Behind the Lens

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Behind the Lens Page 18

by Heather Dahlgren

  “I didn’t mean to run your friends off.” He sits next to me and I giggle.

  “Believe me, Nora and Jackie would have stayed all night. You want to go to the fire pit too?” He looks over at it and then back to me. He smirks and gets up.

  “I believe we had a date in the hot tub.” He pulls his shirt off and steps out of his jeans, leaving him in just his boxers. Thank God, Nora and Jackie walked away. He grabs my hand and leads me to the tub.

  “I don’t have a bathing suit on.” He pulls my shirt over my head and winks.

  “You don’t need one.” Oh fuck, my night just got a hell of a lot better.

  I CLIMB INTO THE HOT tub, looking at Kallie in just her sexy black bra and panties. I hold out my hand to her and help her in. She sits down, and I pull her to sit between my legs. “Mmmm, this feels good.” My cock springs to life, and I rub her thighs.

  “Just wait, baby, if you think this feels good.” I nip her ear a few times before moving her hair out of the way and kissing her neck. She lightly moans and it just spurs me on. I slide us down so that we are covered in the water up to our necks. I move my hands up to her tits and caress them over her bra, which is pointless now; it’s as if it’s not even there. I feel her nipples get hard with my touch, and if we didn’t have people over, I’d have her riding my cock already. She rests her head back on my shoulder and moans a bit louder this time. “Quiet, baby. As much as I love hearing you moan, I don’t want anyone else hearing it. That is something for my ears only.” I slip my hands into her bra and pinch her nipples. She arches her back, causing a bit a water to splash around us. As much as I want this to last all night, I can’t with all these people still here. I need to make my girl come before anyone is the wiser. I move my hands down to her panties and rub her over them.

  “Fuck, how do you want me to be quiet?” I chuckle and surprise her when I dip my hand in her panties and slam two fingers into her. She again lets out a moan, so I turn her head with my other hand and look down at her.

  “There is only one way to keep you quiet.” I start kissing her, and the minute my tongue touches hers, I start moving my fingers. The faster I move my fingers, the harder I kiss her.

  “Hey, mind if we join?” I look over at Kallie’s friends and back to her. She snaps her head to them and frowns.

  “You get in this hot tub, and I will fucking kill you.” I can’t even stop the laugh that comes bursting out of me. They look at each other then back at us. You can see when they realize what’s going on because they giggle, apologize, and walk away.

  “Damn, you told them.” She doesn’t even say anything; she places her hand on top of mine and pushes on my fingers. “Fuck, that’s hot baby.” I turn her head again and capture her mouth. I get my rhythm back, and within seconds, I feel her beginning to tighten on my fingers. I move my other hand down and rub her clit, and she explodes on my fingers. I swallow down all of her moans, over and over, while she rocks against my fingers. Even though my cock is painfully hard, this is all about her. I’ll take care of my situation later.

  When she finally stops moving, I break the kiss and love the look of pure pleasure on her face. “Fuck, that was so much better than the feeling of the hot water.” I grin and kiss her nose.

  “Baby, when it’s just you and me, I’ll show you how hot it can get in here.”

  “I’m not looking, just needed to see if I left my wallet over here.” We both laugh at Brody. I have to say I’m so happy that he’s been coming to every party we have. It makes me feel like maybe he is ready to finally move on.

  “You’re good.” He turns and smiles at us.

  “You two look happy. Is that just the water or the company?” Kallie laughs, but I shake my head.

  “It’s the company. Are you leaving or just over here to bust my balls?” He grabs his wallet and sticks it back in his pocket.

  “As much as I love busting your balls, I’m leaving. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He gives me a pound and kisses Kallie’s cheek. “Night, sis.” I look over at Brody, and he grins at me. I nod my head and squeeze Kallie tighter to me.

  “Night, Brody.” He leaves and I kiss Kallie’s shoulder. We sit quietly for a bit until we hear yelling. We both turn, and Brinley is screaming at Max. “Shit.” Kallie and I rush out of the hot tub, and I grab a towel for each of us, tossing one to her as we rush over.

