Deadly Holiday, A SCVC Taskforce Series Novella (SCVC Taskforce Romantic Suspense Series Book 8)

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Deadly Holiday, A SCVC Taskforce Series Novella (SCVC Taskforce Romantic Suspense Series Book 8) Page 2

by Misty Evans

  “Sorry about that.” Properly chastised, Mitch’s face softened, and he moved to the other side of the table to give Celina a hug. “Em’s right, we’re happy to help.”

  Emma smiled serenely, leaning into his side when he curled a protective arm around her shoulders. They were a great couple, their relationship having the same ups and downs Celina and Cooper faced. Dangerous drug cartels, undercover ops, and then the inevitable sleepless nights…she supposed anyone in their line of work was probably doomed to have a complicated relationship. Yet somehow, they still made it work.

  “And we are happy to have you.”

  Celina turned with a smile to greet her long-time friend, Amber Reynolds. For once the oncology nurse wasn’t wearing her work uniform of scrub pants and top. Instead she wore a form fitting red dress that sparkled under the twinkle lights overhead, her hair piled high on top of her head in a mass of curls. Amber was the reason Celina had gotten roped into the event in the first place, not that it had taken much arm-twisting. “Amber, thanks for inviting us.”

  Amber returned Celina’s hug, her blue eyes shining brightly. “It’s you I should be thanking.” She cooed and made faces at baby Novia, who giggled, trying to grab on to her wiggling fingers. “And Princess Via is adorable as always, aren’t you, sweetie?” Novia gurgled her agreement and everyone laughed. Amber stepped back to survey the room again, looking pleased with how everything turned out. “Really, this place looks amazing. The kids are going to be so excited.”

  “God I hope so, we’ve got enough glitter here to decorate the entire hospital.” Mitch held up a baggie, grimacing.

  The women laughed, and Emma patted him consolingly on the shoulder. “It’ll be alright, Tough Guy. I promise not to tell anyone you were in charge of the glitter.”

  Jett wailed in his mother’s arms, and both parents turned to comfort him. Amber and Celina stepped away from the table to give them room to calm the baby.

  “Is everything set to go, then?” Celina asked, bouncing a wiggly Via. The baby wanted to get down and test out her crawling skills, but there were far too many people in the room for that to happen. Celina just hoped she could keep her occupied enough until the event started, then she would be hanging out with Jett in his playpen by the crafting table.

  A flicker of worry crossed Amber’s face. “Yeah, I think so. Just a few loose ends I need to tie up.”

  “Anything I can help with?”

  Amber hesitated, and the worry knotting her brow deepened. “It’s not about the party. Just a patient, or a former one I should say.”

  Celina swallowed, a knot forming in the pit of her stomach. “Did the child…pass?”

  “Not yet, but she has acute lymphoblastic leukemia and was scheduled for a bone marrow transplant tomorrow.”

  Why did she get the feeling there was a ‘but’ to this story? “Was scheduled?”

  “Her father took her out of treatment a few days ago.” Amber blew out a sigh. “She’s only six and was undergoing the pre-surgery regimen when he checked her out AMA. There wasn’t anything we could do to stop him, and I fear without treatment, she could be in grave danger. I’m really worried about her—I’m wondering if she’ll even make it through Christmas.”

  The doctors at Aslan worked tirelessly to deliver the very best care to their patients, and it burned Celina to hear a parent would endanger their child by checking them out against medical advice. Amber wouldn’t be able to tell her specific patient details due to privacy laws, so she didn’t even bother to press for more.

  Celina put a hand on her friend’s shoulder, giving a squeeze. “I’m so sorry, Amber. I know how much you love each and every one of your patients. If there’s anything Cooper and I can do, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  Amber covered her hand, squeezing back. “Thanks. Sorry for putting a damper on things, I just can’t shake the disappointment over losing her.”

  The cafeteria doors swung open and the West Coast Director of the FBI stepped inside. Victor Dupé was as charming as he was imposing. His jet black hair was always combed perfectly, he had a trim goatee that emphasized a strong jaw and cheekbones, and wore a suit like a second skin. In charge of all of the California taskforces, he personally handpicked his teams, all the way down to the support staff. He was also the only person Cooper hadn’t arm twisted into helping out tonight, so Celina was happily surprised to see him there. He closed the distance between them, nodding and speaking to various folks on his way to see Via.

