Loving the Navy Seal

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Loving the Navy Seal Page 14

by Lynn Shannon

  Sara stared at the ring in his hand before lifting her gaze to meet his. Grant cleared his throat. “Sara Wilson, I love you. There is no one else in the world for me. Please, make me the happiest man on earth, and say you’ll marry me.”

  A lump formed in her throat. The love shining in his eyes warmed her. It was real and genuine and lasting. Grant was her future. There was only one answer she could give him.

  “Yes,” Sara choked out. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  The crowd erupted in cheers, and Sara flung herself into Grant’s arms. He kissed her passionately and, impossibly, her heart raced faster. When she pulled away, they were both breathless.

  “I love you, Grant.”

  “I love you too.” Grant slipped the ring on her finger, and the crowd cheered again. They stumbled from the stage as the mayor introduced the band.

  “Mom!” A blond-haired bullet raced toward her. Sara braced herself as Ben slammed into her. “Mom, you’re getting married!”

  Then Ben hugged Grant. “Coach Grant, are you really going to marry my mom?”

  Grant bent to look him in the eye. “I am, if that’s okay with you.”

  “Are you kidding? That’s the best news ever! You’re going to be my dad.”

  Ben hugged Grant, and Sara’s chest squeezed tight. A mix of emotions tumbled inside her. Joy, but also some sorrow. She wanted Ben and Grant to be close, but she didn’t want her son to forget about Jared.

  Grant pulled back a bit but kept the little boy close. “Ben, remember when we talked about our dads being in heaven?”

  Ben nodded. “Yes. Dad’s not here with me.”

  “But his love is. I want you to keep a small piece of your heart tucked away for your dad. He loved you very much, and the older you get, the more you’re going to understand that.” Grant smiled. “And after your mom and I get married, if you want, you can call me Pop. That’s what I called my father.”

  Tears streamed down Sara’s face as her heart swelled. She couldn’t have asked for a more perfect moment.

  Ben grinned. “Pop. I like it.”

  Grant laughed, then stood and wrapped his arm around Sara. She kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me, Sara. Jared won’t be forgotten. Not as long as you and I help keep his memory alive for Ben.” He smiled down at her. “We’re a family. All of us.”

  The band kicked off, cutting off any more conversation, but that was fine by Sara. She ran her finger over the engagement ring and snuggled closer to Grant. Ben was tucked up next to them.

  It was the start of a new life, one filled with love.


  Loving Her Nemesis

  A Sneak Peek of book 6 in the Hidden Hollows series

  By Zoe Ann Wood

  Jade Marshall stood in front of the town library, trying to release the tension in her shoulders before entering her happy place. The difficult day she’d had at the school was over, and she was going to borrow a stack of books, drive home, and read in peace with Felix curled up in her lap.

  She pushed open the heavy door and was instantly greeted by that special scent of the library. Paper, floor polish, and dust—the combination reminded her of her childhood, when she’d spent her afternoons at this very library. She’d either hung out here or stayed at home practicing her violin. Maybe it was a little sad that not much had changed in the past decade.

  Jade shook off the melancholy feeling and strode between the shelves with purpose. She knew exactly where the historical romances were situated. She needed a roguish duke or a viscount to swoon over this afternoon.

  Other patrons browsed the shelves quietly, but Jade kept her head down and didn’t make eye contact. She didn’t really know any of them, since she’d lived in Nashville for the better part of the last ten years, but in a town as small as Hidden Hollows, everyone knew their neighbors. There was a good chance she’d meet one of her students or their parents, and she really didn’t have it in her to engage in small talk—or worse, gossip.

  “Yes, I heard he bought it because his father had a heart attack.”

  Jade looked up as a whispered voice filtered through from behind the bookshelves to her left. She could just see the top of someone’s gray-haired coiffure with tightly coiled curls through the gap above the books.

  “Do you think he’ll stay in town?” another voice asked.