  “You need to mind your own fucking business.” Kallie touches Brinley’s shoulder, and I stand between them. “Jax, get the hell out of my way. I’m done listening to people tell me what or who I shouldn’t do. I’ll screw anyone I want.” What the hell? I look at Max, and he shrugs his shoulders.

  “All I said was she shouldn’t screw around with that new model Josh. I’ve heard a lot of bad shit about him. That’s all I’ve said.” I look over at Brinley, and she stands there ready to pounce on Max. Damn, they’ve already slept together. Kallie is softly talking to her, trying to get her to relax.

  “Okay, we’ve all had a lot to drink, let’s call it a night.” Just as Max stands up, Brinley goes around me, slaps him across the face, and starts pounding on him.

  “What the fuck, Brinley?” He grabs her hands to get her to stop, and I gently put my arms around her so Max can move.

  “Fuck you, Max. You are just jealous because I screwed someone else.” Rage crosses his face, and I look at Blake to help me out. He stands between them, keeping a hand on Max’s chest.

  “Brinley, maybe if you didn’t think so highly of yourself, you’d see what I’m saying. He’ll ruin you.” He knocks over a chair and storms off toward the house.

  “Go,” I say to Blake, and he runs after him. I let go of Brinley, and she goes to smack me, but I catch her hand.

  “Don’t. I’m just trying to help.” Kallie stands between us and as soon as Brinley sees her, she bursts into tears. They hug, and I’m so fucking confused about what the hell just happened. “You take care of her, I’m going to check on Max,” I whisper in Kallie’s ear, and she nods her head, still holding tight to Brinley.

  I walk into the house and out the front door. Max and Blake are smoking a cigarette, so I walk over and join them. I blow out a puff a smoke and raise my eyebrows at Max. “What the fuck is this all about?” He tosses his cigarette and scrubs his face with his hands.

  “Fuck.” He looks up at the sky and back at us, squeezing his neck. “I heard through a couple people that Brinley and Josh were hooking up. All I told her was to be careful because he’s got a reputation for dragging names through the mud and he comes out looking like the good one. She just flipped her shit, started yelling at me, and you know the rest. I don’t know what the fuck it was all about.” I look over at Blake, and I can tell he’s already heard something.

  “What Blake?” He lights another smoke and looks between me and Max.

  “I think the dragging through the mud has already started. I saw a post on his Facebook page joking about how female models will never learn he’s not the type of guy to sleep around. No names mentioned though. Maybe Brinley saw it too.” Social media is a blessing and a curse. Without it, we’d never get our name out there, but the fucking bullshit on there makes you want to delete your account daily.

  “That motherfucker, I’m going to kick his ass and teach him how to treat a lady.” Max has it bad for Brinley, and there is nothing in return. I at least knew Kallie wanted me, she just wouldn’t give in, but he can’t go through this shit.

  “Hey, calm down. It’s not your fight, man, and I don’t mean to be blunt, but she did sleep with him.” He shakes his head and lights another smoke.

  “You know, sometimes I wonder if it’s all worth it. What are we getting out of this?” I can’t say I’ve been there, so I can’t agree with him.

  “Listen, you are just hung up on her right now. We all love what we do; you don’t mean that. You need to take a step away from her for a while. Let her sort shit out herself. I think we need a guys’ night out.” Blake looks at me and smirks. “Just
the guys.” I laugh and shake my head.

  “Fuck off. I agree. We need a night to just go out and get drunk. What do you think, Max? We’ll get everyone and hit up Ecstasy maybe next weekend? I just need to find out what day I have a shoot.” I’m hoping Brinley will still be doing the shoot for Kallie’s sake.

  “Yea, you’re right. It’s not worth it. Let her go fuck up her career, and we will go get fucked up.” Blake gives him a pound, and I just nod my head. I don’t even know how I feel about the whole situation, but I think him getting fucked up to forget her is probably not the best idea.

  “Jax, can you come here?” I turn to Kallie’s voice and nod.

  “I’ll be back.” Max sticks out his hand and pulls me in for a quick hug.

  “I’m out, man, I’ll talk to you this week to figure out the weekend.” I agree and go into the house to look for Kallie. I find her in my room sitting on the bed. When I close the door, she looks up at me.

  “What’s up, baby?” I sit down next to her and pull her into my arms.

