Highland Spitfire

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Highland Spitfire Page 6

by Mary Wine

  She pushed against him, ducking beneath his arm and sliding down the side of his stallion.

  “Sweet Christ, Ailis!”

  The horse danced away, screaming with displeasure. She ran after her mare and used a rock to mount.

  “That was a bloody insane risk to take!” Bhaic scolded her.

  He was right. Her father would have thrashed her for being so careless near a stallion. One kick could have split her skull.

  But a lifetime of sense had abandoned her the moment he kissed her. It was overwhelming and suffocating. She gathered up the reins and pointed her mare in the direction of Robertson land. She leaned low over the horse’s neck as it took off. Once they cleared the forest, Ailis gave the mare free rein.

  In spite of the pounding of her mount’s hooves, she heard Bhaic giving chase. She refused to look over her shoulder, forcing herself to believe she could outrun him.

  He truly was the monster she’d been raised to fear.

  If she stayed near him, he’d devour even her soul.

  * * *

  The head of his father’s retainers drew up beside Bhaic. Ronald watched Ailis as she rode across the borderland between Bhaic’s father’s and hers.

  “Are we pleased about the little lass’s escape or no’?”

  Bhaic resisted the urge to smash Ronald in the jaw. The impulse soured his mood even further.

  No woman had ever affected him so violently. And he’d never been unhappy to see a Robertson fleeing from him.

  It was a sensation he wasn’t sure he was comfortable with. Women were enjoyable but never too distracting. He had matters to see to, important ones that didn’t allow for any sort of obsession.

  So it was better that Ailis Robertson was on her way.

  “I’ll have the marriage annulled next year,” Bhaic told his captain. “That should give the councilors surrounding the king enough time to become disenchanted with the Earl of Morton and his ideas on ruling the country.”

  Ronald cocked his head to one side. “That will be difficult, what with the stained sheet.”

  “It was nae the lass’s blood. She’ll agree. As ye can see, she has no taste for this union.”

  Surprise widened Ronald’s eyes before he grinned. “In that case, ripping her chemise was a fine bit of trickery.”

  “Aye,” Bhaic answered even as the memory surfaced to needle him.

  Convincing a female to share his bed was a favorite challenge, and he’d enjoyed having Ailis in his bed. The moments of the night replayed across his mind, tempting him to set his heels into the sides of his stallion and run her down. Ronald was watching him, picking up the indecision on his face. Bhaic cursed. The lass would have a right to call him a brute if he chased her down with half his men along.

  The Earl of Morton was right about one thing though: it was a changing world. Ships were sailing farther, discovering new lands, and Rome was losing its grip on the world. Still, he wasn’t willing to resort to forcing a woman into his bed. He knew she’d enjoyed his kiss, and the thought made him chuckle.

  She was a virgin all right.

  And one who had been sheltered when it came to the coarser nature of men. Her father truly was to be commended for making sure his men kept their dallying from her eyes. No’ just any laird could manage such a feat. Castles were large, and Highlanders were lusty by nature. Sundown offered dark passageways for liaisons. Even the laird’s daughter was bound to see the blunt realities of life if someone wasn’t minding her chastity.

  He grunted, his respect for his father’s enemy growing again.

  Ailis had cleared the ridge and disappeared down the other side of it.

  She had the right idea. It had been insanity to ask her to stay. She would have distracted him. What he needed was a wife who would bear his children and welcome him into a warm bed when he had time for her.

  Nothing else.

  But it was still the first time he’d been displeased to see a Robertson fleeing his father’s land.

  * * *

  “Only a MacPherson would fail to see what a gem me daughter is.”

  Ailis sent her father a stern look, but he ignored her.

  “Mind ye, I was dead set against the marriage, but me daughter is a true Robertson. She puts her clansmen above herself,” Liam Robertson continued. His captains hung on his words, and the servants nodded as they performed their duties. Young lookouts fidgeted behind the captains, their eyes glowing with hatred for the MacPherson.

