The Eidolon's Conquest

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The Eidolon's Conquest Page 4

by Yamila Abraham

  "Wow." He looked at himself in the full-length mirror behind the bathroom door. "So that's what you like, huh?" His ass cheeks looked especially round with the shine of the fabric, and his bulge was articulated.

  He knew he was sexy enough to pull it off. His lean muscular body was sexualized.

  There was a steaming plate of food on the table for him. Rand suddenly became aware of how hungry he was. Then he realized he had no idea what was on his plate. Well, the round things to the side were cactus fruit, and the steamed green squares were cactus frond, the meat however? It was a little animal carcass with arm and leg stumps. Rand took a bite. The only seasoning was salt, and the meat was tough.

  It's a fucking jackrabbit.

  He reexamined the rest of his plate. All the items had been foraged from the desert.

  Holy shit—they really were out of food.

  He'd been given water to drink with a metal pitcher to refill his glass from. He wondered how close they were to running out.

  After filling his stomach on the subpar food, he tried to see how he could make the couch into a bed. This was his room now, right? He fiddled with it for a while.

  "This isn't your room," the domestic bot said. It had a high-pitched electronic voice that kind of sounded snotty.

  "It isn't?"

  "You will share quarters with the High Lord."

  He sat on the couch and stared at it. "What if I snore?"

  "Do you snore?"

  His eyes wandered. "I might start."

  "There's surgery to cure snoring."

  "What the fuck? Okay, no, fine. I don't snore."

  The domestic bot spun its bean body towards the door. "I will inform the High Lord that you're finished recuperating." It rolled away on its casters.

  "What? Who the Hell said I was finished?"

  It exited.

  Rand collapsed back in his seat. "Fuck." He noticed the orb floating above him. Rand stared at it.

  "What's up, Gizmoidon?"


  "Gah!" Rand leapt partway off the couch. The deep booming electronic voice had shaken the walls.

  Rand kept staring at the orb while panting. It didn't move from where it hovered or say anything further. He slowly calmed down. The whole situation was grating on his nerves. He'd never been so jumpy before.

  The door slid open. Deandred entered with his two guard robots. Rand stood.

  "Don't irritate my master. He could incinerate you with a laser from one of his orbs."

  Rand felt a thud in his middle. Shit!



  "Sorry, Master."

  Deandred gave an approving nod. He came deeper into the room. "Now let's have a look at you."

  Deandred placed his hands on Rand's shoulders and raked him over with glimmering eyes. Rand peeked at him once, absorbing what power he could from the lust-tinged gaze. His master pushed him to turn around. His ass felt hot, as though Deandred's eyes were burning into it. He was turned forward again.

  His master smiled. "Lovely. You're very handsome."

  He brushed aside his shirt on both sides of Rand's chest and plucked at his bare nipples. The sensation was even fiercer than before without the cloth barricade. After four scintillating tugs he released the pulsing flesh and turned.


  Rand hugged his arms around his weakened middle and followed.

  * ** *** * *** ** * * ** *** * *** ** ** ** *** * *** ** ** ** *** * *** ** *

  They went to the third floor which opened directly into Deandred's bedroom. The spacious quarters was full of elegant furniture with superfluous cloth draping over embroidered seat backs or armrests. From the floor to the high domed ceiling were windows walling two sides of them. Enormous silk drapes blocked out the light.

  Deandred went two steps in and then halted. He pressed four fingertips against Rand's chest so to stop him from coming further into the room.

  "I want you to listen to me right now, and carefully absorb everything I'm about to say."

  Rand glanced at him. He'd paused, so Rand wet his lips and said, "Yes, Master." The word was coming easier to him now.

