Carnal: Pierced and Inked

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Carnal: Pierced and Inked Page 64

by Simone Sowood

  Except we’ve turned several corners, and that taxi is still behind us. The person is obviously following me.

  It’s probably a reporter, trying to get more info on me for their article. That was reasonably foreseeable when I decided to out myself on national TV.

  My phone rings, and I yank it from my jacket pocket. My shoulders sink when I see Victor’s name. I’d hoped it was Darcy.

  Maybe she doesn’t know about the interview yet.

  I consider rejecting his call to phone Darcy, but end up accepting it. “Victor,” I say in my standard professional voice.

  “Have you seen the news stories about you?” He asks, his Texan voice more animated than I’ve ever heard it before.

  “No, nothing. I just left the TV studio and am in a cab on my way home.”

  “Jesus, Liam, the country’s gone crazy for you. You are everywhere. The top story on every news site, including the Wall Street Journal. Not to mention the fact that my phone has been ringing off the hook from all your various CEOs. I’ve had to compose a mass email to every last one of your thousands and thousands of employees, explaining who they’re owned by, and that you’ve now decided to go public.”

  “I expected the CEOs to react that way. Especially the ones who’ve met me.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not kidding when I say you’ve set the internet on fire. Have a look on your phone if you don’t believe me. Though the website crashed and isn’t back up yet. You’re bigger than Kim Kardashian’s ass.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot I’m talking to the world’s biggest workaholic, and that you’ve completely missed a decade of pop culture.”

  “Your point?” I snap.

  “You’re all the rage.”

  “It’ll blow over by tomorrow.”

  “I don’t know about that. There’s a hunt for your mystery woman. #Iamher is the biggest trending hashtag.”


  “Yeah, the world is looking for Darcy. Various websites are even offering rewards for information on her.”

  “Fuck, that isn’t good,” I say, my chest constricting, making it difficult to breathe.

  They can’t bother Darcy. I need them to leave her alone. I’d expected all the press to be about me, it didn’t occur to me that they’d go after her. Thank God, Chase is with her. Though I know realistically no one would ever figure out who she is. How could they?

  Still, I rest easier knowing Chase is with her. Though I suppose I really am going to have to get my own bodyguard now.

  “Anyway,” Victor says, “have you heard anything from her?”

  “Not yet,” I say, my voice flat.

  “Well, she’s probably still processing this.”

  “If she saw it.”

  “Trust me, she saw it. What part of ‘you broke the internet’ don’t you understand?”

  “I’ve gotta go,” I say, and shove the phone in my pocket. I give a fifty to the driver and hop out at a red light.

  I’d been watching the cab following me, and it didn’t make it through the light before we turned a corner. Half jogging, I whip around the next corner and hop in another taxi, heading the opposite direction.

  After giving him my Central Park West address, I look around, on alert for the people who were following me. But they aren’t, and I relax back into my seat.

  I take my phone out, but there are no new texts from Darcy. I need to be patient. She’ll contact me, I’m confident of it. With great restraint, I put the phone back in my pocket without texting her.

  We pull up in front of my building, and I pay the driver before stepping out onto the sidewalk.

  Before I know what’s happening. A black SUV takes the place of the taxi I’d just stepped out of and opens its back door.

  A mountain of a man comes out of nowhere, and pushes me into the SUV’s back seat before my brain has had the chance to process what’s going on.

  “Stay calm or I’ll put a bullet in you,” the mountain man says. His voice is gruff but I sense a hint of nervousness.

  His words snap me out of my confusion, and bring me into the stark reality of the situation. Some fucker is trying to kidnap me. My veins race with adrenaline and my senses prickle.

  The very thing I’ve spent my life hiding from is happening, less than an hour after I finally revealed my identity.

  The putrid smell of my mentor’s finger, Phil’s father’s finger, fills my nostrils as if I were holding the box now.

  At least it’s me and not Darcy.