  It sickened her, and unleashed a wave of guilt powerful enough to drown her.

  Perhaps she should have taken Bhaic’s offer. A shiver worked its way across her skin. A month later, she shouldn’t have been so sensitive to the memory.

  But she was.

  It played and replayed in her dreams. She woke swearing she smelled Bhaic in her bed, detected his warmth between the sheets. Felt his kiss lingering on her lips.

  It was the cruelest sort of torment, which bred a growing longing inside her. It made no sense, unless Bhaic had been correct about her being old enough for marriage.

  Was it so simple?

  She hoped so.

  Fleeing from him wasn’t sitting well with her. It was cowardly, and there was no way to soften it. She’d run from him. Fled from the intensity, from the overwhelming sensation his touch unleashed.

  Maybe she was ready for marriage.

  “Father, I am looking forward to May Day.”

  Her father paused, looking at her as he tried to drop the subject of how terrible the MacPhersons were. A renewed sense of guilt assaulted her when she witnessed how much effort it took. It was sad indeed to see that they didn’t know how to talk about anything except the feud. She felt a hint of responsibility for keeping the fighting going, because they never stopped fanning the flames. Well, it was time.

  “Aye, it will be a fine market fair.”

  He returned to talking to his captains, but Ailis felt a bit of relief.

  May Day was the perfect time to begin looking for a husband.


  May Day was one of those few days when clan rivalry was abandoned. At the crossroads of the MacPherson, Robertson, Grant, and Gordon lands, merchants arrived to set up their stalls. There were metalworkers, cloth sellers, and leather craftsmen. The time when a castle produced everything for itself was passing into the pages of history. Now, there were merchants who made their living by bringing exotic fruits inland from the ports. Even so early in spring, there were oranges and pomegranates brought by ship from Spain. There were spices brought in from faraway lands.

  The merchants were joined by jugglers and musicians. The air was festive, and the four clans mixed freely, their animosity displayed only in games of strength. Instead of wielding swords against one another, they tossed cabers—long poles as big as trees—and tried to get them to flip end over end.

  Ailis brushed out her hair and put on a wreath of spring greens to celebrate the new season. Many girls had risen at dawn to wash their faces in the morning dew to ensure their youthful beauty. More than one young maiden had celebrated spring with more than dew.

  She hadn’t, because she was a laird’s daughter and expected to remain a virgin until she wed, so she wasn’t allowed to join the other girls in the predawn hours. At least she was able to go to the fair every year. The rest of the castle inhabitants had to take turns, because it would never do for the castle to be left empty.

  But for some girls, taking a lover on May Day was a way to decide upon a husband. Ailis envied them the opportunity to make sure they would have no unpleasant surprises on their wedding nights.

  She’d certainly had a shock on hers.

  Ailis shook her head. She would not think of Bhaic MacPherson or her wedding night. She was not married. But only because she hadn’t
been bedded.

  She shivered, but she honestly wasn’t sure if it was caused by revulsion or excitement.

  Yes, ye do know.

  Heat teased her cheeks as she admitted it was excitement. She had enjoyed his kiss. It would be a lie not to admit that she had also wondered what else she might enjoy.

  Which was why she wandered out into the fair, smiling at the men who passed. It was time to apply her attention to getting some offers she was actually interested in receiving.

  * * *

  “Ye’re a beast of a man, Bhaic MacPherson,” Symon Grant shouted across the green where they had been tossing cabers. Bhaic smirked and bent his arms at the elbows to show off his muscles. His chest was bare, sweat trickling down his abdomen.

  Symon closed the distance and offered him a slap on the back. “Damned lucky too. I thought I had ye on that last toss.”

  “Almost,” Bhaic admitted.

  “Which is nae enough, so ye can buy me some ale.”

  Bhaic chuckled and bowed. The winner bought the ale. He scooped up his shirt, but didn’t put it on as they walked toward the food merchants. There were Robertson retainers sitting nearby, but they only cut him and his men stiff glances.

