The Eidolon's Conquest

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The Eidolon's Conquest Page 6

by Yamila Abraham

  "I'm coming—fuck, sorry—fuck! Urrrggh!"

  He heard Deandred swallowing. Actually swallowing.

  He gave a shuddering high-pitched sigh. "Ohhh, fuck. That was so good."

  Deandred freed his cock from his mouth and looked up at him. He massaged Rand's balls with one hand.

  "Thank you, Master," he said—proud he could remember in the lingering pleasure haze. His torso was still quaking.

  Deandred was massaging his testicles purposefully. He gave the head of his cock a tongue kiss, all while keeping his sexy dark eyes connected with Rand's.

  "Once more?"

  Rand nodded. "Second one...takes me a while."

  "I have nowhere else to be today. Do you?"

  Rand managed a soft laugh. He felt he should be reciprocating somehow, but was unsure about suggesting it. " doing that, Master?"

  Deandred started to masturbate him with one strong hand. His cock was still tender, causing him an intensely pleasurable after burn.

  "It's the most exquisite form of conquest." He squeezed the throbbing head of his cock with his palm. Rand winced. "You submitted to me utterly just now."

  Rand gave a mewling sound through his nostrils. The mashing of his recently spent cap was causing sensation so extreme it bordered on pain. His cock was brought back to its full thickness.

  Deandred started rubbing. "Do you like having your apple polished?"

  Rand opened his squinting eyes. His master's voice had turned sultry.

  He bit his bottom lip. "So fucking intense..."

  "You seem to be able to cope. I'm extremely impressed. But I'll stop if you wish."

  Rand grunted. His voice was strained. "That''re call. You should...get your jollies too...or whatever."

  "You think I get pleasure from tormenting you?" He rubbed harder.

  Rand cried out through his nostrils and clenched teeth. "Urrgh...yeah!"

  "I love skirting that fine line between pleasure and pain." He took him back into his mouth.

  Rand gave a sigh of relief. The head of his cock had an intense pulsating ache that was pleasantly agitated by the suction. Deandred was working him at a slower rhythm this time, allowing his body to slacken. He leaned against the post with one hand in his master's dense hair.

  "Thank you, Master. Mmph. Your mouth is fucking incredible."

  Deandred brought his hands to Rand's hips and caressed his sides. He seemed content to pleasure him slowly. Rand allowed himself to be hypnotized by his rhythmic strokes. Each pass made his cock pulse and throb. The cap still twinged with ecstatic heat. He allowed himself to fall into a dreamy state of erotic bliss.

  There was a buzzing noise beside him. Rand opened his eyes to look. One of Gizmoidon's silver orbs, which Rand now realized were the size of basketballs, had descended to hover beside Deandred's busy mouth.

  "Uh...we got company." What the fuck, you pervert computer!

  Deandred let Rand's cock pop free. He looked into the camera lens of the orb.

  "Master?" Deandred said.

  The ball lowered. Deandred speedily opened his pants with his brows tensed together. He pulled out his thick pale organ from where he sat on his haunches. It was erect, with a smooth pink cap. The orb floated to his pelvis, opened a circular hatch, and absorbed his cock into it.

  Rand's eyes bulged.

  The silver orb was now firmly attached to Deandred's crotch. The buzzing grew louder and it started to shake.

  What the fuck!

  Deandred grunted, but then launched his mouth back onto Rand's cock. He reverted to the devastating technique he'd first unleashed on him. Rand tensed. The powerful mouth was arching his stiff cock downward with every rapturous pass.

  His voice went high pitched again. "Ohhh fuck."

  Prickly preograsmic thrums started radiating through the base of his cock. While he was on the precipice, Deandred pulled his mouth off and cried out. His face was contorted.

  "Master!" Rand said.

  Deandred quaked while seated on the floor. His stomach curled and he made soft plaintive noises. His fist clung to Rand's cock weakly.

  "Are you—?"

  A panel on the back of the orb opened. A small tray extended out and then tipped downward. Rand saw thick white semen spill onto the floor. Then the tray righted, disappeared back into the orb, and the panel closed. Rand blinked a few times. The large orb was still whirring and shaking on Deandred's pelvis.

