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The Guardian's Path

Page 6

by Disney Book Group

  You fling open a cage filled with weapons. “Hey! Over here!” you shout to the crowd. You toss weapons out, causing a full-fledged riot.

  You run toward Dastan just as he knocks out the man with your dagger. “Get to the tunnel!” you cry.

  You race through a tunnel leading to the valley. You hear a loud scraping sound and see a gate dropping down from the ceiling. You charge forward, drop, and roll under the gate. The gate hits the ground with a thud.

  With Dastan on the other side.

  “Pull the lever,” he says, pointing to the wall. “It will open the gate!”

  Amar and his men are closing in.

  “Give me the Dagger,” you say.

  Dastan glances over his shoulder, then back at you. “This is not the time!” he shouts. “Now pull it!”

  “Give me the Dagger!” you insist.

  Suddenly, he pulls his sword and thrusts it at you through the bars!



  “Stop it!” you scold yourself, your voice echoing back to you. You are a Guardian, not a helpless maid. Astrella snorts and her ears twitch. You pat her neck. “Sorry, girl,” you say. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  Another crash of lightning makes her whinny. You cluck at her. “Okay, we’ll go in even farther. Get you away from the cave’s entrance.”

  You carefully bring the mare deeper into the cave. Not carefully enough. You trip over something and stumble onto the mucky ground.

  You feel around to find out what tripped you. It’s a satchel. Someone must have left it here. You open it and pull out two things: a large, highly decorated jar. Tracing its raised design with your fingers, you guess its covered in images of wild creatures and exotic plants. It feels heavy, so you know something’s inside. The other thing is a tiny box that appears to be covered in gold leaf and precious gems. It feels empty.

  Which should you open?

  Open the large jar, TURN TO PAGE 42

  Open the tiny box, TURN TO PAGE 97


  You leap onto the column, clutching it as it crashes down, creating a bridge between you and the Sandglass. The impact knocks Nizam over, and he drops the Dagger. You race after it, and more shaking throws you to the ground. You lie there stunned.

  So close! Your fingers touch the Dagger’s handle. Yes!

  Nizam lunges at you, desperate for the Dagger. You tuck and roll out of his way, and he falls into the chasm, screaming the whole way down.

  You roll onto your back and clutch the Dagger to your chest. You shut your eyes and breathe hard, trying to get up the strength to stand.

  “Strange spot for a nap,” you hear Dastan say.

  You gaze up to see him standing over you, bloody and covered in dirt.

  He holds out his hand and you take it.

  It’s over. The world is safe.

  You smile at Prince Dastan. “We did it,” you say, full of wonder. Then you smirk. “Let’s get out of here. Someone could really use some cleaning up.”

  Prince Dastan feigns shock. “I hope you’re not talking about me, Princess,” he protests. “Have you seen a mirror?” Then he grows serious. “Before my father died, he made one last decree. Do you remember?”

  You blush. You do. It was that you and the prince should marry. You find you are no longer horrified by the idea. In fact, you have a funny feeling that perhaps this, too, is part of your destiny.



  You study Dastan’s face, desperately hoping you’ve gotten through to him, and made him see the importance of your sacred duty. He gazes solemnly at the Dagger.

  “The secret Guardian Temple outside Alamut is a sanctuary,” you say. “The Dagger must be delivered back to the safety of this sacred home. It’s the only way to stop this Armageddon. That’s the truth, Dastan. Give me back the Dagger so I can take it there.”

  Dastan is clearly weighing his decision. Then, to your shock and horror, he slides the Dagger back into his belt.

  “I’m sorry, Princess,” he tells you. “I can’t do that.”

  You stare at him, stunned.

  Do you attack him to get the dagger back? TURN TO PAGE 102

  Or do you try to find some other way to persuade him? TURN TO PAGE 31


  At the word “dagger,” Nizam’s expression changes. “Why is your princess so concerned about a single dagger?”

  Perhaps this was a mistake. He seems far too interested.

  “I . . . I think it’s a dagger,” you say. You open your eyes wide, as if you aren’t all that bright. “Maybe it was something else she wanted to get from Prince Dastan.” You rack your brain trying to come up with a word a dim-witted servant might have mixed up with dagger. “Swagger? Yes, that’s it! She wanted to know where he got his swagger!” Inwardly you groan. You can’t believe that was all you could think of!

  Nizam chuckles. “I wondered how you would talk yourself out of this one, but I had no idea it would be so funny. I never thought of princesses as being so . . . entertaining. Usually they are dull and spoiled.”

  You grow cold as you look at him.

  “I know all about the Dagger, Princess Tamina,” he says, his voice hardening. “Perhaps we can work together to wrest it out of Prince Dastan’s hands.”

  This is a surprising twist. “There’s one problem,” you tell him. “I don’t want you to have it any more than I want Prince Dastan to have it. So why should I help you?”

  Nizam suddenly grips you by the throat. “If you do, I’ll let you live. If you don’t . . .” He squeezes harder.

  “All right!” you gasp.