  Bhaic gestured his captain forward. The merchant’s eyes lit up as Bhaic counted out the silver. The man snapped his fingers at the serving wenches, and they began to bring out frothy-topped wooden mugs.

  Bhaic drew off a long swallow and grinned. The men surrounding him raised their tankards high, toasting him before they tasted the brew.

  But he lost focus, his gaze settling on the cloud of blond hair floating around the shoulders of Ailis Robertson. There was a happy smile on her lips as she spun around and around in a dance. She laughed when she reached the end of the row and picked up her skirts to run back to the beginning of the set.

  “Now there is something interesting,” Symon remarked as he stood beside Bhaic. “Is nae that yer wife?”


  Symon cut him a somber look. “Marriage is nae one of those things ye say maybe about.”

  “In this case, it’s true.”

  Symon drew off another sip of ale. “I suppose that accounts for why Lye Rob Gordon is dancing with her so openly, and her with her hair down. So a wedding but no’ a bedding? Was that the way of it? And ye’re happy to have it known by one and all?”

  Bhaic felt his body stiffen. There was more than one man looking at him. The news of his wedding had traveled fast. People gathering around the dancers, pointing at Ailis and her unbound hair.

  A tradition that only applied to maidens.

  It was a public declaration of the truth of their union. Lye Rob Grant was making a bold statement by dancing with her for all to see. Ailis had on a different dress today, one that left no doubt she was a woman. It had a square neckline, and her plump breasts were clearly on display. Lye Rob looked at them often, reaching out to cup her slim waist every time the steps of the dance allowed him. Bhaic felt his nostrils flare, a surge of possessiveness filling him.

  She belonged to him.

  It wasn’t about facts or words spoken in a holy place. It was a feeling rooted deep inside him, that place where he still recalled what she smelled and tasted like. A recognition that had taken root in the darkest hours of the night, when she had shattered his control like he was an untried lad.

  Lye Rob pulled her close and tried to kiss her.

  Bhaic abandoned his ale and went after what he truly craved.

  * * *

  Ailis laughed and shook her head.

  “Do nae leave me now, lass!” Lye Rob pleaded.

  She shook her head again, her heart racing too fast for her to draw enough breath to answer him. She backed away from the couples dancing, lifting her chin so the breeze might cool her neck. She did not want his kiss.

  It was disappointing, because she wanted to find a man who stirred her the way Bhaic had. But it was clear it wasn’t Lye Rob. He was fun to dance with, and his brown eyes were warm, but they did not excite her.

  Not like Bhaic.

  She turned around, and her skirts spun up. Cool air teased her ankles and calves before the fabric settled.

  “Are ye enjoying putting the horns of a cuckold on me head?”

  She stared at Bhaic in stunned silence, wondering if she’d conjured him with her daydreaming. But the men at his back confirmed that she was not locked in another memory of their wedding night. “I’m nae doing anything of the sort.”

  He snorted and reached out to finger her hair. She jumped, the single touch setting off a reaction that rippled throughout her entire body.

  “Unbound hair is the right of a maiden.”

  The truth of his words rolled through her, stunning her at just how foolishly she’d betrayed the facts of her unconsummated vows.

  “It’s so nice of ye to make sure everyone knows.” He jerked his head to get her to look beyond him. People were standing three and four deep, many of them whispering as they looked at her.

  “She was dancing with me,” Lye Rob interrupted.

  Bhaic turned on him with a soft growl. “Unless ye’re a fool, ye know she’s wed to me.”

  Her temper flared up, the public declaration feeling like a collar going around her neck. Perhaps she hadn’t made as clean an escape as she’d thought.

  “Enough bickering,” she admonished. “’Tis May Day. Everyone is dancing.”

  Bhaic was crowding Lye Rob, towering over the other man by at least a foot. Somehow, she’d missed the fact that Bhaic was bare chested.

  That was a sin, to be sure.

