No Choice but to Marry: A Historical Mail Order Bride Romance

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No Choice but to Marry: A Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Page 7

by Stephanie Hunt

  “You must be tired, I’m sure you had a long drive.”

  Not breaking eye contact a grin spread over her face. “I could use to lay down. Might be… relaxing.”

  Okay, so it wasn’t that hot. But Jasmine had to think on the spot. Was he trying to send her to bed because he had no interest in her? She could feel his boner growing so that didn’t seem likely.

  Then why would he try to get rid of her? Or was he trying to suggest that they go to bed? Together. She reached up to massage her neck, working out a kink. As she shifted the towel undid around her breast and fell down to her hips.

  Her bikini was modest, but this close up there was still lots of skin to show. And Ben started.

  If only for a fraction of a second. Then he brought his gaze back up to her. It was almost fun. She wanted to see how much she could push him. How far she could go until he finally tried to make a move on her- more than just his hand on her leg.

  His rough fingers had been frozen on her skin for a while now. And she was more than okay with that.

  Jasmine took a deep breath, her breast moving as she did so. Looks like I found that cowboy I wanted. The thought took her off guard. She’d come out here hoping for a hot hookup with a guy in a plaid shirt. But she’d found him. A black, all T-shirt. No cowboy boots and no cowboy hat. But she still wanted him. I’m just not sure if he wants me or not. She stared at him for a couple of seconds, trying to figure it out. Finally she stood. The towel fell, staying put on Ben’s lap.

  “Well, I think I might head off to bed.” Her eyes locked on his. “I’ll be in my room if you need anything.” Her eyes sparkled as she gave him her best flirty smile before turning on her heel and heading for the door. She glanced back for a fraction of a second.

  He stared at her with wide eyes.

  “You know, if I didn’t know better I’d think you were inviting me back to your bedroom.”

  She stopped, resting a hand against the door. She turned to face him.

  “I am.”

  Without another word she walked out of the office.

  Her heart raced as she headed towards her room. Had she just made a total fool of herself for no good reason? If he doesn’t come after me I’m going to feel like a moron. And it’s not like she was going to be able to go after him now. She had just walked away. If he didn’t come out after her-

  Something grabbed her wrist. She gasped being jerked backwards. She gasped spinning around.

  Ben’s lips crashed against hers. Hot. Passionate.

  Jasmine’s heart pounded in her chest. A soft moan passed through her lips as she pulled her closer to him. Her arms wrapped around his neck.

  She hadn’t realized she’d been so close to a building until she felt her back hit it gently.

  Ben pulled away from her, his lips touching hers softly this time. “I can leave you alone, if you were only joking about that.” She could hear the embarrassment in his voice.

  “No.” Just one small word, but so much power behind it. Jasmine pushed him away from her.

  The look that flashed across his face told her everything. He thought she was saying no for an entirely different reason. She took his hand, her eyes sparkling as the warm wind whipped around them. “I wasn’t joking.”

  She led him towards her room.

  Again, she felt herself pressed against a wall. His lips touched mine. Jasmine felt him reach into his pocket. His free hand ran over the curves of her body. Her eyes rolled back as she let out a soft moan. His free hand slipped out of his pocket. He wasn’t looking at her as his hand moved towards her.

  No, not towards Jasmine. She watched him unlock the room. She raised an eyebrow. “That’s not my room.”

  “No one else is here. And they’re all my rooms.” His voice was soft as he took her wrist and pulled her into the room. The light flicked on. His lips crashed against hers. His fingers tangled into her hair, pulling her closer to him. He guided her over to the bed.

  Jasmine pulled away from her. Her eyes locked on his as she dropped to her knees and reached for the belt on his dirty jeans. His eyes sparkled as his fingers tangled in her hair.

  “Sweetheart, it’s been a damn long time for me. You’d best not push your luck.”

  Jasmine laughed softly, she loved his honesty. “Don’t worry.” She cooed as she undid his jeans and pulled them down to his ankles. His hard cock sprang forward. She swallowed dryly.

