Seducing Allie: Seattle Steam, Book 3

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Seducing Allie: Seattle Steam, Book 3 Page 1

by Shelli Stevens

  He’s going to show this wedding crasher just how dirty the outdoors can be.

  Seattle Steam, Book 3

  Allison Siegel is out to stop a wedding. With one of her best childhood friends about to marry a gold-digger, who wouldn’t at least try to stage an intervention? Apparently, her other childhood bestie, Clint.

  The minute Allie grew out of her sneakers and into her curves, Clint’s hormones went ballistic. But she had eyes only for Ken, so Clint made himself scarce, even after the relationship fizzled. Now she’s back, looking better than ever—and hell-bent on sabotaging Ken’s wedding. So Clint knows he needs to do whatever it takes to head her off at the pass.

  Kidnapped! Allison can't believe it. Now she’s stuck in the Montana backwoods fending off nature’s friends, and fighting a losing battle to resist Clint—the sexiest forest ranger on the planet.

  Clint has big plans for Allie. Not only will he convince a city girl that she needs to embrace her inner nature freak, but he's going to prove there's sparks flying in more places than just the campfire.

  Warning: This book contains a city girl out of her element, a forest ranger determined to keep her there, and a campfire seduction hot enough to melt more than just marshmallows.

  eBooks are not transferable.

  They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  Seducing Allie

  Copyright © 2011 by Shelli Stevens

  ISBN: 978-1-60928-500-5

  Edited by Tera Kleinfelter

  Cover by Scott Carpenter

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: July 2011

  Seducing Allie

  Shelli Stevens


  Thank you to my editor, Tera. To my family, friends, and readers for their wonderful support.

  Chapter One

  “Did you see the paper this morning?”

  “Paper?” Allison muttered absently, her attention focused on her toenails currently being painted. Maybe that red was too orange. “I don’t really read the paper.”

  It was the last Friday of the month, and Allison had been looking forward to her monthly breakfast, pedicure and gossip session with her best friend. And after the fatteningly awesome meal they’d just had, sitting in a pedicure chair and letting her stomach settle was pretty much heaven.

  She just needed to make it to another step class this weekend to burn off that damn biscuits and gravy from Voula’s.

  “Does that red look too orange?” Allison voiced her worries aloud, her brows drawing together.

  Leah leaned forward in her chair to look at Allison’s feet. “No, it looks good. You can totally pull it off. But then you could paint your nails with mud and pull it off, you sexy thing.”

  Mud… A memory flickered through Allison’s head and her lips curved into a small smile. Her and Clint Novak, running barefoot through a muddy field during the summer, chasing after butterflies.

  God, that was a long time ago. She’d grown up since then, changing into a woman who wouldn’t be caught dead ruining a pedicure in the mud. And Clint…well, he’d stayed a little more true to his childhood habits. A forest ranger in Montana. When was the last time she’d seen him? A year ago? Had it really been that long?

  “Why did you ask about the paper?”

  “Oh. Well, I’m sure you’ve already heard,” Leah cleared her throat. “But, uh, there was an article about Kenneth’s engagement.”

  Allison just barely avoided choking on the cough drop she’d been sucking on. “Kenneth’s getting married?”

  All thoughts of Clint evaporated as her focus turned to his childhood best friend. The man she’d dated last year for a few months. “But…why didn’t he tell me?”

  “Who knows with that guy.”

  Allison’s stomach sank and her newly done nails bit into the fake leather handles on the chair. It wasn’t possible. It just couldn’t be true. They were friends. They’d all been friends—her, Clint and Kenneth. Until Clint had stopped coming around or calling a year ago. Right around when she and Kenneth had started dating, really. And recently Kenneth had pretty much cut her out of his life too.

  “Since you didn’t know, you obviously aren’t aware of the really bad part.”

  “There’s a really bad part?” She held her breath, eyes widening as she glanced at Leah again.

  Leah’s face crinkled into a wince. “He’s marrying Ashley Phelps.”

  “Bullshit! That little gold-digging whore? I heard he was sleeping with her, but marrying her?”

  “You swear way too much for a second grade teacher,” Leah said with a sigh and flipped the page in her magazine.

  “Did she get knocked up?”


  “Seriously, she once told me in vivid detail how someone could fake a pregnancy. That girl is bad news.”

  “Yikes, that is bad. But who knows if that’s what happened. Anyway, it’s his life,” Leah reminded her gently. “Kenneth’s a big boy now.”

  Allison stared down at the woman doing her nails—who was chatting quietly with the woman doing Leah’s toes—but didn’t really see her. Her thoughts were flying a mile a minute.

  Kenneth was a friend. A good one. So maybe he’d started being a jerk lately—well, since he’d started sleeping with Ashley, apparently—but did he really know what he was getting into marrying this girl? Ashley had never made it a secret she planned to marry for money, and Kenneth had plenty of it. Or his family did…

  “Hey, forget about Kenneth. I probably shouldn’t have even said anything.” Leah sighed. “Besides, you know you’re going to meet him.”

