The Great Losing: The Mad Dragon King (The World of Shestafa )

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The Great Losing: The Mad Dragon King (The World of Shestafa ) Page 27

by Karine Green

  On the third night, Méi led Mack off into the woods to witness their eggs cracking.

  "One very dark purple boy, and one lighter purple girl. Just like their shells," Mack said, smiling as he held up the purple girl for Méi to see.

  "She's so beautiful, look at her. Let's call her Parana after your mother," Méi said, in awe.

  Mack nodded, staring at her. Her body was a deep lilac-purple, with splashes of pale yellow around her head and a face that faded in hues to the purple, and an orange hue that ran down to where her wing buds would come in; it also faded into the purple hues. She had dark purple crisscrossing stripes on her back that was definitely the marking of both an Air Dragon and a Fire Dragon.

  “Parana is a beautiful name,” he nodded in agreement. "Apis?" he asked, holding up his son.

  "I like it, it is such a strong family name," she said smiling. “His deep orange striping reminds me of Uncle Apis, but that is where the similarities end.” He had three dark purple, almost black stripes that except for color, were identical to Parana's. He handed Apis to Méi before she growled.

  "I'll go get a rabbit for them," Mack said, running into the woods and returning a few minutes later. He skinned it so it would be easier for his new hatchlings to eat, then handed it to Méi who shredded it. "Now, I'll go find something for you." He brought her back two rabbits, and one for himself.

  After they ate, they returned to camp and made the announcement.

  Mack could tell Méi tried hard not to growl at them. Ultimately they both decided that it might be best if the others were introduced to the newest pups later. Only Wren and Shway could peek in on the prince and princess.

  "I kept them warm for you," Wren said, smiling and wagging his tail, proud that he had helped.

  "You did a fine job sweetheart, look how healthy they are," Méi said, smiling.

  Mack trampled a bed for her, where they rested until morning, trying unsuccessfully to sleep.

  They were in the air early. Wren flew with Mack and Misty. She seemed very pleased to have him. Mack felt her petting him as she told him to pay attention to the air currents since they would feel different than with Méi.

  As they approached Blue Valley later in the afternoon something strange rose on the air. He couldn’t quite place the smell of the emotions.

  Excitement mixed with fear…maybe?

  "Hey, there is something flying there," Ridder said, pointing.

  Suki looked through her scope. "It's dragons! Air, Fire, oh Mountain. Many dragons," she said, still looking through the scope.

  "There are more dragons!" Misty shouted.

  “Yay! Someone to play with,” Wren said, jumping. Mack felt Misty trying to steady him to keep him from falling.

  “I got you, Wren,” she said patting his back, then giving Mack’s back a pat to let him know everything was all right.

  "Let's continue on and find out what they want. They surely aren't there for a social visit," Mack said, hoping none of them had moved into his barn. Nervousness ran through him, and he felt Misty pat his back with one hand, and Wren wagging his tail. She was trying to keep Wren calm, despite Mack's nervousness. He smiled; she knew him as well as Méi did.

  "I am sure they are friendly," Misty said.

  "Yup. They are yellow in the scope," Suki said nodding. "Hey. They see us, some are flying out to meet us." She put the scope away.

  "I guess we're going to find out how serious everyone is over this King business." He resisted the urge to ask Méi to hang back just in case these dragons came from the Mad Dragon King. They should have made a plan, like when they’d returned with Arlen to South Dragons Ridge. "Meanwhile, can you keep an eye on them?"

  "Yes, your Majesty," Suki said in a monotone, as if it was an ignorant request.

  Mack smiled. "Right." Thank Goodness he had people who didn't treat him different.

  He wondered if the real King was coming. Then I could just get through this ordeal with the Mad Dragon King and concentrate on my life with Méi and the pups. I could be a teacher? That’s a nice idea. Dunia could be in charge, she is much better suited for it, and has been trained by the Blue Wizard.

  As the others flew up to them, it became apparent that they, like the people of South Dragons Ridge, intended him to be King. He stifled a sigh as the cheers came; he didn't want to cause a wind storm by sighing too much.

  "It is the King!" a limestone colored Mountain Dragon called to the others flying behind him.

