Taming Ryder

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Taming Ryder Page 2

by Nicola Haken

  “No probs, boss,” I said, waving behind me as I headed for the shower.

  “Great scene by the way!” he called after me. Raising my hand above my head I gave him a thumbs up, nodding to myself as I agreed that it was going to make a fucking hot scene.


  “Hey, Ry?” Gio called after me as I made my way to my car. “Wanna hit up Jewel with us tonight?”

  “Sure. Count me in,” I replied without hesitation, never one to miss a night of alcohol, pot and dark room blowjobs. “What time?”

  “Doesn’t matter,” he shrugged. “We’ll be there all night.”

  “Cool. Catch you later, G.”

  Now I had my evening planned I headed back to my apartment, crashed in bed for a couple of hours, then took a long bath and got changed for the night. Once I was just about ready to go I phoned Sawyer’s place to see if they were in yet. I assumed they weren’t when I was greeted by his answering machine so I shot him a text instead, letting him know I’d stop by in the morning. It’d been too long since I’d seen him and the rest of the guys, and now he was comfortable with his sexuality I couldn’t freakin’ wait to introduce him to LA’s gay nightlife. He’d either bloody love it, or run away screaming after being mentally scarred for life.

  I caught a cab to Jewel, arriving just before 10 PM. Gio was there with his boyfriend, Sam, along with a handful of others from the studio. Taylor waved me over to where they were dancing and in the short time it took me to reach them I’d already been groped by two different guys. I fucking loved this life.

  “About time, bitch!” Taylor greeted, kissing me on the cheek. Besides Gio, Taylor was probably one of the closest friends I’d made here. We shared the same love of fashion and music and he was almost as big a slut as I was. He was cute too – a couple of inches taller than me with olive skin, piercing blue eyes and right now he was sporting flashes of pink through his bangs. “Grab a glass!” he sang over the music, pointing towards the pitcher of cloudy pink liquid on the table behind us. Rubbing my hands together, I walked over and poured myself a glass, letting the night officially commence.

  By 1:30 AM Taylor and I were down to our jocks, higher than kites and dancing on podiums opposite one another, Gio and Sam had bailed a couple of hours ago and the other guys were off dancing or fucking somewhere. I rubbed the sweat into my body as guys grabbed at my arse from every angle. Naturally, I played up to the attention, blowing kisses and arching my butt cheeks into their hands. Arms above my head, I rolled my hips, and every so often I would encourage random guys up onto the podium with a crook of my finger and kiss the ever living shit out of them. This was my idea of a perfect night.

  An hour later I found myself in the dark room, shoving my dick down some random guy’s throat. I fisted his hair, controlling every movement and thrusting in so hard he gagged repeatedly. I couldn’t really see anything around me, including what the guy looked like, but the sounds of moans and slapping flesh coming from others was enough to turn me on so much I shot my load all over his face within minutes.

  Of course, it was only polite to return the favour, so after guiding him up to my level and lapping up the taste of my spunk on his lips, I dropped to my knees and gave him a night to remember.


  The next morning I let myself into Sawyer’s condo. Even though I got my own apartment a few months back, I still had a key and the codes to his security systems. I called out first his and then Jake’s name but when I got no answer I went searching for them. I found them in the bedroom, snuggled up in bed with Sawyer’s head resting on Jake’s chest. I knew I should leave but for a moment I just found myself staring at them, admiring how in love they were. When I walked away, closing the door softly behind me, I wondered what that must feel like, and then quickly dismissed it when I realised I would probably never know.

  With nothing else to do, I headed into the open plan living room and switched on the TV before grabbing myself some orange juice from the fridge. If Sawyer wasn’t here I’d have just taken a swig straight from the carton, but in an effort to be polite I reached into one of the tall cupboards for a glass.

  “Oh fuck!” I spat, quickly sidestepping the shards of broken glass on the floor. While bringing my hand out of the cupboard I managed to knock over another glass and send it tumbling, hitting the counter and shattering into a thousand pieces on its way to the floor.