  “Meet who?”

  “The man who’s going to rock your world and make you forgot your own name.”

  Allison’s lips quirked. “He’s going to give me amnesia?”


  “What? Look, we’re not even talking about my dating habits.” Allison shook her head and sighed, tired of this same old conversation. “But since you brought it up, let me just say I’ll be twenty-five in two months and I’m tired of it. I’m swearing off dating for awhile.”

  “You just wait. The man of your dreams will show up when you’re not looking for him.”

  “That phrase is complete bullshit. I’m just going to put that out there. Everybody says it to their single friends to give them hope. It’s basically saying, ‘Hey, try and not act so desperate and the men will come running.’”

  “You are such a cynic sometimes.” Leah rolled her eyes and set down the magazine.

  “Easy for you to say, Miss Dating-a-Fabulously-Hot-Firefighter.”

  Leah grinned. “I still say you’re a cynic.”

  Maybe she was, but she kind of had a right to be. She’d done nothing but strike out with the men she’d dated, having left some relationships with her confidence knocked down a notch.

  Kenneth was no exception, probably because the sex between them had been awful. Which was likely the reason they’d stopped dating. For
tunately their friendship had survived…or had it? At first she’d thought so, but now she had to wonder if Kenneth pulling away was due to Ashley coming into the picture.

  “Are you still thinking about Kenneth?”

  Allison shrugged. “I don’t get it. He isn’t the marrying type, and definitely not to someone like Ashley.”

  “If it bothers you this much, go on and ask him then. I hear they’re having a dinner at Burnham’s tonight.”

  Allison made a not-so-silent harrumph. “Don’t tempt me.”

  “Who me? Never.” Leah waggled her eyebrows innocently.

  Allison started to laugh, but turned her head into the sleeve of her blouse as another round of coughs racked her body.

  “Gosh, that sounds awful, Allison. You should have canceled today. You need to be home in bed.”

  “Ugh. This is the tail end. It’s nothing now. A few days ago I was knocked on my ass.” She stared at her toes, now shiny with polish and drying.

  Why couldn’t she stop thinking about Ken marrying Ashley? It wasn’t hard to see what Ashley saw in him—Ken was sexy, rich and a member of the prestigious Williams family. He was probably at the top of the list for every unattached girl in Seattle. But why on earth would he pick Ashley? The only thing she had was a sleazy reputation and probably a police record.

  Maybe she should talk to Ken. It was time to figure out why he’d been blowing off their usual Monday lunch dates…

  “What are you thinking?” Leah asked suspiciously. “I know that look in your eyes.”

  “Nothing.” Allison gave an innocent smile. “So what time did you say this dinner is tonight? You know, just in case…”

  Allison climbed out of her car and faced the front of Burnham’s Seafood restaurant, her pulse quickening. Maybe she shouldn’t be here…should’ve taken the hint when she’d tried to call Kenneth and his number had been changed.

  Or maybe the fact you weren’t even invited to his wedding.

  But damn it this was wrong. They were friends. What was going on with Kenneth?

  She lifted her chin and hurried up the steps, holding her head high as the doorman opened the door for her.

  “Thank you,” she murmured and stepped past him into the air-conditioned building, smoothing the skirt of her red dress down.

  The interior of the upscale dining spot was dark with hardwood floors and mahogany tables spread about. She scanned the room until she found what she was looking for. The private room in the back.

  Fortunately there were windows, and she could see the small party gathered inside. Fifteen, maybe twenty people. Most likely just friends and family of the Williams.

  “Excuse me, ma’am, do you have a reservation?”

  Allison jerked her gaze back to the waif-like-model in front of her. Hmm. Maybe it would be good to get a table first, then find the perfect moment to launch the meeting.

  “Actually, I don’t. My fiancé suggested meeting here for dinner tonight,” she lied, tilting her head to give a hesitant smile. “You wouldn’t happen to have a table available, would you?”

  “Hmm.” The hostess glanced down at the podium in front of her. “I think we can accommodate that. A table for two?”

  “That would be wonderful. Thank you.”

  “Did you want to wait for your fiancé, or—?”

  “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll wait at the table. He’s notorious for being late.”

  “All right,” the hostess nodded and stepped away from the podium. “Follow me.”

  The hostess led her to a small table where a floating candle lay flickering in the middle. Allison sat down and took the menu she was handed.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Your waiter will be with you shortly.”

  Once the hostess disappeared, Allison raised the menu in front of her just high enough to cover all of her face except her eyes.

  Peering over the leather folder, she scanned the room only feet away from her now. They were all there. The Williams family and a few of Kenneth’s close friends she recognized.

  Shrill, high-pitched laughter drifted through the glass window just as a flash of bright red hair appeared from the corner of the room. All eyes were on the bride-to-be, who wore a floral sundress with a crown on her head.

