Splintered (Mike Campbell Series Book 1)

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Splintered (Mike Campbell Series Book 1) Page 4

by Rosemary Wilson

  “We started fighting a lot and when we were together you could cut the tension with a knife.”

  Mike wondered if Dave realized how ironic his choice of words was.

  “Most nights she went to her home office to work on lesson plans or mark papers. I had no one to talk to about what was happening at work and I ended up watching TV and having a couple more beers.

  “Then yesterday the company announced the first round of layoffs and I was one of the people let go. I cleaned out my desk around 1:00 and left the building. I started home but knew Sandy wouldn’t be home until after 3:30 and I didn’t want to be alone so I stopped in the local sports bar and had a couple of beers. At about 4:30 I left and headed home.

  “Sandy was already there and she was preparing dinner. Before I had a chance to tell her I had been laid off, she said she needed to talk to me. The next thing I knew she was going on and on about how things were not good with our relationship and she wanted a divorce. I knew we were having some problems, but I figured we would be able to work things out.

  “I told her I had gotten laid off. She wasn’t surprised and told me it was just one more reason for us to go our separate ways. I asked what she meant by that and her reply was I would just end up working for my father and become more like him and she couldn’t live with it.”

  Dave stopped for a moment and looked at the detectives. Mike had been studying Dave’s body language as he was reciting his story and Mike wasn’t buying what Dave was trying to sell.

  He thought Dave would have done well in the theater group in school instead of on the football field. To Mike, Dave had not changed at all since high school and was still a bully. Instead of his offensive line backing him up, he had his father and lawyer. Mike looked over at Max and saw he had his Columbo look in place. Since Mike had a history with Dave, he needed Max’s take on the veracity of Dave’s story.


  Dave was through the easy part of his tale. The hard part was coming up - trying to make these fools believe he stabbed Sandy in self-defense. He had to be careful he didn’t lay it on too thick. He knew Sandy’s story would be different from his, so he had to show the correct amount of regret as he explained how his lovely wife came at him with the knife. His pause was calculated. He had watched his father use this technique in meetings with employees or competitors. It had never failed to work. Dave was hoping to plant the idea he couldn’t believe his wife had been angry enough to attack him and in defending himself, she was the one who was injured.



  Max let Dave have his pregnant pause, but now he urged him to continue his story.

  Dave took a deep breath and using his father’s ploy began again in a barely audible voice. “Our argument began to escalate.”

  Max interrupted. “We can barely hear you Mr. Flanders. You will have to speak up so we can get your entire statement recorded.”

  “I’m sorry. Our argument escalated after the remark about my becoming like my father. I’ll admit I was screaming at her that she didn’t care about what I needed, it was always all about her. I started toward her and she picked up the knife on the counter.” His voice rose as he blurted “I thought she was going to stab me! Before she could, I grabbed her wrist and tried to get her to drop the knife. We started to struggle. She wouldn’t let go of the knife. I started to turn her wrist so she would drop the knife and then I tripped over the rug in front of the sink. I fell and she fell with me. When I got up I realized Sandy was still on the floor and was bleeding. I tried to pick up the knife but it was still in her side. I pulled it out and then in a panic, I ran out the door with the knife still in my hand.”

  Dave’s look of horror at the memory of holding the knife and running out the door didn’t resonate with Mike. He felt the mea culpa scene was getting a little overworked. “I thought she was dead”, he sobbed. “I ran for several blocks and realized I still had the knife. I threw it down a storm drain. It took me about half an hour to calm down and realize I had never checked to see if Sandy was dead or alive. That’s when I went back to the house and you guys were already there.”

  Max looked at Dave and surprised everyone with the questions he asked. “Dave, are you right handed?”

  Dave looked at Tom before answering. When Tom nodded, Dave answered “Yes.”

  “How about Sandy? Right or left-handed?”

  “She’s right-handed. Why?”

  “Just trying to get some background information. Can you tell us which storm drain you threw the knife in?”

  “It was out on King Street. I don’t remember which one.”

  “Sandy had several minor cuts as well as bruising on her face. Do you know how she got those injuries?”

  “She must have hit her face on something when we fell.”

  “We will have a team search the storm drains on King Street because right now we are going to take you to police headquarters and book you for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.”

  “But it was self-defense!”

  “It’s not our job to determine guilt. Mr. Wyatt, I assume you will be coming with Dave to the police station?”

  Tom Wyatt nodded his head. “I advised both Jason and Dave this might happen and Jason has stated he will post bail as soon as the booking is complete.”

  “The magistrate will determine whether he can make bail. But since it looks like Sandy will recover and there is a space issue at the prison, I’m sure there will be no problem with posting bail.”

  Max gave instructions to Tom and Dave on where to go when they arrived at the police station and then he and Mike left. Max looked at the house as they pulled away to see Tom and Dave walk to the curb and get into Tom’s car. Mike couldn’t resist asking any longer. “Why did you ask Dave about whether he and Sandy were right handed?”

  Max was checking his notes and found what he wanted. “Do you remember the doctor telling her parents last night he had to remove Sandy’s left ovary?”