  “Jesus,” Jake muttered, appearing from nowhere with a gun in his hand. Instinctively I backed up, raising my palms in the air. “It’s just you.”

  “No actually, it’s me. Ryder,” I joked.

  “What the hell are you doing here at this hour? You almost got a bullet in your damn back.”

  “It’s 10 AM!” I argued. “I thought you’d be up.”

  “We didn’t land until midnight,” he said by way of an explanation. “And jetlag’s a bitch.”

  “What the hell’s going on out here?” Sawyer entered the room, dressed only in his boxers and scratching at his bed hair. “Oh, hey, Ry.”

  “I’m sorry for disturbing you guys. I was gonna hang out here until you woke up but then one of your glasses just flew out of the cupboard,” I explained, nodding towards the broken glass on the floor.

  “No problem, man,” Sawyer said. “I needed to be awake anyway. I’ve got shit to do before I call my builder and see how the rebuild’s going.”

  “How’s everything going with that?” I asked. After his house in the Lakes was burnt to the ground he needed a full rebuild.

  “Almost finished I think. We headed up there a couple of weeks ago and they just had to secure the roof and then start on the interior.”

  “And what about Jerry and Laurelin? They been sentenced yet?” Obviously I didn’t know them, but it was still hard to wrap my head around a guy’s own stepdad and one of his valued friends and employees plotting to kill him. That shit must seriously fuck you up, although Sawyer seemed to be dealing with it all just fine – on the outside at least.

  “Jerry’s got twenty years, Laurelin five.”

  “Five? Is that all? The bitch tried to kill you!”

  “Well technically all she did was relay information,” he shrugged. “Anyway, we should go out for dinner tonight. Catch up.”

  “Sure, sounds like a plan,” I agreed. “Might be late though. I’m holding auditions with Ivan later today. You should come check it out when we’re done. See where the magic happens,” I suggested.

  “I’m not sure that’s really my scene,” Sawyer replied, laughing.

  “I’m not asking you to get on camera,” I retorted, raising an eyebrow.

  “We could stop by tomorrow,” Jake said. “I have to say I’m kind of intrigued.”

  “Great! I’m not shooting anything for a few weeks now so I can show you around.”

  “Right, well I’m off to take a shower and call my builder while you two discuss pornos,” Sawyer announced, shaking his head in amusement as he walked out of the room.

  “So how’s he really been doing?” I asked Jake once Sawyer was out of earshot.

  “A lot better.” Jake told me a few months ago that Sawyer had been having nightmares, and despite knowing his stepdad was in prison in a whole other country he couldn’t seem to stop looking over his shoulder at the slightest sound. “The sentencing helped I think.”

  “And what about being ‘out’? He seems a lot more comfortable with the idea these days.”

  “This is going to sound corny as shit but I’m so damn proud of him. Last week we walked through a crowd of press and he didn’t let go of my hand once. Doesn’t sound like much but it was a huge breakthrough for him.”

  “I think it’s great. You guys were made for each other.”

  “Do you think you’ll ever find that?” he asked, curiosity forcing his eyebrows together. “You know, being in the industry you’re in?”

  “Well I’m sure as shit not looking for it.” Jake flashed me a surprised, somewhat dubious look and I
just shrugged. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you guys and what you have together, but I don’t want that shit. It’s way too complicated.”

  What felt like sadness panged in my chest and I didn’t understand why. I spoke the complete truth. I didn’t want to get close to anyone, more importantly I didn’t want anyone to get close to me, so my reaction coupled with how I felt when I found them snuggling in bed together this morning confused me.

  “So how are the rest of the guys?” I asked, forcing a less serious subject change.

  “Isaac’s loved up with Elle, but then I’m sure you know that from her.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “She tells me everything. And by everything I mean everything.”

  “Well please don’t feel like you need to relay it to me,” he replied, feigning a shudder. “Darren’s moved to Philadelphia to be near Dana’s family. We’re hoping to visit soon to meet the baby.”