  Allison narrowed her gaze and made an inaudible harrumph. A crown? Really? And Kenneth’s parents were beaming like he actually was marrying royalty. Maybe they were just happy he was settling down.

  She shook her head. Had she stepped into the Twilight Zone? This was all just too weird.

  “Hello there.”

  With a startled gasp, she turned her head and looked up at a male server who’d appeared next to the table.

  “I’m Jordan, and I’ll be your server today. Can I get you something to drink while you wait for the other half of your party?”

  “Mmm. I think just water for now.”

  The server gave a brief nod, and she didn’t miss the male appreciation in his gaze as he gave her a brief smile.

  “Very good. I’ll return shortly.”

  Generally she would have been flattered by his attention—she’d grown used to male interest over the years. Ever since the day she’d decided to drop the tomboy image and embrace all things girly. Makeup, dresses, manicures. Since she’d gone from being invisible, to being somewhat sexy by today’s standards.

  The server disappeared and she jerked her gaze back to the room, watching the people inside like they were some kind of exhibit in a zoo.

  Kenneth, Kenneth, Kenneth. Where was the guy? She skimmed the room. Lord, look at all the pretty men. It looked like a freaking Ralph Lauren convention. Maybe he’d—there.

  She narrowed her eyes as he appeared from behind a group of people and slipped his arms around Ashley, who giggled even louder.

  “How did you do it, Ashley?” she muttered.

  “Your water.”

  Allison resurrected her smile and took the glass of water from the server, wondering if he’d heard her comment.

  “Would you like to order something to start with? Our calamari is a very popular choice. Or we have—”

  “I’m fine.” She winced at the edge in her voice. Easy girl. She glanced up at the server through her lashes and murmured in her best husky voice, “Thank you, Jordan. I’ll signal you if I need anything else.”

  A flush stole up his neck and he gave a brisk nod before scurrying away.

  Good. Hopefully he’d let her be for a bit. She turned her gaze back to the room, just in time to see the bride-to-be plant a wet kiss on Kenneth’s mouth. And he allowed that? Kenneth hated PDAs.

  Allison scowled, but her frown died as Kenneth stood to leave the room. This was her chance for an intervention.

  Lowering her menu, she waited until he’d passed by her on the way to the bathroom, then stood to follow after him.

  Before she’d taken two steps, strong fingers wrapped around her arm, halting her progress.

  “Long time no see,” Clint murmured.

  Her eyes widened, but she didn’t protest as her old friend tugged her through the restaurant.

  In an empty hallway, out of view of the diners, he came to an abrupt halt and she bumped into him.

  “Clint?” His name fell from her lips in dismay. She still couldn’t quite believe he was here, but then why wouldn’t he be? He’d been Kenneth’s best friend when they were kids.

  Just seeing Clint again robbed her of the ability to speak. It had to have been at least a year since they’d seen each other.

  She ran her gaze over him. Black hair just a bit too long, piercing blue eyes, and a tall—at least several inches over six feet—muscled body. Apparently being a forest ranger agreed with him. He hadn’t looked this good last time, had he? Or maybe he had and she just hadn’t been looking?

  The realization that he still held her arm blinked her back to reality and her thoughts dissipated into annoyance. Why had he dragged her across the restaurant like she’
d been ready to shoot it up?

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He arched a brow and smiled, but the gesture didn’t seem to hold much humor. “I was just going to ask you the same thing, Allie. Last I checked you weren’t invited to this dinner.”

  Allison’s cheeks burned with the reminder. So it was like that, was it? At one time she, Kenneth and Clint had been thick as thieves. She’d grown up just houses away from Kenneth and Clint—who was originally from Montana—had always spent the summers with his grandma who lived next door to Kenneth’s family. Even after college Clint had still come out. It was a habit he hadn’t broken.

  It was only when she and Kenneth had started dating that Clint had stopped making the trip to Washington state. Hadn’t really replied to any of her emails either, just a short reply. Not unfriendly, but definitely not what they’d once had. It had saddened her, made her wonder if he just felt like the third wheel and didn’t want to hang out?

  But that was months ago now. Why was he acting like such a dick now?

  She gave Clint a slight shrug and said, “What dinner? I have no idea what you’re even talking about. Now if you’ll excuse me, I was just on my way out.”

  “But you haven’t yet eaten.”

  Now how did he know that? Oh. She drew in a slow breath. He’d been watching her. Watching her watch them. She should’ve known better. Clint had always been perceptive as all hell.

  He laughed, and the sound came out low and a bit sexy, sending little shivers down her spine. “You can’t expect me to believe that you showing up during Ken and Ashley’s dinner is purely coincidence.”

  He cut right to the quick, didn’t he? Deciding on a different technique, and wanting to erase any of his suspicions, she relaxed and let her mouth curl into a smile.

  “Actually, yes.”

  “All right. Well, since you were on your way out, let me walk you.”

  Had he always been this bossy? Her smile disappeared and she glanced back in the private room. Maybe if she—


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