Huntsman's Prey

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Huntsman's Prey Page 20

by Marie Hall

  Walking up behind him, she smiled. It wasn’t a long one, but it sparkled nonetheless. Laying her hands on his shoulders she nodded. “Do you like it then?”

  He nodded as she brushed at a stray bit of lint on his lapel. “I do.” The pants she’d made him fit perfectly. “So what do you think?” He turned, holding out his arms for her inspection. “Think your parents will approve of me?”

  Chrysalis looked positively delicious today. Dressed in a gown of purest black, it spilled down around her ankles like slithering shadow. The heart shaped corset fitted to her waist, making her appear both slimmer and curvaceous at the same time. She’d gathered her hair into a fancy knot behind her head, causing her eyes that were already a deep blue, to seem like it glowed against the alabaster smoothness of her flesh.

  “I think that they should.”

  “Do you?” He narrowed his eyes when she nodded and carefully wrapped her arms about his waist.

  His heart ratcheted up a notch whenever she initiated touch. It was something he knew she was still learning to be comfortable with, but she seemed more and more desirous of it as their days together grew.

  Slipping his palm up her back, until it rested against her naked shoulder blade, he inhaled her unique fragrance. “And why is that, little butterfly?”

  It was a moniker he’d now taken to calling her. It fit the duality of her nature, the seeming fragility of her beauty.

  Her eyes seemed to hint at a secret, but she shook her head. “I hear that Leonard has made us his famous lemon curd.”

  More nervous than he cared to admit, Aeric ran a hand through his hair. “Last time I met your father it didn’t go so well.”

  Taking his hand, she whispered, “I do not think that will at all be the case this time, hunter.”

  Dinner had been a spectacular success. Alice and Leonard both had outdone themselves. Now the women were in the living room, reconnecting and talking, leaving the men to clean up.

  Drying the final plate, Aeric willed his nerves away and taking a deep breath, turned toward the Hatter.

  Peaked brows were lifted. “I’ve been expecting you to get to the point already,” Hatter’s deep voice rumbled. “Do you love her?”

  His face was serious and Aeric tried not to take offense at him, if it was his daughter he doubted he’d be any different.

  “I love Lissa with all my soul,” he finally admitted.

  He nodded. “And what about my Chrysa? To you, she may be two different women. To me, she is simply my daughter. And if you cannot love both, you cannot have either.”

  Nodding, Aeric spread his arms. “I couldn’t agree more. I feel great affection for Chrysalis. And each day that affection grows. I do want you to know that I only want what’s best for the both of them.”

  “That’s good.” Hatter reached for a cupcake, taking a bite of one and slowly chewing before saying, “Then we’re on the same page here.”

  “Yes. And in fact,” Aeric cleared his throat, “there is something else I’ve wanted to ask you.”

  Never taking his eyes off the Hatter, Aeric waited for the man to finish eating his cupcake. He’d already had four of those, clearly he was obsessed with his wife’s cooking, which, no surprise, Alice made the best cakes in all of Kingdom.

  “And what might that be?”

  “I want to take Chrysa through a door.”

  Dusting off his hands, scraping his fingers through his disheveled black locks, he grunted. “I can arrange that.”

  “Thank you.”

  And while he knew that Hatter would always be watching, Aeric sensed they too might be finally turning a corner.

  That night Aeric led Chrysalis to the door Hatter had fashioned beside the moon pool. It was an ordinary door that hid an extraordinary secret.

  Guiding her to it, he chuckled.

  “What is this, hunter?”

  Feathering his knuckles down her cheek he shook his head. “Not telling. Open the door, Chrysa.”

  Brows twitching, she gave him a last questioning look before wrapping her fingers around the knob and slowly opening it.

  She gasped as she gazed upon a world full of stars. Covering her mouth with her hands she murmured, “You remembered.”

  Tucking a strip of hair that’d fallen out of her bun behind her ear, he nodded. “Sit down, there’s something you won’t want to miss.”