  “Well, if she’s right handed and he was trying to twist the knife out of her hand you would think when they fell she would have been stabbed on her right side, not her left. He’s right handed too, so I believe the knife was in his dominant hand, not hers.”

  Max’s cell rang and he answered it as Mike thought about what was just said. “That was Sandy’s father. She’s conscious now. I told him we would be there when we wrapped things up here.”

  Mike wanted to wrap things up as quickly as possible so he could get to see Sandy again. He had the distinct feeling her story would be very different from Dave’s.


  Two hours later, Mike and Max found themselves once again entering the SICU at General. Mike was frustrated by how quickly Tom Wyatt would have Dave back on the street. When they left the station, Dave had been booked and Tom was trying to get his bail approved. There was no problem with the $50,000 needed – Jason could afford it. It was Saturday, so it would take a while to get the paperwork done. Meantime, Dave would have to stay in a holding cell. A small victory.

  As he entered Sandy’s room, Mike put Dave out of his mind. The detectives greeted Sandy’s parents again and could see the relief on their faces. Sandy opened her eyes when she heard the conversation. Max moved closer to the bed, placed his hand on the bedrail and leaned over to introduce himself.

  “Mrs. Flanders, my name is Detective Max Davis. Detective Campbell and I are here to ask you a few questions about the attack on you last night.”

  Sandy looked past Max to where Mike was standing. “It wasn’t a dream. You really were there last night.”

  Mike walked up to stand beside Max. He reached down and gently took Sandy’s hand in his. “Yeah, that was me. Heck of a way to become reacquainted with the only girl who ever turned me down for a date in high school.”

  Sandy’s smile was small and Mike could see the gesture caused her some pain. Her voice was low but strong as she told Max she would do her best to ans
wer his questions.

  Max began by telling Sandy to let him know when she got tired but they needed to get her recollections while they were still fresh. “The obvious question is do you know who attacked you?”

  Sandy’s eyes closed and everyone in the room thought she had fallen asleep. When she opened them again several seconds later there was a fierceness in them that told everyone she was not going to be a victim any longer. “Dave and I got into an argument when he came home from work. It got out of control. As he backhanded me across my face he was yelling something about my not supporting him in his hour of need because I was selfish and only thought of myself. It wasn’t the first time he had yelled those things at me, or hit me. But this time it was different, more uncontrolled.”

  Sandy took a deep breath before she continued. “I’m not sure how it got so out of hand. I told him I was never going to let him lay a hand on me again because I intended to file for divorce. He snapped. The next thing I knew he had picked up the knife I had been using to prepare dinner and started slashing at me. I was backed against the counter when he made his final lunge. I felt the knife go in my side and knew it wasn’t a surface cut like the others. I grabbed for the closest chair, but it fell over and I sank to the floor. He pulled the knife out and just stared blankly at the blood. Suddenly he seemed to come to his senses. Instead of calling 911 he ran through the house and out the front door. I had my cell phone in my pocket and was able to get it out and call for help.” Sandy once again stopped and closed her eyes, needing to gather her strength.

  Mike had a hard time controlling his emotions as he listened to Sandy tell her story. He needed to keep his face neutral because he could see Sandy’s father was turning an unhealthy shade of red as he heard about his daughter’s ordeal. Sandy’s mother once again had her hand on his arm, but Mike could see the gentle touch which worked so well the night before was not working its magic this time.

  They had decided Max would be the one to tell Sandy and her parents Dave had confessed to assaulting her. Max looked at Richard and in a matter-of-fact tone told the Powers family about the meeting with Dave. “When we left here earlier it was to go to Jason Flanders’ house to meet with him, his son Dave and their lawyer Tom Wyatt. Dave admitted to stabbing Sandy, but said it was in self-defense as she was attacking him and he was just trying to prevent her from stabbing him.”

  Richard Powers seemed ready to explode. “If it was in self-defense, why didn’t he stay around and get her some help?”

  “He claimed he was scared and didn’t think, just ran. When he calmed down he returned to the house, but she had been taken to the hospital and we were already there.”

  Mike saw Richard Powers was fighting his emotions. Anger at Dave, love for his daughter and failure to protect his girl all flashed across Richard’s face. He collected himself enough to be able to ask in a somewhat controlled voice, “Has he been arrested? Is he in jail?”

  Mike wasn’t going to be the one to break the news so he nodded to Max who jumped into the silent void. “Mr. Flanders was arrested on charges of aggravated assault and battery and attempted murder. He was booked and will be out on bail as soon as the paperwork can be processed.”

  That announcement sent Richard over the edge. He stalked from the room as Stephanie rushed after him. Max told Mike to stay with Sandy while he went and tried to calm Richard.

  After completing her story, Sandy had been all but forgotten by the others in the room. Mike looked at her now and realized how hard it had been for her to finally tell someone the man she had loved and lived with for the last seven years was an abuser. He still held her hand and gave it a little squeeze.

  “Please don’t let my father do anything rash. He’s suspected for a while Dave has been abusive but I always managed to deflect his suspicions. I knew he didn’t believe me, but I wanted to try and work it out with Dave. Stupid, right?”