  Without another word, she took his cock into her mouth. A soft moan passed through her lips.

  Ben gasped, his eyes rolling back. His fingers tightened in her hair.

  Jasmine pulled his cock from her mouth.

  “We’ve got lots of time.” She promised him. She wasn’t sure how a man like him could say ‘it’s been too damn long.’

  Like he didn’t have women falling all over him every time he went out. He could have taken advantage of it, but still. She wanted to be sure they got the most out of this.

  She mouthed his cock again. Working fast and hard. Her eyes locked on him as his body tensed.

  “Fuck.” He let out a soft breath as his fingers tightened in her hair.

  She took his cock deeper, feeling his head hit the back of her throat. She moaned, her tongue licking every inch of his cock that she could reach.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Jasmine took his cock deeper, her mouth working over him faster and faster.

  Ben’s hips thrust as a gasp passed through his lips, his cock slipping deeper into her mouth as he let out a deep breath. She felt his load slide down his throat.

  He had been right. He wasn’t going to last long at all. Jasmine pulled away, licking her lips as she stood.

  Ben’s cheeks flushed a deep red that would put a tomato to shame. “I…”

  Before he could say a word Jasmine’s lips touched his.

  “Relax,” She muttered softly. “I know how this shit works.” You went too long without it and just a couple licks could get you off. She pulled away, pushing him towards the bed. “That was just the warmup round.” Her eyes blazed with desire as Ben grabbed her and pulled her down onto the bed, rolling her onto her back. Her legs spread, and Ben resting between him they stared at each other.

  His lips trailed along her neck softly, his hand reaching for what little fabric she had covering her breasts. Jasmine pulled away, slipping Ben’s shirt over her head. Her eyes widened as she swallowed dryly. Tan- check. Abs- check.

  His eyes sparkled as he caught her reaction.

  She pushed him lightly, changing their position. She straddled his hips on top of him. “I’ve always wanted to ride a cowboy.” She confessed. Her cheeks burned when she said it. Ben grinned widely. His cock twitched under her.

  “God I wish I had my cowboy hat within reach.” He muttered as he looked her up and down.

  Jasmine looked around the room, as if hoping someone would have left a cowboy hat around. A laugh passed through her lips.

  She reached for the nightstand. “Not a cowboy hat, but I’d say it is a little better.” She said as she grabbed the condom and pulled back, showing Ben.

  “Fuck.” He muttered reaching out and taking it. “I guess I wasn’t thinking straight.”


  But Jasmine didn’t dare say it out loud. She didn’t want to admit she’d completely forgotten about protection.

  Jasmine took the condom back from Ben, slipped off the bed and took off what little clothing she had. She tore into the condom packaging and slipped it over Ben’s thick cock. She straddled his hips, his fingers touched his butt, pulling her down onto his cock the second he could.

  “Oh,” Jasmine let out a soft moan, her eyes rolling back.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Jasmine felt him move under her. Thrusting in and out of her. Ben’s fingers dug into her skin.

  She moaned louder, her nails digging into his chest.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Faster and faster. Harder and harder. Ben thrust into Ja
smine, his fingers pressing into her.

  Jasmine moaned, her eyes rolling back as she enjoyed every second of pleasure.

  Without warning Ben rolled her onto her back. Jasmine’s eyes snapped open. Ben grinned down at her, his lips touching hers for a fraction of a second before trailing along her jawline and down towards her neck.

  Jasmine moaned, her toes curling as Ben grabbed her legs, placing them on his chest. Jasmine gasped.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Faster and harder. Jasmine reached out, grabbing Ben’s hand. He pinned it above her head, their fingers tangling together. He squeezed her hand gently.

  His lips traced over her neck, nipping gently.

  Jasmine moaned louder, her eyes rolling back. She could feel her orgasm.

  Ben’s rough hands traced over her legs, slipping lower and lower.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Faster and faster. Harder and harder. Thrusting into her.

