Seducing Allie: Seattle Steam, Book 3

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Seducing Allie: Seattle Steam, Book 3 Page 3

by Shelli Stevens

  Allison had actually had the balls to try and crash Kenneth’s bachelor party.

  “How about dancing for me instead, baby?” One bold attendee approached her and reached out to touch her hip. “I’m a good tipper.”

  Allison spun around, a tight smile on her face as she pushed the man away.

  “All in good time, buddy. I need to go freshen up first.” Her gaze skittered around the room and landed on Clint.

  Clint slid his attention away from her, raising the beer to his mouth as he tried to appear only mildly interested. As if he hadn’t recognized her. Part of him was tempted to march right over to Allison and yank that wig off her head and push her out the door again. Who did she think she was fooling?

  Actually, that was damn obvious. Everyone. Likely the only people in this room who would recognize her were him and Kenneth. And Ken was way too inebriated to look that closely at the stripper. Not to mention he’d just written her off as a Plain Jane.

  What was Allie’s intention tonight in showing up at the party? Was she going to be that blatant in an effort to seduce Kenneth? He turned his head again to look and see what she was doing now and his pulse quickened.

  She’d disappeared. He slid his gaze around in search of white pleather and long legs. Hell, where had she gone?

  He set his beer down and moved through the crowded room. After glancing down an empty hallway he was about to search the game room when he heard a noise come from one of the bedrooms.

  Clint took a hesitant step down the hallway toward the sound.

  “Just back off—” Allison’s sharp words ended in a muffled shriek.

  Damn. He sprinted toward the open door to the room. When he stepped inside his gut clenched and his pulse jumped.

  With a growl, he rushed across the room and grabbed the shirt of the man who had Allison pinned against the wall. With one tug, he’d lifted the man and flung him a few feet away.

  “Hey, man—”

  “Get the hell out of here,” he snarled, recognizing the groomsman who’d been trying to feel up Allison when she’d first walked in.

  “Damn. What’s your problem?” The man slurred his words and stumbled toward the door, casting an irritated glance at Allison. “She’s just a fucking stripper.”

  Clint took one step toward the man, fists clenched, before the guy scrambled out of the room with a yelp.

  He drew in a slow breath in an attempt to lower his blood pressure, before turning to confront Allison. Had the other guy touched her? Hurt her? Concern had his brows drawing together. And anger at her that she’d been stupid enough to try and sneak in as a stripper with a bunch of drunken men.

  “Excuse me.”

  He caught her hand right as she tried to scurry past him, her head lowered.

  “Hold up there,” he said gruffly. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  She kept her head down, but gave a slight shake of her head. “I’m fine.”

  Clint frowned. Did she realize he knew who she was? She certainly was doing everything to avoid looking at him.

  She tugged at her hand and cleared her throat. “Can I have my hand back, please?”

  “In a moment.” He decided to play along with her act for a moment. “What company do you work for?”

  Her shoulders tensed. After a moment she muttered, “At the same place the other girl works.”

  “I didn’t realize they’d ordered two strippers.”

  “You’re right. It was obviously a misunderstanding. I’ll just head out.” She stepped away, tugging at her hand again, but he didn’t release it.

  “Not so fast. You did drive all the way out here.” He moved his thumb over the rapidly beating pulse on her wrist. “How about a private dance?”

  Her head did jerk up this time, her eyes flashing.

  It was damn hard to bite back a smile, but Clint managed it. He also made sure there would be no recognition in his gaze. He looked her over, appreciation the only emotion she’d be able to read in his eyes.

  The suggestion had been more of a joke, but his voice had sounded too husky. Made the question more intimate and legitimate.

  Damn, she was sexy. Sexy and vulnerable. Obviously she’d realized she was in over her head at this party. Beneath the thick makeup her hazel eyes were wide with anger and alarm. The exposed curves of her breasts rose and fell with her uneven breathing.

