For special research and technical assistance, I thank Bradley Cain, Robert Fuglei, Nahid Hassani, Jack Hill, Valérie Masson, Lisa Maurer, Paul Rubin, and Kenneth Seidel.
I have benefited from the support of administrators and colleagues at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, especially James B. Milliken, Charles O’Connor, Harvey Perlman, William Nunez, Professor Susan Belasco, Professor Emerita Joy Ritchie, Petra Wahlqvist, Amy Ossian, and Lucy Buntain Comine. For their support of an earlier version of this project, I gratefully acknowledge the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the Dedalus Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Getty Research Institute.
Scott Moyers believed in and nurtured this project from the very beginning and convinced me to trust my “biographer’s yen.” Andrew Wylie and his staff in New York and London provide a level of intelligent attention that can only be called “luxurious.” Special thanks must go to Jacqueline Ko at the Wylie Agency.
For her rare combination of a brilliant critical mind and a very gentle, diplomatic style of persuasion, I am especially thankful for my editor, Jennifer Hershey. Associate editor Joey McGarvey combines keen insight and meticulousness with heroic levels of patience.
To my sister, Karen DeRubeis, thank you for being my most steadfast confidante. Thank you Alexandra and Dylan DeRubeis for your loving enthusiasm.
Finally, my husband, Jorge Daniel Veneciano, endured listening to nearly the entire manuscript read aloud, and dramatically improved it with his fine and astute suggestions. His vision never fails to surprise me, and through him, I learn to see the world in entirely new ways. His vibrant, learned, sophisticated yet joyful appreciation of design, art, culture, and life itself sustains me daily.
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