Three Kings

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Three Kings Page 20

by Nikki Jefford

  Rather than rage at me for trying to escape and leave her behind, Kaylin had been attentive the moment Albedo’s guards threw me into the dungeon. Maybe she was under the impression that our accommodations were temporary, and she really would hold the position of lady-in-waiting.

  Time passed at a slow tick. Misery felt eternal. My body was a hollow cavern so far removed from warmth and joy that I doubted I’d ever know happiness again. I didn’t fear for my life. Albedo knew the best way to punish me was to keep me confined to this underground hell with the knowledge of what was happening above—of all that I’d lost.

  I refused to think about any of it, but that didn’t stop the images from playing over and over again in my mind. Albedo gutting Ella. Ryo being beaten unconscious. Ella lying motionless on the ground. Ryo being carried away.

  I jolted forward and retched over the floor. My eyes opened, taking in the mess.

  Kaylin jogged up to the door. “Guards, we need a pail of warm water and a mop—and a fresh gown for the princess. Guards!”

  My raw throat burned with laughter. “They don’t want me to be comfortable.”

  Kaylin put her hands on her hips. I tried to see through the glamour. At least I could picture the servant in her true form—the one Ella had first worn.

  “Well, they should. You are Princess Melarue Elmray, no matter what you’ve done. Ravensburg has known three different rulers in the span of a few months. The throne could as easily change hands again, perhaps to your prince. That would make you queen over all the castle’s servants and guards.”

  I groaned and reclosed my eyes. Such an outcome was the farthest thing from my mind and heart.

  Kaylin grabbed straw from a pile in the corner beside a chamber pot, returning to toss it over my pile of sick. “Princess, I insist you get up off the floor and rest.”

  Too drained to fight her off, I allowed Kaylin to pull me up and lead me to one of the beds. She pulled the sheet and blanket aside for me to slip in, then covered me back up. Fine, I could fade into oblivion just as easily in bed as on the floor. It would be easier, actually. My shivering limbs had kept me far too awake. I turned my back to the ghost of Ella and pulled the blanket over my head.

  Meals were the only indicator of time. Breakfast mash was shoved through a slot at the bottom of the door. Kaylin tried to rouse me from bed to eat. When I refused, she brought a bowl over to me.

  “I’m not hungry,” I said, pulling the blanket back over my face.

  My stomach grumbled when lunch gruel was delivered.

  “You have to eat, Princess,” Kaylin said. She still sounded like Ella. “Prince Ryo told me you were a fighter,” she accused.

  Pitberries! I doubted the dungeon guards would fulfill a request to be transferred to a single cell. This servant wasn’t like the others. She wasn’t kissing my royal elven ass.

  I threw my covers back, sat up, and glared at her. “Prince Ryo was beaten to within an inch of his life,” I snapped.

  First, Malon had tried to take him out, now Albedo. World’s worst brothers. No wonder Lyklor had pierced his tongue in an effort to protect himself from those monsters.

  “He will have the best healers.” Kaylin sounded little concerned. “The servants all say that Albedo has a punishing temper, but that he is quick to make up for his cruelty.”

  That didn’t sound abusive at all. My upper lip curled.

  “The sooner Ryo heals, the sooner the tramp team will have their way with him.”

  “Tramp team?” Kaylin squinted at me.

  “Giselle and Jana.” I spit out their names.

  Kaylin frowned and wrinkled her nose. From all appearances, she shared my revulsion. “They are parasites. You must not worry yourself over them.”

  Parasites, I liked that. I might have smiled under different circumstances.

  “The first chance Prince Ryo has, he will turn them out of the castle. Whatever happens is beneath your concern, Princess.”

  I wished it was that easy, but the thought of them taking my place on top of Ryo—taking turns—made my stomach churn. If I’d eaten lunch, it would be on the floor with last night’s sick. I ignored the hunger pangs and lay in bed, eyes closed, the remainder of the afternoon.

  By suppertime, Kaylin’s glamour had worn off, and I forced myself to sit up and eat dinner gruel from a chipped bowl.

  Night felt like day. I felt paralyzed, too numb to even toss around the narrow bed. Kaylin breathed softly from her bed against another wall, our heads pointing into the same corner.

