Day Dreamer (Undeadly Secrets Book 2)

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Day Dreamer (Undeadly Secrets Book 2) Page 37

by Aaron L Speer

  Nicole gave a weak smile and picked up her bag, but did a double take. She turned her whole body and moved several steps to the side, away from the departure wall. She sucked in a breath and dropped her bag with a thud. There, slicing in and out of people, was Nick.

  She didn’t know what to say, what to do. Instead instinct guided her. She opened her arms, beckoning him, needing him. His arms enclosed over her and she buried her face into his chest, sobbing his name with relief.

  “Thank god,” Nick whispered.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I had to see you before you left.”

  Nicole leant her head to the side to study him. His brow was sweaty, his long fringe tousled, but that face still cheered her up. His blue eyes bore into her and she was taken back to the night they shared, the feeling of him inside her. His strength but his gentleness, the way he touched her with such reverence, yet made love with such passion. That look of fierce protection, of honour, of love. “Take me with you.”

  Nicole wasn’t sure she had heard him right. She started to speak, to question, but was halted when he took both of her hands in his. “I know I have no right to ask. What I said a few days ago still stands. I have nothing to offer you. I don’t know whether I’m good enough for you, I don’t know anything about the brain, but I do know that I am completely in love with you. I don’t want a life of blood and killing. I want you. I can’t let you go.”

  Nicole pulled him in, kissing him harder than she thought she was capable of. She didn’t know how, but they could make it work. She could ask Dr Sarsky if Nick could help them with their project. Nick could finish his schooling over there, and she would help him during the full moon. Everything would be ok.

  She leant back, looked deep into those gorgeous eyes. “I love you too.”

  “Aw, aint that a pretty picture?”

  Nicole tensed, a frisson of terror running down her spine when she recognised the voice. Trent Miller, hands in pockets, stood there with a smug, unsatisfied look on his face. He was not alone. Behind Miller stood ten, no twelve men, all glaring at them. Two more had just appeared coming out of the men’s restroom.

  “Creed…” Nick stepped between Nicole and a tallish older man.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t Wilson’s pup come to meet us.”

  “We don’t have time for this,” one of the men behind Miller said. “Delavega would be aware of your arrival by now.”

  “You’re right.” Creed took a step to the side, still sizing Nick up. “Nevertheless, this putrid wretch would be better to us dead.”

  “Music to my fuckin ears.” Miller flashed a set of fangs and hurled a thunderous right hand. It snapped Nick’s jaw, stumbling him. Nicole screamed.

  “Not here!” the long haired one said. But Miller did not listen or did not care. He grabbed Nick by the shoulders of his jacket and flung him backwards, sending his whole body crashing through the departure wall, destroying the Sydney Airport logo and imploding the glass surrounds. People cried out, then scattered like ants as chaos ensued. Nick had disappeared under a mountain of concrete, steel and glass. Nicole screamed his name, choking on dust and ash. She tried to reach him, moved to dodged falling pieces of debris.

  Her hand was grabbed by Dr Sarsky. “Don’t. It’s too dangerous!”

  “I’m not leaving him! I have to save him. You don’t understand”

  “He’s dead Nicole! He’s dead. I’m sorry!”

  Nicole tried to fight him off but Dr Sarsky held her wrist and tried to drag her in the opposite direction. She screamed for Nick as more and more of the roof caved in around her when with a thud, everything went dark.


  Dante looked at his phone. Turn on the TV. Local news, now.

  “To breaking news now out of Sydney. The International Airport is under lockdown after some kind of explosion just a few moments ago. Security footage shows a young man throwing himself into the main departure lounge seconds before the explosion. There are unconfirmed theories the attack could be terrorist related but as yet no groups have claimed responsibility. All flights have been grounded and we currently have no information on possible casualties. We will have more information on this story as it develops.”

  “Wait a second. Rewind that.” Alicia looked stricken.

  “No need.” Dante turned off the set. “I saw Nick too.”

