Day Dreamer (Undeadly Secrets Book 2)

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Day Dreamer (Undeadly Secrets Book 2) Page 12

by Aaron L Speer

  “Su punto de ser?” Raphael asked very slowly.

  “My point is, I don’t think I like the fact you can change the terms any time you feel like.”

  Without warning, Raphael turned his wrist up and shoved it into the man’s chin. As he removed his hand, Alejandro saw a hidden blade in Raphael’s glove and a river of blood poured from under the man’s jaw, bringing him to his knees and eventually the ground. Despite the horrified cries that followed his action, the line remained intact. Raphael calmly continued on, and ventured into the inn.

  Esmeralda made to follow him but first turned to Alejandro and whispered, “Stay out of trouble.”

  As soon as she disappeared, the line of people dispersed. To his surprise, no one went over to the fallen man, still breathing yet raspy and shaking. Slowly, Alejandro crept forward. When the man saw him coming, he beckoned weakly, pulling out a rather long blade of his own. He held it out to Alejandro. “He is hurting your aunt,” he choked out. “Avenge her one day… And me… Please.”

  He rested his head and said no more.

  Alejandro held the dagger in two hands, studying it, marvelling at its beauty. He was certain no one had seen the exchange. If they had, surely someone would have taken it away.

  Alejandro stuck the dagger in the side of his pants and placed his shirt on top of it, completely obscuring the handle. He looked up to the inn, suddenly determined to get in there. Going in the front seemed like a bad idea, so he crept around toward the back. Alejandro moved past the massive carriage that had brought Raphael here and walked along the side of the building. He began to hear whimpering and crying. Creeping closer, he chanced a look towards the back of the inn and saw a young, red-haired girl with her back to him, crawling backwards away from a slowly advancing wolf. Without even thinking, Alejandro drew his new dagger. He ignored all manner of common sense and the thought of danger, instead running toward the wolf. Alejandro sneered and growled, acting crazy, trying to get the wolf’s attention. The wolf’s head went from left to right, uncertain what to do. Finally, it focussed on Alejandro.

  “Qué estás!?” the girl squealed loudly. What are you doing?

  The wolf growled, baring its teeth. Alejandro pointed the dagger and it pounced. The girl beside him screamed with all her might as the snarling wolf leapt on top of Alejandro. The girl’s screams were heard by those on the other side, who had come racing around the building to see what the commotion was about.

  “Oh my!”

  “Someone get a gun!”

  “Wait look!”

  Alejandro could not move, the weight of the beast pinned him down. Those same rushing feet that came around the corner, he imagined, were frantically trying to remove the wolf from him. Finally managing to do so, the viewers saw the dagger plunged into the wolf’s chest, straight through the heart, no doubt killing it instantly. A million to one chance.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” Raphael said, racing out of the inn, re-doing his trouser buttons. His eyes fell on the scene too, but focused on the young girl, sitting on the ground, openly weeping. “Lita! What is going on?” he shouted. “I told you to stay in the wagon!”

  As he approached his daughter he picked her up and hugged her.

  “I think you have something to say to the boy,” an onlooker said.

  “I have nothing to say to a child that does not belong to me,” he replied.

  “Even one that saved your daughter’s life?”

  Raphael turned to face the speaker, a stout, elderly woman. “You lie. Surely one of you men killed the beast?”

  “No” a man said. “By the god in heaven, it was the boy. I have never seen anything like it.”

  Raphael was dumbstruck. “A child kills a wolf?”

  “An Iberian Wolf to be exact. Quite fierce. Young Alejandro is a natural born killer,” the elderly woman replied.

  Raphael turned to Alejandro, assessing his small stature. “It appears I owe you thanks.” Raphael said. Alejandro said nothing.

  “I believe I have the proper way to reward you,” Raphael continued, returning his no-longer sobbing daughter to the ground. As he did this, Alejandro plucked his blade from the body of the wolf. Raphael made a mistake; he had turned his back on a natural born killer. One with a weapon.

