Runt of the Litter

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Runt of the Litter Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Do you see any other choice for me?” she asked.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Then I’m going to keep this up.”

  “Give me your cell phone. I want to talk with Paul. Save our table,” he said, taking the phone from her and leaving the room.

  He scrolled through her contacts, finding Paul’s name.

  “What was going on, Tori?” Paul asked.

  Jack wasn’t going to think of him as Uncle Paul. They were not related.

  “This is Jack Rowlands. I’m the junior beta of Tori’s pack.”

  “She’s told me about you.”

  He got a thrill at hearing that.

  “I want to know what you know.”

  “Why are you taking an interest?” Paul asked.

  “What I’m about to tell you is to stay between you and me. Her parents don’t even know, understood?”


  “Tori is my mate. She’s told me you’ve been trying to train her. Make her stronger.”

  “I have.”

  “I want to help. I’ve heard all the doubts of what it will be like during her transition. I want to help give her every chance of succeeding.”

  “You’re her mate?”


  “How are you going to explain helping her?”

  “I’m a concerned friend. She doesn’t know who I am. My father doesn’t want me to tell her yet, and I don’t want her to know, or be distracted by me.”

  “Then I need you to keep in touch. It’s important we make her strong. She didn’t want to go home this summer, but her parents wouldn’t allow her to stay behind. I thought this summer could help her draw focus within the pack.”

  Jack listened intently to everything Paul had to say. “When she returns to you I’ll be coming as well.” He wasn’t going to be parted from his mate.

  “Until then, I need you to help her. I can’t be there, and it will worry her parents if they think she’s growing too attached to me.”

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m an uncle that married into the family. I don’t have any wolf blood, and my mate died giving birth. My son didn’t make it either.”

  “Shit, man, I’m so sorry.”

  “Tori means the world to me. Help her, Jack. I’m putting her future in your hands as much as my own.”

  Chapter Four

  Tori watched Jack enter the diner. He was so self-assured, so big, massive even. If she had a problem with her size her issues would only grow bigger if she stayed beside Jack. She liked how his presence comforted her.

  Whoever mated with Jack was going to be very lucky.

  “I’m helping you,” he said, handing her back her phone.

  “You’re helping me?”

  “Yes. I’ve spoken with Paul, and we’re going to continue your training here. My parents are not always home, and we’ve got some workout equipment. You can come by my place and I’ll help you.”

  “I’m not looking to work in a gym.”

  “We’re going to strengthen your overall body. Slowly, over the summer we’re going to work on your reflexes. I’ll be joining you at your uncle’s afterward.”

  “How are you going to do that?” she asked, amazed at the dedication he was showing.

  “I’m going to talk with my dad. He’ll understand. It’s important for you to be as strong as possible.”

  “So you’re finally admitting there’s a risk.”

  He kept staring at her for several seconds. “What I’m about to tell you must remain between us.”

  “Okay.” She was intrigued.

  “During my transition I flat-lined.”


  “I didn’t make it, Tori. The pain, the stress, it was too much.”

  “What happened? I mean, something had to have happened because you’re sitting with me now.”

  “My dad and mom, they gave me CPR, and finally, my father shocked me with an electric current.”

  Pressing a hand to her mouth, she was in total shock. “You nearly died.” She rubbed at her chest. The thought of him being dead really upset her. Tears filled her eyes, and she gasped as her wolf howled in her mind.

  “I survived the rest of the transition, which for some strange reason was the hardest, yet I survived. I don’t know what happened. I was in pain, and then I was floating, almost like I just needed a break so that when I woke up, something was different.”

  “What did you father say?”

  “The same happened to him. He believes as betas we’re given a hard path as protectors of the pack. Dying, even for a moment, helps us to become better protectors. You’re not going to die on me, Tori. I won’t let it.”

  “I hate to say this to you, Jack. Neither of us have a choice if death comes for me.”

  He took hold of her hand. The touch of his fingers was like a bolt of lightning striking her. Her wolf stood up and started to pace the cage within her mind.

  “You’re right. She’s awake,” Jack said. He touched her cheek, staring into her eyes. “Your eyes, Tori. They’ve gone from a deep blue to a dark amber.” He started to laugh. “She is there.”

  “You can sense her.”

  “I can fucking feel her, babe. She’s right there locked within a small cage, waiting to be set free.”

  She liked how he called her babe. It seemed like he forgot himself for a second.



  “You just called me babe.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  She chuckled but decided to let it drop. The last thing she wanted to do was get into an argument about what he did and did not call her.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “You make me smile. Why can’t I laugh about that?” She touched his hand, moving it away from her face. “Thank you for being there for me, Jack. It really means a lot to me. More than you’ll ever even realize.”

  “Eat. I want you to be strong.”

  She started eating again while listening to Jack talk.

  “What about college? You can’t put your studies on hold because of me.”

  “When you’re at school I’ll study online. I’ll get my courses changed and switched. It’s not a problem.”

  “This seems really unfair to me.”

