Cindy Revisited

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Cindy Revisited Page 13

by Honey Jans

  "Why not? It's true, isn't it?” he asked, gazing at her. He was relieved when she smiled.

  "Yes. It's true, as long as you keep letting me in."

  Jake stepped into the anteroom outside his father's office, and found Maud waiting at the desk, a scowl on her face as she caught sight of him. He gazed back at her fondly; the dynamo had her silver hair pulled back in its usual bun, and was wearing one of her stiff formal suits. She peered out the bottom of her bifocals at him. She'd kept him running on time for years.

  "About time you got here, Jacob. You're father's been irate. What do you mean, turning off your cell?"

  "I wanted some privacy for once."

  Maud gave Cyn a kindly but curious look. “And who's your lady friend?” she asked, ignoring him.

  "Cyn, meet Maud, she's been my nosy, bossy, private secretary for the past seven years; now she's my dad's problem."

  "Don't pay any attention to him, I just take an interest in the wastrel's well-being. It's nice to meet you, Cyn. It's about time he got out of the office and had a social life."

  He was chagrined to see Cyn grin back at her.

  "You don't say. I take it he doesn't date much."

  "Are you kidding, he..."

  "We'll be waiting inside,” Jake interrupted, easing Cyn into the inner office. “Get Bart Donavan on the phone, and ask him to come over."

  "I already did, young man. He's on his way."

  Jake rolled his eyes, only Maud could make him feel like a kid. He knew Maud had his best interests at heart, but there were things a guy didn't want to talk about in front of the woman he loved.

  "Why don't you take a seat, sugar?” Jake said, closing the door. He watched her settle into a wing chair in the corner, and paced in front of the desk. He saw Cyn's concerned gaze on him, and stopped. “Drink?” he asked.

  "Water would be nice,” she said, with a nod.

  He went to the fridge in the wet bar, and got out a bottle of spring water for her. Just then, the door opened, and Silas burst into the room.

  "About time you got here, son. Why in blue blazes did you turn off your cell? Maud all but had to send out smoke signals to reach you.” He looked at the bottle of water in Jake's hand and said. “Get me one of those too, and add some scotch."

  "No scotch.” Jake handed his father a bottle of water, and carried one over to Cyn. She took it from him, but he noticed her wary gaze remained on his father.

  Silas stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted Cyn. He gave her a thoughtful look. “This must be that Taylor girl you've been shacked up with out at the ranch. But what the hell is she doing here? These are crucial times boy, women have no place in business, and besides, she might be a spy."

  "Dad, behave..."

  "What a crock,” Cyn snapped, surging to her feet. “I'm here to support Jake, and under protest, I might add."

  "The hell you say.” Silas grinned. “You've got spunk. I'll say that for you."

  "Same to you, Mister,” she said, staring him down.

  Jake went quiet as they glared at each other, ready to intervene. He wasn't surprised to see his father back down. Cyn could be fierce.

  "Well I'll be damned, son; it looks like you picked you a good one."

  Silas settled in his desk chair and looked at Cyn. “You're the one who kicked Dwain's ass, and set the dogs on him."

  "That's me,” Cyn said with a rebellious grin. “And for the record, it was pygmy goats, not dogs."

  "So you're the scheming redhead who stole him away at the dance."

  "I suppose that's verbatim."

  "Pretty much, got it from your stepmother. She's at a claw and cackle women's club meeting with my wife right now."

  Maud buzzed, “Bart Donaldson is here to see you."

  "Send him in,” Silas said into the intercom.

  Jake sat back as the accountant, with a paunch and a comb-over, lumbered into the room. Bart gave them all a suspicious glance. Jake sighed; it was going to be a long day.

  "Here's the deal. I've pinpointed the losses in the acquisitions department. When I went to confront the culprit, I learned that he hasn't reported for work. The North Star office and his condo have been abandoned and cleaned of all personal items. I was able to recover certain documents. Deeds and land contracts for the properties they took. None of them have been filed, as far as I've been able to ascertain, which leaves Randal Industries in jeopardy.” He dumped out a sheaf of documents. The one for the Taylor ranch landed on top.

  Cyn gasped.

