Morelli's Mistress (Harlequin Presents)

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Morelli's Mistress (Harlequin Presents) Page 14

by Anne Mather

  ‘You can leave us,’ Luke said as Abby hovered in the doorway. ‘I’ll give you a call if I need anything.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  Felix offered a mocking salute and, after waiting until Abby had moved further into the room, he made his exit.

  The door swung closed behind him, and the sudden intimacy that created caused Abby’s stomach to tighten in anticipation.

  But when Luke didn’t immediately say anything, she felt obliged to speak. ‘Hi,’ she murmured inadequately, smoothing her palms over the slight swell of her stomach. She was wearing a pleated tunic over black leggings today, but they couldn’t hide her growing bulge. ‘It’s good to see you again.’

  ‘Yeah.’ Luke didn’t sound as if he believed her. ‘You’ll forgive me if I don’t get up?’

  ‘Of course.’ Abby caught her lower lip between her teeth. ‘You must be glad to be home. How are you feeling?’

  Luke’s mouth tightened. ‘How do I look?’

  ‘Um—good. You look good. Better than the last time I saw you, anyway.’

  ‘Which wouldn’t be difficult,’ said Luke drily. ‘Tell me, how did I look when I was in a coma? Judging by the way I look now, I wouldn’t be surprised if that nausea you said you’d been suffering from returned.’

  So he did remember the baby. Abby had wondered.

  Her lips tightened now. ‘That’s not funny, Luke.’

  ‘Did I say it was funny?’ He arched a brow. ‘Believe me, it’s not funny at all.’ He paused. ‘But you didn’t answer my question. Or are you too polite to say?’

  ‘I couldn’t see much of you in the hospital,’ said Abby defensively. ‘You were covered in bandages. How you looked was the least of my worries.’

  Luke grimaced. ‘Why don’t I believe you?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ Abby straightened her spine. ‘In any case, it’s the truth.’

  His father had warned her to expect this. That since Luke had been allowed to come home from hospital, he’d become morose and argumentative.

  Although he was supposed to be resting, he was apparently spending every morning on the computer, or haranguing his staff at Jacob’s Tower. He avoided visitors. All he seemed interested in was work.

  The fact that he’d had some success both on the futures market and in other, riskier, investments hadn’t improved his mood. It was as if he was trying to prove to himself—and to other people—that his injuries hadn’t impaired his business brain.

  Or that was Oliver Morelli’s interpretation, anyway.

  Obviously, Luke despised his weakness. And he apparently didn’t believe that his facial scars would fade. He’d told his father that he resembled a gargoyle, which Abby could see for herself was far from the truth.

  She sighed, aware that he was watching her, gauging her reaction to his appearance. And, okay, he was going to have quite a scar on his cheek, but it didn’t matter to her.

  In his father’s opinion, the damage that had been done to the muscles in his thigh was far more important. It meant there was a serious possibility that he’d never regain the strength in his legs.

  Abby thought that to her he would never look any different from the man she had, possibly foolishly, fallen in love with.

  But how to convince him of that?

  To begin with, she’d been so optimistic. Thanks to Oliver Morelli’s intervention, Abby had been allowed to spend time with Luke in the ICU.

  He’d still been unconscious, and it had been a worrying time when he’d been taken for another CT scan. His father had explained that, as well as his other injuries, they’d had to drill into his skull to relieve the pressure on his brain caused by some internal bleeding. That was no doubt why he’d slipped into a coma. But the treatment was proving a success.

  Or so they’d said.

  Later, with his doctor’s encouragement, Abby had spent a lot of that time talking to Luke. No one had known whether he could hear her or not, but she’d taken the chance and chattered away; pretending he was asleep, instead of being deep in the coma.

  But Abby couldn’t help fretting the whole time she was with him. She’d half wished she’d had Harley to comfort her. It was reassuring to think that Luke, too, might have appreciated the retriever’s presence. But, in the circumstances, Lori had agreed to look after him, enabling Abby to spend as much time at the hospital as she liked.