  “Victor, so nice you could come.” Celina smiled serenely as he pressed a kiss to her cheek and smiled wide at Novia. She stared up at the large man, her little eyes wide in her angelic face. Celina had to bite back a laugh, well imagining how imposing a man like Victor must seem to the seven-month-old.

  “I heard the hospital was in need, so I came with checkbook in hand.” He patted his front suit pocket.

  Celina introduced him to Amber, and though her sadness still lingered as she shook Victor’s hand, she managed a smile. “That’s generous, thank you so much.”

  The fake smiled faded and Celina followed Amber’s gaze to a well-dressed, middle-aged woman across the room. “Um, Celina, would you mind showing your friend to the raffle table? I think Olivia is handling monetary donations. There’s someone I really need to speak with.”

  Sensing her friend’s urgency, Celina nodded, shooing her away. “Go, do what you need to. I’ve got this.”

  Olivia Fiorelli was next to the raffle table, and her eyes instantly lit up when they turned Celina’s way. Celina had recently met the US Marshal over lunch with Amber and had taken an immediate liking to her. She had a smile that lit up her chocolate brown eyes, and a voice that held a touch of New Jersey accent. According to Amber, Olivia’s Italian-American family had mob connections, but she had broken ties with them a long time ago.

  With Novia once again wiggling in her arms, Celina leaned in to give the woman a quick hug. “Olivia, it’s so nice to see you again.”

  “You too!” she exclaimed, though her eyes were on Victor.

  The director seemed captivated by the pretty brunette as well, which was surprising since she couldn’t remember the last time Victor had looked at anything but work with that much interest.

  “Victor Dupé, I’d like to you meet Olivia Fiorelli.”

  Victor’s larger hand swallowed Olivia’s, and the pair mutely stared as though the only thing they could see was each other.


  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Director Dupé,” Olivia said. “I’ve heard a lot about you through the grapevine.”

  “I hope it wasn’t all bad.” Victor flashed a most charming grin, propping a hip against the table so he could lean in closer. “I do have my good moments.”

  Celina blinked. Was he flirting? It was hard to imagine the hardass director even knew how to. Had Celina not seen it with her own eyes, she never would have believed it.

  Where was the mistletoe when you needed some?

  “It was actually quite good, promise.” Olivia laughed softly. As if suddenly remembering Celina and Novia were still there, she tore her gaze from Victor’s, her cheeks turning slightly pink. “Amber told me you were helping out tonight, Celina. I’m so glad you guys could make it. Princess Via looks absolutely adorable.”

  Novia gurgled her approval of the compliment, babbling something at Olivia no one could understand. Celina laughed, brushing the top of the baby’s silky hair with her lips. “I think Via said thanks.”

  The doors to the cafeteria opened again, and more people streamed inside. Celina glanced at the clock. Yikes, it was almost time for the party to start. “Looks like I better get Via over to Emma and Jett before the kids start coming in.” She paused, looking between the pair. “Victor was interested in giving a donation, so I’ll leave him in your capable hands. Can we catch up later?”

  “I’d love that.” Olivia nodded, her cheeks still pink as she smiled at him. Knowing when she wasn’t needed,
Celina decided that was definitely her cue to go.

  “Director.” Celina nodded to Victor and gave Olivia a little finger wave before making her way to the crafting table to get Novia settled in for the night.

  It was time for the fun to begin.

  Chapter Two

  Cooper hungrily tracked Celina’s every movement.

  She and Ronni were playing Santa’s helpers, passing out candy canes and keeping the kids in line occupied while they awaited their turn to see Santa. Via contentedly played with Jett in his playpen. With every twirl of Celina’s skirt and flirty smile she sent his way, Cooper was tempted to say the hell with it all and find a private room somewhere. Judging from her sexy response earlier, Celina would likely be up for a repeat of their ‘frisking’ session at the house.