  Jake's gut tightened as he glanced at her shell-shocked expression. “It's not legal,” he assured her.

  "But damning,” she said, seeing Cordial's signature along with her father's. “It's a forgery, has to be. My dad wouldn't sell, and anyhow, he couldn't. I have power of attorney."

  "Durable, or temporary?” Zane asked.

  "Temporary,” Cyn said softly.

  "Are there any out clauses?"

  "I don't know,” she said, her voice breaking.

  "Easy, sugar.” Jake took her hand in his. “I'll have my attorney find out exactly what's happening. And, Bart..."

  "Thank you, but I'll handle it."

  Jake watched her shut down right before his eyes, and his gut twisted. Didn't she trust him after all? Her trembling hand in his made him furious at Cordial. Damn the scheming bitch. He'd sort this out for Cyn, and she'd come around. “It's time I got you home,” Jake said, standing up. He pulled out Cyn's chair and helped her to her feet. She seemed numb with shock.

  "Are you two coming to our party tonight?” Silas asked, rising.

  "Party?” Cyn asked in a daze.

  "Yeah, the wife is throwing a shindig for our anniversary. I want you two to be there. It would go a ways in putting down rumors that RI's in trouble."

  "We wouldn't want that,” Cyn said sarcastically.

  Jake grinned, taking her arm, relieved to see she was getting her spunk back.

  "It'll be good for you too, young lady,” Silas said with a glower. “You still look a little green about the gills."

  Cyn laughed. “Thanks, I needed that to snap me out of it. I'm fine, it's just a shock to find out someone you trusted is trying to screw you."

  "Ain't it though,” he said with a nod.

  "We'll be there, Dad,” Jake said, steering Cyn toward the door.

  Chapter 14

  Cyn rode back to the ranch with Jake, her mind in a whirl. How could Cordial have tried to con her this way, or be stupid enough to think she could get away with it? Her father's signature had to be a forgery, at least that thought made her feel a little bit better. Her hand tightened on the copy of the document Jake had given to her.

  "I'll get one of my operatives to interview your father about this."

  "No.” She met his frown with a steady look. He was trying to protect her, in his take-charge way, but she had to handle this on her own. “I don't want to see him hurt. Visiting day is tomorrow. I'll go see him, lay this all out on the table, and get some answers.” She watched his jaw set; his hands tighten on the steering wheel, telling her he didn't like it. He probably thought she was being stubborn, but she couldn't help it; she was putting her foot down. A thing like this took tact, and Jake had all the delicacy of a Mack truck. “Don't you see, a shock like this could give him a heart attack or something at his age. This has to be done delicately, and by me."

  "And you don't trust me to handle this, right?"

  "It's not that, it's just that, it's just that; hell ... my father thinks my stepmother hung the moon. This is going to come as a big shock to him. He's still crazy in love with her, even though she rarely visits him in prison. Even worse, he trusted me to look after his ranch, Cordial, and their daughters. How can I tell him I've failed?"

  "Did you ever think he might have failed you, be conning you?” he shot back, studying her face grimly.

  "How dare you infer—” she sputtered, knowing deep down her dad had failed her by being a workaholic, absentee fat
her. But he'd changed for the better after he'd married Cordial. At least she could credit the other woman for that much. “My dad..."

  "Left you holding the bag,” Jake said flatly. “Face it, sugar. What kind of father does that?"

  "One who's run out of options. He was going to prison, even though it's considered a country club type white-collar crime compound, it's still prison, and he knew they couldn't cope. When he asked for my help, I was touched. He finally needed me. We've always been distant, my father and I,” she said with a sigh.

  "I know the feeling,” Jake bit out.

  Cyn nodded, knowing they'd shared a similar childhood, but at least Jake had grown up with a mother. “Dad was shattered when my mother died, and Pedro and Juanita more or less raised me. They're like second parents to me. But when Cordial came into the picture, it was like he had a new lease on life. I hate to see that spark go out. And when he got in trouble and needed me, I was glad to come back. I love this land, and I can still paint in my spare time."

  Jake pulled into the ranch driveway and drove directly to her cabin. “I understand your tender feelings, and respect you for them, but I won't sit idly by and let you get hurt."

  "I can't get any more hurt than I already am."