  The genie’s eyes narrow. He circles you. “I know you’re on a sacred quest,” Kartosh says, surprising you.

  You had not told him that. “But what kind . . . I wonder. . . .”

  You notice the rain has stopped. You should get away—quickly.

  “Very nice to have met you,” you say, taking Astrella’s reins. “I really must be on my way.”

  In a flash, he blocks the mouth of the cave. “You released me from the box. I demand you take me with you.”

  “You demand ?” you say.

  “I could be very helpful.” Kartosh wheedles. “I see danger around you. Perhaps I can afford you some protection.”

  Perhaps he could. Or perhaps he’s the danger!

  If you ask him to accompany you, TURN TO PAGE 61

  If you tell him he can’t come with you, TURN TO PAGE 54


  You don’t think you’ll be able to make the long journey on your own. You shout and wave to the Bedouin caravan, and they stop long enough for you to catch up.

  You don’t speak their language, but you manage to make yourself understood. Someone brings you a goatskin of water, another some dates and nuts. But it’s clear they want to keep moving. A young boy leads a camel to you. You’re going to have to ride the thing!

  The boy gets the camel to kneel, and after several attempts to mount it, someone helps you climb aboard. Then the boy gives a signal, and the camel makes its jerky rise.

  Whoa! It’s hard to stay on as the camel starts walking. Even harder to control it. It definitely has a mind of its own.

  “Hey!” you call. “Wait up!” The camel has decided it wants to go in a different direction. By the time you get it turned around, the rest of the group has traveled far ahead. You watch as they stop. The young boy rides back and grabs the camel’s reins. You are terribly embarrassed, but that’s the way you ride until they decide to stop for the night. Wandering a crooked path until the boy rescues you—again and again.

  In the darkness, you lie on the ground, wrapped in one of the Bedouin’s cloaks. Every single muscle aches. You quickly fall asleep.



just in time. Out of the sand funnels come powerful horses carrying black-clad fighters. The mud soldiers charge toward them. Astonishing! The battle is over in just minutes. The mud soldiers win!

  Kartosh says another incantation and the mud soldiers melt away back into the ground.

  “I-I don’t know how to thank you,” you tell Kartosh.

  “A gift is customary,” Kartosh snaps.

  You laugh. “I’d hate to break with custom. So what would you like?”

  He casts his eyes down. “What I’d really like . . . though I’ll regret giving up the gold I usually demand . . . well . . .” He brings his eyes up to meet yours. “I’d like to continue on with you—even though we’ve defeated your enemies. I’ve been locked up in a box for a thousand years.”

  “Poor Kartosh,” you say. “You must be so lonely.”

  He pretends to look insulted. “Me? Wanting the companionship of a mere human? I’d never be that lonely! I simply need instruction on the current times. So I’ll fit in.”

  “I see,” you say. His pleading expression makes it clear that he’s simply too proud to admit his loneliness. “Well, I’d be happy to help you make the adjustment.”

  Relief floods his golden features. “You won’t regret it!” He hops up onto his horse. “Well, quit dawdling. That dagger won’t deliver itself!”

  You grin, then realize you never mentioned the Dagger. You hope you won’t regret this decision in . . .



  Your head feels a little fuzzy as you grab the sword from the saddle on Dastan’s horse. Suddenly the prince is right there, gripping your wrist!

  “Go for that sword again and I swear I’ll break your arm,” he hisses.

  “Again?” you repeat. What does he mean? Then it hits you. Your eyes grow wide as you stare at the Dagger. It is just as you feared. Dastan has seen what the Dagger can do. Worse—“You used up all the sand!”

  Dastan glances at the empty glass handle. He hits the jewel button. Nothing happens. “What is this?” he demands.

  You pull hard, but he shakes you off. He’s too amazed by the Dagger to pay you much mind.

  “Incredible,” he says, piecing it together. “Releasing the sand turns back time! And only the holder of the Dagger is aware of what’s happened. He can go back, alter events, change time . . . and no one knows but him!” Now he looks right at you. “How much can it unwind?”

  You can’t believe he made the discovery! This is awful!

  “Answer me, Princess!” he demands.

  “You destroyed my city!” you scream at him.

  “We had intelligence you were arming our enemies.”

  “You had the lies of a Persian spy,” you say bitterly.

  “Our invasion wasn’t about weapons forges,” he says. “It was about this dagger!”

  “Clever prince,” you mutter miserably.



  You look up at Dastan’s face, wondering why he has pulled you aside.

  He yanks the amulet you wear from around your neck. He turns so that Sheikh Amar and his men can’t see him flip it open. He grins when he sees the glowing sand inside.

  “Dastan, listen to me,” you plead.

  He ignores you and pours the sand into the glass handle of the Dagger. He slides the knife back into his belt, then hands you the empty amulet.

  “When my uncle sees the power of the Dagger, he’ll believe our invasion was a lie,” he says. “Thank you, Your Highness.”

  You’re desperate now. “Dastan, I know I haven’t been completely honest with you—”

  “But your lies have been so charming,” he says sarcastically.