  “Threw himself. What are they talking about? He didn’t throw himself!”

  “The newborn.” Dante knew it was the only thing that made sense. Miller, being a vampire, would of course not have shown up on the footage, and only a newborn could have the strength to toss a werewolf like a doll.

  “What was Nick even doing there?” Alex asked. “Is he ok?”

  “I don’t know. He’s strong but…I have to go to him.” Alicia moved to go.

  “There is no time. You’ll never get there before they reach us here. These men are coming for all our blood. They have just used your son as a tennis ball. They will do worse to you. Will you stand with us here and now?”

  “Damn you, Creed.” Alicia had clearly made up her mind about something. The four wolves stood, moving closer to her, readying themselves for whatever order was given. The former Alpha mate and current Alpha mother looked at Dante, her eyes shifting to silver. “Prepare yourselves. We fight.”

  Chapter 46

  Battle Plans

  Dante estimated the journey from the airport to Darling Point, given the speed wolves run, was about twenty minutes.

  “Elements, patrol the tops of the grounds. I want you with sniper rifles on the roof. Shoot anything that approaches. We need to keep them as far back as we can. You will be our last line of defence. If they get inside, it’s over.”

  The Elements of Night filtered up the main staircase. They numbered roughly thirty or so, but Dante wasn’t fooled into confidence. While they might outnumber the wolves, they had no silver bullets. “All remaining vampires, with me.”

  Of the twenty or so vampires that occupied the house at any given time, only Lauren, Melina, Cassandra and Nathaniel remained. He had sent Clive back to Dante’s apartment to wait the outcome of the night. As wonderful as he was in the digital world, he was no fighter. Should they lose this night, he was under instructions to delete all vampire data concerning Sydney.

  The guards and servants had all fled and the vampires Vincent had instructed to leave when Dante brought Nick over, had heard what had happened to Vincent and hadn’t bothered returning. Maybe they were afraid of Dante, maybe they were planning retribution. Either way, it would be Dante’s worry tomorrow. If he survived.

  “All right!” Melina smiled. “Let’s give these bitches something to howl about. Where do you want us?”

  “We’ll be heading to the front lines.”

  “I’m ready, Dante,” Nathaniel said.

  “No, Nathaniel.” Cassandra squeezed the boy’s hand.

  “But muuuummm!”

  “Her orders come from me,” Dante said.

  “But that’s not fair. I wanna fight too.” Nathaniel stomped his foot hard.

  Dante went down on one knee and beckoned Nathaniel closer. “My young friend, listen to me. This is not because I’m saving you from the fight. I’m saving the fight from you.”

  Nathaniel looked at him. “Huh?”

  “Don’t think I haven’t noticed how fast you’re getting, how much stronger you are. This is why I have a special assignment for you.”

  “What is it?”

  He placed a hand on Nathaniel’s shoulder. “Protector of the Estate. And everything in it,” he said, glancing at Alex and Michelle.

  “I have to protect the humans?” Nathaniel asked, his tone difficult to place.

  “A job I would entrust only to you. Not even the Elements of Night are here, you notice? These women are important. I need the best.”

  Nathaniel looked again at Alex, Michelle, and his chest swelled with pride. “I won’t let you down.” He thrust his ha
nd out and Dante shook it. Nathaniel took Alex and Michelle by the hand and walked them to the steps. “Come on, girl with a boy’s name.”

  “As for you,” Dante said, turned to Alicia. “I am no wolf. I would not presume to order your men to do anything. You have earned your right to lead, so do what you will.”

  Alicia nodded before addressing her men. “Those who have worked with Calibos will do so again. Assist the Elements of Night along the grounds. You four will join me and the remaining vampires on the front lines. We will give them everything we have got, but remember, Creed is mine.”

  “What of the newborn?” Stryker asked.

  Matt cocked his gun. “He’s just another fang to be pulled.”

  “Don’t be naïve. Newborns in their first month are the strongest and deadliest of all of us.”

