The Training Of Tess (The Tess Series Book 1)

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The Training Of Tess (The Tess Series Book 1) Page 5

by Tessa Wanton

  She looked away confused. He hadn’t moved an inch, He wasn’t smiling, and He wasn’t doing anything. Her heart thudded faster in her chest. Just what was she doing, stripping for this man? What would He do if she didn’t please Him? There was nothing she could do about those worries so she rolled her right stocking to her knee and left it there. Standing up and looking over her shoulder again, she undid her bra and used her best Burlesque move, turning around, slipping her arms out of the straps, but leaving her breasts in the cups, and employing an ‘Oh my – how did that happen?’ look as she reached around to undo the back of her corset. As she did this, she leaned forward and shook her chest free of the bra. Standing there in her corset, panties, stockings and heels, she must have looked at least a little enticing she thought, and pulled the long laces of the corset out to the side along each arm, and hooked them over her shoulders, pulling tightly to cinch her waist in just a little more. She closed her eyes in pleasure and formed her mouth into an ‘ooh’ shape as she did this; very Marilyn Monroe she thought, and then she pushed her thumbs into her panties and slowly, slowly slipped them down her legs.

  It was then that her Master finally moved. He put His hand out indicating for her to place them into His hand. Tessa did as she was required and watched with wide eyes as He fixed her with His stare and breathed in her essence. She whimpered at the sight and desperately tried to collect her thoughts to continue with her dance.

  Inflamed by what had just happened, she pulled off her corset and turned around to bend over from the waist again to undo her shoes. Trembling as she did, one of the buckles got stuck and she had to tug hard to loosen it. These shoes were very snug fitting so there was no way she could kick them off. Even with the buckle loosened it just wouldn’t budge, so she sunk to the floor and saw to the task as sensually as she could. Only wearing her stockings now, she sensed the music was coming close to the end, so she started to pull the right stocking from her leg. Taking the top of the stocking, she held it close to her skin and slid it over her body, pointing her toe so the stocking turned fully inside out as it came off. She repeated the maneuver with her left stocking until she was left completely naked on the floor. Shifting onto all fours, she crawled in time with the music to her Master’s feet, holding His gaze, moving like an animal on heat. She felt on fire, needing her Master’s approval, His desire, His touch, and then the music stopped. Tessa positioned herself on her knees in front of Him, tore her eyes painfully away from Him, and waited head down for His response.

  Chapter 2

  Tessa felt her Master slowly wrap His fingers in her hair, imperceptibly tightening His grip, so tight it made her eyes start to water, pulling her closer to Him so her face was level with His crotch. The unmistakable bulge of His erection was straining against His suit trousers, and with His free hand, He unzipped and offered Himself to her waiting lips.

  “You may suck me now,” He uttered, and pushed her head fully onto Him. She struggled to take Him at first, her mind still reeling with nerves from her dance, and now she must please Him with her mouth. She had been researching techniques on the internet all of the week before their meeting, knowing that although she had experience in such matters, there was a world of information she could find which would please her Master further. Most importantly, the infamous deep throat, which sometimes she managed without issue, yet at other times eluded her like some mythical fable fabricated to make mere mortals feel substandard. So she tried to calm her mind and focus on the task at hand.

  Think seductress; think enticing, she thought. Wasn’t this the task that had been set for her? Enticing Master? As He relaxed His grip on her hair, Tessa looked up through her eyelashes at Him with her best ‘come hither’ flutter whilst working her lips down His shaft. This task was to be hands free, yes, but no one had specified that further available wiles weren’t to be used. Swaying her hips sensually as she gradually shuffled her knees further underneath her to get more comfortable, she moved her head from side to side to match her hip movement, creating an almost twisting motion to her stroking. She really was starting to enjoy herself as she settled into her task, how could she not gain deep pleasure from the obvious response to her from her Master? She fixed her eyes on His as she pulled her mouth right to the top of Him, allowing a smile to play on her lips whilst flicking His sensitive head with the tip of her tongue. Light, dancing flicks lingered just long enough to add some pressure to His throbbing glands, occasionally tasting His salty excitement, something, which sent tingles right to her core. Who would have thought a simple taste could inflame desires so strong within her?

  Just as she was truly starting to get into her rhythm, her confidence building, feeling some sense of power in her actions, His hand tightened in her hair once more. He had not removed His hand from her head for the entire time she had been working on Him, but instead of being a comforting hand, it was now a hand of control. Perhaps He could sense that she felt powerful, and that would not do. He was in charge; she was His to use and not the other way around. He pushed her down on Him hard, how she didn’t gag she couldn’t fathom, but she knew this wasn’t going to be the only time this was going to happen. He started to pound her mouth and throat with force, it was obvious He was close to climax, so she must remain pliant to His wishes, she needed to please Him - her greatest desire and then what she had dreaded the most happened, she gagged. Violently. He did not stop but kept up pace until tears were openly streaming down her face, and then He came. Holding her still as He buried Himself deep inside her throat, Tessa desperately tried to control her body’s involuntary spasms.

