A World of Possibility

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A World of Possibility Page 16

by ASMSG Authors

  * * *

  Wolfe cracked open the door, his eyes scanning the deserted lounge before slipping inside.

  A woman slept against the wall, her head leaning to one side, soft waves of dark blonde hair covering her face, round curves, red polish on toenails which peeked out from thin sandals. No tan. Likely headed to a warmer climate.

  Now, why is she here?

  She didn't appear to be a member of his group. More likely she was a passenger who had slipped in here either to sleep or to get away from someone.

  Was she simply a passenger who had tried to avoid taking sendot and gotten scared? How aggressive would they have been with her if she'd said no?

  He stepped closer and knelt beside her.

  Her breath came slow and even. Long wavy hair covered a pale heart shaped face and full lips softly parted. She appeared to be in her mid twenties and had a sweet girl next door look, everything about her appearing soft, touchable.

  He breathed in her scent, nothing he could name, it was soft and enticing. A wave of desire filled him, strong as the chemical attraction took hold.

  Her lashes fluttered and her chest rose in a sigh, the picture of innocence. Tracks of her tears streaked one side of her face.

  What had she been crying about?

  He wanted to touch her, to soothe away those tracks and kiss her until she forgot them.

  He sat back. Desire, now identified, he'd keep at bay. He'd learned not to mix business with pleasure. He was here to take care of business, nothing more.

  She turned her head as if turning away from something and gave a slight moan.

  Probably a bad dream.

  An overwhelming urge to protect her from what was happening in the airport and elsewhere came over him taking him by surprise.

  Where had this come from? She must put out some incredible pheromones. Few women were as innocent as they appeared. He didn't know her and there it was again, that hero to the rescue habit he'd sworn off. The last time he'd saved a woman, she'd turned around and shot him. The wound had healed leaving only the scar and a well-learned lesson.

  Cyree startled awake. Seeing a man with broad shoulders so near, his eyes dark and intense, she opened her mouth to scream.

  His hand closed over her mouth, warm and strong. "Hush. You're safe. I'm not going to hurt you. No screaming."

  She looked back at him through wide eyes, fear hovering.

  They both paused, each watching the other, cautious. Then something shifted between them and he spoke. "I'll move my hand now. Be calm."

  She gave a slight nod and he removed his hand.

  "How did you get in here?" She whispered, her voice soft and low.

  "I opened the door." He smiled.

  "Smart alec."

  His smile deepened. "Isn't that how you got in?"

  "Yes." She answered slowly, as if he'd dragged the word out of her and frowned.

  "What I want to know is why you are in here sleeping."

  "I wanted something to drink, saw the lounge sign and came in for a quick one before I checked in at my gate."

  "So you never made it to your gate."

  "No. The door locked behind me and I couldn't get out. I yelled for a long time but no one heard me and I didn't find a phone. My cell phone says no service. So I've been stuck here." She glanced at her watch. "Oh it's late. I've missed my flight and I don't think my ticket is refundable."

  "Missing your flight today is a good thing."

  He was handsome and strong, with dark hair and dark eyes, his strong physique making a lethal combination.

  A good thing? Maybe meeting him is. Maybe this is fate.

  But no, no, no, she was not falling for another handsome man, one who would take her for nearly everything she had.

  Oh but he was so close and his voice did things to her inside that made her feel a melting begin to spread. A craving for him to take her in his arms and kiss her.

  She shook her head. He was wrong. All wrong. Missing out on her vacation was not a good thing.

  "Be glad you aren't on any flights today. You don't want to take the sendot they're handing out. It isn't what they claim."

  "What in the world are you talking about? And who are they?"

  And who are you, Mr. intriguing, handsome conspiracy man?

  "I'm talking about Sendot, the drug the airline is required to hand out to all passengers before they board today."

  "I'd never heard of Sendot before today when I heard it mentioned over the loudspeaker. What is it for?"

  "They're telling people it's a preventative for that onion flu that's killing people."

  "Onion flu?"

  "Don't you watch the news?"