  She’d continued her one-sided conversation with Luke for days, and when—miraculously—he’d eventually opened his eyes and seen her, he’d seemed glad that she was there.

  He hadn’t been able to say a lot. With so many bandages around his head and body, he’d seemed too confused to speak. But Abby had believed his eyes had spoken for him, and she’d driven home in her little van that evening, virtually walking on air.

  Which had been a little foolish, she’d acknowledged later. Just because Luke had come round from the coma, she shouldn’t run away with the idea that their relationship had radically changed. But she’d been so pleased that he was alive and lucid that she’d ignored any future consequences.

  Which had been a mistake.

  She definitely hadn’t been prepared for the fact that the following day he’d refused to see her. And every day since, she’d had to rely on Felix or his father for updates about his health.

  It was from Felix she’d learned that Luke was recovering well from the treatment. That there’d been no further complications and, pretty soon, he’d be able to go home.

  ‘It’ll be different when he’s out of here,’ Felix had told Abby reassuringly. ‘It’s this place. It makes people go crazy.’

  But nothing had changed after Luke had left the hospital. And Abby couldn’t understand it. After all, when she’d rushed to his bedside after hearing about the accident, he’d said he loved her. What had changed since?

  Didn’t he know she was the one who’d spent all her free time in the ICU? Didn’t he realise how worried she’d been about him ever since? No matter how bad his injuries might turn out to be, her feelings would never change.

  But did Luke believe that?

  It was only after Luke’s father had contacted her that she’d been told more about Luke’s mental condition. She and Oliver Morelli had become friends, and he’d visited the café a couple of times to keep her up to date with developments.

  His explanation was that his son didn’t want to see anyone who might remind him of the accident. That the drugs he’d been given since being admitted to the hospital had left him depressed and confused. He was working because that was what he was used to doing. His personal life would have to wait.

  While Abby was sure there was more to it than that, she’d had to believe him. Until she could speak to Luke herself, there was nothing more she could do.

  And as hard as it was to accept, there’d been no point in forcing Luke to see her. She knew only too well how stubborn he could be. But surely, if she reminded him of the accident, so must Felix, yet Felix hadn’t been barred from his room.

  Now, six weeks after the accident, and three weeks since he’d been discharged into his father’s care, she’d been granted an interview. Ironic, perhaps, but there was no other word that fitted this invitation.

  And not at Oliver Morelli’s house in Bath, as she’d anticipated. Apparently, Luke had insisted he recuperate in his own home in London. In consequence, his father had had to agree to a temporary change of address.

  Abby couldn’t help but be impressed with the house itself. A tall Georgian town house, it stretched up over four floors, with long windows flanking the main door. The door itself was painted a glossy black, and had been highly polished. There were shutters on the many windows, and a semi-circular fanlight above the door.

  It was the kind of home she’d have expected a millionaire—or perhaps even a billionaire—to occ
upy, so what did that signify? It had certainly made her realise how remote from one another their two worlds were these days.

  The man she’d met in the wine bar that night bore little resemblance to the man who was waiting to see her. She’d wondered several times why he’d insisted on rekindling their relationship. It wasn’t as if he’d forgiven her for deceiving him. He still believed that Harry had been the innocent party all along.

  Inside, the house was equally impressive. A long hall led to the back of the house, where a conservatory reflected the warmth of the morning sun. A semi-circular table against the wall in the hall boasted a bowl of autumn flowers, with several greetings cards, evidently from well-wishers, lying on a silver tray.

  Abby had only glimpsed the rooms below as she’d mounted the curving staircase with the housekeeper. But, again, her impression had been of understated elegance, much different from the steel and chrome apartment she had once shared with Harry Laurence all those years ago.

  Despite the invitation, Abby was no longer optimistic about this visit. She was sure Oliver Morelli had persuaded Luke to see her, and that was the last thing she wanted in the present circumstances. She was supremely conscious of her pregnancy. And of the fact that aside from Lori—and Luke, of course—she’d told no one about the baby.