  “I need to be with Brinley right now. She’s a mess.” I kiss the top of her head and rub her arms. She still has the towel wrapped around her, as do I. It makes me wish we could go back in time to the enjoyable part of the night.

  “I figured you would. Did she say what happened?” She looks up at me and frowns.

  “She slept with Josh, and he posted something on his Facebook page, not with her name, but she knows it was about her. After Max said that to her, well, you saw, she lost her shit. Now she’s terrified this will be it for her career.” She shakes her head. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve told her that one day she’s going to sleep with the wrong guy and fuck it all up? Now look. I feel bad for her, but at the same time, I want to yell at her for not listening to me.” I kiss her lips and lie her back on the bed so I’m on top of her.

  “Kallie, you’re a good friend. There is nothing you can do now but be one. Have her get in touch with her PA, and hopefully, she can run interference.” I kiss her again, and she deepens it, making me want to strip her and have her ride my cock. She pulls away too quickly and smiles at me.

  “I need to go. I’ll call you later.” I stand up to allow her to, and when she does, she looks down at herself.

  “Oh shit, I need to go grab my clothes.” She goes to leave but I stop her.

  “I’ll get them. You probably want to take off your wet bra and panties, and it’s best I’m not here to witness that. If I am, you’ll never leave.” She laughs, and I wink as I close the door behind me. I make my way to the sliding door and push it open. I walk out and stop dead in my tracks. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Blake has Brinley on his lap with his hands up her shirt, Jackie is kissing Brinley, and Nora is kissing Blake. I walk a little closer, and get more pissed the closer I get. Kallie is inside worried about Brinley, Max is ready to kick the shit out of Josh for Brinley, and Blake knows Max is into her. These two don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves. “Brinley, good to see you are over it. Blake, good to see you take your own advice.” Brinley hops off his lap and adjusts her shirt, while Jackie and Nora just sit on either side of him. “I came out here to get Kallie’s clothes because she’s worried sick about you, ready to rush home and spend the night helping you, and you’re out here trying to fuck Blake now?” She covers her face and starts to cry. I don’t give a fuck. I’m so pissed. “And you, you’re an asshole and a horrible friend.” I head to the hot tub to grab Kallie’s clothes, and Blake chases after me.

  “Jax, that’s not fair. They all came onto me.” I shake my head and pick up both of our clothes.

  “That’s great defense, Blake.” I head to the door and turn around, looking at them all. “You all have three minutes to get the fuck out of here before I tell Kallie exactly what I just saw.” I go inside and slam the door closed.

  What the fuck am I going to tell Kallie? She’s ready to get out of here to help Brinley. I’m so pissed off at both of them for being so selfish. Fuck it, she can explain this herself. I go back to my room, walk in, and close the door. Kallie is sitting on the bed, playing on her phone, wrapped in the towel. She looks up and gives me a tight smile. “I wish I never worked with him. He really is a cocky son of a bitch. He’s all over social media saying he’s tired of women treating him like a piece of meat, and he just wants to do him right now before finding Miss Right.” She shakes her head and looks back down at her phone.

  “Baby, get off of there. You are just going to drive yourself crazy.” She tosses her phone onto the bed and stands up.

  “You’re right. I need to get dressed and go be with Brinley anyway. She’s waiting for me.” I clear my throat, and she looks at me. “What?” I take her hand and squeeze.

  “She left.” Her eyes get wide, and she rushes to her phone.

  “Why the fuck would she leave? Fuck, I wasted too much time in here. She probably just wanted to get out of here. Her heart is breaking, and I’m in here discussing it all with you instead of her.” I’m already in a pissy mood, and this isn’t helping.

  “Kallie, it had nothing to do with that, I promise you.” She has her phone pressed to her ear, and she’s pacing the room.

  “Fuck.” She dials her again and starts pacing. “Fuck. Hey Brin, it’s me. Call me back.” She clutches the phone in her hands and looks at me. “Damn it, Jax. Now she’s ignoring me. She’s probably pissed I didn’t just leave and had to come find you. It can’t always be about us. I need to remember I have friends too.” She tries calling again, and my pulse is beating frantically. “No answer. I’m going to look for her.” She goes to take her clothes from me, and I throw them on the bed. I’m pissed. I can’t help it. She’s blaming me when it’s Brinley who is the asshole here. She looks at me with daggers in her eyes. “What the fuck?” I move closer to her and she backs up.