  "Not any more. For the last six months, I haven't even turned it on and when it comes on I turn it off. I've been depressed enough without listening to more bad news."

  "Well it's mostly lies and half truths anyway. You aren't missing much. What do you do for a living?"

  "I work at the bureau of motor vehicles with the new motors division where all the new license plates come from."

  "Interesting. State government. And no one at your office has mentioned this?"

  "We're all being overworked the past two months with the new license plates coming out and with the new machines which process them we've had a lot to read up on and learn."

  "The new plates with the gel inside that spreads?"

  "Yes. The gel will spread once a car is reported stolen so the police can pick it up right away. Instead of numbers and letters they will see a red blob of gel."

  "What makes the gel spread?"

  "When the car passes a light it triggers the gel somehow. Then poof, the gel spreads. I'm not sure how it works, I only make the new plates and assign them to drivers of the new cars."

  "Interesting." He listened intent on all she'd said and was now lost in thought. Then he stood and reached for her hand to pull her up. "Come on. I have to get you out of here."

  She let him pull her up and stood stretching her body after the position she'd slept in. "Why? What's the hurry?

  "Missing your flight and not taking your Sendot, you'll be automatically on the list. You've been in this room too long already and so have I. They'll want to question both of us."

  Cyree frowned, not liking the sound of that or his tone, which was alarming. He seemed worried.

  "Who are they?"

  "The DPIV."

  She gave him a questioning look, having no idea what that meant.

  "Stands for Department of Public Immunization Verification."

  "I've never heard of that one."

  "Newly formed and with broad ranging powers. Soon no one will be able to fly without receiving Sendot and that's just the first step."

  "I don't like the sound of that." She frowned.

  "Neither do I. Do you have any warmer clothes in that bag?"

  "Yes, of course. I have jeans, sneakers and a jacket."

  "Good. Change into those as quick as you can."

  "You want me to do what?" She didn't like the idea of taking her clothes off in front of a man she'd just met and knew nothing about, no matter how handsome he was.

  He turned his back to her and moved toward the door. "Come on, just do it," he said. "I promise not to look and the sooner you change, the sooner we can get out of this room." He reached into a backpack and pulled out a strange looking black tool, which he applied to the door lock and began to twist.

  Seeing he really wasn't interested in watching her, but was busy with his task, she opened her bag and pulled out the clothing she needed and then hurried to change.

  Taking her bag, she stood beside him by the door as he peered out. "Ready."

  He continued watching through the cracked door. "Good. They'll be looking for you traveling alone, so we're going to pretend to be a couple."

  "How would they know I'm traveling alone?"

  "Background checks. They run them once you buy a ticket."

  "Oh. That gives me
the creeps."

  "It's an information age, sweetheart, and information is power." He winked.

  "Still, I don't like it." She wrinkled her nose.

  "I'd think you'd be used to it with your job."

  She shook her head. "I don't run background checks on people."

  "That's because you're licensing the cars, not the people driving them. But I guarantee your boss has access."

  "Maybe so."

  "Okay. They'll be looking for you traveling alone, so we're going to pretend you're my girlfriend and we're so much in love we can't keep our hands off of each other. We'll blend in with the crowd easier that way."

  Standing beside him she realized how much taller than her he was and how solid. The idea of him being unable to keep his hands off of her gave her images she hadn't had in a long time and a longing bone deep.

  "But wait." She placed her hand on his arm and he glanced at her. "I don't even know your name."

  He gave her a deep smile. "Just call me Wolfe. And what's yours?"

  "Cyree Whitten."

  "Pretty name, Cyree." Her name dripping from his tongue in that tone made her want to close her eyes. Heck he could even read her the boring technical manual on operating the new licensing machine at work that she'd had to read last week. She'd blissfully listen to him for hours.

  "Thank you." She smiled.

  He smiled back, his eyes searching hers. "Well Cyree," his hand reached for hers and his fingers threaded through hers, strong and warm. "Are you ready to be in love?"


  Oh my God, yes. More than ready. Just keep looking at me that way and touching me like that.