  “That dagger is sacred. It’s only allowed to leave Alamut if the city falls. It was being smuggled to safety when you stole it. Dastan, if the Dagger falls into the wrong hands—”

  “Don’t worry, Your Highness. I’ll keep your knife safe.”

  “You don’t understand what’s at stake! This is a matter for the gods, not man! ”

  “Your gods, not mine.” Dastan is clearly finished with this conversation. He turns and nods to one of Amar’s men, who drags you away.



  You are escorted from the High Temple to your chambers. You are told to wait to be presented to the king and have your union with Prince Tus blessed. You are a prisoner in your own palace.

  You do learn something important from the guard just before he plants himself outside your room: the handsome young man who now has your dagger is Prince Dastan, the youngest of the three princes. Garsiv is the name of the Persian who was harsh with you. Tus, as you’ve unfortunately learned, will inherit the crown. The man with the bald head is their uncle, Nizam.

  You pace your chamber. You have to get the Dagger—it is not just your own life that hangs in the balance but the future of all of humanity. No one can discover its power. But how do you prevent that from happening?

  What is the smartest thing to do? Should you find a way to search for Prince Dastan? Or should you try to find out more by allowing yourself to be presented to the king?

  Sneak away TURN TO PAGE 26

  Meet the king TURN TO PAGE 17


  You hold very still, terrified you’ve been gutted.

  “Move, Princess,” Dastan orders.

  You slowly step to the side. Now you see that the blade has not impaled you, but one of Sheikh Amar’s guards. He was standing right behind you, gripping a scimitar. He flops over.

  You gape at Dastan. He just saved your life!

  Dastan drops down and yanks the keys from the skewered guard’s belt. He quickly fits a key into a lock and raises the gate. He spins and lowers it again just before Amar and his men reach you.

  You race away, leaving the sheikh muttering and cursing after you.

  It seems you are once again stuck traveling with Dastan to the city of Avrat. He has the Dagger, and until he doesn’t you can’t leave his side.



  You shouldn’t waste time investigating caves, you remind yourself. You have a mission to complete. And it has nothing to do with whoever—or whatever—tiled the tunnel floor.

  You turn Astrella around. As you do, you hear a rumbling behind you.

  “Who dares enter our sanctuary!” a voice booms. “Trespassing is punishable by death!” Thunderous footsteps shake the ground.

  You quickly mount Astrella, your hands shaking. It’s awkward in the narrow tunnel, especially while holding on to the torch, but you don’t want her to try to run in the dark. As soon as you’re settled on the saddle, you urge her to hurry. There is no way you want to see the body that goes with that voice.

  You don’t have to bother. Astrella navigates at top speed. Soon the footsteps recede and no one shouts after you anymore. You charge out of the cave. It’s still raining but you don’t care. You’d rather be out in the storm than trapped in the tunnel with whatever giant you offended!

  You head north, vowing that you will take no more side trips! And you keep that promise all the way to your journey’s . . .



  Amar’s men set up camp in the oasis. Two guards stand watch, and everyone else rests around the campfire. Somehow you manage to fall asleep.

  You wake abruptly to see Dastan, no longer bound. He is using the Dagger and a smoldering log to kill a group of vicious pit vipers!

  Amar and Seso stare at him. “Persian, how did you do that?” Amar asks in a shaking voice.

  “Seso saw reason and gave me the Dagger,” Dastan explains. “The rest was just instinct.” He slides the Dagger into his belt and winks at you.

  You know exactly what happened. It had nothing to do with instinct. Dastan must have somehow been alerted to the presence of the vipers. He used the Dagger to rewind time. When
time moved forward he knew the position of each of the deadly snakes and was ready for them.

  “We have to get out of here, now,” Dastan orders. He bends down and cuts the ropes binding you. “Hurry!”

  His urgency is clear—Amar and Seso signal the men without an argument. Quickly, you mount horses and thunder away.



  You can’t risk the life of another to protect the Dagger. It is your destiny, your responsibility. You will take the journey north to the Guardian Temple as you have been instructed to do. This is the only place it will be safe.

  You remember all the stories you’ve been told, the directions you were required to learn. There is no map—for security reasons the location of the temple has never been written down. It is passed on from one generation of Guardians to the next.

  Quickly donning a disguise, you sneak to one of the stables and mount your horse, Astrella. After several well-placed, generous bribes, you ride out of the city, wary of the Persian army.

  You know there will be certain landmarks to guide you, along with the stars. You hope you remember all the twists and turns. A flutter of anxiety rises in your chest.

  You have trained for this moment all your life, you remind yourself. Failure is not an option.



  You take the Dagger from Dastan and smile. You turn and survey the village.

  “It’s quiet,” he comments.

  You nod, your heart starting to thump in your chest. Something feels wrong. You notice a farmhouse door is ajar. It’s a cold day. Why would they . . . ?

  Anxiety mounting, you run to the farmhouse and rush inside, Dastan is right behind you. “There’s nobody here,” he says.

  You hear Seso reciting some kind of prayer out back. You and Dastan duck back outside. You gasp.


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