Wings of Steele - Destination Unknown (Book 1)

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Wings of Steele - Destination Unknown (Book 1) Page 11

by Burger, Jeffrey

  "Myomerr, do you have an extra disc with you?"

  "Yes Raulya, I think so."

  "Take it out and give it to me please, but do it very slowly, the weapons they hold are ancient by our technology but..."

  "Yes, I understand," said Myomerr, interrupting. She searched a pouch on her belt and produced a small plastic bag, handing it to Raulya.

  "Be very still," she explained to Myomerr, "he must trust me, understand?" Myomerr nodded.

  Jack had relaxed his stance but the gun remained fixed on the tall Ketarian, he watched her every move.

  Raulya dumped the small disc out of the plastic bag into the palm of her hand and held it out for him to see. It was extremely thin and about as big around, as a watch battery. She pointed to the disc, then to her ear, then to his ear. Jack nodded his understanding.

  “Be careful, Jack," said Maria, "I don't trust her."

  "Relax." Jack knew if anyone was compelled to say anything at that point, it would, of course, have to be Maria.

  Raulya moved closer, slowly. She found the Earth man strangely attractive and as she got closer, his scent filled her nose, heightening her feelings. She stared into his eyes, she couldn't remember ever seeing eyes so deep and dark before, it gave her a chill. Raulya noticed the man had begun to lower his weapon, she took gentle hold of his hand and guided the muzzle of the gun between her breasts, holding it there firmly. She had to make him understand, she was to be trusted.

  Ok, Jack thought, now what? In an answer to his unspoken question, Raulya took his face in her hands and turned it gently to the left. Jack could feel her soft, warm breath on his neck and unconsciously closed his eyes.

  When she licked behind his right ear, he shivered. Holding his face firmly but without causing discomfort, she pressed the disc against Jack's wet skin. There was a momentary pinch that was forgotten as soon as she spoke softly in his ear, "Can you understand me now?" He stiffened and his eyes grew wide with amazement. "Good, now put your finger on it. That one is not permanent, but it will do for now."

  "Wow..." he breathed.

  "It's a translator disc, you'll all get one. Listen, could we all step into the room? We don't want to alarm any of the guests."

  Jack holstered the stainless 1911 and ushered his group into the room, explaining what had transpired.

  Everyone went about introducing themselves. "I don't mean to be rude," said Myomerr, "but this would all be much easier if we got you each a translator, besides, we need to report to the bridge."

  “She's right," said Raulya.

  Jack, Pappy, Raulya, Mike, Brian and Myomerr walked in a tight group with Maria trailing behind, sulking because she was no longer the sole female. Allowed to keep their side arms, the carbines remained in the suite.

  "She doesn't like us, does she?" said Myomerr, motioning towards Maria.

  "Let's just say, she prefers to be the center of attention," said Jack with a sly grin.

  "She regards you as hers..." said Raulya, more a statement than a question, "she has marked you with her scent."

  "Guess I'll have to wash that off..." said Jack raising one eyebrow.

  "She clings to the tradition of one mate. You do not...?" Raulya seemed truly confused over human mating traditions.

  "Let's just say, I choose to remain a free agent."

  "Mmmm... good, I will remember that."

  The group walked from one interconnecting corridor to the next, until they reached the air tunnel system. It was sort of a subway system, stretching the length of the ship, in the center corridor on every other, of its nine levels. The narrow cars were torpedo shaped and ran in a deep channel suspended on and propelled by a cushion of air. The cars sat two people abreast, five rows to a car. There were two lanes, one traveling to the bow and one to the stern of the ship.

  They waited no more than a minute for a bow-bound tunnel car. It hissed to a stop in front of them, summoned by Myomerr, on a wall panel in the corridor. They climbed down into the car, and after Raulya punched in its destination, it sped away.