  Instead of mapping her luscious curves, however, he was relegated to sitting in Santa’s large, ornate chair and ho-ho-hoing his way through the long line of kids waiting to see him.

  He was miserable as hell, but he could be patient. He was, after all, the man with a plan, and Operation Wedding Ceremony was a go. Cooper had called in a favor from his Homeland Security buddy, Roman Walsh, and Aunt Charo and the cousins were in America for a visit. They had arrived late the previous night.

  It hadn’t taken much convincing to get Celina to leave early for the party and they were blocks away from the hospital when Cooper got a text from his old partner, Bobby Dyer, with a thumbs up. While Cooper kept Celina occupied at the party, Bobby, his wife, Eliza, and Celina’s family were at the house getting everything ready for the ceremony.

  Even the taskforce was in on it. Thomas would be sneaking out early to pick up the cake, Mitch and Emma were taking Novia with them for the night, and since she was Celina’s closest friend, Ronni had been ordained by an online ministry so she could perform the ceremony, which would be at Cooper’s house. Everything was falling into place. All that was left was to convince the woman of his dreams to marry him tonight instead of kicking him in the balls for planning everything behind her back. It was a fifty-fifty shot. Celina had a temper that was often accompanied by some impressive hand gestures he didn’t know the meaning of. He was fairly certain none were flattering.

  A little girl cautiously approached his chair, and Cooper forced his brain back into Santa mode. Her frail hand was tucked into her mother’s, and she moved slowly, as if each step took a tremendous effort. She wore Christmas pajamas with a hat covering her head. Her grey eyes were solemn and serious as they peered at him. Cooper recognized the look—it came from someone who had seen and experienced far too much. He had seen it in the hardest of criminals, and in the eyes of the victims they left behind, but seeing it in the eyes of someone so young pierced his heart.

  Cooper cleared his throat, forcing his best Santa voice. “Well hello, little girl. Do you have a request for me?”

  She looked up at her mother, eyes doubtful. “Are you sure this is the real Santa?”

  He smiled behind his beard, liking her boldness.

  Her mother sent him an apologetic look, dropping to her knees next to her daughter. “Avery, remember how we talked about Santa having helpers all over the world who took requests from little girls and boys?” The girl nodded. “I’m sure this Santa will be happy to hear what you want for Christmas and will try his very best to see that it happens.”

  That seemed to satisfy her because the girl smiled, and with some help from her mother, climbed onto Cooper’s lap. She leaned close, studying his face through the beard and fake brows. Years of training made him stay still under her close scrutiny, and when she finally drew back, he wondered if he’d passed inspection.

  “You’ll do,” she quipped, and Cooper couldn’t hold back the laugh that rumbled from his chest.

  “I appreciate that. So tell me, Avery, what is it that you would like for Christmas?”

  What he heard next chased away all of his humor.

  “I don’t want it for myself, I want it for my best friend, Jana,” Avery explained, looking worried. “She’s really sick and needs to have her treatment, but her daddy took her away from the hospital. I want Santa to find her and bring her back. Her full name is Jana Ortega. Got it? You can find her, right?”

  The air became trapped in his lungs like he’d been sucker punched in the chest. Of all the things he expected to hear tonight, that wasn’t one of them.

  “Why did her daddy take her away?” he forced himself to ask, noting that Celina had inched a step closer. She must have overheard Avery’s request.

  “I don’t know, but she won’t get better if she doesn’t have her surgery. Look,”—she lowered her voice—“I know you aren’t the real deal, but I’m desperate. Jana needs help, and no one else can do it.”

  Throat tight, Cooper slowly nodded, already knowing he was going to do everything he could to help this little girl’s friend.

  But warning bells were going off in his head. Jana Ortega—the name rang a bell.

  Could Jana be the daughter of Basilio Ortega? The cartel leader was on the run from US authorities, and had only recently been moved to the top of their priority list. Basilio’s wife had been killed a week prior by a rival gang looking to take over in Basilio’s absence, and the SCVC Taskforce had been briefed by Director Dupé to be on the look out for the man. Bas had a daughter—a sick one, from what Cooper remembered.