  "I am going to ask you to do certain things that a man such as you will feel he needs to resist doing. This is due to pride, but also involves shame and dignity. I acknowledge that you are a proud man of great dignity, however, those attributes will not serve you here. Rather than doing what comes easily and naturally to you—resisting and preserving your dignity—I ask that you find the courage to go against your nature and submit. Remember, the primal response to threat is that of fight or flight. You must find the strength to do neither—and it will be difficult." His hand moved from his chest to his chin to make Rand look at him. "Rand, you already know that you'll be doing everything I ask you to do. Either willingly, with a shred of your dignity intact, or unwillingly, with stress and injury to you and distastefulness for us both. There's more than that, however. The first time you truly defy me in a way that makes me doubt your compliance going further—I will bestow the worst possible punishment I can conceive of. I wish to make my point to you once and only once, in a way you'll never forget, and will take you months to recover from. So I urge you—do not defy me. Don't disobey me. Don't resist. Don't ever give me cause to unleash that torture on you. Am I clear?"

  Rand forced himself to meet his eyes. "Yes, Master."

  Deandred released his chin and gave his left nipple a toe-curling pinch. "Good." His face became placid again. "This is a naked room for you. You're not allowed to enter here with your clothes on. Strip and fold your clothes neatly in that corner." He pointed. "Understood?"

  Here we go. "Yes, Master."

  Deandred pinched his right nipple this time and stepped away.

  Rand pulled his pants off first. What was the point of hesitating? Then he took off his shirt and sandals and went to fold them up where Deandred indicated.

  "Is this my only...naked room, Master?"

  "No. The basement also."

  I bet he has a sex dungeon.

  "Come here."

  Rand looked behind him. Deandred had gone to a raised area in the center of the room where his massive bed was. He was seated on the edge staring at him.

  Rand dredged up some mettle and went to him. Deandred reached out to take his arm and pull him closer. Then he tugged him downward—across his lap. Rand had his head down and ass up. Spanking position.

  "Aw fuck," he said quietly. He might have gotten an erotic thrill from the position normally, but all he could think of was how easily Deandred had broken his leg chain.

  Deadred's hand connected with the bare flesh of his ass, caressing the rounds and making goose bumps light up.

  "I don't have the ability to pinch your nipples in this position—but you're pleasing me very much."

  "Um, right...just telling me is okay too, Master. My nipples are probably going to get sore after a while."

  Deandred cracked a brutal slap against Rand's right ass cheek. He jerked involuntarily. The force was far worse than what he'd braced for.

  "I like them sore," Deandred said.

  He gave a vicious crack to his other cheek. Rand grunted with his eyes wide.

  "Aching flesh is more sensitive to touch." He gently glided his hand over Rand's searing butt cheeks. The gentle touch tickled him in a tingly pleasant way. "See?"

  Rand focused on the pleasurable touch. "Yeah."

  Deandred's strong legs tensed below his abdomen. A shock of panic hit him. "I mean, yes. Yes, Master." He cupped both sides of his face with his hands. "Please don't stick a radish in my ass."

  Deandred massaged his cheeks with a strong hand. "I'm out of radishes. It's on my first order with your people. The internment camps still have to be approved before trade starts." He gave another brutal strike to each side.

  "Ow! Fuck!" The flesh had already grown raw from the abuse.

  "That's right. Let me hear you." His hand crashed into either side of h
is flesh once again.

  "Owww!" He whimpered.

  "You're reddening nicely. I'm not going to stop until you're sobbing and writhing in pain, so don't try to be brave. Pride, dignity, and shame are not your allies here—as I've told you."

  "You think I'm trying to be brave?"

  Deandred gave two brutal cracks to each side this time.

  Rand kicked up both his heels. "Ahhh! Fuck! Fuck!"

  "I like the brash comments, Rand, but you must always close them with 'Master.' Otherwise I think you're being disrespectful to me."

  Rand tried to collect himself in the reprieve. His chest was heaving with gasps and his ass felt on fire.

  "Alright. Let's finish. Don't be scared to beg—I enjoy it."

  What the fuck, asshole!

  Deandred began slapping from side to side in succession. Rand screamed. The fiery blows bombarded his flesh without pause. He flailed with all four limbs. Deandred held him fast with his free arm.

  "Stop! Stop, please! I'm begging you!" His words became choked with agony.

  Deandred kept beating him. "Beg differently."

  "Master, please!" He screamed to the limits of his lungs then quaked with a sob.