  Jasmine reached between her legs, her fingers touching her clit gently, massaging herself. Her fingers circled her clit, keeping pace with Ben as he thrust into her again and again.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  His teeth nibbled her skin gently. Jasmine’s fingers dug into his skin, squeezing his hand tightly.

  “I’m so close.” She whispered, her voice mixing into a moan.

  Ben thrust into her.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  His lips trailed their way up to her earlobe. His teeth nibbled gently. “Cum for me.” He whispered.

  His words were enough to send Jasmine over the edge. Jasmine’s eyes rolled back, everything going a fuzzy white. Her toes curled as pleasure ripped through her body. Her hips buckled as she gasped, her body arching.

  “Ohhhh.” She moaned, waves of pleasure hit her body. One after the other, after the other. Each one surging through her body.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Faster and faster.

  Ben slammed into her. He let out a gasp, his fingers tightening against her skin.

  Another wave of pleasure, and another, surged through her body. Her hips bucked against him, grinding against his body. Another wave, and another. This time softer.

  Ben thrust into her again. Another gasp passing through his lips.

  Another wave of pleasure rippled through her body, this time softer- the next so soft she hardly felt it.

  Her eyes opened as Ben slid out of her. His eyes sparkled as Jasmine blinked a couple of times, adjusting to the light.

  He slipped off the bed, pulling the condom off him and heading towards the bathroom.

  Jasmine stared after him. She swallowed, licking her dry lips. What now? She wondered. She was still due to stay a couple days. Was there more in store for them? God I hope so.

  But what if there wasn’t?

  Would she leave early if things got awkward?

  She heard movement coming from the bathroom. Well, here’s the first test. Was he just going to leave without saying goodbye? Or would he, at least, say goodbye before ditching?

  Ben moved towards the bed. Jasmine hadn’t been expecting him to actually stay.

  Jasmine lay there as Ben made his way back from the bathroom ass naked. Her eyes roamed over his body, taking everything in from the abs to the scars on his face. As he crawled into bed she reached out and touched his face. “What are they all from?” She asked, knowing he may turn her away.

  He shrugged.

  “Nothing interesting,” He admitted. “Mostly it’s all just from working around the grounds. You get scratched, you get hurt, get kicked, run into trees.”

  Jasmine snorted.

  “You’ve ran into trees?”

  “Not the proudest moments of my life.” A wide grin spread across his lips. “But yes. I have.”

  Jasmine’s phone buzzed. She glanced down at the email- then clicked the link on it and then handed the phone to Ben.

  “What do you think?”

  He stared at it with wide eyes.

  “Y-you did this?”

  “No!” Jasmine laughed softly. “I have a friend who works wonders with a little time though. He designed it for me.”

  “It’s amazing. When you said a new website... I wasn’t thinking…” He trailed off. “How much do I owe your friend?”

  “Nothing.” Her eyes sparkled. “He owed me a favor anyways.” She shrugged it off.

  “Then how much do I owe you?”

  Jasmine considered it for a couple of seconds. “How about a place to crash? For a couple weeks I mean.”

  Or maybe a little longer.

  Four Weeks Later

  Okay, maybe it hadn’t been a little bit longer. Jasmine could work on her blog during the evening, and it was actually thanks to a raving review she posted on her blog that the ranch started to see a little more activity. Between the new website, and a few carefully placed sentences about using local farmers, and working the abused horses the place was starting to get busy again.

  Jasmine was beginning to find out what it was actually like to be a cowboy- not that she was anywhere close to a cowgirl, but she watched how hard Ben worked every day.

  She had the books managed, and with a little bit of an investment on her part (in return for a free place to stay) she even had them balanced.

  When a black truck pulled up one day Ben didn’t rush off, or even try to hide it from her. He came into the office, grabbed his chequebook and wrote out a payment to Kerry- all the money he owed her.

  His eyes sparkled as he headed to the door, opened it and stopped there.