  Fuck. If Jana Ortega was the man’s daughter, it would make sense he would fear she would become a target as well and pull her from treatment.

  Adrenaline spiked in Cooper’s veins. He needed to talk to Celina, and now. “I promise, I’ll do everything I can to help Jana. Now you do me a favor and enjoy the party, okay?”

  Avery threw her arms around his neck, squeezing as tightly as her weak arms would allow. “Thank you, Santa. Thank you so much!”

  Her mother helped her hop down and Cooper stood from his chair, making a big show of stretching his arms over his head. “Boys and girls, Santa needs to take a break and check on his reindeer. If you promise to be good, I’ll come back soon and hear all of your Christmas wishes.”

  There was an audible groan, and parents led their children away, heading towards the crafting tables. Mitch’s face morphed into a look of sheer panic as he was mobbed by kids. If he didn’t already have a fire to put out, Cooper probably would have stopped to enjoy the other man’s distress. Instead, he cupped Celina’s elbow and steered her into the kitchen, letting the doors swing shut behind them.

  “Does Basilio Ortega, the cartel leader, have a daughter? He does, right?”

  Celina frowned, wracking her brain. “I don’t remember. Why?”

  “Because Jana Ortega was recently an inpatient here and was pulled from treatment. I think Basilio may be her father.”

  “I wonder if that’s who Amber was upset about?” Celina’s eyes widened. “She was just telling me about a patient who was checked out AMA several days ago. She’s worried sick about her. It could be one and the same. If it is Basilio’s daughter, he’s probably protecting her.”

  “Hey, are you really taking a break or just making out in here? I’ve got a bunch of kids who aren’t too happy that Santa skipped out.” Ronni pushed her way through the kitchen doors, hand on hip. She had a slightly frazzled look that said it was probably a good thing she wasn’t packing tonight. All the taskforce members had been asked to not carry weapons under the circumstances, though Cooper was fairly certain they had something hidden on them. They were his agents, after all.

  “We think Basilio Ortega’s daughter was an inpatient here, and that he recently withdrew her from care.” Cooper waited while Celina filled Ronni in, watching her eyes turn from frazzled to serious in a heartbeat.

  “Have we confirmed this?” Ronni whipped her cell phone out, thumbing through her contacts and pressing a number.

  “Not yet,” Cooper admitted.

  Ronni spoke in clipped tones to the person on the other end of the phone. A few tense seconds later, they had their ans
wer—Jana was Basilio’s daughter. She suffered from a rare bone cancer and had been undergoing pre-surgical treatment in preparation for her blood and bone marrow transplant that was supposed to take place the following morning. Only Ortega had pulled her from treatment after his wife was murdered, and the girl hadn’t been seen since.

  Cooper’s gut twisted. If there was anything he couldn’t stand, it was a case involving a kid.

  “Do you think we need to alert the team?”

  Cooper knew what Celina was really asking; did he think this was a threat. Novia was there, as was baby Jett, along with a room full of guests. If there was a chance that these people could be in trouble, they would need to act quickly.

  “I need to talk to Amber, find out the details, and then bring the director up to speed since the Ortega case has been high-priority for the past week, but yeah, the team also needs to know so we can follow up.” He rubbed at his fake belly, nerves in his stomach making it cramp.

  What he really wanted to do was grab their daughter, clear the room and make sure no traces of Ortega were left behind. The man was bad news times a thousand.

  But he couldn’t do that, not when they had no evidence of a clear threat. Jana was no longer a patient there. In theory, Ortega would have no reason to come back to the hospital. It was just the idea that he had been here, around all these innocent kids. “Just be discreet, we don’t want to cause unnecessary panic. There’s no threat, I just need to find out the details from Amber and see if we can get a lead on—”

  A scream sounded from the other side of the door and an icy chill ran down Cooper’s spine. What the hell…?

  Celina’s face paled as more screams split the air, followed by yelling. “Oh God. What’s going on?”

  They raced to the metal door and Cooper’s heart dropped to his still cramping stomach as he peered through the round window. Celina gasped and he grabbed her before she could barrel into the main room. Ronni crowded in to peer out the window too, nearly pushing them both aside.


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