  "Uh...hnn..." His master winced with the soft noises.


  Deandred jerked his head suddenly to resume sucking him. Rand grimaced. His master was so skilled he couldn't stay focused on the orb. His cock was pulled back to the edge, then he floated for two strokes in a state so close to orgasm he craned his neck back to brace himself.


  His cock seized with a powerful spasm. "Urrrrgh! Fuck!" Deandred sucked his orgasm out of him with his exquisite technique. Rand found himself snarling through the tenderizing pleasure onslaught. He finally tugged on a fistful of Deandred's hair to make him stop. His legs felt jellified.

  Deandred released his cock and his body dropped sideways onto the floor.

  Rand's eyes went wide with concern. "Hey!" He stuffed his limp cock back in his pants.

  His master curled into a fetal position with the orb vibrating furiously on his groin. The back panel opened again to eject another collection of sperm—this time translucent. It never ceased its sounds and frenetic movements. Deandred's face was scrunched with his eyes closed tight. His sounds began to resemble sobbing.

  "Hey—that's enough!"

  Deandred lifted a trembling hand to quiet him.

  Rand clenched his jaw. "What the fuck."

  The orb started wobbling slowly. Deandred cried out again.

  "Please—" His plea ended with unmistakable sobbing.

  Rand pounded a fist into the pillar. He glared at one of the other orbs floating around with his top lip pulled back to expose teeth. That's fucking enough!

  Deandred's body lurched on the floor. " more!" His voice had choked to a whimper. He kept lurching with his face contorted, as though someone was intermittently poking him with a hot iron.

  The orb stopped its movement. Rand saw Deandred give heaving gasps of relief. The back panel opened and a third collection of ejaculate was spilled on the floor. The orb twisted itself off Deandred's cock and floated away. His master's exposed member was now ruddy. The cap was almost red. He shivered on the floor with his arms around himself.

  Rand knelt beside him and soothed his hair. "Shit. That fucking thing. Are you okay?"

  Deandred continued quaking. "Of...of course." He drew in a long staggered breath and sat up. His abused member was carefully sealed back into his pants. "Don't concern yourself."

  "I'm concerned. What the Hell was that?"

  Rand stood and helped Deandred to his feet. The large man was wobbly. He braced himself against the pillar.

  "It's none of your business, Rand." He swallowed. "I won't discuss it." He moved toward the door on legs that still looked unsure.

  Rand glowered at the orb that had tortured him before following.


  * ** *** * *** ** * * ** *** * *** ** ** ** *** * *** ** ** ** *** * *** ** *

  When they returned Deandred went to his bed and collapsed. Rand hesitated on the staircase. Then he went back down and hunted for a kitchen. The sleek robot-manned kitchen was behind the dining room they'd eaten in yesterday. Rand had one of the domestic robots help him cook soup with the paltry ingredients available. One of the orbs descended near his head when he was nearly done. Rand looked into the camera.

  What? Are you threatening me you disgusting freak?

  He moved past it to carry out Deandred's tray.

  Once upstairs he set the tray on a back table and stripped obediently. He carried the meal to Deandred's bed. It was large, and his master rested in the middle. Rand climbed onto the mattress and crawled while sl
iding the tray over to him.

  "Hey, Master. I brought you some soup."

  Deandred rolled over. His lashes fanned over his dark eyes. "You've climbed into bed with me, Rand."

  Rand met his gaze. "Yeah, but neither of us have any bullets left in our guns."

  Deandred smiled briefly, then looked at the tray. "You're taking care of me?"

  Rand fumed through his nostrils. "Try to eat something, Master." He took the cloche off the bowl of soup.

  Deandred reached his large arm out for him while still reclining on his side. Rand paused only briefly. He crept over and let Deandred pull him into an embrace. His master held his naked body against him while his causing his hair to flutter with his outward puffs of breath. Rand wrapped one arm around his side. The bed was yielding enough for them to create a groove with their enmeshed bodies. Rand felt cocooned in the softness and the warmth of Deandred's strong form. He closed his eyes and let his muscles grow slack. He'd needed a hug earlier, and Deandred had delivered. Now his master was in need.