  Halfway to the bow, the walls and floor disappeared around them. Only the air tunnel tube supported them, the effect quite breathtaking, to say the least. Two levels directly above them, another air tunnel tube could be seen. To the left and right stretched about a quarter-mile of open air, surrounded by a glass dome of almost incomprehensible size. Even with the Ecosphere's lights turned down, strange, exotic birds could be seen, flying through the treetops below them. Myomerr pointed out the nine levels of rooms and suites bordering the Ecosphere, as the most expensive on the ship.

  Jack looked up through the Ecosphere's dome and saw the endless stars stretching out around them, a chill racing up his back and a pang of excitement gripped his stomach like he had never known before. He took a deep breath and swallowed hard to control the immense thrill welling up inside, "Oh God..." he whispered. Now he understood what the astronauts felt.

  The only one who heard him was Raulya, sitting next to him. "I felt the same way my first time..." she said squeezing his hand, "it's spectacular, isn't it?" It was all he could do to nod.

  Half a minute after passing out of the sphere and back into the corridor, the air car hissed to a stop near the crew's elevator at the bow of the ship. Trading the air car for the elevator, they rode to the bridge, the only place on the ship with a tenth level.

  Pausing in the outer briefing room, Raulya instructed Myomerr to stay with the others while she entered the bridge with Jack. Jack translated to the group before leaving.

  Mike Warren looked to his frowning wing leader, You worried, Pappy?"

  “No kid, just tired." Paul rubbed his face, stopping in time to catch Myomerr staring at him. She quickly looked away.

  "I think she likes you, Pappy," whispered the young pilot.

  "It's not polite to whisper kid, besides, she probably hears better than we do." He thought he caught her smiling but couldn't be sure.

  Raulya and Jack entered the bridge, the Captain turned to greet them. He appeared almost human with his wizened, lined face, full but trimmed white beard and grandfatherly paunch. What gave him away was probably his webbed fingers and sparkling, sapphire blue eyes.

  “Aaah, Raulya, you've brought one of our stowaways..." he gurgled at his personal little joke and extended his hand in greeting, "hello, welcome aboard the Princess Hedonist."

  Jack switched hands to hold the translator disc before shaking hands, "Jack Steele..." he shook hands, "thank you."

  The Captain pointed at Jack, "You hurt, boy?"

  “Oh. No, sir, it's this disc..."

  "Raulya! Shame on you! Take these people to the infirmary and get them some regular discs, then feed them and find them some quarters..." He turned to Jack, "I apologize, we don't get many visitors like this. It's late, we'll talk in the morning. Raulya, we shall all meet at the Ecosphere Lounge, on two, for brunch... goodnight Mr. Steele."

  "Goodnight, sir."

  The group of seven, returned to the air tunnel system via the elevator and took it aft, toward the stern of the ship, to the only infirmary open at this late hour, the one on level nine.

  Translator discs were inserted just under the skin, behind the right ear. The medibot did an admirable job, accomplishing the task with no pain and very little discomfort. The only one to put up any fuss, was of course, Maria, complaining about mind control. The others, lead by Jack, ribbed her incessantly about her CIA gibberish and she finally gave in, letting the medibot install the device.

  Raulya checked the security log on the ship's computer for any clues to Fritz's whereabouts, while Jack and the others were in the infirmary. She also checked the availability of accommodations left, finding an ample number of suites. She returned to the infi
rmary as Myomerr was leaving with the group.

  The two Ketarians stood aside from the others and spoke privately while waiting for the elevator. "So, you want him then?"

  Myomerr nodded "I think he's yummy." She looked over at Paul Smiley who was talking with Jack.

  "Elevator's here," called Brian.

  More tired than hungry, everyone decided to go straight to bed and eat in the morning. On the lift, they decided to split into two groups, Myomerr would show Brian, Mike and Pappy their rooms and Raulya took Maria and Jack. Saying their goodnights, they parted. "That suite you found yourselves in earlier, will be yours," Raulya told Maria, "Jack's is on a different floor." Maria nodded, but she was not keen on the idea of splitting up the group. If she could have had her way, they would all have shared a room.

