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Night Angels (Beast & Beauty)

Page 2

by M, Jessie

  “Mmmm, pure salt of the earth Dad, absolutely,” Kyle muttered quietly. He had to agree his dad was pretty cool for a Lord, with his wicked sense of humour and a fairly modern outlook on life.

  He took another look at Mel, sweeping his eyes up and down as subtly as he could. He could barely stop looking in her direction. He caught her looking at him too, as if she was taking stock, examining him somehow... He'd dressed carefully in a tight fitting black shirt and black jeans. He'd faffed with his hair and even splashed on some cologne, not that she'd get close enough to him to smell it. But he'd wanted to make a good impression on her for some reason. He hoped he'd done a good job and she wasn't comparing him too harshly with the golden boy to her left.

  His eyes skimmed over her lush swathe of silky fair hair, tumbling seductively over her shoulders, down her far too pretty face with its exquisite smooth skin and full pink lips, to her neck and throat. His eyes glazed as they travelled lower over her beautiful full breasts and the touch of cleavage on display at the neckline of her black silky top. He felt himself harden, rapidly, wanting her and imagining things. He dragged his eyes back up to her face quickly, swallowing the groan that was threatening to emerge from his mouth.

  Their eyes locked, just for a few seconds, and something happened, across the table, between them. He didn't know the fuck what, or the fuck how, but it did.

  She cleared her throat and took a big gulp of her glass of water, her eyes not leaving his. “What exactly do you do Kyle? Chris mentioned you work from home, on the internet?” she asked him. Her long eyelashes batted at him slowly and so sexily he wanted to dive on her and kiss her to death.

  “Customer support for a web host,” he replied blandly, desperately trying to get control of himself.

  “You must have a very technical mind. I can barely work out what's happening on my Facebook page,” she replied with a deep sigh.

  He laughed at her truthful candour.

  “I'm sure you're not the only one. The FB interface isn't renowned for its user friendliness."

  “Well that's a relief. I thought it was just me.”

  “Oh no... Far from it. Facebook can make the back end of a hosting environment look like child's play.” He smiled and she giggled sweetly.

  “Come on babe, you've hardly touched your food. Mrs Higgins will be on the warpath,” Chris said, breaking into their conversation. He cast a hard look at Kyle, as if he knew exactly what was running through his head.

  “Oh heavens above... Mustn't upset Mrs Higgins, must we?" she replied humorously, in mock horror and began to tackle her dinner properly, as requested.

  “So Kyle, how's it all going these days, man-eating wolves aside,” Chris asked with a nasty smirk.

  He looked at his mother crossly and she had the grace to blush.

  “Just fine and I did see wolves. Heard them too,” he replied defensively.

  “I suppose anything's possible. Bloody unlikely though,” Chris continued, with an evil little grin.

  “What the hell would you know, anyway?” he snapped. “Do you sit and discuss wolves with the other geniuses in the world of mathematical engineering?”

  He suddenly wanted to finish his meal as quickly as possible. He hated this barbed conversation they always had. Neither of them could seem to control it. It was the main reason he didn't eat with them anymore. Antagonistic mealtimes weren't an enjoyable experience, for anyone present. He preferred to eat alone, in his room. Mrs Higgins looked after him. She called him 'pet' and he called her 'Higgy'. She had a soft spot for him. She'd text him when his dinner was ready to collect. She was a real sweetie underneath her harsh Yorkshire 'no nonsense' exterior.

  “I'd love to know exactly what you saw, would you tell me, please?” Melanie asked, in an interested and appealing voice, diffusing the bad vibes instantly.

  “Maybe later,” he replied in a non-committal tone. He wasn't about to become a laughing stock at the table.

  “Perhaps you can show me what you do on the internet, your job I mean, and after that you could tell me about them? I like wolves, I find them fascinating,” she pushed.

  “Okay, if Chris doesn't mind?” he asked cautiously. He'd love to get Mel on her own for a while, away from his brother. Not that he intended to hit on her, he just liked her, and looking at her was a real pleasure.

  “Why should I mind? Mel can do as she likes, though why she finds anything about you interesting is beyond me,” he replied caustically.