  “Here ya go.” He sounded so happy. “Should be all of it, and I promise the money won’t bounce… Er, it shouldn’t at least.”

  The woman laughed. “So, does this mean I can’t drop off horses for you anymore?”

  “Actually, with business picking up I might need a few more.” He turned and caught Jasmine’s eye. He motioned for her to come over.

  Jasmine’s heart skipped a beat, but she pushed herself up from the desk and came over. Everyone turned to look at her. The woman was a couple inches shorter than Jasmine, and like Ben, she had rough hands and tanned skin.

  “Ivey, John, Mark; this is Jasmine.”

  The woman extended her hand. “So you’re the one Ben’s been talking about. The bookkeeper.”

  The two women shook hands. “That’s me.”

  As soon as she released Ivey’s hand Ben reached out and took it, their fingers tangling together.

  Jasmine could feel her cheeks burning. Ivey glanced down at it, then looked up at Ben.

  “So, when do you need those horses?”

  Jasmine’s heart skipped a beat.

  That was it? Horses? That’s what they cared about? Jasmine had spent four weeks worrying about what anyone would say if they found out about Ben and her. But so far no one batted an eyelash. More than anything they were just impressed that Jasmine was helping him out with the ranch- and the progress that they’d made.

  Ben squeezed her hand gently before letting it go. He gave her a quick wink. “Alright, we gotta go out and take care of some stuff.” He glanced at the clock. “Meet me out by the spring later, alright?”

  “Sure.” She nodded before heading back to her desk. He took a couple seconds to watch her perfect ass before he forced himself outside with his three friends.

  “You didn’t tell me she was more than a bookkeeper,” John said, the second the door was closed.

  “Didn’t want to ruin the surprise.” Ben shrugged giving his friend a wide grin. Ivey’s brow furrowed. He could feel it coming. He took a deep breath trying to ready himself.

  It’s not that he thought her appearance would be an issue- he knew his friends well enough to know her skin tone wouldn’t affect their opinion of her, unlike some people around here.

  “So, she’s just helping out… she is the one who gave you a bunch of money, right?”

  “It’s an investment.” Ben tried to shrug it off.

e’d fought her tooth and nail about it. They even had a contract done up, saying that for the next 5 years she got a percentage of the ranch’s income until she was paid back for every cent she gave him- not to mention her weekly pay.

  “An investment?” Mark raised an eyebrow.


  Ben walked towards the bar without another word. He knew they weren’t going to be pleased about the money Jasmine had contributed to the ranch, but they’d talked long and hard about it. They decided together that it would be best for them.

  His three best friends followed him. “Hey!” John called after him. “We’re not saying there is anything wrong with it, we’re just a little worried about you. That’s all.”

  I know that. He thought. “But don’t you get it? I’ve finally got the place going again. The three of you know how long that has been and we’re finally bringing money in. I can finally afford to feed the horses you drop off here.”

  Ben rounded on his friends. They all stood there.

  They didn’t get it, and he knew that. They’d never realized how much he was struggling; they’d never seen the numbers. He knew he couldn’t be mad at them for not understanding it. In took a deep breath, this time when he spoke he made sure to keep his voice calm.

  “For the first time since before dad died the place is looking up.”

  Jasmine waited until just after lunch before she stood, headed over to the beer fridge and pulled out the lunch she had waiting for them both.

  It wasn’t uncommon for them to go for a walk around lunch when the ranch wasn’t busy.

  It had had its fair share of customers over the past couple of weeks. Jasmine tucked two water bottles into her backpack along with the lunch and headed out the door, down the trail and towards the pond Ben had taken her on the first day she’d arrived here. Of course, she hadn’t expected to be here for more than a couple of days.

  “Hey!” He smiled widely as he looked over at her.

  Julia was standing beside him, grazing.

  She was recovering fast, but she still wasn’t rideable.

  “Hey there, cowboy,” Jasmine called, grinning widely as she came to a stop in front of him. “I brought you something.”


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