  Dropping to her knees, she tucked her gown around her legs. He sat beside her. After a second, she moved so that she was on his lap. Folding his arms around her, he sighed as she exhaled a heavy breath and leaned all her weight on him.

  All around them the night sang with the chirping of birds and croaking of frogs. Golden bugs danced through the sky and a gentle breeze stirred. But inside that door a star was ready to be born.

  She bit her lower lip, eyes peeled inside the door. And just then right at the center of a million stars, another came into being. The navy and teal sky glimmered as if from a heat wave and then there was a brilliant shimmer and then a burst of silver.

  Chrysalis laughed and the sound of it was so indescribably lovely because of its rarity that he squeezed her tighter.

  “Oh, Aeric,” she twisted in his arms and this time she didn’t try to hide her tears. Tossing her arms around his neck, she planted a quick, soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

  And the region of his heart that was already so full became just a little bigger, a little wider. “You’re welcome,” he said with a voice grown husky.

  Another month passed and things had definitely begun to change for Aeric. Chrysalis was coming to mean as much to him as Lissa did. Her quiet thoughtful manner was so contrary to Lissa’s wild exuberance, but it worked and ever since the night of the stars he’d noticed a definite change in her too.

  “Aeric?” She glanced at him shyly as they walked toward the same clearing he’d once held Lissa in after her abduction.

  “Hmm?” He handed her licorice stick he’d just plucked from a bush. She loved licorice, funny, because Lissa had hated it.

  Nibbling on its tip, she gave him a grateful smile and his heart thumped in his chest. Her shy glances and sweet smiles were coming to mean so much to him.

  “You once asked me if you were even in Wonderland.”

  Nodding, he thinned his eyes. “I remember.”

  Taking another bite of the candy, she swallowed before asking, “Why?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess the way you shifted the land on me that night, left me stranded inside of a field of sinkholes.” He poked her in the side.

  Making a sound between a snort and a laugh she swatted at his hand. “That was wrong of me. I never did tell you I was sorry.”

  “No.” He shook his head, tugging her in for a hug. “I know why you did it, it’s not even an issue for me.”

  Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “You’ve given me a gift, and now I want to give you one too.”

  Stepping out of his arms she wiggled her fingers as he’d seen her do before. And for a second he recalled that each time she’d done it something bad had happened. But not this time. This time the sun was shining down upon them, the clouds were cotton tail white and the sky a robin egg blue. Suddenly there was music. A tinkling merry sound that brought an instant smile to his face and before them an image—like an oasis mirage—shimmered into focus.

  Revealing a large, golden carousal full of whimsically carved creatures sliding up and down beneath its red and white striped dome. There were white rabbits dressed in livery, a mouse wearing a vest, a caterpillar with a dress for a body, a large orange stripped tabby sat beside a blue one with a jeweled collar. Every creature he’d seen and known while here.

  Holding her hands together she looked at him and he knew, understood deep in his soul that she was nervous of his reaction. Of what it might be.

  Grabbing her hands, he kissed each knuckle. “It’s beautiful.”

  Lips twisting, she pointed. “Do you want to ride with me?”

bsp; “I would love to.”

  Up and down they rode, he on the caterpillar, she on the white rabbit.

  Her face was joyful, exuberant and it was all Aeric could do not to stare at her in wonder. It’d taken months, but Chrysalis had finally come out of her shell. She was still painfully awkward and shy, but none of it bothered him.

  Grabbing her hand, he brought it to his lips as the world swirled around them in a dazzling array of color and sound.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered and her head whipped toward his.

  Suddenly the ride stopped as her breathing hitched. “Me?” Her fingers touched her chest.

  Dropping from his seat, he moved into her, still hanging onto her hand. “You.”

  Then she was standing beside him and the carousel was gone, the clearing was as it’d once been and yet everything was different. The air was charged and prickled upon his flesh.