  “It’s not to me. One day I’m going to be taking over from my father. I’ll be protecting the pack. How would I feel taking over when I couldn’t even spare the time for you and something happened? I’m not going to risk it, and you’re going to accept my help with grace.”

  “You’re becoming very mature in your old age. Anyone tell you that?”

  “Everyone would laugh at you if you even so much as put my name and mature in the same sentence.”

  “I see what you’re doing, but it’s not going to work. You’ve all grown up, Jack.”

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  She smiled, finishing off her breakfast. “I enjoyed that. I enjoyed spending time with you.”


  Tori folded her arms while watching him eat. “So what’s Scarlett like then?”

  “She’s nice. Considering we were total bastards to her, she’s handling being a mate well.”

  “Can I meet her? Is that against the rules?”

  “No, no rules. You can meet her if you’d like.”

  “I would.”

  He pulled out his cell phone and started typing. “She’s always with Marshall just lately. They’re mated and they’re married.”


  “Yes, they were married this summer before you came home. They’re great together, and Marshall’s teaching Scarlett of the pack ways. Everyone adores her, especially with how she supports him.”

  “She sounds special.”

  “To Marshall she is.”

  “And you used to bully her?”

  “We did. Put it this way. It opened my eyes in a big way.”

  “No more bullying in your

  “No more.” He finished his food as his cell beeped.

  “Marshall’s happy to meet us. I figured we could go to his place, hang out. His folks are out for the day.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Let me grab the check and we’ll be on our way.”

  Taping her fingers on the table, she watched as Jack paid for the food. There wasn’t a crumb left. She couldn’t believe how much he packed away.

  “Can we stop off home first? I don’t want my mom to worry.”


  She followed him outside to the waiting car. It was roasting, and she tugged off her shirt as she started to sweat. Tying the shirt around her waist, she climbed into the passenger side. She rolled down the window trying to get some fresh air.

  “I’ve got to get the car in the shop. The air con went a couple of days ago.”

  “Don’t worry about it, but I might melt into the leather seats.”

  “I’ll peel you off if need be.”

  Tori chuckled. Staring out of the window, she couldn’t believe how calm she felt by being with him. Ever since she’d learned about what challenges she faced she’d been scared. It wasn’t a fear out of the unknown but knowing something bad was going to happen. Even when she laughed with her family, it was always there. Being with Jack, she actually felt that everything was going to be okay.

  She trusted him, and that was strange considering they had a past but not much of one. Their time away hadn’t stopped her from thinking about him. She had found herself at odd moments wondering what he was doing, if he was happy.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked.


  “Do I even want to know what you’re thinking about?”

  “No. You don’t. You’re supposed to be cool, and what I’m thinking is sweet, not cool.”

  “Great. Now I’m sweet. You’re so going to mess with my rep.”

  “Jack, you’re too old to go with street talk.”

  “I’m nineteen.”

  “And yet you’re acting way younger.” She couldn’t stop giggling.

  He pulled up in front of her house, and she climbed out without waiting for him to help.

  “I wanted to open your door,” he said with a pout.

  “Don’t worry about it. Come on.”

  She entered the house to hear her family was worried.

  “She couldn’t have gone far,” Carl said. “Jack’s not answering his damn phone.”

  “Dad, I’m talking to the alpha right now,” Emma said.

  “She’s with Jack. She’ll be fine,” Rachel said.

  Her siblings were also shouting. Some of them were telling the others not to worry while others were arguing that she wasn’t safe.

  “Guys, I’m right here,” she said, keeping her voice calm. They were all in the kitchen while she stood by the front door.

  The whole of her family rushed toward her. She held her back pack tighter against her. Jack wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close.

  “Where the hell have you been?”

  “I went out. Jack did call to tell you not to worry.”

  “You went out alone. We’ve told you not to go out alone, Tori. God damn it,” Carl said, completely ignoring the rest of her explanation.

  “It’s my fault, Mr. Hunter. I wanted to take her out for breakfast. She told me you were all asleep. We were having so much fun that we forgot to call to update you of where we were going. We didn’t intend to take this long.”

  He’d lied for her. Her family worried over the smallest thing. Jack had already called, and yet they were bugging them both because they took longer.

  Glancing behind her, she smiled at Jack. “That’s exactly what happened. Nothing out of the ordinary. Not alone in any way.”

  Her dad looked from Jack to her then back again. “Okay, well next time you better call or you’ll be grounded.”

  “I’m going to put my backpack away.”

  “She wants to meet Marshall’s mate. I’ve organized it already. I can have her back by six,” Jack said.

  Rushing up to her bedroom, she knew Rachel was following her.

  “What’s going on?” Rachel asked, closing the door behind her.

  “Nothing is going on.”

  “Jack Rowlands had his arm around your waist and it was nothing?”

  “Well, it wasn’t.”

  “I think he’s got a crush on you.” Rachel folded her arms underneath her breasts. Tori rolled her eyes.

  “Please, Jack could have any girl he wanted. He’s not hanging around with me because he wants me.”

  She tossed her bag into her wardrobe, putting her cell phone into her pocket.

