Brick: An Urban Paranormal

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Brick: An Urban Paranormal Page 8

by Natavia

  “It’s just a damn rock with a symbol on it. It doesn't mean shit, Odega!” I said aloud.

  Planet Vada…

  “Can I speak with you?” I asked my father. He was sitting in his domain with his back turned towards the door. He was reading a book from Earth. It was a book about the civil war. He visited Earth for their literature. Who I thought was a strong and wise soldier wasn’t because our king dictated him. My father’s name was, Rudan. His locs stopped at his shoulders, and he wore his beaded metals on a few of them. If Rudan were on Earth, he would’ve been mistaken for a man in his mid-thirties.

  He closed his book and turned around to face me.

  “I hope it’s about your behavior. I don’t understand what’s going on with you, Midas. You are our best soldier and you want to throw it all away for a planet you don’t belong to. What is Earth, huh? A planet with a bunch of ignorant humans who kill for nothing,” he said.

  “I find that funny coming from someone who read books the humans wrote,” I replied.

  “I read about their wars; fighting for a cause. You should read the books too because you are about to be the general. You’ll be the youngest general this planet has ever seen,” he boasted.

  “I’m a mated soldier,” I blurted out. He tipped his desk over.

  “WHAT!” he shouted.

  “I’m married,” I replied.

  “How? When? It’s not official until you connect through intimacy and that takes weeks! You haven't been away from this kingdom that long,” he said.

  “I guess we connected sooner because she saw my world a few seconds after I entered her,” I replied. I was guilty of keeping Nabila for those extra two days, but I couldn’t resist her.

  “That’s impossible! It takes weeks to connect! I only know two soldiers who said it took them one week! Are you telling me it only happened in seconds? That’s bullshit, and you know it!” he yelled at me.

  “You don’t know shit! I can prove to you that she’s apart of me!” I yelled at him. His nostrils flared as he paced back-and-forth.

  “You are wasting your life! I made you into the best soldier, and now you want to let it go?” he asked.

  “You didn’t make me into anything. Stop taking credit for something you had no parts in. I was born this way, so let's stop pretending it was the training. I’m different than all the other soldiers in the sky. Who am I father? Just tell me! You owe me for all the lies you have instilled inside of my head. You owe me for letting the king brainwash your only son. I want to know why I’m so different,” I said.

  “You are a guardian of, Vada,” he said.

  “You are the guardian of, Vada. I’m just a visitor. Fuck you and this planet, father,” I replied. I walked out of his domain and headed for the lake in the forest. It was my thinking spot.


  “Do you always follow me?” I asked Casha when I heard her footsteps. I was lying on a rock by the lake as I watched the stars.

  “I haven’t followed you to Earth yet. You come here every time you come home. You should change your routine if you don’t want to be bothered,” she said. She laid beside me and wrapped my wing around her body like a blanket.

  “I remembered we took the best naps like this, but I was the only one sleeping. You barely slept,” she said.

  I slept like a human baby after Nabila gave herself to me, I thought. I stared at the stars and tried to figure out what they were telling me.

  “I see you are still intrigued with those stars,” she laughed. I chuckled myself.

  “Not like I use to be,” I replied.

  “Do you still love me?” she asked.

  I looked down at her and stared into her beautiful face. I used to be happy with her, but she took it away.

  “I don’t know,” I replied.

  “I think you do. Take me to Earth with you. You know I don’t love my husband. It was my brother’s ruling to marry him. I’m not happy, Midas. I still love you, and you being a gargoyle doesn’t matter anymore,” Casha said.

  “I have a soul mate,” I replied.

  “You did it because you wanted a way out, but you don’t love her. We can be together after you are free from her and Vada,” Casha replied.

  “I was intimate with her,” I said.

  “I know,” she said sadly.

  “I enjoyed it,” I replied.

  Casha scooted away from me with tear-filled eyes. I didn’t know what she wanted from me. What we had was long ago, but she was still holding on. I gave up on love when she left me. It took me years to get over her, but hearing what I always wanted to hear from her wasn’t as thrilling as I thought it would be.

  “Is she a human?” she asked.

  “Not anymore,” I replied.

  “You made her immortal?” Casha asked.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “Does she know?”

  “Not yet,” I replied.

  “That’s selfish of you. What if she falls in love with you? What if she figures out that you made her an immortal for your own freedom?” Casha asked.

  “All that matters is my freedom,” I replied. She crawled on my lap and straddled me. I hardened underneath her when she kissed me. My hands palmed her juicy and round bottom. A moan escaped her lips, and I felt her wetness through the thin white linen gown she wore.

  “I want to feel you,” she whispered in my ear. I followed her into the lake, so nobody could see us. She wrapped her legs around me when I slid into her. Her round breasts were pressed against my chest. Her sharp nails scraped against my skin as her body trembled from climaxing.