  "There are still too many unknown factors for my liking. Dwain Hawkins for instance."

  "You heard Zane. The elusive con man has run away. Either way, he's no longer a threat.” She opened her door and jumped out before he could get to her, knowing he'd weaken her strong will. She wouldn't let him soften her up with sex.

  Jake slammed his door, and walked around to her. “Fine. I'll back off, and give you two days to clear this up. After that, it goes to court with the other pending documents, and Cordial's goose is cooked. The courts take a dim view of forgery."

  "I understand, but I want to hear her side of it first. There's the possibility her signature is a forgery, too."

  "Right,” he said, following her to her cabin.

  "Where do you think you're going?” she asked, arching a brow.

  "You promised to model the undies and feed me supper in bed."

  "That was before.” She looked at Jake and weakened. “Oh heck, come on in and I'll see what I can whip up."

  She turned to look at him once they were inside and she'd bolted the door. She had him all to herself and she wasn't about to let Cordial or the twins intrude on their privacy. “What am I going to do with you?” she mused out loud.

  Jake smiled. “How about dinner for starters?"

  "Dinner, right.” She started toward the kitchen when he stopped her by simply touching her shoulder, coming up behind her. She sighed, leaning into him. “You fight dirty, Jake."

  "I fight fire with fire,” he said, nibbling her nape.

  Her zipper went down and she didn't try to stop him. “You expect me to cook naked?"

  "Semi-naked,” he said with a chuckle as her dress fell. “You did promise to model these garments."

  Cyn blushed as her peek-a-boo undies were revealed. In all the commotion, she'd forgotten she was wearing them. Jake's hands cupped her breasts, his fingertips swirling over her tingling nipples. She moaned. “I never said I was going to sleep with you."

  "I didn't have sleeping in mind, sugar. And besides, I've been very good and open, you said so yourself."

  She bit back a moan, thrusting herself into his hands. “So I did.” When he stopped playing with her boobs and let go then stepped away, she let out a moue of protest. She needed him, no matter her reservations. He was starting to change and open up to her, she could see that.

  "Let's cook,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her into the kitchen with him.

  When he introduced her to chocolate whipped cream shots later, she groaned with ecstasy. “My god, that's good right out of the can."

  He smiled, “A perfect guy's desert. No cooking.” He leaned forward to kiss her.

  She moaned, opening for him, tasting the best of everything, him and whipped cream. When a fleece-lined restraint wrapped around her wrist, she giggled. “Are you planning on tying me up and having your wicked way with me?"

  He waggled his eyebrows. “You're onto my evil plan,” he said, boosting her up onto the table.

  She smiled at him, bemused.

  "Up on your knees, darling, legs apart."

  She spread herself, the crotchless panties baring her to his hot eyes.

  "Now reach behind you and arch your back."

  She did and he loosely restrained the other wrist with the cuffs. She felt the restraint inside, her body trembling. She was completely open for him, her breasts thrust out, her nipples hard as jewels, her creamy sex opened for him. He pulled the little flogger out of the Branded bag and she almost came. It had a little leather flap. They hadn't tried that yet. He flicked it at her left nipple, and it made her cry out at the burst of heat. “You are a wicked man, Jake Randal,” she said with a moan, as he did it again, and then moved on to her other nipple.

  "Little old me?” he said innocently, and aimed it at her clit.

  With her clit throbbing and her pussy clenching, she whimpered. He kept a driving rhythm, and she came with a shriek, her sex spasming, dimly aware of the flogger hitting the table. Jake was on her, pulling her into his arms, kissing her, his hands on her secret wet needy places.

  Jake unzipped his pants, groaning when he grasped her hips, and thrust into her wet sex, deep and hard.

  Cyn whimpered, her hands still restrained and behind her, her back arched, leaving her totally open to him. Clutching her ass, he drove into her, making her tremble, as her sex clung to his hard driving cock. He surged into her, grinding against her clit, and bent to take her nipple into his mouth and suck on it. She shrieked, her sex pulsing as he drew hard on the tender budded point. Then he pulled her tight to him and with his shaft rubbing her clit, she exploded, fireworks going on behind her closed eyelids, her pussy milking at him.

