my office and smiled.

  “Thanks for the bagel,” I said.

  “It was the least I could do,” she said, and then took a seat. She held something in her hand, and when I asked what it was, she placed it behind her back.

  “What’s the secret?” I asked.

  “Last night, do you remember I told you I wanted to talk to you about something?”

  “Yes. So, what’s up?”

  “Well . . . I kind of got something on my mind. Before I tell you, I want you to put this disk into your computer.”

  Felicia stood up and walked the disk over to me. I looked at it and put it in my D: drive. I waited patiently for her document to open up, and when it did, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  “What is this?” I said, looking at the events that took place at Trey’s birthday gathering. By the looks of it, we were being taped.

  “You mean, you don’t recognize anyone,” she said, sarcastically. She pointed at my monitor. “That’s Trey, there’s Brandon, there goes Jaylin, and . . . oh yeah, there you go. If you’d tune in a little longer, this gets so much better.”

  “Where in the hell did you get this from?”

  “Well,” Felicia said, walking back over to the couch. She crossed her legs. “It’s like this—just in case you haven’t noticed, Davenports is surrounded with hidden cameras. See, I have to protect what’s mine, and I wanted to make sure you weren’t up to no slick mess. Now, I was able to overlook your little sex scenes with the females you’d been bringing up in here, however, this latest incident, I can’t let that one go.”

  I was stunned, and continued to listen while biting my bottom lip. I wasn’t ready to act a fool just yet, but I had to respond. “You are out of your mind, Felicia. I can’t believe you would stoop so low.”

  “Me? What’s low is what’s on that CD. Have you gotten to the part when Scorpio shows up, or are you still watching the other tramp do her thing?”

  I glanced at my monitor and Scorpio was to soon enter the room. I kept quiet until I saw her stand between Jaylin and me. Shortly thereafter, I witnessed her wax Jaylin’s dick.

  “Look at your eyes, Shane. Those eyes show a man who craves for that woman. I can honestly say that even though I’ve watched this shit at least ten times, Jaylin showed less interest than you.”

,” I said defensively. “What the fuck is this all about?”

  Felicia stood up again and came over to my desk. She placed the palms of her hands on the edge and bent down. “This is about me trying to figure out what to do with such valuable information. I have the capabilities of making shit hard for you, as well as for Jaylin. I’m not too thrilled about hurting you, unless you just happen to get with somebody I despise. But Jaylin, that’s a different story. I don’t like his wife, and how dare him come here and treat me like I’m nobody. I gave him four years of my life and I don’t like to be treated in such a way.”

  I was numb. “After all Jaylin has done for Davenports, I can’t believe the only thing you can think about is him dissing you for another woman. Felicia! Get your head on straight and quit tripping on me, baby. We have done something that not one damn African American business I know of in St. Louis has done! Within two years, thanks to Jaylin who came through for us when we didn’t have shit, this company has earned almost a quarter of a million dollars.”

  “True to the fact or not, that motherfucka played me. Like I said, I don’t like to be—”

  I stood up and slammed my hand on the desk. “And, I don’t like to be played either. I’m not gon’ lose out because you ain’t getting dicked down like you want to. Maybe if you’d stop passing around your worn out pussy, then maybe it would be good enough for some man to want to keep it. Either way, I ain’t got time for your mess! I will have my things packed and out of here by tonight. When I’m gone, I’d like to see how far you get.”

  She clapped her hands together. “What an Oscar winning performance. Now, in addition to swagga, you and Denzel Washington got something else in common. But, you need to calm your butt down before I call security and have them escort you out of here for acting ignorant. There’s no need for you to blow your top. I wanted you to know that I refuse to be partnered up with a man who shows interest in Scorpio. I had many of lonely, hurtful nights because of what she took from me. When she stepped into Jaylin’s life she didn’t give a fuck about me or Nokea. I know first hand what kind of impact she can have on a man, and I don’t need you around here slipping cause she got your mind all fucked up like she had Jaylin’s.”

  “So, I lusted for her at Trey’s party. I lust for her when I see her. I’m a man, Felicia. And when I see a beautiful woman, shit like that happens. It doesn’t mean I want to go off and marry her. It doesn’t mean I want a relationship with her. All it means is I’m human, and when a woman turns me on, then she just turns me on.”

  “Then, promise me that you will not get involved with her. I don’t want her to be nowhere near Davenports. It’s bad enough she’s already calling here, and next, she’ll be bringing her tail over here everyday working my nerves.”

  “I can’t promise you nothing like that. I do, however, promise to keep my personal business at home. For you to have cameras around here, and not share it with me—that was devious. If I wanted to, I could have you arrested for that mess.”

  She held her hands in front of her. “Cuff me,” she said. “It’s obvious you like to be tied up, so I’ll be more than happy to play your game with you. Now, I know you’re upset about this, but that’s what you get for playing house. This is a place of business and any other employer would have fired you for carrying on in such a way. I’m being nice because I like you—I like you as my partner, and I see us going far together.”

  “We are not going anywhere, unless you get yourself together. You got a good thing going on, Felicia, and please don’t blow it. Honestly, I don’t give a fuck what you do with this CD. But, one more stunt like this, and I’m out of here.”

  “As of yet, I don’t plan on doing anything with that CD. However, my rule stands, if you bring Scorpio anywhere near me, this CD gets mailed to Nokea and to all of our clients as my excuse for having to end this partnership.”