  Luke had apparently not told anyone either. And although she’d been tempted to tell his father, and Felix, she was loath to do anything that might alienate her even more from Luke.

  As she stood there now, she was intensely conscious of her own appearance. Already her clothes were getting tighter, and her breasts were spilling out of her skimpy bra.

  She was no longer the slender woman Luke had encountered when he’d come into the café that first morning almost four months ago. And of the two of them, she was very much afraid she had changed the most.

  She half wished she hadn’t come.

  Now Luke indicated an armchair at right angles to the window seat. ‘Sit down,’ he said, lifting his foot from the sill and placing it on the floor.

  She noticed the care with which he moved, but he couldn’t quite hide the twinge of pain that crossed his face as he did so. However, he quickly disguised it, reaching for a crutch that was lying beside him and pulling himself to his feet.

  Abby, who had taken him at his word and seated herself in the armchair, now looked up at him in some confusion. ‘Where are you going? Is something wrong?’

  ‘Wrong?’ Luke’s tone was sardonic. ‘What could be wrong?’ He paused and took a careful step away from the window. ‘I just want to give you something, that’s all.’

  ‘To give me something?’ Abby repeated blankly, not entirely liking the sound of that.

  ‘Relax,’ he said, heading for a chest of drawers at the far side of the room. ‘This might be the last time we see one another for some time, so I want to make sure you have everything you need.’

  Abby’s mouth dropped open. ‘I beg your pardon?’ she said, hardly daring to believe what she’d heard.

  ‘This may be the last time—’ he began again, but she interrupted him.

  ‘Yes, I know what you said,’ she exclaimed, halting him in his tracks. ‘I just don’t—’ She broke off and then started again, more calmly. ‘What are you talking about?’

  Luke’s dark eyes narrowed. ‘I should have thought that was perfectly obvious,’ he said. ‘I don’t think we should see one another again.’

  ‘Why? That’s not what you said the last time you came to the café.’

  He took a steadying breath and continued on towards the cabinet. ‘Give me a moment. Then you’ll understand.’

  ‘I doubt it.’ Abby got to her feet. ‘Are you supposed to be walking around like this?’ she asked tersely. ‘You’re very—’

  ‘Weak?’ he broke in mockingly. ‘Yes, I can see how shocked you were by my appearance. I’m no longer the attractive catch you thought I was.’

  ‘Don’t be so ridiculous!’ Abby stared at him incredulously. ‘I was about to say, you’re very pale.’ She paused and then went on shortly, ‘I didn’t realise you were so vain, Luke.’

  Luke had his back to her, but she saw him hunch his shoulders. ‘I’m not vain, Abby. Just realistic.’

  ‘Really?’ Abby could feel her own temper rising. ‘So do I take it that the only reason you’ve refused to see me all these weeks is because you were afraid I might not like your appearance?’

  ‘Um—no,’ he said honestly, still not looking at her. ‘I don’t really think you’re that shallow.’

  ‘Well, thanks. I think.’

  ‘But it isn’t fair to expect you to tie yourself to a man who’s both physically and mentally flawed,’ he continued harshly. ‘You’ve had a bad experience once. I doubt if you want to suffer another.’


  LUKE KNEW THAT Abby was on her feet now. She expelled what sounded like an impatient breath, and he guessed she was wondering what the hell he meant.

  But now, after what Felix had found out, Luke knew for sure that Harry Laurence had been as much of a bastard as he’d suspected, he couldn’t inflict his own problems on her, as well.

  She was too loyal; she had too much integrity. As witnessed by the way she’d stayed with her ex-husband, long after she’d learned what manner of man he was.

  However foolish Luke still considered that had been.

  ‘I don’t understand,’ she said brusquely. ‘Are you talking about Harry?’

  ‘Who else?’

  Abby sucked in a breath. ‘But you know nothing about Harry,’ she said impatiently. ‘And I can tell you this, you’re nothing like him.’