  Jake groaned and shuddered inside her, his cock plunging into her hard as he came.

  * * * *

  He stood in the shadow, his face suffused with rage, as he watched her act like a common whore for Jake Randal. What a bitch. Beating her into submission would be so sweet and satisfying. He groaned, jacking off, his cock red hot. If only she saw what he had, she'd swoon. Randal was probably hung like a mouse like most pretty boys. He couldn't tell with the jerk's cock buried in her snatch.

  He came with a roar, spurting against the siding, tripping on her damned sculpture in the flowerbed. He fetched up against her window with a thud, and froze. The morons inside kept on kissing. Soon their time would come...

  * * * *

  Up above, Agatha shrieked. “It's him. We've got t—oh wait, he's slinking away like the snake that he is.

  * * * *

  Jake left Cyn's hard nipple with a lick that made her wriggle on his cock and sigh with pleasure. He rose up; his cock still buried inside her, to look at the window and noticed the drapes were open a few inches. Damn he hadn't noticed in his heat to touch her. His senses prickling with danger, he said, “What was that?"

  "I didn't hear anything,” Cyn murmured. “It's probably just another incidence of your hypervigilance; you need to learn to relax, honey."

  Jake smiled down at her still arched back and restraints. Her nipples hard as rubies, and a sated look on her beautiful face. “Come on,” he said, pulling her up, and undoing her restraints, earning a moue of protest. He smiled, caressing her face. “Later. I promise."

  "I'm going to hold you to that, cowboy."

  He drew her off the table, and pulled her robe off the bed, putting it on her. He'd heard someone lurking around outside, and after learning about the Peeping Tom, he wasn't taking any chances.

  "Stay here.” He positioned her by the door and weathered her frown. “I mean it,” he said, stepping outside. He walked around the cabin in the dark, bright moonlight easing his path. His eyes were accustomed to night vision, and he scanned the area, not seeing a soul.
He made his way to the dining room window, where he'd heard the thud. When he inhaled the sharp scent of mint, he realized Cyn had a flowerbed planted. He tensed when he saw the trampled down herbal border, the still wet semen stains on the logs. At least it removed Cordial from suspicion. The peeper was a guy. “Damn,” he muttered.

  "What is it?” Cyn said, coming up behind him.

  "I thought I told you to stay inside,” he said, turning to pin her with his best repressive frown.

  "And I told you I expect full disclosure. Guess which one of us is going to win?” She glanced at the stains, and her eyes widened. “Is that what I think it is?"

  "Uh huh. Our Peeping Tom is a guy."

  "Yuck. What a sick creep."

  "Probably can't get it up otherwise."

  Cyn looked at her flowerbed and glared. “Look what he did to my flowers. The pansies are ruined, and the mint will never be the same.” She let out a gasp. “Look. He broke my garden sculpture; it was an AB White original. That bastard."

  "He probably tripped over it running away. Don't worry, I know where I can get you one wholesale."

  "At least this lets two people out of suspicion,” she said, her nose wrinkling as she looked at the stains.

  "Two?” he asked, tilting his head.

  "Sure, Cordial because she's female, and Dwain Hawkins. Maybe he wasn't guilty of the obscene letters after all. I now feel kind of bad for blaming him, persecuting him."

  "Don't, he still could be lurking around."

  "That's not very likely according to Zane. It doesn't fit his past MO."

  Chapter 15

  Cyn accompanied Jake to his parent's estate, her heart racing. Would his parents accept her? What would the other guests think? It was their first actual public outing as a couple. She'd never worried what others thought of her before, but now she so wanted to make a good impression.

  Jake parked his SUV in the driveway. She was glad he'd brought it because she was dressed in her turquoise fairytale gown. Riding on his Harley while dressed for a formal party would have been difficult, to say the least. She turned to gaze at him; he looked so handsome in his tux. His gaze warmed as it washed over her. When he pulled her into his arms for a kiss, she went with a pleasured sigh. The sensation of his hot lips slanting over hers, his taste, almost succeeded in wiping away her nerves. If he was doing it to distract her, he'd succeeded. She moaned into his mouth, her body aching for him. He cupped her breast through her dress, his palm heating her nipple, making it stiff.


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