  “He’s always been nice to you, Tori. In fact, you’re the only girl I’ve seen him say anything nice to.”

  “He’s a nice guy.”

  “No, he’s not. He’s got a reputation for being a bastard. I’ve seen firsthand how treats the girls at school. There are a lot of broken hearts because of him.”

  Turning to face her sister, Tori held her hands out in surrender. “You caught me. We’re having some major romance and screwing every chance he gets.”

  “Don’t be sarcastic. You’re underage, and you couldn’t pull that off even to Mom and Dad.”

  Groaning, she stared up at the ceiling. “Leave it alone, Rach. Seriously nothing is going to happen between us, and nothing has. He’s a friend.”

  She quickly brushed her hair before moving toward her sister.

  “Do you think you’re his mate?” Rachel asked.

  The wolf locked in her cage perked up. She liked the idea, and yet, something seemed to tug the wolf back.

  “We’re not mates.”

  “Mates don’t know for real until the transition. Jack would know, but you wouldn’t.”

  “I’m not going to waste time over this. We’re not mates. We’re friends. Stop trying to make this about something it isn’t.”

  Rachel held her hands up in surrender. “Okay, try and bluff your way out of it. I don’t mind.”

  “I’m not bluffing. Please just try to be happy for me.” She wrapped her arms around her sister, hugging her close.

  “That’s cheating.”

  “No, it’s called using emotion to blackmail you.” Tori chuckled, walking downstairs to find Jack talking with her father.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “All set. I’ll see you later, Dad.”

  “Call next time you’re out for a long time. I know, I know you called, but I worry. We don’t like you keeping to yourself. It has been three years, Tori. Give me a chance to be a dad.”

  “Will do, Dad.” She kissed him before heading toward the door. Jack grabbed her hand, and when she looked upstairs, Rachel had her arms folded with her brow raised. “It’s nothing.” She mouthed the words to Rachel.

  Was it really nothing?


  Marshall was waiting outside when he pulled up. “Hey, man. I’m surprised you remember I exist.”

  Jack embraced his friend, aware of Tori watching him. “I couldn’t come and interrupt your mating. There’s all kinds of rumors about you staying in bed.”

  “Shut up, Jack,” Scarlett said.

  He laughed as he took in her blushing face. “I see you’ve not screwed out the blush in her.”

  Marshall clipped him around the back of the head.

  “Hi, you must be Tori,” Scarlett said, glaring as she passed him. She smelled of the pack, and Jack adored her. He couldn’t believe how he used to bully her, making her life hell.

  “Yes. I’m sorry if we’re interrupting,” Tori said.

  “You’re not. Jack just likes to push everyone to try and kill him. Honestly, you’re not bothering anyone.” Scarlett hugged Tori, and he watched as his girl closed her eyes.

  “Do you want to come in?” Marshall asked, pulling Scarlett toward him. Being a newly mated alpha meant he was far more possessive than
usual. It was why Scarlett was spending the summer with him in order to calm his beast ready for college. They were going to the town college rather than away, which was an improvement. Originally Scarlett had settled on an out of state college, but since she was mated to Marshall that all changed.

  “Of course. I’m here to impress my girl, and the only way to do that is to show her off to you.”

  “I don’t need to be impressed, Jack. I’m not your girl.” Tori hit him on the arm, but it wasn’t too hard. He was going to train her along with her uncle.

  “It’s nice to meet you all. I’m only here for the summer, and then I’m going back to live with my Uncle.”

  “Well it’s nice to have you back. You left so quickly last time before any of us got a chance to say goodbye.” Marshall pulled her in for a hug.

  The wolf inside Jack started to growl. He wasn’t happy with another man touching his woman. Fury built inside him, but he put it to bed. Tori didn’t have a clue who he was and didn’t even sense it.

  Marshall released her, and without even meaning to, Jack pulled her back against him, glaring at his friend. The entire statement screamed “mine”.

  “Okay. Scarlett, why don’t you take Tori out back? I want to catch up with my friend.”

  “No problem, come on, Tori.” Scarlett linked her arm with Tori’s, and he watched them both walk through the house. He heard the back door go signaling they were alone.

  “Your wolf is pacing. Why’s he pacing?” Marshall asked, folding his arms.

  “You can sense that?”

  “I’m an alpha, Jack. Stop evading the question.”

  “Evading? That’s a big word for you.”

  “Stop it, okay. I’m really not in the mood right now. Just tell me what’s going on. I’ve not heard from you in days, and now you’re bringing the runt to meet me.”

  Jack growled before he could stop it.

  “There’s something going on with Tori?” Marshall asked.

  Taking a deep breath, he looked at his friend. “She’s my mate.”

  Marshall laughed. “Yeah, come on. I was being serious. What’s going on?”

  “That’s the truth. Tori’s my mate, and she doesn’t know it because she’s never turned. You want the truth? This is the complete, honest truth. Tori’s my mate, and she’s the runt of the litter.” Jack bit his lip. “Do you know, they don’t even think she’s going to survive the transition?”


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