  His dick tightened beneath his jeans as he inhaled the floral fragrance of her perfume. She’d even shown up wearing the same scent she always wore. She sure wasn’t trying very hard to stay incognito.

  The next breath he dragged in wasn’t quite as steady either. Jesus, he wanted her. In every way. He should just pull off her wig and tell her to get the hell out of here. Didn’t she realize the trouble she could’ve gotten into? Would’ve gotten into if he hadn’t walked in?

  He should tell her, but he wouldn’t. Not yet, anyway.

  His thumb moved over her pulse again and he made a murmur of triumph at her soft moan. The flare of arousal in her eyes made him stop fighting it. He wanted Allie, and after all these years, it was time he had her.

  “So what do you say to that dance, kitten?”

  Allison’s head spun and her knees turned into rubber. Each time Clint’s thumb moved across her wrist another wave of sweet tingles would race through her body.

  He wanted her to give him a private dance. Wait, not her. A stripper. He hadn’t even recognized her. Should she be offended? They’d known each other since they were kids. Or maybe she should just be relieved her costume was convincing?

  Part of her, a small completely crazy and random part, wanted to push him down onto the edge of the bed and dance until he was begging. The sense of empowerment made her heady, and it would be fantastic and kind of funny to see Clint beg. Her body zinged with fire. Her breasts felt heavier. The idea of tempting Clint and herself with this insane chemistry between them was all too real. All too crazy, but real. And she wanted to dance for him like he’d just invited.

  Of course, that would be just plain stupid. Not to mention she couldn’t dance for shit.

  “Dance for me,” he commanded again and slid his hand to her waist, pulling their bodies snug together.

  She swallowed hard and tried to form a coherent thought. Or at least some kind of response a stripper would say.

  “I…I don’t do private dances.”

  He nuzzled her ear, his fingers moving up and down the space between her hip and ribcage. “You could make an exception for me.”

  No. No. No. She lifted her hands to his chest, determined to push him away, but then his lips brushed the curve of her ear and her fingers grazed his hard torso. She caught her breath and suddenly she was clenching the fabric of his shirt.

  His lips closed over the curve of her ear, just before his tongue moved out to stroke her lobe. Fire singed her blood and her mind turned to mush. Allison let her head roll back, giving him access to her throat.

  This is Clint. Clint for God’s sake.

  He gave a soft growl of approval, and his mouth moved to the curve of her neck closing over the flesh and sucking softly.

  The burning heat spread through her body, sending a heavy ache between her legs at the continued assault of his tongue and lips. He traced a finger into her cleavage and her panties went damp with her desire.

  “Clint.” His name left her lips on a frantic plea.

  She froze. She’d said his name. Oh God. Maybe he hadn’t noticed…

  “Yes, Allie?”

  Ice rushed down her spine, conflicting with the heat that burned her cheeks.

  “Let go of me.” She pushed against his chest and stumbled backward, almost tripping in her heels. “You knew it was me? For how long?”

  He arched one eyebrow, the disbelief in his gaze answer enough. He looked completely unruffled by their heated moment. As if it hadn’t affected him nearly as much as it had her.

  She exhaled slowly through her nostrils. God, she really hated him r
ight now. He’d just been toying with her. Like a cat with a bug. Only it was kind of messed up that the bug had liked it.

  Who would’ve known Clint’s lips on her would’ve made her feel like that?

  “You knew it was me and you still…touched me like that?”

  His steady gaze darkened in a way that had her breath catching, instead of answering he said, “You’re leaving this party. Now, Allison. This is a bachelor party, and unless you intend to start strip—”

  She gasped. “I am not stripping, you jerk!”

  “I didn’t think so. Let’s go.” He caught her wrist, tugging her toward the door.

  She dug in her heels and refused to budge. “No. I need to talk to Kenneth.”

  “Call him tomorrow.”

  She blinked, hating to admit the truth. “He changed his number.”

  “And didn’t give it to you?” he mocked. “Why not drop by his house?”