  Instead of breakfast mash being pushed in from the ground, the entire door opened. Two guards entered, followed by Albedo.

  “Your Majesty!” Kaylin gushed in breathless delight. She curtsied and kept her head bowed in deference. She was someone who knew when and where to pick her battles, unlike me. I bet she’d drink the wine if offered.

  I hadn’t gotten the feeling that she cared for Albedo. If this was a ruse, she was skilled. It wasn’t as though she was lying, merely using body language and tone to her advantage.

  Albedo strolled past Kaylin with a catlike strut, giving her as much attention as the stone walls surrounding us. His coal eyes burned through the gloom to find me where I sat on the bed, throw blanket clutched around my bosom like a shawl.

  “Princess Melarue, you are a female of fortune.” He leaned back on his heels and flashed me a gratifying smile.

  I narrowed my eyes, instantly suspicious. What new form of mental torture had he concocted for me?

  “Come. We must get you ready.”

  The two guards who had entered with Albedo swooped in on me.

  “Let go! I can walk on my own, you mongrels.” I jerked one arm then the other as they dug into my skin.

  As they forced me across the cell, Kaylin lifted her head and moved with us.

  “Not you. You stay here,” Albedo snapped.

  “But I am the princess’s lady-in-waiting.” Kaylin’s snippy tone deepened Albedo’s scowl.

  “The princess already has attendants. You will remain here until I decide what to do with you.”

  I was dragged out ahead of Albedo. Once he exited the cell, the guards waited for him to lead the way through the dungeon, past barred windows to a set of narrow stone steps. I stubbed my toe halfway up. The guards didn’t so much as pause as they hauled me to ground level. The natural light temporarily blinded me. I squinted and tried not to stumble over a hall rug as I was pushed along the corridor to my old room. The door was open. Albedo walked through it first. His guards brought me in next.

  Gem, Lulu, Magnolia, and Heath stood within, heads bowed.

  “Make her presentable,” Albedo commanded.

  “Yes, my king.” Gem lifted her head.

  “Guard the doors from inside,” Albedo instructed the sentinels. They released me and took up their positions as Albedo left us.

  “Your bath has already been prepared,” Gem said.

  A dull sense of déjà vu fell over me as I followed the females into the bathing chamber. The cleaning was a distant echo of my first experience. Lulu did not sing. There was no merry talk between the entourage. Like me, they moved without expression, as though detached from their bodies.

  Lulu pulled the soiled white gown over my head. Magnolia guided me up the stairs and into the tub. She and Gem scrubbed me gently. I would have thought they’d want to scour me after I jeopardized their prized positions as attendants to the princess of Ravensburg.

  When Gem had me lean back to wash my hair, I thought, maybe this is it, maybe they’ll drown me in the tub. I didn’t know if I had enough energy to fight back if they did. But Gem merely had me tip back to wet my hair before working shampoo into a lather through my tresses and scalp.

  A fire had been stoked in the hearth while I bathed. Gem had me sit in front of it while she combed out my hair then remain seated there to help dry my hair.

  “Turn your backs,” Gem said to the guards.

  They did so without argument.
Heath did the same, facing the wall.

  Gem had me stand and took the towel wrapped around me, exposing me to Lulu’s and Magnolia’s hands and the oil they rubbed into my skin.

  “I don’t suppose you can tell me what Albedo has planned for me?” When no one answered, I sighed. Dare I hope he’d had a change of heart and was preparing me for a reunion with Ryo? I doubted that very much.

  Once oiled, Lulu spritzed me with something that smelled like sun-kissed oranges.

  “We will dress you now,” Gem announced in monotone.

  Magnolia brought over a long black gown. I couldn’t take in the full effect or details until it was slipped over my body. Black mesh was the only material between a plunging V neck that stopped above my belly button. The dress was backless, sleeveless, and the sides made of sheer panels from top to bottom, showcasing my hips, thighs, and legs. A spray of black sequins glittered like dark stars from the mesh alongside my torso.

  Whatever Albedo had planned, I knew I was going to hate it. Heat returned to my veins when I saw the dress. My fire magic rippled through me, promising not to remain idle if Albedo tried to force something truly heinous on me.