  He pulled her upright onto her knees still tightly grasping her hair as He zipped Himself up and yanked her head back so that she was staring straight into His eyes once more. Gone was any attempt at seducing Him, her mascara streaked face, a road map of failure and fear. With His free hand, He cupped her right cheek and suddenly landed a stinging slap across it. She screwed her eyes tight as she felt yet more tears pricking, threatening to spill onto her cheeks. But His hand was now caressing where He had slapped, rubbing and stroking it better. Her breath stuttered as fear gnawed deep within her, but she opened her eyes to look at Him again. As she did, He lifted His hand and in response Tessa scrunched her eyes shut and held her breath for the impact. Nothing happened. She gingerly opened her eyes once more, and it was then that the next slap fell. So it was to be. Any punishment she was to receive, she must do so whilst holding the intense stare of her Master. She knew gagging was disappointing to Him, and so she must receive punishment for failing Him. In this way, the failure could be dealt with and then forgotten. She resolved to fight the urge to close her eyes and take her punishment well to please her Master.

  Master dealt out a blow for each time she had gagged and panicked, she should know better than to panic, showing a lack of faith in her care from her Master, something she knew that He would never let her down. Each time He raised His hand, she willed herself to keep her eyes open, knowing that He would never excessively hurt or mark her. The pain was tolerable He knew that, this was a test in itself, to trust that He would not cause her harm. Fear was the biggest barrier of all, she had no reason to doubt that her trust would be unfounded after all they had discussed and experienced together to date. Her cheek became hot with each stinging strike, but nowhere near as much as she had flushed when she had realized she had failed Him. Curiously she felt grateful that He cared enough to discipline her, to recognize she had tried, and recognized where she had felt that she had failed. Tessa’s mind started to wander, detached from the situation as she stared almost hypnotically into His eyes, unable to move, but not wanting to either. Then His hand rested and stroked her cheek for longer than before, and He leaned in and kissed her gently on the glowing, tortured flesh. Turning His head slightly He whispered,

  “Such a good girl,” and just as suddenly as His gentleness had arrived, He stood quickly and pushed His erection into her waiting mouth. She had fallen so far into the trance
of His gaze that she hadn’t even noticed Him growing hard and releasing Himself again.

  Pushing deep into her throat He held her head back securely, looking down into her eyes as her nose bumped His pubic bone. Tessa did not make a noise or reaction this time. He thrust into her a few more times, and then with a seemingly satisfied smile, withdrew and walked around behind her, His hand still firmly holding her now aching scalp. He dragged her back and down onto the floor so she was now lying staring at the ceiling. He released her hair and ran His hands over her body relaxing her with every caress, allowing her tension to flow out of her limbs. As he placed her arms above her head she let them flop into position, her legs following the same example as He parted them wide, exposing her molten sex. He seemed to pause and consider her thoughtfully, stroking her intimately once and then rising up, walking into her dressing room.

  Chapter 3

  It was perhaps a few minutes longer than she expected before her Master returned from the other room. Tessa found the sensations and feelings she was experiencing were unexpected and intense in different ways to their previous meetings. She had thought that having no sight was more terrifying than being able to see her Master, but actually seeing His reactions, or in some cases lack of reaction, was just as unnerving if not more so. She could see Him pacing slowly toward her in the corner of her eye. Should she look at Him or remain staring at the ceiling, as He had left her?

  He was quite clearly shielding something behind His back and she could feel His eyes boring into her as He moved closer. She turned her head to look, and He immediately locked eyes with her. His unreadable expression shook her like an earthquake, she always prided herself on being able to read people, and yet again, He undermined her self-preservation instincts with this blank expression. Goose bumps rose across her flesh, just what was to come? She wished she had the comfort of darkness; she could at least be left alone with her thoughts. She considered that occasionally, utter helplessness was more comforting than a glimmer of hope that you might actually have an illusion of control.

  He dropped to one knee beside her and produced her rabbit vibrator. “Now,” He said, “Today is the thirty-ninth day since we met. So for each of the thirty-eight days in between that day and this, I want you to give yourself thirty-eitght strokes. You must not cum.” He switched the vibrator onto medium and handed it to her. As He stood up and turned away, He made an oversized gesture of mock forgetfulness, turned back around and slowly added, “And I want you to announce each stroke out loud. I have some things to do and I want to know your progress. Do not think, however, that I will not be aware of your actions.”

  Tessa’s head started to spin at the thought of this task. Surely it couldn’t be difficult? But, she knew it would be. This particular toy of hers was good at its intended purpose, so perhaps she could proceed fairly slowly to reduce the chance of orgasm. With these thoughts in her mind, she pressed it to her sex and slid it in slowly.

  “One...” she called out loud. She was shocked at how easily it had slid in, but then, the events building up to this had been erotically charged, and there was something about her Master that had her body instantly ready for Him just from simply hearing His voice.