  “Because he’s moved into a place with Ashley and I don’t know where. What, you think I didn’t try the obvious stuff already? She’s keeping me from him.”

  Clint’s lips twitched. “Okay, Allison, I’m gonna say it. You’re acting kind of stalkerish.”

  “I am not stalkerish,” she growled and tried to pull free. “I’m concerned about our friend—which at least one of us should be. Let me go, I’ll talk to Kenneth myself.”

  “No can do.” He pulled her toward the door.

  “Clint, stop. You can’t keep dragging me out of places.”

  “Okay. I won’t drag you.” He released her arm, only to grab her around the waist and scoop her up. “I’ll carry you out.”

  “What the—ooph!” She gasped as he dropped her over his shoulder, and marched her back into the living room.

  “Hey, look at that!” Someone yelled. “Clint’s taking the stripper home!”

  “No fair, buddy. You need to share.”

  “Now that is one fine ass. Can’t I have a piece, Clint?”

  Allison’s mouth hung open, humiliation zinging through her as she realized her skirt was up over her waist now, showing off her white bikini panties.

  She was going to kill Clint. Once he got her outside, of course. Because she had to give him credit for realizing that sticking around with these drunken ass clowns probably wasn’t a good idea at this point.

  The front door opened, assailing her with a cool late night breeze, before it slammed shut behind them as they moved outside. He didn’t set her down, just continued to carry her down the driveway until they’d reached her car.

  Only then did he slide her back up over his shoulder. But instead of just setting her down, he slid her with agonizing slowness down the length of his body. Her breasts scraped against his hard chest, her pelvis hit flush against his and there was no mistaking the hard length of his erection beneath his jeans.

  Despite the cool summer night, her body flooded with warmth and when her feet finally touched the pavement, she stumbled away from him just as turned on as she’d been back in the room.

  “Do you have your keys?” he asked flatly.

  “Maybe you should have asked me that before we left the party.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes.” She glared at him, but fished into the bodice of her costume to retrieve the key to her car. She’d left everything else tucked under her front seat.

  His gaze followed the movement and she bit off a frustrated curse. Her nipples peaked under his close scrutiny, rubbing against the plastic of the costume. Wearing a bra had been impossible with the top, but fortunately it had been tight enough to support her full breasts.

  He lifted his gaze from her chest and under the streetlight she didn’t miss the desire in his gaze. Then he stepped closer to her. Her heart skipped and she took a quick step backwards, her bottom hitting the passenger door.

  Clint reached up, his palm gently cupping the side of her face.

  “Come back to my hotel room.”

  The air locked in her lungs and Allison’s heart nearly stopped. Hot awareness rocked through her as his offer resonated in her head. Had she heard that wrong?

  “We would be explosive together, Allie,” he murmured, tracing his thumb over her lower lip. “Tell me you haven’t thought about it.”

  She tried to shake her head, but it just kind of twitched as a low moan formed in her throat. Clint wanted to sleep with her, wasn’t even being all cautious, subtle or romantic about it. He was just laying it all on the table.

  “I want you,” he continued, “and I intend to have you, kitten.”

  Kitten. It was almost a sexual play on how he’d called her Allie-cat all those years. She’d seen Clint be aggressive with women before, but never with her. To have his attention focused on her was both titillating and a bit scary.

  Her knees went weak and she closed her eyes, already seeing it in her mind. How going to bed with Clint would be. But he’s your friend. And yet she’d crossed that boundary with Kenneth at one point, why not Clint?

  Clint’s mouth, soft and yet firm, pressed against hers. The moan in her throat finally escaped as his tongue slid deep inside to tease her.

  Allison’s thoughts scattered as pleasure slid through her body. Heating her, making every nerve come to life. She instinctively pressed herself close to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and responding to his kiss as if it were the most natural thing to do.

  The hard press of Clint’s erection against her belly sent an ache pulsing low between her legs.

  He lifted his head and dazedly she saw the hard glitter of arousal in his eyes.

  “Let’s go to my hotel room, Allie. You can drive me back here to my car in the morning.”