  The elevator stopped at the third level. "Jack, would you mind waiting and holding the elevator? I'll be right back." He shrugged, watching Maria and Raulya disappear down the corridor. The key panel on the room they had broken into, had been replaced and Raulya punched in the entry code. The door swished open. "Goodnight, Maria."

  Maria stepped into the doorway. "Yeah..." she cleared her throat, "listen, I saw the way you looked at him earlier, but don't get any ideas, Miss Kitty, because Jack is mine!"

  Raulya remained calm, "Oh really? Well, Jack doesn't see it that way..."


  Smiling wryly, Raulya gently nudged the stunned Maria back through the doorway, "So, tonight he's mine!" The door swished closed and Raulya entered a security code, locking Maria inside. She could hear Maria screaming profanities and pounding on the door.

  Smiling to herself, Raulya returned to the elevator. "Ready?"

  "Just waiting for you... where to now?"

  "Level nine," she pushed the button.

  "I thought those were the crew's quarters?"

  "It is. Oh, by the way..." she said, strategically changing the subject, "I've located your dog..."

  "Wow, that's great! Can we go get him? Is he Ok? Where is he?" The elevator door opened and they stepped out on level nine.

  "Slow down... he's fine, he's with a crew member and we'll get him in the morning, it's too late now, so let's just go to bed."

  Steele nodded, he felt better now, like a great weight had been lifted from him. But something she said triggered a thought. "Um, when you said let's go to bed, did you mean; let us go to our beds, plural, or, let us go to a bed, singular?"

  Raulya stopped in mid-stride and turned to him, backing him up against the padded corridor wall. "Do you mean to tell me..." she began seductively, "after all I've done for you, you'd begrudge me some show of gratitude?!"

  "I guess a handshake wouldn't do it?"

  "I don't think so..." she smirked. At least, Jack hoped it was a smirk. "Well, what have you got in mind?"

  She pressed herself against him, pinning him to the wall and covered his mouth with hers. She kissed him long and hard, grinding her body against his. Finally she released him.

  "Whaa..." he blinked hard and inhaled deeply.

  "So?!" She stood with her hands on her hips.

  "Well I, you, that is, we, I mean I..."

  She smiled crookedly, "You mean to tell me, you haven't even thought about it?!"

  "Well yeah, I mean no, not exactly, but I..."

  She pinned him again, this time even longer. While she licked his lips, she asked him again, breathing gently on his face, "Sssooo?"

  He nodded, his brain felt like jello.

  "Good. I knew you'd see it my way." Taking him by the hand, she turned sharply and headed for her quarters. Jack wondered if he was the entertainment... or the main course.

  ■ ■ ■

  Raulya stood in the bathroom, facing the mirror, "C'mon and take your shower, we don't want to be late to brunch." Steele opened his eyes in the darkened room and, inhaling deeply, filling his lungs with a sweet, heady perfume, forcing recollections into his foggy mind. He stretched achy arms and legs, casually wondering what was in the incense Raulya burned or the perfume she wore. It seemed to have a very strange physiological effect on him. Hell, she had quite an effect on him. He thought that erotic dance she performed for him last night would drive him insane. But no, she had other plans, she wanted to give him a heart attack through sexual exertion. He was glad he stayed fit.

  Jack sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, "Sure, I'll be there in a sec'," he yawned. He looked up and eyed her profile, a silhouette in the light of the bathroom. Christ, what a figure, he thought. He stood and stretched, watching the silhouette primp and apply makeup. "Hmph, women and make-up. Good to see there are some constants," he muttered to himself.

  "Did you say something, my sweet?"

  Jack cleared his throat and made a mental note about her exceptional hearing, "Ahem, um no, just talking to myself," he said, as he padded past her to the shower.

  Smiling, Raulya leaned back as he passed and pinched his bare butt, "Just don't do it in public or you may find yourself in a rubber room somewhere..."

  Or another night or two like last night might do it, thought Jack.

  Steele stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed and sharply awake. Raulya called him into the other room as he toweled his hair. "I had some clean clothes sent up from the commissary for you, I hope you'll like them... boots too."

  "What's wrong with my boots?"