  Remembering the dying man’s earlier words, Alejandro twirled the dagger, also remembering the rush he felt as the blade sunk into the coarse fur and then soft flesh of the wolf. He wanted to experience it again. He took one step only, before being almost knocked off his feet a second time as a blur of red hair rushed at him. Lita had wrapped her arms around his, virtually pinning them to his hips, such was the desperation of her hug. She turned her face to the side, rested her cheek on his shoulder and whispered, “Gracias.”

  “Boy.” Raphael pointed a finger at Alejandro. “You will be rewarded for saving my daughter. You will be my ward. I will treat you as a son until one is born, then you will be trained by Andalucian’s finest masters. You will hereby be known as Alejandro Alvaro.”

  There were several impressed and even shocked gasps at this news, yet Alejandro remembered the dying man’s words. He focused on those words, and not Lita’s smile of gratitude, when he agreed to live with Raphael Alvaro.

  Chapter 16

  Hungry Like The Wolf

  Nick had had to wait until late to get it, but finally Nicole texted him her number. A short, simple message, yet one that made Nick smile at his phone until his cheeks ached.

  Sweet dreams xxx

  Nick debated whether he should reply. He wanted to, but the message was one that didn’t require an answer. Did that mean she didn’t want him to reply right away, that she hoped he would keep a respectful distance? Why had she waited a whole twenty-four hours just to give her number over? Why send a text just before midnight? Had the message been sent in a rush, or was she thinking of him at that exact moment?

  Nothing about this girl made sense and it was driving him crazy, both in a good way and a bad. It was only a message, for god’s sake. He had never lost his cool over a girl before, and so far it was proving to be a confusing pain in the arse.

  To hell with it. If I continue like this, I’ll drive myself around the twist.

  He thought about his reply and sent it, just before turning in.You too. About time btw

  Sleep claimed him quickly, yet as soon as he woke, his hand reached for his phone. Sure enough, there was a message, sent about twenty minutes previously.

  Good morning :).

  Good morning back. Shall I be seeing you today?

  Uni today. Sorry to disappoint you.

  It’s cool. Not like I was really hoping to see you or anything.Nick sent that and waited for a few seconds before sending,Busy tonight?

  Lol. Yes. Sorry.

  Another family dinner?

  No, I’m the guest speaker at a lecture on the power of the mind. My first one!

  Guest speaker? Seriously? This girl kept ticking boxes for Nick he didn’t even know he had and continued to impress him. Nick thought she had a magnetic personality and he loved talking to her and hearing her ideas. It seemed there were plenty more people that wanted to do so as well.

  Wow. That’s amazing. Where is it? Will your family be there to cheer you on?

  My uni. No they can’t come unfortunately.

  Nick wondered why her family wouldn’t be there? It seemed strange to him that something like this would be done without any sort of support.

  That’s a shame. Where is it?

  Look it up lol. Heading into the car. Talk soon x.

  Look it up? She had never told him where she attended university, and he had never asked. Did that mean she wanted him there but wouldn’t say? Nick smiled and wondered if this was a playful challenge? He wondered if she wouldn’t mind a bit of moral support if he could provide it? Besides hoping to make her smile, he genuinely wanted to know what she had to say.

  He received another message, one with a more serious tone. Don’t do a
nything stupid like get yourself hurt today.

  Worried about me?

  Just don’t want to fill the extra paperwork. ;)

  He showered and dressed, unable to stop grinning, and headed to the kitchen, feeling hungry for sausages and steak. He’d really been craving the meatier foods lately.

  Nick walked to the disappointingly empty table and only then noticed Alex lying on the couch, curled up in a blanket.

  “Hey there,” he said. “I was wondering why I heard you come in and not go into your room. Everything okay?”

  “Sorry if I woke you. I was trying to be quiet.”

  “Nothing to apologise for,” he replied, eyes glancing over the box of tissues on the coffee table. “Did you want to talk about it?”

  Alex gave him a sad smile, patting his hand. “No, it’s fine. You’re a sweetie for asking though. Just relationship stuff.”