  “Midassssssss,” she moaned my name, and wrapped her arms around my neck. I thought entering her would’ve made me feel something again, but it didn’t. I felt nothing for Casha—nothing at all. She was willing to give me what I always wanted from her, but it was too late. I flew out of the lake after I was finished to lay in the grass. Casha’s wet hair brushed against my cheek when she laid next to me.

  I wonder if she’s going on another date with, Shawn, I thought.

  “It’s always beyond amazing with you,” Casha said. My mind was somewhere else. Flashbacks of Nabila’s moist center dripping on the floor aroused me. The tightness and warmth between her legs was unexplainable. I had never felt anyone like her. Casha reached for my hard-on, but I pulled her hand away.

  “I’m tired,” I replied.

  “You don’t get tired,” she said.

  “I am now,” I replied and sat up.

  “When are you coming back?” Casha asked.

  “Soon,” I replied.

  “Are you coming back with your filthy human? I must say that I can’t wait to meet her,” Casha said. I flew off and headed back to Earth.


  “H urry up!” Risha yelled out to me.

  “I’m coming!” I screamed from the bathroom.

  I noticed I had a pattern of stars tattooed on my neck when I stepped out the shower. They twinkled on my neck like real stars.

  “I look like a lightning bug,” I cried to myself.

  I picked up a rag and scrubbed my neck. It was a pretty and unique design, but it wasn’t professional. I grabbed a Band-Aid from the medicine cabinet and covered my marking with it. I added another one for good measure. I went inside of my bedroom to get dressed. Risha was sitting at the table drinking cognac while listening to, Nicki Minaj when I left out my bedroom.

  “I’m ready,” I said.

  I wore a tan fitting, knee-length, mid-sleeve dress with a pair of nude pumps. My accessories were gold, and my make-up was neutral.

  “What time is Shawn and Derrick meeting us?” I asked Risha.

  “In fifteen-minutes,” she said.

  I grabbed my truck keys off the kitchen table, and headed for the door with Risha following behind me. I pressed the button to the sunroof inside my truck. The same star pattern that was on my neck was in the sky. I stared at it for a few minutes wondering what it meant. I realized it was t
he same pattern I caught Brick staring at a few times.

  It’s the same pattern as the one in the rock too. What is the connection? I asked myself.

  “Are you okay?” Risha asked.

  “Yeah, I was just admiring the stars,” I replied.

  Risha turned up the music as I pulled off. We were meeting Derrick and Shawn at a sports bar. I wasn’t as excited about the double-date as Risha.

  “Sooooo, tell me about Mr. Brick’s gorgeous ass. I actually see why he’s arrogant. He knows he’s the shit,” Risha laughed.

  “He’s an asshole but we both know that. What you see is what you get with him. He doesn’t know how to bite his tongue and can be very blunt. I sorta like him,” I replied.

  “Did y’all really fuck for two days?” Risha asked.

  “You don’t want to know. I couldn’t walk afterwards, and he split me in half,” I said. Risha spit out her soda and I almost cursed her out. The truck was brand new, and she was already messing up my seats.

  “He’s really that big?” she asked.

  “It’s the prettiest dick I’ve seen in my life! It almost looks unreal,” I replied.

  “He gave you this truck, fucked you for two days and he’s beautiful? Turn back around and go home. Shawn is a non-muthafuckin-factor!” Risha said. I laughed until I had tears in my eyes.

  “You are crazy!” I screamed out. I almost swerved off the road, but Risha caught the wheel.

  “I won’t ask for anymore double-dates after tonight. I only asked because Derrick said Shawn begged him, and I didn’t want the cornball to be a third-wheel,” Risha said. We arrived at the bar fifteen-minutes later.

  “Do you have any condoms in your purse? I left mine at home,” Risha said.

  Oh my God! I forgot to tell Brick to wear protection. Wait, he’s a healer. Can he give me something? I asked myself.

  “I don’t have any, plus its too soon for you and Derrick,” I replied.

  “I live my life to the fullest because I don’t want a relationship. All I need is a new sugar daddy,” Risha said, and popped her gum.

  “Derrick looks like he sleeps on his mother’s couch,” I replied.

  “If he’s a mama’s boy that’s even better. He’ll be borrowing money from her which is between them. I’m like the bill collector. I don’t care who pays it, and just give me what I’m owed,” Risha said.

  “Are you a prostitute?” I asked, and she laughed.

  “I wish,” she joked.

  I spotted Derrick and Shawn sitting at a table in the corner when we walked into the bar. Derrick was dressed in a gray Nike short-set with a pair of Nike shoes. Shawn wore khaki shorts, a Polo shirt with a pair of brown Dockers on his feet. He even went as far as having a sweater tied around his neck. I couldn’t ignore his Carlton from, Fresh Prince gear.