  "You won't protest some kissing," Deandred said, "since you know I'm not capable of pursuing anything beyond it."

  Of course you can kiss me, Master.

  He accepted that he'd given in to the attraction he felt towards Deandred. The pride and dignity his master mentioned before should have given him more resolve. But, then, he hadn't been treating him so bad, had he? After the first the first day everything was fine—better than he expected. And now this was happening. Was it wrong not to hold back?

  Deandred tipped up Rand's chin with light fingers and joined their mouths together.

  Oh, fuck yes...damn it.

  The kiss felt exactly like what a kiss with a lover should feel like. Deandred's mouth worked beautifully over his, and sparks of electric chemistry surged through him. Then Deandred put his tongue in his mouth and the flutters inside him grew even more potent. It was that lightning bolt of emotion he would have called love when he was younger. No, this wasn't love. But it was still electrifying. He'd been turned into a swooning bitch.

  Deandred coursed his hand over Rand's bare back while sliding their tongues together. Rand's mind wandered to stupid places in his heady rapture. Deandred was the parent he'd missed out on all his life—the familial connection. He'd felt the same kind of blissful security with his former boss, but not to this extent (his boss had a wife he was cheating on that kept them from ever getting too real). This time it seemed fine to hitch his heart onto Deandred completely. If this really was forever then Rand had roots now, right here, in this room, with this man. He could actually relax now. Someone else was taking responsibility for him. Being able to give up control was actually liberating. It quelled many of the fears Deandred had already picked up on.

  It felt nice for someone to want to own him.

  That was an idiotic thought...but it still made him feel warm inside. He just let the feelings happen.

  * ** *** * *** ** * * ** *** * *** ** ** ** *** * *** ** ** ** *** * *** ** *

  Rand was awoken by Deandred's boot-clad foot nudging his side in the morning. He sat up to see his master already dressed.

  "I must attend to some business today. You're to go to the camp by yourself and oversee the installation of the fixtures and furniture. The two andromedas will go with you," he said, referring to the more sophisticated robots who'd acted as his guards previously.

  "Yes, Master."

  "Be back before dusk."

  He nodded. "Thanks for trusting me, Master."

  Deandred smiled.

  The construction was finished on the side of the building with the living quarters. In the open aisle between the cubicles and the bathrooms was a pile of what looked like reclaimed hospital beds. Rand sneered at the ancient mattresses.

  "This ain't going to work," he said to the andromedas. "These are already disintegrating."

  "All available resources are of similar quality," one robot said with a high-pitched electronic voice.

  "Bleh. Then double up the mattresses on each bunk. You got the bed linens yet?"

  "There are crates with the remaining supplies outside."

  "I want the mattresses sewn into sheets so they can't fall apart any more than they already have. And we're going to need more mattresses now than what's here, so one of you get on that."

  He didn't have enough footlockers for each cubicle, which meant having scrap metal welded together to create more. This place is a tetanus minefield. Several bed frames were bent. It took him until mid-afternoon to get the cubicles situated, then he started dealing with the bathrooms.

  Rand was ravenous and exhausted by the end of the day. He hauled his tired form back to the cruiser and took off. Once he was at the altitude he needed he saw another cruiser taking off from the largest dome in the center of the city. It was heading for the same home as him.

  Must be Deandred.

  He noticed several objects coming out of the dome also. In the distance they looked like birds, but when one neared he realized they were orbs. Some were headed for the dome, others leaving. Rand's brow rose.

  So that's where daddy lives, huh?

  He hit a pocket of thin air. An alarm went off.

  "Oh fuck."

  He hit the gauge for a thruster to compensate. His finger slipped to flip the wrong lever. The ship shot downward five thousand feet. Rand heard a crash, but ignored it. He quickly corrected, then got level again.