  “Well, even not knowing what it is, I’m sure you two will work it out. He’d be crazy to let you go.”

  Alex snuggled into her pillow. “Such a charmer.” As she lay onto her stomach she winced. “Oooh, my back,” she moaned. “Need a new couch. This one just isn’t as comfy as it once was.”

  “I have an idea,” Nick said, turning and making his way to the kitchen.

  “Oh really, and what’s that?”

  Nick came from around the corner and held up a carton of eggs in one hand and a packet of bacon in the other. “I can’t cook worth a buggery, but at least you know there is something else in this world worse than relationship stuff. That’ll make you feel better.”

  Nick turned the stove on and placed the bacon inside. For split second, he felt he had to check the expiry date, as he smelt something strange. It wasn’t a usual ‘off’ smell, and Nick couldn’t place it. It was then he realised Alex had risen from the couch and was watching him, leaning against the kitchen door.

  “Thank you for doing this. You didn’t have to,” she said.

  “Hey, come on. After everything you have done for me, it’s the least I can do. I’m more grateful to you than you could ever imagine. Besides, when can someone take care of you for a change?”

  Nick cracked two eggs into the pan and turned briefly to give her a wink. Alex made a hard, tight smile. The one you make when you were holding back tears. “You’re very sweet.”

  Nick listened to the sound of her voice, the underlying sadness as he flipped the food over. The smell was getting stronger. Somehow, he could actually give the sensation a name; sadness. “So, if you don’t mind me saying…it looks like he really did a number on you?”

  Alex shook her head. “No. It’s not really his fault. Sometimes, two people just want different things.”

  “Or maybe they’re wrong for you.”

  Alex gave a short laugh. “Oh yes, that too. He’s definitely wrong for me.”

  Nick placed the bacon and eggs as delicately as he could on a plate. “I didn’t think you were into the bad boy type. They usually tend to be tools in my experience.”

  Alex gave him a curious look and yet tried not to smile. “You don’t like him, do you?”

  “Honestly, no. I know I don’t know him and I’ve only seen him once. But that was enough. Something about him just, I don’t know, gives me the creeps. I can’t explain it. Anyway, he made you upset and that’s enough for me,” he said, placing the plate on the table. “Hope this makes you feel better though. If you survive eating it.”

  Alex held her arms out and Nick walked in to a soft hug. “Thank you very much. I’m sure it’ll be lovely. It’s the thought that counts anyway.”

  Nick kissed Alex goodbye. The scent he caught was still there, but it wasn’t nearly as strong. Weird.


  So far Nick had done what Nicole asked and avoided trouble. The day had gone well in terms of not running into Miller. Nick had seen him several times, but never in a way where Miller could get him one on one. With that out of the way, he knocked on Mrs. Davies’s office with five minutes to go before the end of the day, eager to conclude the last bit of business.

  “Hello, Mr. Slade. Can I help you?”

  “I was wondering if I could ask you a question?”

  “By all means. Fire away.”

  “Where does Nicole go to university?”

  “I’m sorry?” Mrs. Davies’s voice took on a hard tone.

  “She told me she is lecturing tonight at her university, but she didn’t tell me where. I thought I might pop in to listen. I was wondering if you could tell me.”

  Mrs. Davies folded her hands over one another. “Have a seat, Mr. Slade.”

  Nick found the reply curious but did as asked, taking the same seat he had occupied with her previously.

  Mrs. Davies quietly cleared her throat. “I think you should put Ms. O’Brien out of your mind. It is quite frankly very unusual, and in fact against the rules, for any member of the student body to ask so many questions about someone who technically is a member of staff.”

  Nick gulped. Had he honestly thought asking like this would get him anywhere? What the hell is wrong with me lately? “I— I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

  “It’s not a matter of respecting her, as much as respecting boundaries. They exist for a reason: to prevent young people, such as you, from getting hurt.”