  There he goes again. Snipe, after fucking snipe...

  He led her upstairs to his room. She came in and looked around, taking it all in quickly with interested eyes.

  “It's a real bachelor's pad you have here Kyle!” she announced with a little laugh.

  “I guess so,” he replied.

  “D'you use those?” she asked, walking over to his weight rack and picking a small one up and turning to face him.

  “Every day, 600 reps at least. I've got a good routine, been doing it for years.”

  “I thought so. I can see you've got a great body. That shirt fits you like a glove. I like a man who keeps himself fit. Muscles turn me on.”

  “Right...” he gulped.

  She put the weight back on the rack and walked up to him.

  “So, show me then...”

  “Show you what?”

  “What you do.”

  “My workout?”

  “Well I'd really love to see that, but I meant your job. I'm dying to get inside the workings of a web hosting company. Give me the grand tour.”

  “Okay, let me pull up the spare chair.”

  He arranged the seating, and once comfortable, he brought his computer out of hibernate mode. He was having a lot of difficulty concentrating. He could smell her perfume and his mouth felt so dry suddenly. She was too close for comfort. Somehow he managed to sign in and take her 'round his American cyber-job. She actually sounded quite interested in it. He logged out and announced the tour to be complete, turning towards her with a lazy grin. She settled back on the chair a little and looked at him, heatedly, as he stared back at her.

  “What's the matter, have I grown another head or something?” he asked jokily to cover the awkwardness he felt being ogled so openly.

  “What happened in the woods?” she asked breathily.

  “I was out running. With the dog. She pulled up fast and started acting strangely, out of character. Then there they were. I only saw a flash of them, dark fur... crossing the path. But I was spooked. I was about to high tail it outta there when they returned, right in front of me. Great big ugly fucking monsters. Long teeth, orange glowing eyes, huge pointed ears... Snarling at me... I've never seen anything like it.”

  “Oh my God... It must have been so exciting...” she said with wide eyes.

  “I nearly had a damn heart attack.”

  “How I'd have loved to have seen it.”

  “No you really wouldn't. I can assure you.”

  “I like being scared, you know.”

  “Would you like to be eaten? Because that's the kind of scared it felt like to me.”

  “Perhaps not, then,” she laughed.

  “Fancy a beer? I've got my own supply.”

  “Sure. And tell me some more about the wolves. Did they chase you?”

  He hopped up and got them both a beer from his mini drinks cooler. He popped off the lids and she rose, coming to meet him halfway, taking one from him and having a quick sip. Her eyes were glued to his.

  “No, I don't think so. I didn't dare look to be honest. I think they just wanted to scare me off.”

  “And they did, didn't they?” she giggled and flashed her eyes at him.

  “Too fucking right! I've never run so fast in my life. And then the howling. That started when I left the wood. Jesus, It made my hair stand on end.”

  “You have such beautiful eyes,” she suddenly said. “And really gorgeous hair. You're kinda hot. Why the hell do you hide yourself away in here?”

p; He was rather taken aback by her change in conversation, and secretly very pleased she found him to be 'kinda hot' but managed to hide it, just about.

  “It just happened. You know, my job, my gaming... I Skype and socialise online too.”

  “Chris says you never go out. He calls you the hermit.”

  “Oh, I go out now and then. On my bike usually. I'm a fast ride addict.”

  “I'd like to come out with you sometime. I've never been on a motorbike before.”

  “We'll arrange something if you like. I was gonna go tonight, but what about tomorrow, if Chris is okay about it.”

  “I don't need to ask permission. It's a date.”

  He laughed at her terminology.

  “Hardly a date... It'll be a quick trip around the country lanes, that's all.”

  “Got any girls in your life?” she probed, her eyes searching his.

  “A couple of friends online. Anya, my gamer partner's a girl, lives in Sweden.”

  “No, I meant real ones, here, you know... Girls you see...”

  “I've had a few... but a while ago.”

  Far too long ago, years ago in fact.