  Her hand shook when she placed it against his rapidly beating heart.

  He grabbed it.

  “Don’t you mean, Lissa?”


  The world seemed pregnant with wonder and possibility as he gazed at the same heart shaped face he’d fallen in love with all over again.

  She squeezed her eyes shut. “But I’m weird and so socially inept, doesn’t it bother you?”

  He laughed and flicked at her nose. “None of you bothers me.”

  “Really? You’re not embarrassed to be around me? Or—”

  “Chrysa, never.” And when he kissed her she threw all of herself into it.

  She wasn’t practiced, her touches were exploratory and tentative, nor was she wild like his Lissa. Chrysalis approached this as she approached everything in her life. With caution and thought and he let her do whatever she wanted to him.

  Her fingers were warm as they slid beneath the fabric of his shirt, tracing the ridges of his stomach. Groaning, his thighs shook and he quickly led them to the soft grass beneath.

  Rolling on top of him, she continued to explore him. Kissing his jaw and chin, running her tongue along the curve of his neck, making him hiss as she nipped at his nipple.

  Glancing up at him as if unsure whether she’d hurt him he quickly shook his head. “It’s good, Chrysa,” he said in a throaty voice.

  Nothing moved fast, she took her time learning him. Pushing the shirt up until she’d exposed enough of his flesh to lick and nibble her way across and he couldn’t stop from moaning, from arching his back as all the blood in his body rushed between his thighs.

  At one point she must have been aware of the firm rod poking into her backside because her eyes widened and a blush stole across her cheeks when she looked down at him. They were still fully dressed. Reaching out a hand she grabbed hold of him.

  “I…I know we’ve…you’ve done this before with me. Her.” She sighed and he could sense her withdrawing, pulling back into herself because of the worry that she was fumbling her way through this.

  Deciding it was his turn to take the lead, he rolled her over, framing her gorgeous face. “I love everything there is about you, Chrysalis. Everything. You’re every soft whisper, the way your lips twitch when you’re desperately pleased, how your cheeks bloom crimson when you think I don’t see you looking at me.”

  She bit her lip.

  “You are exactly who you are meant to be, and I’m wild about you.”

  She nodded.

  And when he began to unbutton her blue summer dress and slip it off her shoulders, she didn’t fight him. Groaning when his hot gaze landed on her creamy breasts and peachy tipped nipples he took one into his mouth and trembled when she slipped her fingers through his hair moaning loud and long.

  He was tender and he was slow, building her want, her desire. Because for Chrysalis this would be truly her first time.

  Piece by piece, he took their clothes off and when they were finally both nude and there was nothing but the sun and the wind caressing his back he gently laid on top of her. Her thighs and arms gripped him and her eyes were wide as she whispered, “I’m ready.”

  And poised just above her, his cock hard and his body desperate for her slick warmth, he kissed the corner of her lip. “How do you feel about—”

  This time it was her turn to smile and nod and gently stroke his face. “I love you, Aeric, with all my heart and soul. I love you.”

  Their union was slow and sweet and passionate, their bodies melding into one. Her cries were a symphony in his ears and when she came, she called his name.

  Aeric had found his home, his loves, and he would never leave them and with that thought he fragmented into a thousand pieces of bliss.

  For another month they grew closer and tighter and Aeric knew now what he had to do.

  As if sensing what’d taken place, Lissa finally returned to him after four months apart. She came to him one morning and he knew immediately it was her by the way she laughed.

  “Aeric,” she smiled and it wasn’t sad, but radiant full of joy and verve. “You’ve done it, you’re now ours. Well and truly.”

  He grinned. “I’ve missed you, Lissa. Every day.”

  “And I know that’s true, because I’ve seen all that’s happened, but I also know that you love her as surely as you do me. And it’s okay.” She grabbed his hands, knowing he needed reassurance; she was quick to give it. Kissing the palms.