  But as if I’m going to stay calm. And as if a bullet is less appealing than being kidnapped and tortured. Everything happens so quickly that I react purely on the instinct to survive.

  I have to move fast, something tells me it’s my only chance.

  “Fuck you,” I snarl, and clock the mountain man as he shuts the car door behind him with me beside him in the backseat.

  “Drive!” he screams at the driver, and we tear away from the curb, weaving through city traffic. The noise of blasting horns fills the SUV, both from our driver and the other cars on the road.

  The mountain man doesn’t seem fazed at my punch. He hits back, his punch lands on my left cheek, and the pain radiates down my left side. I ignore it, and aim my elbow at his nose, taking as big a swing as the cramped backseat allows.

  “Fuck!” he grunts, and lets go of me to put his hands to his nose. Hopefully it’s broken. Blood starts to pour down his face.

  I quickly turn my focus to the driver. Wedging part of my body between the front seats, I get as close to him as I can. I shove his head into the window with one hand, and grab the wheel with my other hand. Yanking the wheel hard to the left, we cross into oncoming traffic.

  The SUV crashes into an oncoming taxi, sending me flying from the backseat and into the airbag.

  It Can’t Happen Again


  “Chase, I need to use your phone to call him,” I say, tossing my own phone onto snot mountain.

  “Sure,” he says, and hits dial on Liam’s number before passing me the phone.

  I take it from him, but it goes straight to voicemail. I hang up and redial, but it goes to voicemail again.

  “I have to go to him,” I say, and run into my bedroom.

  After shedding my bathrobe and the T-shirt and underwear I’d slept in, I pull on the first things I grab from my drawers. It’s not exactly sexy, but the white jeans and baby blue sweatshirt are there, and fast.

  Zipping back into my living area, I grab my purse, keys and dead phone, cram my feet in a pair of ugly tan mules I keep for no good reason at all, and head out the door.

  “Wait for us,” Kirsten shouts, scrambling after me.

  The two of them arrive at the elevator just as the doors are opening, and step into it after me.

  “I’m going to his apartment,” I say.

  “Well, in that case, you hardly want me there,” Kirsten says.

  “Not really, honey, sorry. I’m really glad you came and told me about this,” I say, and give her a big hug.

  “Of course I did, silly. Why don’t you give me your keys and I’ll clean your place up. Assuming you have rubber gloves, of course. There’s no way I’m touching those used Kleenexes with my bare hands.”

  “Thanks, you’re the best. There’s a pair under the kitchen sink.”

  The elevator opens to the lobby, and I hand her my keys. Chase exits first, with me close behind, leaving Kirsten in the elevator. I follow him onto the street, where he sticks his arm out and hails a cab. One stops immediately and Chase holds the door open while I climb into the backseat.

  “Get in,” I say, sliding over.

  “You sure? I can follow behind.”

  “Of course. Now hurry up.”

  Chase gets into the backseat, and shuts the door. I give the driver Liam’s address, and we pull away.

  “You really had no idea who he was?” I ask.

  “None. But I’m
not in the habit of making guesses about my employer.”

  Chase, always the professional. He’s like being around the Secret Service.

  I gaze vacantly out the window, wondering what I’ll say when I see Liam. Seeing him on Good Morning America taught me one thing, and that’s how much I want him in my life.

  He clearly has no more secrets, and I feel bad for making him go to such extremes to make me believe him. I should’ve listened, and given him a chance. I should’ve trusted him.

  “I can’t believe he outed himself for me,” I say, shaking my head.

  “I’ve never seen him the way he’s been since he met you,” Chase says.

  “Really? How?” I ask, my eyes wide as I turn to face Chase.

  “No offense, but he used to be a real asshole to people.”

  I lean back, shocked to hear Liam described that way. “To you?”

  “No, never me. But I’ve seen him verbally shred grown men to the point where tears have flown. And he used to go out picking up women, he never gave a fuck if they were with other guys or not. If he saw one he wanted, he got her. And then he’d have me escort her out of his apartment building when he was done with her.”