  Her eyes were riveted to his and he could see and hear she was breathing deeply. She took his bottle from his hand and put the two of them down on the table. Then she moved closer to him, lifting her hand and began caressing his neck with her finger, stroking him softly. And how good it felt, so arousing. Little shivers ran up and down his spine in anticipation, and they stared, their chests heaving with want.

  Shit, so much for not hitting on her... She's hitting on me... In a big way...

  His mind screamed 'NO' but his body ignored it as she took his hand and pulled him towards her, brushing her mouth against his, gently at first, and then more insistently. His whole body came to life with a sudden rush of intense feelings, bursting out everywhere.

  He pulled away a little. This was SO not on. He was kissing his brother's girlfriend!

  And fuck, despite that thought pounding in his head, he wanted to do it again, so badly.

  He looked at her upturned face, so tempting and beautiful, her lips slightly parted, revealing her pearly white teeth within.

  Christ almighty, what am I doing?... I should tell her to go... But I can't...

  “Kyle... Kiss me properly. Please... Please?” she pleaded in a soft and husky voice, her eyes full of desire for him. She pulled him back roughly, hugging his waist and he lost all sense of reason for a moment as her warm body took over his mind. His tongue sank into her mouth and she responded, lapping at him rhythmically... making the most wonderful little mewing sounds, moaning and gasping with pleasure. He heated up like an erupting volcano. He was desperate to touch her and he knew just where to start. His hands slipped around the back of her head, into her silky blondness, grabbing handfuls of it and imprinting it forever on his memory. He held her head against his, as they kissed, and he played erotic games with his fingers in her hair. Tugging it and twirling it. Her heated perfume wafted around them and assailed his nostrils, inflaming him further. She tasted so sweet and fresh and smelled so feminine and hot. Her mouth and tongue felt like soft velvet as he explored them. He groaned out loud as her hands dropped slowly from his waist to his backside and she pulled him tightly to her. Her small hands cupped his ass firmly. His hard-on pressed painfully against her hip bone, and her breasts squashed against his chest, wonderfully soft and so inviting.

  How he ached for her, to undress and touch her... all over...

  But, this wasn't right. In fact it was so fucking wrong.

  He pushed her away with a deep groan and stepped back, his breathing ragged.

  “No... No more... You're Chris' girlfriend Melanie... I suggest we forget this. It hasn't happened,” he said with an agonised and shaky voice, his eyes downcast. He couldn't look at her, because he knew what he'd see. They both wanted a lot more. The whole thing. Badly.

  “But Kyle, it has happened and I'm telling you right now, I'm so glad about that, because it's you that I want, and not him. I'll see you tomorrow.” With that shocking parting comment, she touched his arm gently with her fingertips and left, closing his door behind her with a soft click.

  “Holy shit, what have I done...?” he asked out loud to himself.

  What a fucking mess.

  But how he wanted her.

  He looked at his computer and it held no appeal tonight.

  Only one thing appealed.

  Taking Melanie into his arms and fucking them both into a coma.

  He picked up his weights and started working out to relieve his frustration and tire himself out. Over an hour later he crawled into bed, exhausted, mentally and physically. He then fell fast asleep.

  Chapter 2

  He was beginning to wonder if he'd imagined it. His encounter with Melanie. Perhaps he was going crazy somehow?

  First seeing those weird wolves in the wood, then beautiful girls throwing themselves at him. This wasn't the way his life was.

  He finished his shift and after that he Skyped Anya with a message. She didn't answer, and after a half an hour, feeling more than a little concerned about his pal, he texted her as well.

  “Finished puking yet?”

  “NO,” she replied.


  “So ill and weak, got Mum here and she called the doctor. Can't even get out of bed to take a pee.”

  “So sorry Ansy. Hope you feel better soon.”

  “Me too. Take care.”

  “Big X”

  He was on his own today. Lord and Lady Brandon went to the extremely nouveau rich Carlisle's every other Monday. They lived in Knodishall, a well-to-do village not far away. It was a serious drink and cards session. They were collected by the Carlisle's driver after lunch and never reappeared before midnight, usually much the worse for wear. His brother was at work, and usually ate out with his friends, if it was one of Mrs Higgins' days off, which it was. There was only Martha and himself in the house. The dog sat at his feet, snoozing happily. He liked having her in his room, she was comforting and undemanding and very sweet company. He was suddenly quite peckish and got up and went downstairs to make a cup of coffee and rustle up some grub. Martha followed, trailing behind him, half asleep, on the scrounge for a spare tidbit that might come her way, as usual.