  ‘You think?’

  Luke had reached the bureau now, and he attempted to pull open the bottom drawer. But it was difficult to bend and open a two-handled drawer with only one hand. He swore his frustration as the crutch slipped away.

  And knew he would have fallen if Abby hadn’t immediately seen his difficulties and rushed to help him. Her slim arms encircled his waist, and he felt the slight swell of her body close against the curve of his spine.

  It was the baby, he thought, his jaw tightening with the knowledge of what he was about to deny himself. The urge to turn and hold her close against his taut body was almost irresistible, but he no longer had the right to do so.

  ‘You could have asked me to get whatever it is for you,’ Abby exclaimed somewhat breathlessly as he attempted to regain his balance. ‘Surely it can’t be so important that you’re willing to risk your health.’

  ‘I’m not risking my health.’ Luke was unable to hide his bitterness. ‘It was just a bit of poor judgement, that’s all. Something I’m quite familiar with, believe me.’

  ‘If you’re implying it was your poor judgement that caused the accident, you couldn’t be more wrong,’ protested Abby, her warm breath fanning the back of his neck. ‘Look, why don’t you sit down and let me get whatever you need?’

  Luke allowed himself to rest against her for a few moments longer, revelling in the heat of her nearness, inhaling the fragrant scent of her skin.

  But his response quickly became far too sexual, and he couldn’t afford to indulge in that kind of madness again. Not if he wanted to give her the chance to start a new life without any restrictions at all.

  Nevertheless, Abby didn’t seem in any hurry to let him go. Indeed, her hands spread caressingly against his stomach and he knew that, any second, she was going to discover he wasn’t as controlled as he’d like to pretend.

  However, when he would have drawn away, she rested her forehead against his back, and whispered softly, ‘Can’t we talk about this? You can’t possibly imagine I want our relationship to end, just because you don’t think you’re the handsome stud you used to be.’

  Luke groaned. ‘I was never a handsome stud,’
he muttered cynically. ‘But I won’t be a burden on you, Abby. I know now how you must have suffered with Laurence, and you deserve a better chance at life.’

  Abby went still, and, after making sure he was unlikely to fall, she moved round him so she could see his face. ‘You know now?’ she echoed. ‘How do you know? About Harry, I mean?’ She looked doubtful for a moment.

  Luke leaned heavily on his crutch. This was the difficult part and he knew it.

  ‘Harry’s in prison,’ he told her unwillingly. ‘Did you know?’

  ‘In prison?’ Abby stared at him incredulously. ‘No. I didn’t know that. How could I?’

  She paused, evidently digesting what he’d said. Then, ‘But how do you know?’ she asked, before a look of dismay crossed her face as the answer came to her. ‘You’ve had him investigated, haven’t you? You didn’t take my word, so you decided to check my story out for yourself.’

  Luke blew out a breath. ‘That’s not entirely true.’ He’d known this might happen; that was one of the reasons why he’d put off seeing her for so long.

  ‘Before the accident,’ he went on. ‘Before I realised that I—’ He almost said ‘that I loved you’, but he managed to bite the words back. ‘Well, just accept that it was before the accident, I asked Felix to find out what Laurence was doing these days. I had no idea that the accident would prevent me from telling you what I’d done.’

  Abby stepped back from him. ‘You asked Felix?’ She shook her head. ‘No. He would have told me.’

  ‘Felix wouldn’t tell you anything without my permission,’ said Luke, expelling a weary breath. ‘He knew you’d think I’d been checking up on you.’

  ‘You had.’

  ‘Not in the way you mean,’ declared Luke roughly. ‘If you must know, I’d already decided that there had to be more to your relationship with Laurence than I’d originally thought,’ he said tiredly, wishing he could sit down. ‘I actually wanted to kill him. Which would have given me a great deal of pleasure, but I didn’t get the chance.’

  ‘And you just accidentally discovered that Harry was in prison,’ she said sceptically. ‘How convenient was that.’


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