  “From the fifth-floor fuck pad?” I ask, not wanting to think about him with other women.

  “You’ve been to it?”

  “No, just heard about it.”

  “Well, since he met you, it’s like he’s a different man.”

  “He’s not himself with me?”

  “I think he is his real self with you. All that other stuff, I don’t know, man. That was anger fueled or something.” Chase pauses, and adds, “It’s not really my place to be saying these things to you. As a bodyguard, everything I see is none of my business, and I never mention it to anyone. But this is fucking huge, and you probably have a right to know how you’ve changed him.”

  “Thank you for telling me. I don’t think he’d mind. But don’t worry, our talk is totally confidential.” My mind flicks back to the Eiffel Tower, and I realize how intimately Chase knows both Liam and me.

  “I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s just I’m in shock, you know.”

  “Yeah, I was pretty surprised when he first told me,” I say. Though of course I leave out the part of having his dick inside me at the time.

  We near Liam’s block, but the traffic is at a standstill. My knee jiggles, and I’m anxious to see Liam. The only thing I want right now is his arms around me.

  “Can I use your phone to try him again?”


  Chase passes me his phone again, but it goes straight to voicemail. Our cab hasn’t moved in ages, and I fight the urge to scream. Why is it so hard for me to get to him?

  “Voicemail again. I wonder if he’s even at home,” I say, handing the phone back to Chase. He could be anywhere. Maybe he’s still at the TV studio. We could be wasting all this time sitting in traffic for nothing.

  “I’ll phone the doorman,” Chase says.

  I turn my attention back out the window. In the near distance, sirens blare and I figure they’re seven or eight blocks from us. And that we’re ten or so from Liam’s. I should just get out and walk.

  “Holy fuck,” Chase says into the phone, speaking to the doorman. His words catch my attention, and I eavesdrop.

  “Okay, that explains the traffic… They’re clearing now? And is he there? No sign of him? He must be with the police… Ambulance?”

  “What’s happening?” I demand, my loud voice echoing around the car’s interior.

  “But they’re both caught now?” Chase ignores me and talk into the phone.

  “What’s going on?” I yell and grab his arm.

  Chase pulls the phone from his ea, and says, “Some idiots tried to kidnap Mr. Jones… Mr. Bannerman.”

  “Oh my God,” I say, numb. My entire body starts convulsing, panicking something’s happened. My stomach wretches and I struggle to stop myself from vomiting. Not another boyfriend. Not Liam. I can’t go through that agony again. Especially because this time it would be all my fault.

  “There was a car crash and he got away. The doorman doesn’t know if he’s hurt or not. He doesn’t think so. The kidnappers ran and there was a manhunt. He doesn’t know what’s going on now, but they’re clearing the crashed cars right now so we should be moving soon.”

  “Fuck that,” I say and open the door.

  From the driver’s side passenger door, I haul myself onto the street. Though my body is weak with numbness and worry, I manage to stagger between the cars. After a few car lengths, I’m able to get my legs moving and break into as fast a run as I can go with these stupid shoes on.

  Everything seems to be happening in slow motion, but I keep moving as fast as I can between the cars.

  At some point, I realize Chase is behind me, but I ignore him and keep going.

  Finally, I’m in the midst of fire trucks, ambulances and police cars, all with flashing lights. Two taxis have crushed-in fronts and are being attached to tow trucks. A black SUV has a bashed-in front, and the used airbags shield whatever was inside.

  A large mass of nosy onlookers crowd around the area.

  “Liam! Liam!” I scream, frantically scanning the area for him.

  I can’t see him anywhere, and my knees go weak. It seems as though I’ll buckle to the ground at any moment, but I continue screaming his name, tears now streaming down my cheeks. My heart pounds so hard it physically hurts, and I’m short of breath.