  As they exited the room together, closing the door behind them and stepping past it quickly, she heard her name. "Passenger Cyree Whitten, please report to the security office. We have your ticket. Passenger Cyree Whitten, please report to the security office."

  "They can't have my ticket, I have it right here."

  "Don't reach for it, just keep walking."

  "But what do they want?"

  "Hush." Wolfe slid his arm around her waist, his hand warm against her side, his strength comforting and reassuring.

  He smiled down at her and she relaxed a little.

  "Thirsty?" he asked and stopped abruptly.

  He turned her toward a kiosk, which sold drinks.

  "Oh yes. Very." She hadn't had anything to drink in so long and was touched he'd remembered she'd gone into the lounge because of her thirst. She selected a bottle of cranberry juice and he picked up a bottle of water.

  She eyed a chicken salad sandwich. "I wonder if their sandwiches are fresh."

  A man wearing bright orange tennis shoes walked up next to her and stood looking at the sandwiches. She tried not to stare at his feet and turned toward Wolfe.

  "Probably, but let's just get our drinks now, hon. We don't want to be late meeting your aunt and uncle."

  Aunt and Uncle?

  She gazed at him and catching his expression, remembered this was all a rouse. The man's orange tennis shoes had distracted her and she'd briefly forgotten to play along.

  "I can wait a little longer."

  "Just these then." Wolfe paid for their drinks and then after opening their drinks and taking a few swallows they were off down the terminal again headed toward the entrance, as she forgot about the orange tennis shoes.

  They stepped upon the moving sidewalk and hung onto the rails as they drank. There was no one in front of or behind them as they rode together so Cyree asked a question which hovered.

  "So, this flu. What is it exactly?"

  "It's called the onion flu because it's believed to be spread by a new variety of onions that went bad. More of the new improved food they insist is better. It was released in the supermarkets two weeks ago. You really haven't seen them?"

  She shook her head. "No. I've been eating out every night." She shrugged.

  "Bigger onions, perfectly round and white which they claim won't make your eyes water when you cut them. For half the cost of other onions on the market."

  "Wow. Really? They don't make your eyes water?"

  "I've no idea. I won't eat that modified garbage they're passing as food."

  "Oh." Drawn by his passionate voice she leaned back and he pulled her closer.

  "Go on."

  "People started getting sick, real sick and every single one of them had eaten those onions in one form or another. The news spread through the communities and then the story finally aired along with a report that the government was on the verge of releasing a preventative medicine."

  "Like getting a vaccination."

  "Similar, but in pill form. They call it Sendot."

  "So that's what the announcement was about."

  "Yes." He leaned down to whisper in her ear; the rumbles of his voice making her want to close her eyes and curl up beside him. "But it's a lie. The pills do nothing for that flu."

  "Oh, that's horrible." She turned around to face him. "Why would they do something like that?"

  "I can't tell you right now. Later." He kissed her forehead and turned her back around. "Watch your step."

  They'd reached the end of one moving sidewalk and had to walk a few steps before getting on the next one.

  Cyree was so glad she hadn't taken those pills or eaten those onions and that she wasn't around anyone with flu. Now if she could just get out of this airport.

  "If you're hungry there's supposed to be a good Vietnamese place about thirty minutes from here."

  "That sounds good. I like Vietnamese soup."

  A man merged in with them before they stepped on the next moving sidewalk. A man with orange shoes.

  "I know you do, sweetheart. I just wasn't sure you'd want to eat now or if you wanted to wait for a late dinner with your aunt and uncle."

  "What?" She looked up at Wolfe.

  "Check your phone and see if they've called. It's possible they ate a big lunch before they flew in."

  Playing along, she pulled out her phone and looked at it.

  No calls but she had phone service now. There was a text from the airline. That was odd. She looked up at Wolfe, alarm in her eyes.

  He ran his hand across the back of her neck, in a warm caress. "If you only knew how much I want to kiss you right now. I'm not sure I can wait."

  Oh yes. Kiss me now. Sweep me off my feet, right here in this airport. I don't care who's watching.