  Matt sneered. “Are you telling me the king of Sydney can’t defeat a baby vampire?”

  “A baby vampire crippled you once,” Lauren said, without emotion.

  Matt turned to her. “I haven’t forgotten. Or that werewolf blood healed me. It was stronger than you.”

  “Exactly,” Dante said. “None of us can match a newborn, except possibly an Alpha Wolf.”

  Lauren clicked her fingers. “Could we get Creed to kill him somehow? Trick him into it? He’s an Alpha right?”

  “Creed is not a real Alpha. He merely calls himself that,” Stryker said. “He is probably the most skilled in all our pack though. But if this newborn is as strong as you say, none of us should go near him.”

  An unearthly howling made them all turn towards the door and their sensitive hearing picked up a dozen weapons on the roof being locked and loaded.

  Dante took a breath. “Let’s go say hello.”

  Chapter 47

  The War For Sydney

  Creed sniffed the air. “Get ready.”

  The huge wrought-iron gate of the Kent Estate loomed large when Creed called a halt. He sniffed the air. “Get ready.”

  One by one, his enemies appeared, leaping onto the high perimeter walls of the estate to face them. One man with a redhead and two blondes, all blood drinkers.

  “I’ll take you to be the new king,” Creed said.

  “I am. You’ve come far, but you will not get what you came for. Turn back and the lives of your men will be spared.”

  Creed laughed. “Rehearse that did you? Let us understand each other, Your Majesty. I have come far, too far for you to think you have any say over whether I get what I came for. You are but three leeches protecting a coward from the fate that awaits him. My counter offer is give me the boy and I will not take the rest of the city.”

  “I am not a wolf and cannot speak for them. It is not up to me to decide the fate of one of your own kind.” Dante was joined on the wall by five familiar faces.

  “But I can.”

  “Alicia. So, you’ve both thrown your lot in with them?”

  “Anything to stop you from continuing your charade as Alpha.”

  “And what do you think you’re doing?” Julian glared at Lauren. “You could’ve been something special.”

  Lauren scoffed. “I’m already something special, Julesie. But I sure ain’t yours.”

  “Enough of this!” Creed had no time for these halfwits. “Where is the pretender to my throne right now? Let me think. Ah yes, buried under rubble at the airport. Some Alpha he turned out to be.”

  “You call him a pretender and a coward?” Stryker challenged, beginning to change. “You kill Wilson when his back was turned and dare call yourself his replacement?”

  “Death to this false Alpha!” Alicia screamed, silver eyes raging. The wolves along the wall roared along with her.

  Creed heard his loyal wolves snarl in return, ready to pounce, to kill anything that moved. He gave a loud bellow and pummelled the pavement with a growing fist, crumbling the asphalt to powder.

  Two wolves leapt high, attempting to scale the fence, but were felled by sniper bullets coming from somewhere further back inside the estate. The roof, no doubt, thought Creed. Three more wolves surged at the female vampires, but before they could strike, the three women ducked in unison. They too were put down by bullets to the head. His seven remaining wolves were smart enough to stay low. They looked at one another and nodded at the ankles of the wolves standing on the wall. Before Alicia’s wolves lost their balance, they shifted positions and jumped forward. Both sets of attackers met in mid-air, swinging with everything they had.

  In the commotion, Alicia flew down, swiping at Creed. He hissed as she managed to clip his cheek with a few nails. They circled each other, each daring the other to make the first move. Suddenly, Creed felt as if he were being punched hard in the chest. The breath was knocked out of him. He fell backwards onto the pavement, still trying to suck in air.

  “Oh, Dante.” Julian stared up at at the king of Sydney, fangs extended. “Can this really be it then? The whole city will burn tonight and yet here we are, caring about our silly little feud. Surely you should worry about others and not just me…and how much Melina loved my dick.”

  The king squatted, ready. “Your father tasted like shit.”