  Mike couldn’t disagree with her admission. It also was the reason every abused woman he had ever talked to had used to explain why they stayed with their abuser. “We all make bad decisions. When you’re feeling a little stronger, you’re going to have to fill in some of the blanks. Your version is quite different from what Dave told us. If his lawyer doesn’t work out some kind of a plea bargain, are you willing to testify against him?”

  “I don’t know. I just want him out of my life.” Sandy sighed and closed her eyes. “I’m really tired Mike. Thanks for being here.”

  “I’ll check with Max and make sure your father has calmed down. I’ll see you tomorrow.” When he was sure she was asleep, he silently left the room. He asked the nurse if she knew where Sandy’s parents had gone and she pointed to the family waiting room.

  Mike walked into the room and found Max and Stephanie trying to get Richard calmed down. His coloring was so alarming Mike thought Richard might have a heart attack. Mike strode across the waiting room and purposefully placed himself in front of Richard.

  In a subdued voice, Mike told Richard he had just left Sandy sleeping. “She wanted me to make sure you didn’t do anything rash. Those were her words Mr. Powers, not mine. She has taken a huge step today. She wants to put this nightmare behind her, but she won’t be able to if she has to worry about you. She has to concentrate on healing both physically and emotionally. We will talk to her again in a day or two to get more details. But in the meantime, she needs rest. She needs to know you’re not going to do anything that would complicate this situation even further. Please don’t add to her recovery time by seeking revenge. Dave will have to answer for his attack on Sandy. He has already been charged and arrested. If Sandy decides to testify, then there will be a trial. His lawyer may also try and plea bargain it down so there won’t be any jail time. In the meantime, we will ask a judge to issue a Protection from Abuse order so Dave can’t get near her. She needs your support and love now Mr. Powers, not your anger. I know it has to be hard for you, but please be there for her and stay away from Dave.”

  “You don’t understand Detective. She’s my only daughter. He dared to put his hands on her in anger, not love. I failed my daughter.” This last was said with such deep anguish Mike didn’t know what to say.

  Max once again spoke to Richard. “You’ve got to let the system work, Mr. Powers. Two wrongs never made a right. We are a country of laws, not vigilantes. Your main responsibility now is to your daughter and her recovery. Don’t do anything that will make this situation more intolerable for your family.”

  Richard looked at the detectives and demanded to know why it was so easy for Dave to post bail.

  Mike understood Richard’s frustration because he also felt the same way, but wanted to make sure he didn’t ignite Richard’s anger again. “You’ve probably seen the articles in the paper lately about the overcrowding at the prison. That’s the reason. He was able to post the bail in cash because he was not considered a threat to the community or a flight risk. He’s not allowed to leave the county until his arraignment at which time the judge will listen to arguments about continuing the bail.”

  “What are the chances his bail will be revoked?”

  “If he doesn’t do anything to show he’s a risk to the public, the DA will have no choice but to go along with the defense’s request to continue bail. I can tell you this Mr. Powers, Dave is really shaken by what happened. He won’t do anything to cause himself to be sent to prison.”

  Mike saw Richard Powers’ color slowly return to normal. He hoped for everyone’s sake Richard would heed their advice and stay away from Dave Flanders.


  Mike and Max headed for the parking garage after they said goodbye to Stephanie and Richard Powers. Mike asked Max if he had thought about his invitation.

  Max looked confused as he asked “What invitation?”

  “C’mon Max. I told you yesterday my mother invited us for dinner tomorrow.”

  “No, you said she invited you and you invited me.”

  “Don’t split hairs with me.
Mom and Dad would love to meet you. In fact, Mom is looking forward to your keeping me in line when I begin to regale everyone with my exploits as Lancaster’s youngest and brightest detective.”

  Max rolled his eyes at his partner. Was he ever that young and enthusiastic about this job that tended to beat even the most dedicated into the ground? “I don’t know Mike. It’s a family get together. You don’t need an outsider there.”

  “Mom wouldn’t have agreed if she didn’t want to have you there. Do you like baseball?”

  “I grew up in Philadelphia. The Phillies have always been a part of my summer.”

  “Great! Dad will have a new audience for his play by play commentary. Mom and the girls will probably be in the kitchen or chasing the kids. Chris and Harry – they’re my sisters’ husbands - are not big baseball fans. Besides, you can’t beat the food. Between Mom and the girls, the table will be sagging.”

  As they walked to the car, Mike talked and Max tried to think of a reason to get out of going to this dinner. He had forgotten about it. He couldn’t give Mike a logical excuse that wouldn’t hurt his feelings. His year-long self-imposed isolation had to come to an end sometime. Maybe this would be the way to get him back into the real world. Before he could change his mind, he told Mike he would be happy to go.

  Mike made arrangements to pick Max up at 1:00 the next day. As they went their separate ways, Max hoped he was doing to right thing.


  Dave sat silently in the passenger’s seat of Tom Wyatt’s car. This had been the most humiliating day of his life. After giving his story to the detectives he had to go to police headquarters and get booked. Tom told him it would happen, but he hadn’t believed him. After he was booked, the detectives left. He was taken to a holding cell where he had to spend time with some low-lifes who kept eyeing him like he was fresh meat.


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