  One ye enjoy…

  The man was sculpted to perfection. She’d felt the ridges of muscles on her wedding night, but seeing them let loose a whole different surge of excitement. This time, her nipples puckered behind her stays, longing for the chance to be pressed against his bare skin.

  It was a red-hot craving, one that felt worse than any hunger she’d ever endured.

  “There is little point in bickering,” she said.

  He turned to face her. “Aye, enough is right, Ailis.”

  He captured her hips and pulled her forward. She ran into his chest, raising her hands out of instinct to break her collision with him. He leaned down and pressed his mouth against hers, running one hand up her back to capture her head and hold her still.

  The kiss was ravishing. It bore little resemblance to the tender ones he’d given her before. This time he demanded, and her will crumbled beneath the hard motions of his mouth. This was the kiss she’d truly wanted.

  The crowd watching them cheered, the men roaring with approval.

  Bhaic lifted his head, and she glimpsed his pleased expression right before he tossed her up and over his shoulder.

  She squealed, her skirts flying as she kicked, but the crowd applauded and cheered him on.

  “Put me down!”

  He smacked her bottom instead.

  A bolt of hot need pierced her in response. Her cheeks flamed, making her grateful no one could see her face. The sounds of the music diminished into the distance as he climbed into the forest that surrounded the crossroads.

  He tossed her down the moment they were hidden from the fair.

  She’d forgotten how mesmerizing he was. She wished she might forget again. But he was huge, and for some reason, she found his dark hair extremely appealing. He was a beast.

  He was also virile…

  “Perhaps it was a mistake to leave ye a virgin.”

  Her temper sizzled, and she propped her hands on her hips. “What happened to yer notion that I was in agreement with the earl’s plot? I would think ye would be pleased to see me making it plain that I have no claim on ye. Do ye no’ feel liberated?”

  Her argument hit
a soft spot. He paused, his eyes narrowing.

  “It does nae please me to see ye dancing with Lye Rob Gordon.”

  “Since ye made it plain ye want naught to do with me, I’ll dance with whoever I please,” she informed him.

  Her heart was beating fast, and he looked down at her breasts as they heaved. “Lye Rob wanted something to do with ye alright, and it had a great deal to do with the tempting display ye’ve made of yer breasts.”

  His possessiveness irritated her. She felt as though he was trying to put a bridle on her, and she was not going to submit. “Ye are the one who noticed I was old enough for marriage. Ye should begin the annulment, nae spend yer time harassing me. Since ye do nae want to be me husband, ye have no right to dictate how I behave.”

  He locked gazes with her. “And what do ye think the good earl will think of me annulling our union this soon, my sweet Ailis?”

  “I am nae yer sweet.”

  But she hadn’t really thought about what would happen when the earl found out she was back beneath her father’s roof.

  “I asked ye to stay.” His tone had deepened, hinting at his true feelings.

  She lowered her arms, no longer feeling the need to face off with him. “Ye did, but ye spent far more time accusing me of plotting to chain ye to me.”

  His lips curled up, flashing his white teeth. “So, ye are here to prove ye can get a man on yer own?”

  She didn’t care for how right he was. “Ye do nae need to know me private feelings, Bhaic MacPherson. Men are no’ the only ones with pride. I would like to think I could do better than having a man forced to wed me.”

  He chuckled, surprising her as his eyes danced with merriment.

  “We’re more alike than I would have thought.” There was something flickering in his eyes, which looked a lot like understanding. “Me pride was stinging the night of our wedding, no mistake. I said a few things I should nae have.”

  A sharp giggle interrupted them, coming through the trees. A moment later, a girl appeared. She was looking back over her shoulder, her eyes sparkling with mischief and her bodice loose, allowing her breasts to fall and bounce with her motions. A man chased after her, drawing up when he saw Bhaic. He let out a whistle, and the girl turned to see them in front of her. She flashed them a saucy smile before diving off into the forest with her companion on her heels.


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