  Gem pulled up half my hair, twisting small sections, and braiding others, and pinning it all together in a half-bun behind my head. She held the rest of my hair up while Lulu fastened a pendant around my neck. A large ruby teardrop hung over the mesh between my breasts. It looked like a large drop of blood on my black gown.

  Gem teased my remaining locks around my shoulders.

  Magnolia set black satin flats on the ground for me to step into.

  “She is ready,” Gem said solemnly.

  The two guards turned around and moved apart to allow Heath out of the chamber. We all waited in silence. I tried not to fidget but dread pricked at my skin and made me twitchy.

  I’d expected Albedo’s return—tried to prepare myself for it. The sorceress, however, sent shivers of fear that iced the fire within me as she swept in behind Albedo. I shrank back and tried not to choke as my lungs tied into a knot. Berlin shuffled in behind them with a stony expression.

  Oh pit! Was he here to perform another claiming ceremony? No. That didn’t make sense.

  Albedo looked me up and down, his lips forming a flat line.

  “You may leave us now.”

  Gem, Magnolia, and Lulu filed out of the room without a word or glance back. One of the guards shut the door behind them.

  Isadore prowled over to me, running a scorching gaze across my skin. “I do not understand the elf’s appeal.” Her lip curled back.

  “Nor do I,” Albedo said, joining her side. They were much too close to me. Barely two feet away. I took a step back. “At least she can still serve a purpose.”

  What purpose is that? I wanted to demand. Only, I had a feeling I didn’t want to know the answer, and no one’s presence had ever terrified me as much as the witch looking at me through the slits of her eyelids.

  Don’t take my fire magic, I silently pleaded.

  But the witch didn’t move any closer. Berlin was called forward. Albedo handed him a dagger. The gray-haired faerie took it with pursed lips and turned to me.

  “Give me your left hand, child.”

  I tucked my hands under my armpits and asked why.

  “Just do it so I don’t have to force you to,” Albedo said.

  “I am undoing your mate claim,” Berlin informed me. He didn’t look happy about it, but his voice had taken on a detachment similar to my entourage’s somber tones.

  My mouth gaped open. “You can’t do that.”

  “Yes, we can,” Isadore said cruelly.

  “Ryo’s likely fathered two bastards by now,” Albedo said. “You’re lucky. You’re being given a second chance with Lyklor.”

  “Lyklor?” I blinked.

  “He offered the kingdom of Dahlquist in exchange for you.” Albedo’s nose wrinkled as though the nature of the trade diminished his glee.

  “But Aerith—”

  “Crowned him king in a coronation ceremony last night. She and the bulk of Dahlquist’s guards are on their way to Ravensburg now. She wants to get you back. Too bad she’ll miss your return to Dahlquist.” Albedo smirked.

  “Lyklor wouldn’t do that,” I said, stunned.

  “Oh yes, he would. I know that little liar better than anyone else. He doesn’t want the responsibility of ruling a kingdom. He’d rather run around the mortal world like his blood brother, Liri,” Albedo sneered. “But he’s not entirely senseless. He visited me in a dreamscape to negotiate handing over the throne for an exorbitant sum of jewels, along with you, Melarue. The two of you will be free to leave Dahlquist and travel the mortal realm in comfort and style. It’s all Lyklor cares about, and now he will have a pretty little companion to join him.” He leaned into my face, hot breath blasting over my cheeks. “Be grateful and give Berlin your hand. Lyklor wants you unattached.”

  “Speaking of which, we could always just chop it off to speed things along,” Isadore said.

  Scowling at her, I handed Berlin my left palm. Fine, I’d need both hands to pummel Lyklor once Albedo offered me to him. I knew we had chemistry, but how could he betray his family and mine this way? It was despicable. If he thought I’d go along with his plan, he had worlds of pain in store. What the pit was wrong with this family?

  Berlin pulled a navy cloth from his pocket and unfolded it beneath my hand. He turned my palm facing up then dragged the tip of the blade along my scar, reopening the skin above my heart line. He turned my hand around and shook it over the cloth.