  "On second thought, forget about calling them right now." He bent and kissed her with a soft brush of his lips.

  Her eyes drifted closed and she wanted him to continue. Everything around them had faded away and…

  "Time to get off, baby."

  Her eyes flew open and she realized he meant to get off of the moving sidewalk. She turned and watched for the end of it so she could step off and marveled at how fast he could make her forget everything around her, until it was only the two of them in her mind.

  Is he just a very good player or is this true love at first sight?

  If only she knew the difference.

  His arm guided her holding her arm as she stepped off. "I love the way you blush."

  She realized she'd been daydreaming. It was a good thing he was looking out for her.

  The man in the orange shoes turned left as they turned right and she wondered if he was the same man who'd stood beside her at the kiosk.

  They dropped their empty bottles into a trashcan and she was aware of how he was scanning the airport as he went through it, without giving the appearance of doing so. He was constantly aware, which was a good thing, as she seemed to be completely twitterpated by the man.

  "Cyree you're going to be fine. But if anyone asks you why you didn't get on that plane, tell them you felt sick to your stomach and decided you couldn't fly right now. You went into the ladies room and you were sick for a long time. Then you decided to head home."

  "Okay. But why are you telling me this now?"

  "Because we are being followed
and could be separated."

  "No." She wrapped her hand around his arm. "Please don't let that happen. Don't leave me."

  He bent down and kissed her full on the lips, making her feel weak in the knees and her arms wrapped around his neck. His arms wrapped around her back, spreading warmth all the way down to her toes. They stayed that way for a long time as he kissed her nearly senseless.

  When he broke the kiss, their noses nearly touching, he said, "Time to go find a taxi. We need to rush like we can't wait to get in bed. We won't talk any more, understand?"

  She nodded.

  "I'm going to kiss you again and then we're going to hold hands and run for that taxi."

  "Yes." She barely breathed the words before his lips touched hers again as he kissed her so passionately that when he broke away her only thoughts were to run for that taxi and something about hurrying to get in bed. Something her body very much wanted. Right now.

  He took her bag in one hand and her hand in the other and then they ran, making it all the way outside the airport where they stood on the curb out of breath. She laughed with the excitement and exhilaration of it.

  Wolf hailed a taxi. "Come on baby, I can't wait to get you naked."

  The taxi driver got out after popping his trunk and came around the back of the taxi to put her bag in the back. Wolfe held onto his backpack. "I'll need to hang onto this if you want me to pay you, mate."

  The taxi driver smiled and nodded then closed the trunk.

  Wolfe opened the taxi door for her and as she got in she saw a man standing over by the taxi stand talking to the dispatcher. A man with bright orange shoes.

  Was he the one following them? She was sure he'd been the one standing next to her at the kiosk and again on the moving escalator. She wished she'd looked at the mans face when he stood next to her the first time so she would know for sure.

  Wolfe helped her inside and told the taxi driver the name of a mall he wanted to be driven to.

  The restaurant he'd mentioned must be located in a mall.

  Inside the taxi he again pulled her close and kissed her for a long time before coming up for air.

  She hadn't been kissed this much in the entire last year. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time her ex husband had kissed her for more than a second or two. Usually as a prelude to sex. He'd never gotten tired of that, but long lingering kisses like this had been left behind after the first few years of their marriage.

  But wait. What was she thinking? He had never kissed her like this. Wolfe's kisses were like, well they were like her favorite desert that she could never turn down or get enough of. It would be a sort of death to be married to a man who could kiss her the way Wolfe did if he ever stopped. Yet she hadn't noticed that loss with her ex husband until now.

  The scenery had flown by as she'd stared out the window, lost in her thoughts and with her fingertips, touching her lips.

  Wolfe leaned back against the taxi, watching her with a light in his eyes and a smile. "Day dreaming?"

  Oh he knew exactly what his kisses did to her. Blushing, she dropped her hand into her lap. She didn't know what to say.

  His hand reached over and threaded through hers. "We're almost there."


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