  A mostly green dragon with brown and darker green stripes flew over to Dunia. "Dunia, is that you? I thought you were dead. It's me, cousin Almasi."

  "Cousin," Dunia said, with more than a hint of disapproval in her voice.

  "Yes," Almasi said, smiling and swooping in to fly next to her.

  Mack smiled at the look on Dunia's face. The White Witch was in for it. Dunia should have been turned over to her family, and that was final. And if he truly was the king, that would also be his final royal word on the matter. He turned his attention back to the hoard flying toward them. Perhaps one of these would want to be King? They flew in with more dragons joining them. Several made a fuss over how beautiful Wren and Shway were. Their stripes were very much visible in the sunlight against their deep dark blue scales.

  The Mountain dragon flew in next to Arlen. "You're carrying a Stone Dragon."

  "I know that," Arlen said, trying not to be offended. "She is my mate, mother to the two pups you were just cooing over."

  Ridder was offended. "She is the Great Dragon Minister of Youth Education in South Dragons Ridge, a gifted teacher of teachers."

  "Whoa, I am a Common Dragon too. Not an Elemental. It is just good to see the alliance. I am Lowell, of the Sea An'Tia Mountain Dragons. We were displaced from Blue Valley during the Great Losing. We came all this way because we heard the King had returned."

  Sarnia smiled from her perch on the saddle. "I am happy to meet you. I am Sarnia. This is Arlen, the South Dragons Ridge Water Dragon, and his rider, Ridder."

  More dragons arrived to fly with them. Some dragons had riders some didn't. There were all the breeds capable of flight, including six Fire Dragons, four Air Dragons, and nine Water Dragons, that Mack could count.

  Another Air dragon flew up next to Arlen, and carefully asked the same question as the Mountain dragon. "You're carrying a Stone Dragon?"

  Arlen smiled. "This is Sarnia. She is a fierce protector of pups, brilliant strategist, and my mate."

  Mack spoke up. "She is also a member of the Royal court. She is the Education Minister."

  "Of course Education Minister. I like it. We have never had a Minister devoted to education. It was handled by a council of three Air or Earth Dragons," The Air Dragon smiled, "I look forward to training with you. I have young, and they are unruly. They could use training. I have heard the King's School for Pups at Blue Valley was once the best for young dragon pups."

  Mack offered a half-smile. "It will be again, and Sarnia will be a brilliant headmistress if she decides to stay and not return to South Dragons Ridge. At which point, I might direct you there."

  So much for teaching, it will be Sarnia's position. She was just too good with the little ones, and everyone around her senses it, even if they’d only known her for thirty seconds.

  "How many dragons are here? What department did you come from at Sea An'Tia?" Dunia asked.

  Mack was glad she had asked, hopefully not a bunch of civilians that needed to be trained in two or three days before the Mad King's army arrives.

  Almasi flew closer, "Some stayed behind, but of those who came with us; twelve of each of the Elemental Dragons, and twelve of each of the Common. Except Shark Dragons and Sand Dragons, of course. We also brought our mates and pups. One hundred and forty-four all together, if you only count the adults, many of us have at least four or five pups each. The one hundred and forty-four are only those who are trained military. We are all the displaced from Blue Valley, and those from Sea An'Tia willing to relocate b
ack home."

  Mack nodded. A hundred forty-four, and some pups, that was all? He would wait until they landed to think about it further. He needed to settle Méi with the pups safe in their barn before he could think straight.

  About ten minutes later they landed just outside Mack and Méi's barn. There were dragons and villagers everywhere. The empty roof perches were now full of dragons. There were even Stone Dragons that the Mountain Dragons carried to Blue Valley standing in the streets and on the sidewalks near Mack's barn.

  Mack glanced over at Méi, who was looking miserable.

  "Come on, let's get you inside, and safe in our den," he said to her, and then he turned to the crowd. "I'll be right back. We just need to unpack and take a breath for a moment." And then he glanced at Arlen and Dunia, "You may stay with us if you like? I have a sneaking suspicion the other dragon barns might be otherwise occupied."

  Arlen nodded as Ridder helped Sarnia dismount.