  His hand stopped. Rand's eyes opened wide. He waited while still shuddering.

  "We're done," Deandred said. He coursed his hand over both throbbing cheeks.

  He paused and Rand heard him snap his fingers. One of the small square robots on casters rolled over to him. A moment later Rand felt a cold wet cloth against his ass. Deandred pressed it gently.

  "You're forgiven for humiliating me at the derelict mine. The worst is over now. Our slate is clean."

  Rand put his face in his hand and let out cathartic sob.

  Deandred soothed his ass with the compress several moments, then discarded it. He curled his fingers beneath Rand's hip and flank and deftly flipped him over on his lap. Now he cradled him behind his back and below his knees. Rand met his eyes. He was still heaving for breath.

  Deandred looked at his face, then at his flaccid cock. "This was far too brutal to be enjoyed. It needn't be like this again. I'll convince you to trust me about that."

  He nudged him off his lap and stood. Rand felt his heated ass.

  Deandred placed a hand on his shoulder. "I need to sleep now. You also. We've a busy day tomorrow. Would you like a sedative?"

  He started to shake his head instinctively, but then changed his mind halfway through and nodded. Deandred ordered the square robot to bring him one. He then kicked a lever on the bottom corner of his bed. A trundle bed extended out over the floor, filling the space between Deandred's bed and the wall.

  "This is where you'll sleep."

  The robot returned with a glass of red liquid on its tray. Deandred caressed his shoulder with one hand, and brought the glass to his lips with the other.

  "Go to sleep."

  * ** *** * *** ** * * ** *** * *** ** ** ** *** * *** ** ** ** *** * *** ** *

  Rand woke up with a start the next morning. The scant moments of morning amnesia faded with his heart racing. He remembered his circumstances and then was able to work himself down from his panic.

  When he sat up he became aware of the powerful ache on his backside. He groaned, and then peeked up at Deandred's bed.

  It was empty. He could hear the shower going in the nearby bathroom.

  A domestic robot came out of a hidden elevator and rolled in a tray with breakfast. Rand made himself get up and walk over. Under the cloche were two corn fritters. The only other item was coffee, and it looked thin.

  Deandred emerged from the bathroom in his black suit. "Eat something and get dressed." He donned his cloak. "You have a great deal of work to do today."

  "I do, Master?" (The word came naturally now.)

  "Yes." He came over and grabbed a corn fritter. "You're an all-purpose slave. Not just a sex slave."

  The left side of the mansion was a hangar housing five ships of various sizes. Deandred entered a cruiser with him and his usual contingent of robots. (Rand no longer paid attention to the orbs.) Deandred sat in the passenger seat in the cockpit. He took out his clear amber tablet.

  "You fly."

  Rand hesitated before the pilot's seat. "Really?"

  "I know you're capable. You stole the same model ship from my depot."

  "Well alright then." He sat and started flipping gauges.

  Deandred pressed the control to open the wall in front of them. He rattled off coordinates for Rand to input.

  "We're going to the first internment camp. It will house 500 prisoners. Eight other sites are going to be modified to match it. You're going to tour the facility with me and let me know what your people will require."

  Rand maneuvered the ship out of the hangar. "Sounds like a plan."

  Deandred eyed him. "How perky you are."

  He engaged the thrusters for lift-off. "The pilot's seat is my comfort zone. Tricks me into thinking I actually have some control over my situation."

  Deandred gave a laugh through his nostrils. "I merely wished to deal with my messages during the flight."

  Rand brought them to the proper altitude and set the autopilot. He glanced towards Deandred's muscular legs.

  "You're getting pretty low on supplies, huh Master?"

  One side of his mouth curled up. "Didn't you like your fritter?"

  "If you can't cultivate your own food you're going to need a permanent source of supplies. How do you figure you're going to get by with just a temporary truce?"

  Deandred lowered his tablet. "So you're in the same camp as your general. You dream of this truce lasting forever?"

  He focused on the windshield. "That's what I put my ass on the line for. No pun."

  "Gizmoidon loathes peace...and humans."