  I wanted to punch Felicia in her face for being so stupid, but I held my composure. “So, it’s like that, huh?”

  “I’m afraid so—it’s like that.”

  I picked up my briefcase that sat next to my desk. I opened it and put the papers on my desk inside. “I’m outtie. You can’t blame me for trying, but I can’t work under these conditions. I will talk to our lawyer, Mr. Frick, tomorrow and make arrangements to end this so called ass partnership.”

  She folded her arms in front of her. “If that’s how you want it, then fine. What I’m asking of you is simple. If you don’t understand, then adios.”

  There was nothing much left for me to say to Felicia. She had her mind made up and so did I. This unstable partnership had gone on for too long and it was simply time for me to go.



  I was so glad Friday was approaching, which meant more money for me. Jay’s always carried a full house on the weekend because for whatever reason, the weekend was a time to look good. Now, I’d made my share of money during the week too, but Fridays and Saturdays were always booming.

  I needed a pedicure, and sat down to let Yasing do her thing. Her husband, Yen, stood next to her talking, and everybody’s eyes roamed around the room. After they finished their conversation in Chinese, she gave Yen a kiss and I assumed he said good-bye to us when he spoke and waved.

  Jamaica stopped working on her customer’s hair and held a comb in her hand. “I ain’t trying to be nosy, Yasing, but what were y’all saying?”

  Yasing smiled. “Huh?”

  “You know what I mean . . . I don’t think it’s fair that y’all can understand our language, but we can’t understand y’alls.”

  Yasing laughed. “But, our languish is just as easy to learn as yours.”

  “Girl, please. You and your man could have been up in here calling all of us niggas and we wouldn’t have known nothing about it.”

  “No, no niggas. We not call you niggas.”

  “Well, what y’all be saying then?”

  “That none of yo business. That between Yen and me.”

  “Tell her, Yasing,” Bernie said. “Keep that hoochie mama out of your business.”

  Jamaica looked at Bernie. “Now, Bernie, I haven’t had to disrespect you in two days. We were doing just fine, until you had to open your big mouth. That’s the same big mouth that’s been spilling all of Scorpio’s business up in here.” Jamaica turned to me. “If I were you, I’d kick her butt out of your shop. We wouldn’t know half of what you did, if she didn’t tell us.”

  “Jamaica, Bernie only knows what I tell her. I have nothing to hide and if anybody wants to know anything about me, all you got to do is ask me.”

  “Okay,” Jamaica said. “Let’s get down with a li’l truth or dare then. Are y’all with me?”

  We laughed, but everybody agreed.

  “Fine, then I’m gon’ start with . . . Bernie. Truth or dare?”

  “I knew you would start with me.”

  “Truth or dare, skeeza; take your pick.”

  Bernie placed her hand on her hip. “Truth.”

  “Is it true that . . . you ain’t had no dick in three years?”

  “Dare?” she laughed.

  We all teased Bernie about being unfair. “Okay,” she said. “That is false. Actually, it’s been four years and I ain’t mad about it either. Until I find somebody who deserves what I got, then I’ll make some arrangements. Until then, my legs are staying closed.”

  “I heard that,” nearly everybody agreed, except Jamaica. She tooted her lips. “Four years is a mighty long time for a woman to go without sex. I feel deeply sorry for your vibrator because that thing probably getting one hell of a work out.”

  “Oh, you betta believe it is,” Bernie confirmed. “And, I don’t have to worry about it not calling me tomorrow, giving me a sexually transmitted disease, cheating on me, or finding out that it’s on the down-low. You should invest in one yourself. Maybe, just maybe, it’ll alleviate some of your problems.”

  “Next,” Jamaica said holding up her hand. “Deidra Lasha Evans

  “Yes,” Deidra said, while swinging around in an empty chair.

  “Truth or dare?”


  “You’s a bold bitch, ain’t you?”

  We laughed.

  “I dare you to go outside, drop your halter, and keep it down until a man gives you some money. Don’t come back in here until you have at least ten dollars.”

  I interrupted. “Now, that’s taking things too far. I don’t want nobody to think we’re running some kind of whore house in here, and Deidra don’t need to be exposing herself in such a way.”

  Jamaica snapped, “From where I come from a dare is a dare! If y’all don’t want to play the game—”

  “Don’t worry about it Scorpio,” Deidra said. “Give me less than five minutes and I’ll be back with some dough.”

  Deidra untied her top and covered her tiny breasts with her hands. After that, she headed outside. Several people moved over to the window to see if she had the nerve to flash her breasts. Jamaica continued on with her game.

  “Miss Scorpio,” she said. “You know I couldn’t leave you out.”

  “I was sure of that,” I said.

  “Truth or dare?”

  “I’d rather go with the truth since your dares are outrageous.”

  “Okay, then—is it true that you got butt ball naked the other day for the Hollywood Lover #2, and screwed him in your office?”

  I pulled my head back. “What? Who in the hell is the Hollywood Lover #2?”

  “The second brotha with the twisties who came in here and got lost trying to find his way to Hollywood.”


  “Yes, Shame. It was a damn shame how good he looked.”

  Everybody laughed, and before I could tell my side of the story, Deidra came in waving a twenty dollar bill in her hand.

  “Look what I got,” she said, dancing around. “Look what I got.”

  Jamaica tooted her lips again. “Now, whoever gave you twenty dollars for showing those li’l tits was a desperate fool.”


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