  “Ughhh,” Risha said after she noticed what Shawn was wearing.

  “Be nice,” I whispered.

  Shawn pulled out a chair for me, and he kissed my cheek after I sat down.

  “Can you pull out my chair?” Risha asked Derrick.

  “Your fingers look fine to me,” Derrick replied. Risha snatched the chair away from the table, and sat down. She gave Derrick the finger, and he blew a kiss at her.

  “You look very, very, beautiful tonight,” Shawn said. He was respectful, but he wasn’t aggressive. I didn’t think I liked aggressive men until Brick landed on my car.

  I wonder what he’s doing, I thought about Brick.

  “Are you okay?” Shawn asked.

  “I’m fine,” I replied.

  “I asked you several times if you wanted a drink,” he replied.

  “Patron on ice, and no salt. I prefer sugar with extra limes,” I said. He and Derrick left the table to get our drinks.

  “Are you thinking about, Brick?” Risha asked.

  “No,” I lied.

  “Liar,” she said.

  My cellphone rang inside my purse from an unfamiliar number.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Where are you?” the deep voice asked me.

  “I’m afraid I don’t know who’s calling,” I replied.

  “Damn, I’m hurt. You forgot about me already,” he replied.

  “I thought you didn’t use phones,” I replied.

  “I do, but not as much as you. I’m calling because I want you to ditch your date,” Brick said bluntly. I pulled the phone away from my ear, and looked at it before I replied.

  “Excuse me?” I asked.

  “I want you to help me figure something out,” Brick replied.

  “You are jealous that I’m on a date. He’s on his way over here, so I will call you back,” I replied.

  Shawn placed my drink in front of me after I hung up the phone. I held a forced conversation with Shawn while Risha chatted with Derrick. Shawn talked about everything that didn’t matter to me.

  “I will be right back. I need to use the restroom,” I said to Shawn. I grabbed my purse, and headed for the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and splashed water in my face. I peeled the Band-Aid off my neck, and it lit up the small bathroom.

  “What is this?” I asked out loud as I touched it…

  I stood on a planet filled with trees and sparkling water. Birds the size of dragons flew through the sky. I looked up, and saw tall buildings made of stone that was high up in the sky. I fell on my butt from looking all the way up. I heard a beautiful and unique melody. I followed the sounds, and it took me inside an ancient stone building. The singing became louder the closer I got. I pushed opened a set of stone doors as they scraped the floor. The singing stopped when I walked into the room. I looked out of the window, and saw the stars. It was the same stars on my neck..

  I was on the bathroom floor when I woke up.

  “How did I end up on the floor? I must’ve had too much to drink. That was one weird dream,” I said to myself as I stood up. I went to the bathroom, and washed my hands after I was finished. Shawn, Derrick and Risha was laughing at something when I approached the table.

  “Honey, I was worried about you,” Shawn said.

  “I had a little girl issue if you know what I mean,” I said. Risha snickered because she knew what I was up to.

  “I’m sorry, but I have to cut this date short. I need to go home before it comes through my dress. I thought I packed enough tampons with me, but I didn’t. I’m walking around with paper towel stuffed inside of my vagina. How embarrassing is that?” I asked.

  How is that for your prude ass, I thought.

  “I have some in my car. My ex-girlfriend left them in the trunk. I can get them for you if you want them,” Derrick said.

  Mind your damn business loser! I thought.

  “I need to wear depends because I bleed heavily. Thanks for everything, but I really got to go,” I said.

  “How about lunch tomorrow,” Shawn said.

  He’s going to talk about the ozone-layer, and tell me more stories of his college save-the-earth protests. I want you to talk shit to me, and lick your lips every once in while like you want to devour me, I thought.

  “I will call you,” I replied.

  Risha kissed Derrick’s cheek before we walked out the sports bar.

  “Is everything okay with you?” Risha asked.

  “I feel like I’m coming down with something. My mouth is dry, and my head is heavy,” I lied.

  “What’s that thing on your neck?” she asked. I hurriedly covered it up as I silently cursed myself out. I forgot to put the Band-Aids back on my neck.

  “It’s glow in the dark art. Brick and I were drawing on each other,” I replied.

  “I freaking love y’all,” she beamed.

  I headed for Brick’s home after I dropped Risha off to her car. It was a long ride, but I arrived in an hour without traffic. I drove down the dark and wooded road to his house. I was nervous because of how dark it was. Who would've thought a handsome creature lived inside of the spooky church house? My heels sank into the soil a
s I made my way to his house. I almost tripped, but someone caught me. I gasped when I saw Brick’s full creature. The creature that fell on my car. He looked menacing during the night because his slanted eyes glowed. His wings blocked the light from the moon, and his giant form towered over me.


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