  “You want to know why Brinley left?” She doesn’t know how to take me right now, but she nods her head anyway. “Good. I walk outside to get your clothes so you can help your friend through this difficult time, and I see her sitting on Blake’s lap. Brinley and your other two friends were all making out with Blake.” She widens her eyes and shakes her head. “Oh yes, that is exactly what I saw. I was pissed that you were in here worried for your friend, and she’s out there doing that shit with Blake. I told them all to get the fuck out of my house. Now, by all means, if you want to go chase after her . . . go.” I throw on a pair of gym shorts and walk out the door, slamming it behind me. I go out back and light a cigarette before pacing the patio.

  “Jax, let me try to explain.” I look over at Blake, whom I didn’t even notice, sitting at the table with his head in his hands.

  “I think right now it’s best you don’t. I’m pissed at you, and now I’m fighting with Kallie. It’s not the best time.” I take a drag and blow the smoke out, watching it lift into the air.

  “She was crying when I came back here. I went over to check on her, and I swear to you, she’s the one that sat on my lap. She started kissing her friend.” I spin around and look at him.

  “And she put your hands on her tits? She forced you to kiss her other friend?” He looks up at me, looking defeated.

  “What the fuck do you want me to say? Yea, I got turned on watching them make out, so I copped a feel and kissed her friend. In hindsight, I see how fucked up it was, but I wasn’t thinking, my dick was in control.” I go over to him and slam my hands down on the table, the smoke from my cigarette rising between us.

  “You’re dick is always in control. You think the same shit isn’t going to happen to you that is happening to Brinley? It’s going to, brother, and when it does, don’t look to me for sympathy. Now I’ve got my girl pissed at me for something I had nothing to do with. It’s you and Brinley who fucked up, and I’m the one she’s pissed at. How the fuck is that fair?” He looks up at me and shakes his head.

  “I’m not pissed at you.” I spin around when I hear her voice. “I’m sorry. I had no idea, and I wa
s so unfair to you.” I throw my smoke, go over to her, and pull her into my arms. She holds on tight, and I thank God that she didn’t just leave.

  “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have gotten so pissed at you, you didn’t know.” She shakes her head and looks up at me.

  “I didn’t even give you a chance to explain, I just assumed.” I kiss her sweet lips and hold her head against my chest.

  “I owe you an apology, Kallie. I’m sorry.” She turns her head to the side so she can see him.

  “Jax is right, you know. You are going to fuck up your modeling career if you keep this shit up.” He nods and goes into the house, leaving us alone.

  I lead her over to the chair and sit down, pulling her on my lap. “You okay?” She lets out a sigh, and I know she has something to say.

  “Jax, this is the kind of shit that can happen with us, you know. It could ruin us both.” I should have known she’d go there. She’s been amazing about it this whole time.

  “Baby, that won’t happen to us.” She shakes her head and I kiss it.

  “You don’t know that.” I hold her tighter and lift her chin with my fingers to look at me.

  “I do know. There’s a big difference between them and us. They are just fucking around, looking for the next piece of ass. You and me, we love each other. It’s just us.” She smiles, and I wink at her. “See, big difference.” I kiss her, and she moans in my mouth. She straddles me and runs her hands into my hair, looking into my eyes.

  “You’re right. Thank you for fighting for me tonight and for letting me be a bitch. I love you.” I kiss her deeply, with the promise of this just being the start.

  “I love you too, so fucking much.” She smiles at me, and my heart pounds in my chest. She is my everything, my entire world.

  IT IS FINALLY FRIDAY. IT’S been such a long and busy week. After I left Jax’s Sunday morning, I came home and called Brinley. After avoiding me most of the day, I finally talked to her and convinced her to come over. We spend hours talking about everything. She cried a lot, apologized, and admitted everything she did with not only Blake the other night, but countless models and fans. This situation with Josh has really gotten to her, and lucky for her, nothing has come of it. I’m sure he has moved on to another model, but she got fucking lucky. That night though, we talked everything out, and I believe that when she left, she had all intentions of trying to change her ways. I really hope that is the truth, for her sake.


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