  "Oh, nothing, it's just that these are meant for the outfit."

  Jack held up the pants, "These will never fit, they're much too small."

  "They stretch, try them on before you decide."

  Jack sat on the bed and dressed. The pants were dark blue, a heavy material like denim, but they stretched remarkably and fit to every curve of his muscular legs. The boots were black leather and highly polished. They snugged over his pant legs and ended just below his knees. The shirt was a blue-gray, double-breasted button down, with embossed brass buttons. The material was weighty like a dense cotton, but much smoother, almost like satin. It reminded Jack of the shirts worn by Union Cavalry soldiers in the late 1800s. He remembered John Wayne wearing shirts like this.

  Looking in the mirror, Jack unbuttoned three buttons on one side and let the flap fold down, smoothing it with his hand. "Hmmm... something's missing... ah!" He went to the bedside and picked up the 1911 and holster, belted it on and returned to the mirror. Strapping the holster to his leg he stood and scrutinized himself in the mirror. The black belt crossed his waist at an angle, holding the holster perfectly at hand height for his right hand. He turned to Raulya and smiled, "I think you've found me a totally new look."

  "Then you like it?! Oh, I'm so glad I think you look absolutely dashing! I got the idea from the Ketarian Royal Air Force, their uniform is similar, only theirs is red with gold braid. Frankly, I thought blue and gray would suit you better."

  "Good choice!" he snorted, “I'm not a red kinda guy.”

  "Anyway," she said, "I thought a pilot should look like a pilot. Pilots are greatly respected, no matter where they're from."

  "Well, a pilot, yes, but I'm a little outta' my element, not much to fly out here..."

  "You'd be surprised," she interrupted, stepping forward. Raulya pinned his flight wings neatly on his new tunic, kissing him on the lips. "There, perfect! Now, let's go we're late!"



  The air car hissed to a stop, just short of entering the Ecosphere. Jack and Raulya stepped out and onto the second level platform. The car sped away and disappeared through the trees and foliage rising from the floor of the forest, one level below. Hand in hand, Jack and Raulya strolled down the short carpeted ramp from the platform to the fa
mous Ecosphere Lounge.

  "Well, if it isn't the lost expedition..." Of course, Maria would be the first to open her mouth, thought Jack. He didn't dignify it with a reply. Instead, he greeted everyone at the table, except her, and shook the Captain's hand.

  "You look well this morning, Mr. Steele..."

  "Thank you Captain. Please, call me Jack if you like."

  "Fine, then I must insist we dispense with all these formalities, you must call me Gant, it is short for Gantarro. Now, please, sit, eat, the food here is wonderful."

  The table was at the edge of the balcony, overlooking the floor of the Ecosphere. Below them sprawled a small grassy meadow surrounded by trees and dense foliage. Obvious footpaths left the meadow and disappeared into the forest. The sound of a small waterfall could be heard, and the voices of birds of all types abounded. "Quite a sanctuary, is it not?"

  Jack swiveled in his seat to face Gant, "Yes, it's beautiful, but how does it survive without sunlight?"

  "Mmmm..." Gant paused between bites, "synthetic sunlight, it's quite easy to duplicate." Jack nodded, he knew of grow lights, they were common on Earth, but he never imagined it could be accomplished on this magnitude. "Oh, by the way..." Gant continued, "your friend Fritz is down there, somewhere. Playing hide and seek with one of my crew members I suspect. They'll be up when they get a whiff of all this food."

  Jack surveyed the various foods on the table and despite their unfamiliar appearance, smelled delicious. His grumbling stomach reminded him to do more than just look and smell. Conversations swirled around the table as they ate, and it was quickly noticed that although the colors varied somewhat, Jack, Brian, Paul and Mike Warren all had the same tailor. It was unanimously decided that not only did they look outstanding, but the clothes were extremely comfortable as well.

  "It looks like we've got some kinda' squadron image developing here..." said Mike.

  "Some squadron..." snorted Pappy. "Four pilots and nothing even remotely familiar to fly..."


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