  “She’s had it?”

  “Yeah. A girl – Poppy. She’s almost eight weeks old. Oh, and Gavin’s going to be a daddy too.”

  “No shit! They set a date for the wedding yet?”

  “They’ve brought it forward to next spring. Kerry doesn’t want to have the baby before they’re married.”

  “What about Matt? He still in love with Belle?” Like we could ever forget her name after Matt’s “It’s like Elle but with a B,” comment.

  “No,” Jake laughed. “Lasted longer than I expected though. Two whole months.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He said the ‘m’ word.”



  I threw my head back and laughed. Now that was the Matt we all knew and loved. He’d been with more women than I’d taken shits and not one of them had ever been able to hold his attention for longer than an orgasm.

  “Look I’d best be off,” I said before he had a chance to probe me any further. “Just popped round to say hi, but I’ll call you later about a time for dinner. Say bye to Saw for me.”

  “Sure, mate. Talk to you later.”

  Walking back out to my car, I smiled. It was great having them back in town and I hoped they stayed a while. I never really had anyone who I considered a close friend growing up, but now, thanks to Elle, I didn’t just have friends, but a family too.


  I arrived at the studio a little early, before Ivan in fact. So, with nothing else to do, I pulled out my phone and did my daily Twitter scroll through.

  Jacob Phelps @Fitboy92616h

  @KyleKingXXX You’re so fucking hot

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  Paul Carter @buttking900016h

  @KyleKingXXX Kyle! Fuck me now!

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  Lauren Black @galaxyx15h

  @KyleKingXXX Please notice me! I love you so much!

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  Peter Bramble @SweeeetPeeeete15h

  @KyleKingXXX U hav the hottest dick I’ve ever seen

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  Madeline Fernan @Mazofernan14h

  @KyleKingXXX Pleeeeeeease follow me Kyle!!

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  They went on forever. This was the kind of stuff that filled up most of my feed on all my social media sites, and also the kind that never got responses. Sometimes some jump out at me though, from seemingly genuine fans rather than fucking psychos, and I tried to reply as often as I could.

  Darren Simmons @muzzy198414h

  @KyleKingXXX Loved the new scene with @aarontaylorxxx Keep up the good work boys!

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  Kyle King @KyleKingXXX3min

  @muzzy1984 Thanks! It was a fun shoot ;-)

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  Emma Clark @Emthebabe14h

  @KyleKingXXX What’d ya have for breakfast this morning? :D

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  Kyle King @KyleKingXXX2m

  @Emthebabe Some porridge oats and a joint ;-)

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  “You ready to get started?” Ivan’s voice interrupted me and I quickly pressed the lock key on my phone and nodded. “There’re already some guys waiting. Might as well get started early.”

  “Thought you wanted to run through the list first?”

  “I did. But I’d rather go home early if we can.”

  “Sounds good to me. I’ve got plans later.”

  “Who is he?” Ivan teased.

  “Just some friends of mine. Remember Sawyer and Jake I told you about?”

  “Course I do. How could I forget that you’re friends with thee Sawyer Knight,” he replied, laughing. From his reaction, I obviously talked about them a lot. “Hey, Dem! Call the first one in for me will you!” Demitri, or Dem, is one of our camera guys. As asked, he brought the first guy through and I immediately disliked him. He wasn’t confident, which I think he was trying to portray. No, he was an arrogant, egotistical arsehole who wouldn’t fit in with us at all.

  The second guy was way too shy and highly inexperienced. From the way his cheeks flamed when Ivan asked him how many times a week he jerked off I wondered if he’d even had sex yet. Plus, there was being a twink, then there was looking like you were eleven years old.

  The next few were all pretty much the same. Unsuitable. Either too much or too little confidence. That might’ve worked for some studios, but not ours. We were like a family here, and anyone who turned up looking to make a quick buck without bothering to even fake an interest in us as people wouldn’t last two minutes.