  It took a second for his words to sink in, but when they did a flush stole into her cheeks. Did he seriously just expect her to waltz out of here and go to bed with him?

  A thought slid through her, leaving her chilled and her stomach twisting. Or was Clint just looking at sex as distraction? As a way to keep her from talking to Kenneth while getting a little action himself? Would Clint really be that calculating?

  Swallowing the unease, Allison shook her head. Either way, she wasn’t going to jump into bed with Clint. It could only lead to trouble.

  “Sorry, Clint. That’s just not a good idea.”

  His lips curved into a sexy smile, before he dipped his head to nip at her bottom lip again. “You want me to drive?”

  She pressed her hands against his chest to push him away. “No, I want you walk back into that party and tell Kenneth to come out here for a minute.”

  Clint stilled and all traces of arousal disappeared from his eyes. A small tic started in his jaw. “Leave him alone, Allison.”

  “I can’t. Not until I’ve spoken with him.”

  He exhaled harshly. “I don’t think this has anything to do with him marrying Ashley, but everything to do with him not marrying you.”

  What? Her mouth flapped and she shook her head. Didn’t Clint know she’d only dated Ken for a few months and it had been a terrible idea? Any relationship between them was water under the bridge.

  “You’re way off base,” she muttered. Her chin lifted and she felt a totally irrational desire to push his buttons. She knew she was being ridiculous, but didn’t care. “And I’ll talk to him if I have to show up at this house tomorrow and drag his hungover ass off the couch.”

  His eyes flared with a cross between amusement and aggravation. He plucked the keys from her hand and unlocked her door. “No, you won’t. And this is your last warning, Allison.” He lifted a finger in front of her face. “Contact him again and I’m done playing nice.”

  She climbed into the car and glared up at him. “This was nice, Clint? Once upon time you used to be nice. But this was—”

  He shut the door with a wink, cutting off her tirade.

  What a jerk. Allison’s teeth snapped together as she started the engine, before pulling away from the curb.

  She’d show Clint exactly what he could do
with his warning.

  Chapter Three

  Not even twelve hours later, Allison sat in her car outside the bachelor party house again. The house belonged to one of the groomsmen, but Kenneth’s car was still parked out front.

  She would talk to Kenneth this morning, if it was the last thing she did.

  Is this really about Kenneth anymore, or goading Clint? a little voice in her head wondered, but she snuffed it out. Of course it was about Kenneth. She cared about his future, even if he’d been all too quick to shut her out of his life.

  He called you a Plain Jane.

  Ugh. She’d make him regret that little comment, though God knows he’d feel terrible if he realized who he’d really been insulting.

  Allison slipped out of her car and drew in a steadying breath. Her heels clicking on the driveway were the only sound on the quiet Saturday morning as she crossed.

  She’d almost reached the front door when the hum of an engine had her turning around. An SUV came to an abrupt stop outside the house.

  Her pulse jumped to life and a smile curved her mouth. She wiped it away, surprised and yet not really that Clint had shown up to stop her. Had he been staking out the house or something?

  He sat in the driver’s seat, the sunglasses he wore shielding his gaze. Was he hungover?

  He rolled down the window and yelled. “Get in.”


  “Get in,” he repeated. “If you want to see Kenneth, then I’ll take you to where he is.”

  “Where he is? But his car’s here.” She narrowed her gaze and walked back down the driveway toward him. “And why are you suddenly willing to help me?”

  Clint sighed and looked away. “Because I’ve been doing some digging, and you may be right about this Ashley woman. I’m having some doubts of my own. Ken’s having breakfast with some guys over at the Hilton, we can drive over there and talk to him.”

  She watched him for a moment, not completely sure she trusted him, but if Clint really had done some research he would’ve discovered what kind of sleaze Ashley was.

  “The Hilton?” She arched a brow and glanced down the road. The Hilton was only a few miles away. And she could always jump out at a stop sign if he tried any funny stuff.


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