  "That doesn't answer the question of what you're going to do for supplies, Master."

  Deandred gave him a dangerous glare. "You should be careful about where you let your big mouth wander. If Gizmoidon actually believes you might influence me he's not going to zap you with his laser. He's going to order me to beat you to death with an iron rod. I'm obliged to obey him. Without hesitation."

  Rand winced. "Ouch."

  He lowered the cruiser in front of one of the few square buildings in the city. Robots were using a sophisticated forklift to attach razor wire to a fence surrounding the large outdoor area. Rand looked at the other buildings around them while switching off the engines.

  "Who lives in this city, anyway?"

  Deandred smiled. "The ghosts of your ancestors."


  "Humans used to live here—a hundred years ago. They were wiped out during Gizmoidon's first extermination. This was the city where he was created. Surely you know your history?"

  "I knew he committed genocide, but this doesn't look like a ghost town." He scanned the tower nearest them for signs of decay. "I thought you guys built Rendono."

  Deandred unbuckled himself. "We shored up what was already here. Come."

  A giant robot that looked to be composed of three copper cubes blocked one side of the doorway when they tried to enter. It shimmed to life with a loud exhaust fan.

  "This is a constructor bot," Deandred said. "It will see to executing your plans."

  It led the way in on bulbous casters. Rand balked almost immediately. He'd entered a gigantic concrete square with large windows. The building was completely void.

  "Holy shit." His voice echoed through the vast emptiness. "There's nothing in here yet."

  Deandred tapped on his tablet. "It's your blank canvas. Paint it."

  He glanced at his master. Now that the threat of punishment was gone he no longer found his presence harrowing. In fact, he now felt free to notice how handsome Deandred was. He wasn't the hairy daddy Rand usually sought. He was more upscale. Rand would have never looked twice at a guy like Deandred before—but that was just because someone with his good looks and wealth was always presumed to be out of his league.

bsp; Rand squared his jaw and focused. "Alright. I got this. Five hundred men? We'll set the place up like a barrack."

  "No." Deandred remained focused on the tablet. "Like a prison. The robot guards will need unfettered access to the prisoners."

  "Fine. I've been in prison too."

  Deandred looked up. "Is that so?"

  "Well, Juvie. Kid prison." He headed toward the wall across from them. The robots and Deandred kept stride with him. "This side will be living quarters. We'll get southern exposure from the windows. Sunshine keeps guys from getting suicidal."

  Deandred pinched his nipple with the hand not holding the tablet. "Good."

  He forced himself to ignore the pleasurable twinging on one side of his chest. "So I'll need 250 cubicles in this area. Ten by ten or as big as the space will allow. It will be two men to a cube."

  The construction robot projected a grid on the floor that extended the length of the building.

  "Not all the way. Bathrooms will be going along this wall behind us. We need a good fifty feet of width for that, plus five for a corridor—make that ten. We can set up tables here for games and stuff."

  Deandred tucked his tablet beneath is arm to pinch both his nipples. "Very good."

  Rand became aware of the surge of dopamine the nipple pinching was giving him. He's training me to seek his approval—clever motherfucker.

  For the rest of the day Rand continued finessing the half of the building dedicated to living quarters. His final decisions were etched into the floor by a laser on the construction bot—turning the space into a life-sized blueprint. He went into the imaginary cubicles and told Deandred what they needed to be equipped with. One of his sophisticated robot guards, which Deandred called andromedas, recorded his lists. Rand went into the heating and cooling systems that would be required, then he had the constructor bot etch the floor plans for the bathroom.

  "Twenty five toilets and showers should do. Each shower should have a changing stall in front of it. This needs to be one area where the prisoners can have privacy. If you give a man a place where he can jerk off in peace you'll have fewer problems."

  Deandred smiled and tweaked his nipples one at a time. "Agreed."

  It was nearing dusk. Rand's nipples now had a constant throb. An erection was now threatening to poke out of the top of his pants. He ended up awkwardly tucking in the front of his shirt so he could hide his swollen cockhead. Deandred was engrossed enough in his tablet not to notice.


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