  When the next guy entered the room I was instantly intrigued, yet I had no idea why. He walked slowly, almost nervously, over to the couches where Ivan and I sat then he bent slightly, offering his hand to each of us in turn when he reached us.

  “Mason George?” Ivan made sure, shaking his hand before I did the same.

  “Yeah,” was all he said as he lowered himself onto the opposite couch. I cocked my head to the side, eyeing him up and down from top to bottom. My reaction to him confused me. He was clearly apprehensive, which should’ve immediately illuminated a ‘not a chance’ sign in my head, yet I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was sexy as fuck, sure, but I’d lost count how many beautiful men I’d slept with so that couldn’t be it. He slumped back a little in his seat, his knees slightly apart. His fingers wandered to his cropped brown hair, running through the neatly styled strands while he waited for the questions to begin. Then, when his blue eyes – that crystal, piercing shade of blue that is so flawless it makes you wonder if they’re wearing contacts - caught my gaze he flipped his attention immediately elsewhere.

  Hmm. Every muscle in my body told me this guy wasn’t supposed to be here, yet none of them were prepared to do anything to send him away.

  “So, you got a stage name, Mason?” Ivan asked.

  “No. No screen name,” he said, shaking his head. “Do I need one?”

  “It’s advisable. But we can work on that later.”

  “Okay, sure.”

  “I take it that means you’re completely new to the industry?”

  “Yeah. Well, I’ve been a go-go boy for the last few months, back in New York. So I’m not ashamed to be on show, if you think that’s going to be a problem.”

  “Go-go dancing and porn are two very different things. What makes you think you can handle it? There’s pressure, expectations, cameras right up your ass…”

  “I don’t know if I can handle it,” he answered honestly. “But I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think I could. As with anything in life, you never know unless you try.”

  “How many guys have you slept with?” I interrupted, genuinely curious. I didn’t know why I was interested, shit like that didn’t matter to me and it sure as hell didn’t affect his ability to do his job. But this guy… this guy had my full attention.

  “Um, does that matter?” he asked, jerking his head back a little. “
I know how to have sex,” he added, seeming pissed off.

  “So what do you like? Top, bottom? Rimming? Sucking dick?”

  “Go easy, Ry,” Ivan interjected, making me realise I’d completely taken over the questions.

  “Sorry, boss.” I sat back in my seat, mouth closed, eyes still on Mason.

  “Sure. I like all those things.”

  And holy fuck I couldn’t wait to give them to him. My dick swelled in my jeans, making me shift in my seat as I imagined how his tight hole would feel around my cock. I would fucking break him. And I planned to.

  “I’ll be honest here, Mason,” Ivan began. My heart rate accelerated… this sounded like the start of a ‘thanks but no thanks’ speech and it unexpectedly sent waves of disappointment cascading through my body. “I’m not sure you’re cut out for this. You seem nervous, inexperienced. But… I also think that might appeal to a lot of our viewers. I could sit here asking you questions all day, but really I think we ought to just get on with it and do a test scene. See what you’re made of.”

  “Fine by me,” Mason answered, forcing confidence into his voice. “When?”

  “Half an hour? With Ryder here?” Ivan nodded his head towards me and I flashed Mason an assured grin.

  “Um, great,” he replied, hesitancy clear in his deep voice. “Can I take a shower first?”

  “Sure. Ry will show you where to go.”

  Standing from my seat I turned slightly to give Ivan a small nod of approval. Then I showed Mason to the shower rooms before taking myself back to one of the changing rooms to roll a joint and pop a Viagra. I wasn’t sure how I felt about this scene. I always looked forward to them, it was sex so of course I did, but this time a deep-rooted sense of curiosity overpowered everything else and I couldn’t for the life of me understand why.

  Chapter Two


  So, here I was. Ricky Rear. I’d just signed exclusively with Back Door Studios. The first scene wasn’t as bad as I imagined. Once you’ve been going at it a while you almost forget there’s a camera right up in your face and start to enjoy it. Did I feel like a cop out? Like I’d not tried hard enough to follow the ‘right’ path in life?


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