  Nick felt himself begin to sweat, feeling uncomfortable and pissed off. All he was doing was asking a question! No, she was right; this was out of line. He should just leave it be and go. So why could he not move? Why, at that very moment, was he even more determined to find Nicole? “I don’t see the problem in asking where she goes to school. It’s not like I’m asking her address, is it?”

  “The problem is there for you to see, Mr. Slade, if you care to. Do you perhaps think there is a reason she didn’t tell you where she went to school?”

  She’s right, he told himself. Just say thank you and leave.

  Nick held up his hands and said slowly, hesitating, hearing his own voice as if from outside himself. His tone was as angry and frustrated as he felt. “She was the one who told me she was lecturing. Why would she do that and not expect me to consider turning up?”

  “Because you need an invitation to get in. As guest speaker, there is only one invitation allocated and she has given it away already.”

  Nick’s heart sank, and even Mrs. Davies noticed.

  “I’m sorry to appear harsh, Mr. Slade, but this truly is for the best. I am only thinking of the welfare of both of you. While I am not accusing you of doing anything wrong by or towards her, it is nevertheless against protocols to encourage or even allow this sort of student-teacher fraternisation. Now look, I know Ms. O’Brien very well. She is a delightful and friendly girl, without doubt, but you should not think of her friendship as any more than it is. For your own good, remember…” she said as the bell rang, “boundaries.”

  She stood and gave him a rather patronisingly sad smile before moving past him to the second room Nicole usually sat in. “Off to homeroom with you, now.”

  Nick leant his head back, feeling like screaming. He made for the door when he suddenly stopped. He couldn’t believe it; was that Nicole’s strawberry lip-gloss he could smell? He dropped his bag. Sniffing, turning his head from side to side with an unnatural and desperate urge to find the source before Mrs. Davies returned.

  Something she had said finally sunk in. “She has already given the invitation away…”

  He went closer to the desk, lowering his head to a stack of papers. Without thinking, he flicked through the pile until he got to the bottom. He pulled out what looked like a large pamphlet, containing the invitation to the lecture: The Power of the Human Mind, and the Tools Needed to Discover True Leadership Qualities. Headed by Dr. Alan Sarsky and guest, Nicole O’Brien.

  Attached to the purple coloured invitation was a hand-written note that read:

  My first lecture! Well kind of. If you could come for a bit of moral support, it would mean a lot. At the very least,
you can brag to everyone that you taught me everything I know. Ha ha.


  The note was finished with a faded kiss imprint just under her name, the scent which Nick had followed. The note had to be days, maybe months old, yet Nick could smell the lip gloss as if it had been left today.

  But this was wrong. He held the ticket to the ball so to speak, but would he, could he, honestly consider stealing it?

  Well that depends, said the voice, the same one that had told him to stand still when Miller had rushed him. It had also urged him to punch the wall to relieve the pressure of his aching fist. Nick finally recognised it as his own voice, but there was a cold and coarse sheen to it. How badly do you want to see her again?

  Nick thought back to their time at the café. He thought about the way her face lit up whenever he said something funny. He thought about the way she looked at him when she smiled, her scent and the feeling of those tender lips on his cheek.

  “Fuck boundaries,” he said to himself, stuffing the invitation into his pants pocket as he walked out.

  Chapter 17

  Fancy Seeing You Here

  “Hi, Alex. Glad I caught you.” Nick had been hoping her phone would go straight to voicemail where he could leave a message. Oh well, no turning back now. “I wanted to let you know that I’ll be a bit late tonight.”

  “No worries, kiddo. What’s up? Hot date?”

  Nick felt himself blush and was glad Alex couldn’t see him. “Um, no, uh,” he stammered. “Just, uh, showing a friend some support. It’s a big night for them.”

  “Uh-huh.” Alex clearly was not buying it. “Have fun, but not too late, ok, hun?”


  Nick jammed his phone in his pocket and stepped into the auditorium of the University of New South Wales. He showed the invitation to the door attendant, who took it and waved him through.

  “I wonder if I could have that back?” Nick asked.

  “What, this?” the attendant asked, showing Nick the invitation.


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