  “As ordered by the king of Ravensburg, I release the elf, Melarue Heiris, from her commitment and mate bond to Prince Ryo Elmray. Melarue Heiris, with this cloth, I wipe away the blood of your prior promise. You are free to take another as your mate.” Berlin pressed the cloth into my palm.

  Tears swarmed my vision. I didn’t know how it was possible for my heart to break again when it had already shattered into pieces. “Just like that?” I asked bitterly.

  Berlin turned my palm over and dabbed up the remaining blood. Somehow, as though through magic, the scar had disappeared.

  “What about Ryo?” I demanded.

  “He is no longer your concern.” Albedo flicked his fingers at Berlin. “You served your purpose. You may go.” Berlin shuffled out of the room. Albedo frowned at me. “We must act fast.”

  Sighing, Isadore pulled out a small pouch and untied the string at the top. “So be it,” she said, dumping red powder into her hand. She lifted her palm and blew. Red dust flew into my face.

  Remembering the shade dust that Malon had blown at Ryo and me in the courtyard at Dahlquist, I closed my eyes and scrambled back with a gasp of horror that drew particles into my lungs. I snapped my mouth closed then felt the powder tickling my nostrils. I blew out, trying to sneeze the powder away.

  Albedo chuckled. The sound rumbled deep in my belly and sent pulse waves of pleasure through my body.

  “What did you do to me?” I gasped. My words sounded all breathy and excited. Not at all what I’d intended.

  I thought the witch would suppress my fire magic, but I felt it flare to life like a furnace beneath the surface of my skin. My nipples tightened into sharp points that ached to be pinched the way an itch nagged to be scratched. I gritted my teeth, fighting to keep my arms pressed to my sides so I didn’t give Albedo and Isadore a show. I opened my eyes, still wondering if I would find myself blind. I sorta wished I had so I wouldn’t have to see Albedo’s smirking lips.

  “It’s called lust dust,” Isadore said, holding up the empty pouch. “I gave you a full dose of it too. It’s particularly brutal on individuals with fire magic. If you don’t fuck soon, your powers will combust.” She offered me a sharp smile.

  “You’re crude.” My lips lifted, enjoying her blatant warning. Sounded good to me. Unable to help myself any longer, I rubbed my breasts and moaned.

  “Not yet,” Albedo snapped, grabbing my arm. His fingers fe
lt like tingling caresses over my skin.

  Somewhere in the far recesses of my skull, my mind screamed, “Eww!”

  “I want Ryo,” I said.

  “Forget about Ryo. You’re Lyklor’s now.”

  “I’m mad at him. I want Ryo,” I pouted.

  Albedo let go of my arm and leaned close, whispering into my ear. It sent tingles down my neck. “Do not fret, Melarue. Once you see Lyklor, you’ll be begging him to take you.”

  I tried to snarl, but it came out as a moan.

  “She’s ready. Let’s go,” Isadore said.

  Albedo rubbed his hands together. “After all these years, Dahlquist is finally mine.”

  Isadore folded her arms beneath her bosoms. “You’re sure Lyklor will have the wards down?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “I can get ten guards through the portal at a time.”

  “That’s all I’ll need. Lyklor is king for the time being. He will order his own guards down. We only need enough time for him to relinquish control of the throne to me in front of Dahlquist’s servants and perform a quick coronation.”

  “And what of Ravensburg?”

  “It will be done before they ever reach my gates. The guards riding with Aerith will be forced to serve me. In the meantime, I leave my queen to oversee the castle.”

  Talk, talk, talk. All they did was plot and talk while arousal and need stirred in my loins. I slipped my right hand between my thighs, only to have it snatched away by Albedo.

  “Hey!” I said.

  “Come along, Melarue. Your golden-haired prince awaits.”

  “I thought you said he was king.” The king of sexy. I giggled.

  Albedo squeezed my wrist and scowled. “I am the future king of Dahlquist.” He dragged me with him across the chamber. “Open the door,” he snapped at his guards.

  They obeyed and followed us to Ravensburg’s throne room. Oreal looked up as we entered, her eyes alighting on Albedo. At least two dozen guards stood waiting.

  “Good luck, my love,” Oreal said.

  Albedo nodded.

  Isadore swept one long, slender arm over her head, creating shimmering, undulating ripples to spread into a wide arch.


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