  Rand looked around. The andromedas were still buckled in their seats and some emergency equipment had fallen from a cubby in the back. That didn't explain the loud crash he'd heard. He put the autopilot on for a moment and stood up to investigate.

  A partway-deflated silver basketball was rolling pitifully on the floor. Rand grabbed it and his eyes bulged. Not a basketball, but an orb. The dented part that looked deflated had crashed into a console. The thing was totaled.

  "Oh fuck." He scanned the cruiser for any more. Apparently only one of Gizmoidon's eyeballs had ridden with him.

  Rand sat back in the pilot's seat with the smashed orb on his lap. "Shit."

  Was it an opportunity? He could set the auto-pilot to crash into the dome to see if that would destroy the computer asshole. No...he didn't know where it was in the dome, or even if one exploding ship would do any damage.

  Rand turned off the autopilot and switched into a higher gear. Get home. Fess up. Say you're sorry. He chewed his bottom lip with a nervous inhalation of breath. His butt had just finished recovering from the last spanking, too.

  He came through the garage door holding the orb carcass in both hands. "Uh...Master? You home? I think I fucked up."

  Rand heard a swoosh noise. Three orbs zipped over to him with frightening speed. Rand stumbled backwards. The units levitated in front of his face while making angry whirring sounds.


  He heard footfalls thumping down the stairs. The orbs backed from him. Deandred's eyes fixed on the damaged unit.

  "What happened?"

  "Hit some turbulence. Compensated wrong. The ship got bumped around and it must have smashed into a console."

  Deandred reached for it. Rand timidly handed it over.

  "I'm sorry."

  Deandred shook his head. "This is very bad, Rand."


  His master continued shaking his head while examining the broken orb. "Tsk, tsk, tsk."

  Rand's brow rose.

  "I'm afraid I'm going to have to fuck you tonight. That's the only suitable punishment."

  The fear in Rand's face broke. He screwed his lips to one side while glaring at Deandred.

  "Shall we go upstairs now, or have dinner first?"

  "I'm starving, Master."

  Deandred placed the orb on a tall credenza. He smiled and drew Rand beside him with one encircling arm. "Come."

  The orbs drifted back up to their usual height. Rand felt his shoulders slacken.

  "How was your work?" Deandred said as they walked.

How about you?"

  Deandred halted to look at him. "I can't speak of my work. But you'll know better than to ask again."

  "Yes, Master."

  Deandred lowered down, joined their mouths in a soft kiss, and then pulled back to smile again. Rand allowed himself to enjoy the warm flutter this caused in his middle. They continued into the dining room.

  Once seated and with their plates served, Deandred poured Rand his water.

  "Why was your work frustrating?"

  "Because everything they're trying to put in the camp is falling apart. The lockers were rusted and had to be beaten back into their original shapes, the mattresses were these old skinny things with covers so ancient you could tear them with your fingers, every toilet is a different size and shape and they're the old kind that will clog every other flush."

  "Hmm." He ate a bite of shredded meat. "I'm glad I was spared from such irritation. Will you be able remedy all the problems?"

  "I'll get that place humming yet. Leave it to me."

  Deandred reached over and pinched his nipple. "I intend to."

  They ate a while in silence.

  "I really am going to fuck you tonight, Rand," Deandred said.

  Rand eyed him. Where trepidation should have been was instead a warm fuzziness mixed with exhilaration. His romantic optimism made him feel foolish.

  "Go easy with that huge cock of yours."

  Deandred caressed the back of hand, then gathered it and brought it to his lips for a kiss. "A good master doesn't play rough with a pet on the very first night."

  * ** *** * *** ** * * ** *** * *** ** ** ** *** * *** ** ** ** *** * *** ** *

  Deandred loomed near while Rand folded his clothes in the corner of their bedroom. When he stood, his master was upon him, pulling his naked body against him for a searing kiss. Rand got caught up in the surge of passion. He clung to Deandred while his hands coursed over his bare back. Their tongues joined together and Rand's cock began to stir. It was sudden, exhilarating lust. Rand felt swept into it. There was no hesitation—he immediately ceded control to Deandred.


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