  “Two...” the vibrations from the vibrator bunny ears were torture when the device was fully inside her, she would have to be careful about that,

  “Three...” She took a deep breath, “Four...” Whimpering she clenched her teeth and decided that perhaps a quicker assault for a few strokes might expedite the task to its conclusion. “Five, six, seven, EIGHT!” She wailed the last count as she almost lost control of her emotions. For every experience so far, she had remained mute, whether not having permission to speak, or gagged in some way. Not only did she have her eyes this time, but her voice too, and it felt extremely daunting.

  “Nine...” she panted as she slowed her pace again, “Ten...” her eyes closing and breathing labored as she tried to control herself further. It was strange, as if He was standing over her observing, she felt that maybe she’d have a better chance of lasting the count, “Eleven, twelve, thirteen...” she breathed, as the pleasure of the last stroke rippled through her, her hips moving luxuriantly with her practiced self-pleasuring actions. Tessa grasped her mind with an iron grip. She couldn’t lose control of her mind, because if she did, her body would just do whatever it pleased, and that would bad. Closing her eyes, she calmly and quietly uttered the next strokes, “Fourteen... fifteen... sixteen... seventeen... eighteen... nineteen... twenty...” she was in the zone now. She knew she could do this. She felt a smile creep across her dry lips as she held onto her pleasure, relaxing her body to just enjoy, containing the feelings.

  Her eyes snapped open as she felt a gentle nudge to her right side. Her Master was standing there smiling, but with a glint in His eye that definitely did not mean He was smiling because He was pleased with her. She hadn’t heard Him move to her side and the surprise caused her thoughts to drift away like balloons on a breeze. The momentary control was gone where was it she had reached again? “Twen...ty... ahh... ONE!” she asserted. She couldn’t let Him know she had been so thrown by a simple prod in the side with His foot.

  “Do you want Master to do that for you?” He asked calmly through His smile, and He dropped to one knee again by her side.

  Tessa scrambled to find an answer that didn’t betray how difficult she was finding the task, but even with her nerves and fear of failure all she could utter was, “Yes M-Master...” her fears becoming greater as she realized, there was nearly the same amount of strokes to endure under His watch, and what’s more, He knew how to pleasure her, plus the added feelings of His close proximity to her sensitive body. As He took hold of the toy, she tried to regain her composure and said, “Thank you, Master.”

  He locked eyes with her again, and tipped His head to one side to indicate that she must still count each stroke out loud. Feigning forgetfulness, He stared straight into her soul, “So... where were we? Ah yes... Twenty-one, wasn’t it?” He slowly and tortuously slid it in and out once.

  ‘Twenty.... Tw-oooOO!” She exclaimed eyes wide and transfixed on His, trying so hard not to writhe beneath Him. She didn’t want to enjoy this too much she would fail for sure if she did.

  “Oh dear, you seem to be having a little trouble with this task,” He said, still smiling at her.

  “Perhaps if I go a little faster? How about five fast? Yes – yes, I think that would be perfect.’ Smiling broadly and maintaining eye contact, He moved so quickly, she had difficulty keeping count.

  “Twenty- three! Four! FIVE! SIX! SEVEN!” She shrieked the numbers, shaking with the effort of speaking and controlling her body. He tipped His head to one side, the full beam of His charm radiating like the solar wind. Not a word said as he stroked three very, very excruciatingly slow strokes causing her to whisper.

  “Twenty-eight... Tw-w-enty-niiiine... Thirty...” and with a long exhale she dared close her eyes. When she realized He hadn’t moved she opened her eyes again, puzzled.

  “Are you sure that’s thirty?’ He asked. Now Tessa panicked properly for the first time. She was pretty sure she had counted correctly, but He was questioning the total. She knew that He would be a hundred percent sure of what the total number of strokes were, so she had a dilemma. Was she really so sure? The answer was now obvious - she was questioning herself, so she wasn’t sure. Fear washed over her in an icy wave. “N--n–no, Master,” she stuttered. She felt like a rabbit in the headlights now, unable to tear her focus from Him.

  His smile disappeared, “Well, I am” He replied and then looked away and resumed the strokes, hard and fast.

  “Thirty ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX! SEEVEEEEEEENNN!” There was no quarter given this time, He had fixed her again with His intense stare and was plowing her hard, deep and with no mercy. Her sensitivity had risen to critical levels and she was so close to the edge when He stopped, slid it out slowly, and then back in incredibly slowly feeling every inch inside h
er. “Thirty... Eight...’

  He turned to smile at her again, stroking her forehead as He gently massaged the vibrator inside her, teasing her clit, sending pleasure throughout her body. She looked at her Master pleading with her eyes. She couldn’t vocalize the question, but she was desperate for release - aching He knew, and shook His head, pressing His lips together into a thin line. She would not be allowed release quite yet. He moved His hand away from the toy, and pulled her knees together, trapping the toy inside her, the sensation now a dull, insistent throbbing.


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