  Feeling an urge to shout in jubilation, he grabbed her up and swung her around instead. “I love you. Have I told you that? You’re the most amazing woman ever. And yes, I do love her, Lissa, but I meant it when I told her back in the beginning that I wanted to exchange Veritas vows.” Dropping to a knee, he stared her deep in the eyes. “Would you do me the honor of becoming one with me?”

  With tears in her eyes, she nodded and then jumped into his arms.


  The wedding was a who’s who of Wonderland. Everyone who was anyone attended, there was Pillar and her cronies in one corner causing a drunken raucous with their bawdy cries of what would happen after the wedding. The March Hare, and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Why even the Queen of Hearts was there, though all knew to give her and her royal court wide berth as none wanted to go ‘off with their heads’ on such a festive occasion. And of course, the most important people to both Aeric and his butterfly—Danika, Hatter, and Alice.

  Though Danika looked nothing like the fairy he’d known these past two decades. Chrysa had explained that when Siria’s curse had been broken on her, so too had it been broken on Jericho and Danika.

  Years ago Siria had cursed Danika with plainness and she and Jericho with being apart for centuries. But with the curse lifted The Man in the Moon was now able to visit his beloved once a month. And Danika was once again the woman Jericho had fallen in love with. Not the cherubic matronly fairy, but breathtakingly beautiful with glossy brown hair and brilliant sapphire blue eyes.

  On top of that, rumor was spreading that now that Siria’s curse was lifted there was the possibility that Jericho could finally step down from his mantle as official Man in the Moon.

  The fact that Danika was currently in the market for a larger, more spacious mushroom cap home lent the rumor credence. But until Jericho could find his replacement any reunions would have to wait.

  Danika still hadn’t found a replacement for Siria’s duties, as of now, Aeric had heard there was a fairy handling the sun’s affairs in the interim.

  But really, none of that mattered right now. Because here he was standing in the middle of the fairy forest, with flickering golden lights dancing all around. The heavenly scent of Alice’s baking filled the air and a murder of crows were currently humming the wedding march.

  Danika had handed over the reigns of officiating to Jericho, who stood before Aeric with a robe that glittered and sparkled with moon glow. And floating down the isle in a gown of lemony yellow chiffon was his bride.

  He recognized that it was Lissa holding onto the Hatter’s arms as she walked to him with eyes never swerving from h
is face.

  The moment her hand slipped into his and Hatter patted his shoulder, Aeric knew he should have been nervous. But he wasn’t.

  Because he was finally home. In this strange and wonderful land. And even though some might have wondered why he and his butterfly exchanged vows twice, he knew it was because he promised his undying affection to not one, but the both of them.

  Only the rare few among them knew of Chrysa’s duality and no one was talking, she’d gone through enough, now was a time of rest and peace and he for one could not wait to step into that new life with her.

  The chuckling warmth of a Cheshire cat faded into the delicate strings of violin’s that suddenly stirred through the trees.

  Alice was beaming proudly and Aeric was fairly certain that there was a sheen in the Hatter’s eyes when he placed the stone of veritas upon her chest.

  “…the truth is, my love,” he tucked a strand of silky hair behind her ear and nuzzled the corner of her cheek just as Jericho pronounced them man and wife, “you may have thought yourself my prey, but I never stood a chance against you.”

  She laughed and her sound filled his heart with light. “No, hunter,” Chrysalis nuzzled him back, “you never stood a chance against us.”

  When they turned to walk down the aisle as husband and wife, everyone clapped, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

  Holding her close as they danced their first dance, he caged her tight in his arms.

  “I’m never letting you go again,” he growled.

  Lissa’s eyes twinkled back at him this time. “Then you better hang on tight, because we cats are never fully tamed.”

  And turning on her heels she sprinted, laughing joyfully, and he chased her. Not caring that the two of them had ditched their own wedding, because when prey ran, a hunter had no choice but to follow.

  And he did, for the rest of their long, lived lives…

  * * *

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