  “I’m not sure, but at the quilting circle last night, Marie Jenkins mentioned that he was single!” The first woman cackled happily. “If he’s as handsome as his papa was twenty years ago, we can find him a nice…”

  Jade hurried on and rolled her eyes, hard. The quilting circle was a notorious source of town gossip, and she’d done her best to avoid them since she’d moved back to town. It wasn’t easy. The nosy meddlers popped up at various school events, at the hair salon, at the bakery, and even at the dentist’s.

  She was certain some of them were still feeding her mother information on Jade’s whereabouts, even though her parents had moved to Florida.

  Jade picked out four novels from the new arrivals shelf—enough to last her a couple of weeks—and hurried to the counter. The faster she got out of here, the better.

  Sara Wilson, the head librarian, greeted her from behind the counter. Jade liked the woman: she’d taken over the management of the library after her grandmother and wasn’t prone to gossiping. She had a little boy who knew not to shout at the library, and had recently gotten engaged.

  Jade tried not to stare at the shiny ring gracing the librarian’s finger. She wasn’t envious of Sara’s love life, exactly, but in truth, dukes and viscounts made poor substitutes for real-life men.

  Ugh. Jade gave herself a mental kick in the rear. She wasn’t usually so mopey, but the endless parent-teacher conferences and the weeklong rains they’d had really brought her spirits down.

  “Just four this month?” Sara asked with a friendly grin.

  Jade shrugged, but returned the librarian’s smile. “September is busy at school. I don’t have a lot of time to read.”

  “I can imagine.” Sara scanned the books and set them in a neat pile. “Do you have anything to return?”

  Jade brought the previous month’s haul from her tote bag. She was about to say goodbye to Sara when she had the strangest sensation of being watched. Turning slightly, she noticed two elderly women watching her from behind a shelf filled with cookbooks. They ducked back out of sight the moment they realized Jade had seen them.

  “Don’t mind them,” Sara said under her breath. “They’re mostly harmless.”

  Jade grimaced. “Mostly?”

  “Eh.” Sara waved her hand—her engagement ring glittered in the process. “It’s nothing you need to worry about. Unless you’re in the market for a boyfriend, that is.”

  Jade shook her head. “Nope.”

  The other woman winked at her. “Neither was I.”

  Jade thanked her and collected her books, suddenly eager to escape. “Thank you.”

  “See you next month,” Sara called after her.

  Jade breathed easier once she was out in the open, even though the heavy clouds above had started spitting rain again. This was exactly why she’d moved into her grandparents’ remote old house instead of selling it and buying something smaller in the town’s busier center. She wanted to be as far away from people as possible.

  As she drove home, she relished the sight of the houses thinning out at the edge of town. The only building in the immediate proximity of her home was the Williams house, and it had stood empty for the past twenty years. True, it was said to be haunted, but Jade hadn’t seen any ghosts yet, so she was fairly certain she was safe.

  Safe. The word reverberated through her, and she gripped the steering wheel more tightly. She was safe and protected, she reminded herself. And if she sometimes had a feeling she was laying low here in Hidden Hollows instead of living her life, she quickly smothered it. Her life was good, and she was happy,
which was all she needed.

  That, and a good romance novel to read. With a relieved sigh, she parked in front of her house and hurried inside to get out of the rain. She had a cozy evening planned, and she was looking forward to it.

  Grab the next book in the Hidden Hollows Series, Loving Her Nemesis HERE!

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  About the Author

  It took an international move from Texas to Greece before Lynn Shannon turned her love of reading into a passion for writing. Now she spends her days penning fast-paced inspirational romantic suspense. Her novels combine intriguing mysteries with heartfelt romance.

  Lynn lives with her husband, two children, an extremely spoiled dog, and a turtle who hibernates half the year. The experience of a different country has provided new foods--like Yemista and Kourabiedes--to accompany pecans and Blue Bell ice cream on her favorites list. She also never passes up coffee, chocolate, or the chance to watch cute animal videos.

  You can sign up for her newsletter on her website at: www.lynnshannon.com

  For more books by Lynn Shannon, go to Amazon Here.

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