  The door of a police cruiser opens, and, in slow motion, Liam emerges from the car and stands.

  Real Life


  “Darcy,” I say, then say her name again, louder this time. I knew she’d come.

  She’s standing motionless a hundred feet from me, and I hurry to her. The police report can wait.

  Everything can wait.

  As I get closer I can see her clearly. Her hair is unbrushed, her eyes puffy and her clothes are frumpy. Her baggy blue sweatshirt is the same color as her eyes. She looks amazing, more beautiful than I’ve ever seen her look before.

  I reach her, and pull her into my arms with enough force that I’m worried I’ve knocked the wind out of her.

  “Liam,” she says, her voice hoarse. “You’re safe. I’ve been so worried.”

  “Of course I’m safe. I told you, nothing will ever happen to me.”

  “But they said there was a kidnapping,” she says, pulling her head back and searching my eyes.

  “Attempted and failed,” I say, not wanting to get into it now.

  “But are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, now that you’re here.”

  “You’re all cut up and bruised.”

  “Just scratches,” I say and silence her by closing my mouth over hers.

  Like I knew what would happen, the tension melts out of her body and she relaxes under my kiss.

  Darcy tries to pull away, but I hold her tight and kiss her harder. Nothing will ever pull us apart again.

  “It’s the mystery woman!” someone screams. The meaning of the words comes into focus in my mind.

  I open my eyes. The crowd of people has collapsed the police tape. Chase is doing his best to keep them back, and once again I find myself grateful for him. They’re taking photos and videos of us.

  Let them.

  I close my eyes and focus on the feeling of Darcy’s body against mine. My hands travel up and down her, from her silky hair to her pert ass. My dick hardens at her nearness.

  The crowd screams and there’s a continual whistling of catcalls. I’ve had enough.

  Pulling my lips away, I say, “Let’s go inside.”

  Darcy bites her bottom lip and tries to stifle a massive smile. I wrap my arm around her and whisk her the two blocks to my building. It occurs to me after I start walking that the whole world is going to know where I live and I don’t give a fuck.

  “I can’t believe you went on TV and told everyone
who you are,” Darcy says.

  “Why? I needed you to understand I don’t have any secrets and I couldn’t think of an easier way.”

  “But now everyone knows who you are,” she hesitates. “Your mentor. Already someone’s tried to kidnap you.”

  “Who cares? I have you and that’s all that matters.”

  “I’m sorry, I feel so bad. I should’ve listened, you shouldn’t have had to do that—”

  I squeeze her tight and say, “Stop rambling. I was going to go public anyway.”

  “You were?” She asks, looking up at me with wide blue eyes.

  “Absolutely.” I stop walking and turn her to face me. “I’m tired of hiding, it takes too much effort. Besides I want to start over. I want a whole new life with you. One in which neither of us is afraid of living.”

  Her chin quivers, and her eyes well with tears. I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and brush my thumb along her jawline.

  “But the kidnapping?” she says.

  “Before I met you, I didn’t know what life outside of work was. I didn’t think anything else mattered. All I cared about was making more and more money, until I had so much money I couldn’t spend it all in a hundred lifetimes. Then you walked into my life and made me realize none of it fucking mattered. None of the businesses, the money or the hours of my life I spent making them. And none of it made me happy.”

  “Really?” She says, dazed.

  “None of it made me the man I want to be. You do that, Darcy, you make me the man I really am.”

  Darcy blinks, and the motion releases the tears from her eyes.

  “I love you,” I say and kiss her forehead.

  She swallows and says, “I love you, too.”

  “We’re going to have a great life, just like I promised.”

  “Starting right now,” she says, looking at me with a devilish grin.

  I lean over, put my lips near her ear, and in a low voice say, “All I want to do right now is make you come. I need to put my dick inside you.”

  She moans in response, the sound hardening my dick. I whisk her the rest of the way to my building and impatiently pound the elevator button.

  “At times like this, I really regret living in the penthouse.”


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