  "I am going to catch up on family biz with Almasi. I'll catch up with you later," she said, following Almasi toward the Earth Dragon barn.

  Mack noticed Zeke giving Misty a double take. "I'll see you later, I need to unpack too," she called from her saddle. He smiled and waved, as he was carried off by Dunia.

  "The Earth Dragon barn is your home," Almasi said walking with her. "The villagers assumed you would want your family to stay there, so we were allowed to stay."

  Dunia nodded. "That was correct. I want you all close."

  Mack put his tail over the rear of Méi's saddle, much like a gentleman would help his date in the door by putting his hand on the small of her back.

  “I’ll shoo them off for you.” Fabian smiled. "All right everyone. They are home safe. We can have a village meal later, but we need to let them rest until this evening. We can all reunite and introduce ourselves then," he said, herding the crowd back. Several of the other council members stepped in to help him, making shooing motions with their hands.

  The White Witch and Romayo walked up to them with another woman who must have been the Green Witch. Her brilliant emerald green robes and bright emerald eyes seemed kind, yet somehow strict at the same time. She looked elegant and well kept. Her black hair had a slight green hue to it, and was pulled up into a high bun secured with long dark teal peacock-looking feathers.

  LaDeara smiled. "Do you mind if we assist you?"

  "Of course not. I have questions for you and Romayo," Mack said, walking into the lower level of his barn and over to the equipment storage area with Méi, Sarnia, and Arlen.

  The riders dismounted, and unpacked the saddles. Wren and Shway jumped down and ran in circles around Méi's paws, before charging over to Sarnia and Arlen.

  "We will be happy to answer them. First, this is one of my dragon care protégés from years ago, the Green Witch, Daphne. She took a dragon hoard and hid them in the Far West city of Sea An'Tia. I thought she and the hoard had been killed," Romayo said smiling, putting up a brave front, but fear shone deep in his eyes.

  "I am pleased to meet you," Daphne said smiling. "Once the dragons heard you had returned I could not keep them from coming. They brought their pups too. But we must tell you, on the way here, we saw the scouts of the Mad Dragon King's army gathering at Yellow Hollow to comfort the widows, apparently, all the men disappeared. That would put the main army about six days out according to our scouts."

  "Yes, we had an entanglement with the men, when they tried to take our food." Mack sat still while Misty removed the bridle. "Why didn't either of you mention this king business to me? The thing you told me was directly related to being the Air Dragon Minister," he asked, not even trying to hide his frustration.

  Romayo shuffled his feet. "We weren't sure it would fall to you. We thought LaDeara had the only four survivors, but we hoped for others. Then last year, you had arrived here with your mate. The genealogy scrolls LaDeara gave you should have showed you were the youngest of five. We thought, but weren't sure, that everyone in your family was gone. We did not understand what the Green Witch was doing; we didn’t know if she had the Crown Prince. She didn’t." His voice trailed off as he said, “You are the sole survivor of your family, Majesty.”

  "Meaning, I wasn't even really in line to be king. I am king because everyone else is dead." Mack nodded, "LaDeara, why couldn't the four of us have gone with Daphne to Sea An'Tia?"

  Daphne shook her head. "I could not get to the Noble and Royal dragons. I was lucky to save the commoners. Romayo didn't even know I had the dragons until much later. And until I returned four days ago, not even LaDeara knew if we survived at Sea An'Tia.”

  “Dunia had family. She should have been turned over to them.” Mack knew he sounded like he was reaching, but he couldn’t let go of the fact that his life had been robbed.

  Daphne bowed her head, slightly. “We are sorry you had to grow up in another realm. All the lands, Seculars included, needed someone from the real Queen's family to be alive, and all other efforts had failed. It was an extreme reaction to an extreme time in our world's history." She had a pained look on her face, like the choice had not been hers to make. “Dunia is your second cousin. The royal line flows through her father- not her commoner mother. That means I could save her family- down her mother’s side of the family tree.”

  LaDeara leaned down to look at Arlen's pups, and changed the subject. "My, how I have forgotten just how fast you grow. May I examine them?"

  Arlen nodded, and introduced the pups. LaDeara went over every inch, carefully as Sarnia lay in a guardian sphinx pose, ready to pounce if she didn't like how LaDeara was handling the squirming little ones.