  He stood at the kitchen window daydreaming while the coffee machine whirred into action at his side, and the sandwich toaster heated up. He suddenly started in shock. The wolves he'd seen yesterday were roaming around the grounds. He could see five of them at least... His heart picked up a pace as he watched them slink about on their long legs. They had an even weirder look about them in the cold light of day. Almost a human resemblance, in some odd, inexplicable way. He stood stock still, staring in horrified fascination. They were sniffing the ground and scenting something out, he hoped and prayed it wasn't him, but he couldn't think what else it might be. They were closing in to the boot room, next door to the kitchen, where he'd entered the house the previous day. Martha whimpered again, sinking to the floor at his side, cowering and shaking noticeably. He stared in realisation as they all turned and looked his way. They'd heard her and they'd seen him. They began to head in his direction. He edged back from the window slowly, unsure of what to do.

  His father's hunting rifle...

  Not that he knew what to do with it, or even if it was loaded. But if he could take a shot at them, out of an upstairs window, maybe he could scare them off. He rushed out of the kitchen, across the hallway, and into his dad's study, with Martha close at heel. But the gun cabinet was locked. He couldn't find the key, and as his dad's desk drawer was also locked, he quickly gave up that idea.

  He was safe inside the house at least.

  Hopefully they'd get bored and go away soon, if he was out of sight. He'd go upstairs and take a peek out of the bedroom windows, to see where they were.

  But then he heard a noise, a collection of snarls and loud growling coming across the hal
lway towards him.

  Jesus and fuck... They were inside... How the hell did they get in?

  He shot over and slammed the door of the study closed and locked it, his heart pounding in fear. He pressed his ear to the door and listened. They paced and snarled outside, scratching and jumping up at the door of the study, roaring and growling. Then the weirdest thing happened. The door handle turned, again and again, rattling loudly. He grabbed it in panic, holding it still. An animal screech of anger filled the air. The pounding and scratching on the door continued. He closed his eyes and prayed he was dreaming this whole fucking thing. Adrenaline surged and his blood rushed through his veins and ears like a roaring wildfire. An almighty howl assailed his hearing, and a long rumbling growl ensued, coming through the gap at the bottom of the door. He'd never felt so terrified in his life. He prayed the small lock could withstand their assault, and braced his body against the door to reinforce its strength. For a long while after he stood like that and listened. Until he was absolutely sure he couldn't hear anything more. Arming himself with his dad's cricket bat, the only thing he could find, he bravely unlocked and opened the study door and popped his head out cautiously to survey the scene. A rush of cool air hit him. The front door was wide open. This was getting weirder by the minute. He edged out and shut the front door and then began a nervous tour of the rooms.

  His heartbeat was like a wild drum thumping in his chest as he crept around downstairs and then upstairs in the eerie silence. His family home had taken on a sinister feel. The tall ceilings, leaded windows, and old dark furniture harboured shadows and many places where things could hide. He tried to think logically and sensibly but his mind was shot to pieces. He was acting on instinct, survival instinct. After a lengthy check about the house, flashing all the lights on and checking everywhere he could think of, he was finally satisfied he was alone. He locked the back and front doors, bolting them firmly. He put the alarm on and tested it and it still worked. Standing in the hallway, he looked at the study door. Deep gouges were evident in the white paint, and long scratch marks covered its glossy surface. He had evidence now. He wasn't going crazy. They were real, and for some reason, it seemed, these animals wanted him. He revisited the kitchen, turned off the toaster, and grabbed a snack bar instead, plus his half cold coffee. After forcing himself to look out of the window, and seeing nothing, he went upstairs. The alarm shrieked as he moved through the house. He reset it using the upstairs control panel and entered his bedroom. The house was secure at least. He'd know the second anything came through the hallway.


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