  Julian screamed, popping up onto the perimeter fence beside Dante, unloading a heavy right hand. Before the king had even turned his head back, Julian disappeared and then reappeared on his other side swinging with his left. Dante blocked the blow and the both of them tumbled onto the nearest car, smashing the windshield to pieces.


  “God almighty.”

  Alex watched the fighting unfold below her, fists flying so fast she couldn’t tell if anything was connecting until a loud grunt or scream answered for her.

  “They are ok, though. The Elements are doing their job.”

  Almost as soon as the words were out of Michelle’s mouth, Alex sensed something wrong outside. Shadows from the street lights extended over the grounds, growing longer. Snaking their way quickly up the walls, blocking what Alex could see. It was as if she had put on dark sunglasses.

  The noises outside changed. Suddenly the voices of those Elements of Night guards nearest her on the roof above scrambled and cursed. Alex ran to the edge of the window and looked out and around. “What the…oh my…”

  Bodies were dropping past the window. Thrown down from the roof. One screamed and fell, then another and another. Out of nowhere, Elements were being tossed down, blood and bones bursting from their chests, and yet Alex could not see what was doing all this carnage. There was no one there.

  “The newborn!” Michelle turned pale, confirming what Alex had guessed but didn’t see. Miller leapt down onto the grounds, struggling with a soldier who had switched from a sniper rifle to an M16. It was a short struggle. The newborn wrenched the weapon free and shoved it into his stomach, pulling the trigger and blowing his back out so his corpse broke into two pieces. Alex shuddered. He had managed to kill the Elements of Night, all thirty of them, in less than a minute.

  He readied the gun, and spotted Alex and Michelle staring at him. He broke into a bloodied grin, waved and aimed, ready to fire.

  “Get down!” Alex crunched into Michelle just as a spray of bullets tore into the window, glass cascading all around them. Alex covered Michelle as best as she could as the relentless savagery continued. The hot lead shredded the room, cracking the walls, spitting powdered cement in all directions.

  Suddenly the shooting stopped, replaced by grunts. Alex shook her head and face free of dust, coughing. She touched Michelle’s face. “You okay?”

  Michelle nodded and wiped plaster dust from her eyes.

  Alex crawled on her elbows to the window, peering down.

  Lauren had leapt onto the newborn’s back, clawing at his neck and shoulders, trying to slow him down. She dodged two shots he blindingly aimed at her before he jumped high, Lauren still clinging to him. She struck the tip of a streetlight and only then did she let go, falling to the ground in a heap as shattered glass rained down upon her. He landed nearby, poi
nted his gun at her head and fired, just as Cassandra swung with both hands, nails extended and knocked it free.

  Cassandra struck two light blows, but as hard as she tried, he was too fast for anything severe. She leapt high to connect a knee but he dodged out of the way, bringing her down with a forearm to the jaw, cracking the back of her head open. Alex gasped, horrified to see her dispatched so easily. Fear began to take hold. She could no longer think. She could only watch the horror unfold before her.

  The newborn moved over to the car Dante and Julian had fallen on moments ago and using quite some effort, picked it up by the front and staggered back over her, lifting it high in the air.

  “No no no no no!” The sound of Michelle’s voice penetrated Alex’s daze, but she could still not look away.

  The newborn struck Cassandra with the full weight of the car, causing an explosion that destroyed a part of the wall and flung them all backward.

  Michelle rose gingerly and moved again towards the shattered window. “To hell with this.”


  “I have to help. I have to do something.”

  Alex shook her head. Her ears would not stop ringing. Words refused to come to her tongue.

  Michelle took Alex’s hand, and Alex was able to will her fingers to squeeze back. They looked at each other, time stretching. Alex couldn’t bare losing her again, not when she had come so close before. In that moment, she remembered how much Michelle meant to her as he eyes flicked to her lips. What she would always mean to her.

  “Thank you for the save, sweet Alex. But I have to—”

  Alex, still dumbstruck, grabbed Michelle’s shoulders. She hesitated and then threw her arms around her. “Come back to me, please.”


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