  "You seem to have an extra one?" LaDeara said smiling at Shway.

  Sarnia nodded. "Shway is my daughter. Wren is Santorini’s pup. I left Arlen after we escaped the Mad King's dungeon." She pointed at Arlen with her tail. He smiled and tried to look innocent. “But I am here to stay by his side now.”

  LaDeara smiled. "We are honored you have returned to us."

  Mack headed toward the stairs with Méi in front of him. He was frustrated, and tired. He needed to rest, and come to terms with the fact that an older brother or sister would not pop out of the closet and take the crown. He was stuck with it. "We're..."

  "Please hold on for just a minute. Méi, have the eggs hatched? May we examine them?" Romayo asked. He seemed as eager as the witches to see the new prince and princess. “I am curious if there is a purple dragon. This will confirm the Royal lineage with no further argument from anyone, you included.” He pointed to Mack. “There had been Fire-Air alliances throughout history, but only one royal line produced purple Fire/Air Elemental Dragons. Otherwise, they were either Fire, or Air, not both. Do we have princes or princesses?"

  "One of each," Mack said, trying to sound pleasant, but he was tired, and done being sociable for the day.

  Méi nodded. "If Mack does not object, the two of you may join us upstairs when you have finished down here; in an hour or so."

  "I don't object," Mack said, continuing up the stairs, then he paused. "Arlen and Sarnia, the guest dragon quarters are up here. When you are ready."

  "Upstairs," Sarnia said, wide-eyed. “No Common Dragon has ever been invited to the King's private quarters. This barn is much fancier than Arlen's at South Dragons Ridge. It almost doesn’t look like a barn. It is very palatial.”

  Mack smiled. "You are more than welcome in our home, upstairs, down, or in the training yards. Wherever you feel you need to be at the moment."

  She bowed her head down. "Yes, Your Highness."

  Mack nodded, and continued up the stairs.

  Arlen smiled. "Ha, got you on that one, royal family members are your Highness, such as Makani's pups or Méi. Makani is Your Majesty."

  Mack sighed. The wind blew the feathers out of Daphne's hair, as he poked his head over the railing, "Actually for you two it would be Mack, or in public Your Grace since you are both Nobility. Now stop fussing over formalities, and for heaven's sake, res
t before I throw a fit that rivals Hurricane Katrina!"

  "Yes Mack...Your Grace," Arlen and Sarnia said together.

  Mack pressed his head against the railing trying to listen, without being caught. Why didn’t he think of Katrina?

  Sarnia curled a lip. "What's Hurricane Katrina?" she asked.

  “Wow, I am finally in the know before you are.” Arlen smiled. "There were no dragons in the realm where we were hidden. The elements run wild over the planet. Hurricane Katrina was an uncontrollable wind and rain storm that destroyed an entire coast line of a million, or more, people. The water..." he tilted his head to the side, like he was deciding to rephrase. "Hurricane Katrina was the worst and most extreme parts of Air and Water pulled together. I have an idea for the Mad Dragon King."

  "What are you going to do?" Sarnia asked. "My grandfather used to tell me that if the Elementals would simply come together, the Mad Dragon King could be knocked away like a gnat. Perhaps growing up in the other realm wasn't as big of a curse as everyone thinks."

  "I need to talk it out with Mack first, see if it's even feasible." He slid out of his saddle as Ridder pulled it up for him. "Operation Katrina..." he smiled, and danced on his hind legs, "Oh Hell yeah. Blown away."

  LaDeara offered a nervous half-smile. "I hated to send you away to another realm, but the strategies you learned there are already serving this world, your home world. Not only that, but you can't remember the prejudices of the older generations of dragons, because they were never taught to you. I hope one day you will all forgive me, but we desperately needed you and the other Great Dragons alive and educated."

  Mack stepped away from eavesdropping at the top of the stairs, and went into his private den. Méi was sitting next to their bed. "Oh, sorry, got distracted with Arlen's brilliant battle plan, and LaDeara's apology." He rushed over and trampled the bed for her; and she lay down smiling as he lay behind her.


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