Splintered (Mike Campbell Series Book 1)

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Splintered (Mike Campbell Series Book 1) Page 18

by Rosemary Wilson

  “So what’s your point, Mike?”

  “Looking back on it, Max reacted the way Richard Powers, Sandy’s father, did. Almost as if he had failed to protect this woman in some way. And that wasn’t the only time. Just today, after our meeting with Officer Simonson, Max said he thought the two wives didn’t realize how lucky they were that someone took care of their husbands who were no better than trash.”

  “Okay, so he doesn’t like men who abuse their wives. Who does?”

  “As a cop, you know dealing with abused women is like walking on a tightrope. You want them to get themselves help, but you can only push so hard before they turn you off. That’s been the hardest part of the job for me, walking away and leaving a woman in an abusive situation. Sandy was walking away, but Max was still pushing.

  “I have a feeling it’s more than just Max hating abusers. Did you ever have a gut feeling, John?”

  “Many. And there were many times when my gut was dead wrong. What is your gut trying to tell you Mike?”

  “I guess if I knew that we wouldn’t be having this conversation. This whole case has me questioning everything. I’m probably reading too much into Max’s reactions.”

  “I guess I haven’t been much help. I know Max is a good cop and a lonely man. He has no family close by and he never mentioned getting together with any friends outside the Bureau.”

  “He got a call from his son the other day. He’s going to be a grandfather. He’s so excited and he’s planning to visit Ed at Christmas after the baby is born.”

  “That’s great. I think he’ll make a dynamite pappy.”

  “Oh, one last thing. Did Max ever mention who his partner or partners were in Philadelphia?”

  “No. As I said, he didn’t want to talk about it. Ask Max. He’s been out here over a year. Maybe he’s ready to open up. If he doesn’t tell you, you could probably find out something from the Philly police. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.”

  “I appreciate your time. Thanks a lot, John. Have a great time visiting your family this summer.”

  “Any time, Mike. If there’s anything else I can do for you, just let me know.” John gave Mike his cell number and asked if Mike would let him know when Max’s grandchild was born.

  “Sure will. Have a safe trip.” After hanging up, Mike turned back to his computer. Before he talked to Max or got in touch with the Philadelphia police, he wanted to see if there was anything he could learn from the internet. Several hours later he was bleary-eyed and had the beginnings of a headache. He put his laptop in sleep mode, and headed to the kitchen for a beer. As he settled on the sofa, he began to go through the printouts he had of the articles referencing Max Davis. Mike now knew why Max had reacted the way he did to the attack on Sandy. His partner had quite a history in Philadelphia.


  Chuck Boyd finished his report for Jason Flanders and attached it to an e-mail. He also included a bill for his services in case Jason was not happy with what he read and chose to terminate his services.

  Chuck had talked to Tom Wyatt earlier and filled him in on what he had uncovered; namely, nothing. Tom was not surprised. He felt Jason was lashing out in anger over the death of his son and Sandy excluding him from the funeral arrangements.

  “Do you want me to look into Mike Campbell’s background, Tom?”

  “Do you think you can do it quietly?”

  “I can try the freelance writer persona again. That seemed to open up a few doors for me today. It also made people very leery. At least two of the ones I interviewed today threatened law suits if I put anything in my story regarding Sandy having an affair.”

  “Sounds like she has some very loyal friends.”

  “They’re not just loyal. They genuinely like her. I don’t know anything about Mike Campbell, but if he was having an affair with Sandy, it was all in his mind, because Sandy had neither the time nor the inclination to deal with any man besides her husband.”

  “Do the best you can, Chuck. Did you send your first report to Jason?”

  “I’m going to finish it tonight and e-mail it. I’ll send your copy via blind carbon copy so the time stamp will be the same.”

  “What time do you think that will be?”

  “He’ll have it by seven tonight. I’m also including my bill for today, in case he wants to pull the plug.”

  “I have no doubt I’ll hear from him shortly after he reads your report. I’ll get in touch if he doesn’t want you to continue.”

  “Okay. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  When Tom left his office at five, he was tempted to turn his cell phone off so he wouldn’t know when Jason called. In the end he left it on knowing it would only delay the inevitable. He went home to have a quiet dinner with his family before Mount Jason erupted later in the evening.


  At 7:15 p.m. Tom’s cell phone beeped. He didn’t have to look at caller ID to know it was Jason Flanders because Tom himself had just finished reading Chuck’s report.

  “Hello, Jason” he said keeping his voice calm.

  “What kind of bozo did you hire, Tom? I just got Boyd’s report and according to him my daughter-in-law is a living saint.” Tom recognized the ruthless businessman voice Jason used to intimidate them.

  “Look, Jason, Chuck Boyd is one of the best PIs in Lancaster. I told him to find out if Sandy was having an affair and if so, with whom.”

  “So she didn’t tell any of her friends she was sleeping with Campbell. There’s a big surprise. She was probably sneaky about it, having him over during the day when Dave was at work, or meeting Campbell at his house. There’s got to be someone who knows when those two got together.”

  “Chuck is going to check out some of Mike’s friends and neighbors tomorrow. He’s got to be careful Jason. If word gets back to Mike or Sandy that someone is asking questions about them, it could create legal problems.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m just trying to find my son’s killer.”

  “We talked about this on Saturday. Just because you think she was having an affair does not make it true. There are libel and slander laws in this country, Jason. I told you before you don’t want to make accusations that have no basis in fact. Not only their reputations will be tarnished, but yours could be destroyed if it is proven you made false statements. The publicity could ruin your businesses.”

  “I know they were sleeping together and Campbell killed my son. Why else would it be taking so long to solve his murder?”

  “For one thing Jason, there was a second murder just like Dave’s. I know you think Mike killed the second guy to make it look like a killer is targeting wife abusers, but that’s the most ridiculous theory I’ve heard in a long time.”

  Tom knew he had pushed Jason with that statement and prepared for the explosion he knew was coming.

  “What gives you the right to speak to me that way?” Jason bellowed. “I pay you very well for your services. You ought to be able to carry out a simple order.”

  Tom took a deep breath before he answered because Jason had finally succeeded in getting under his skin. “I hired Chuck Boyd to look into your allegations. He is a highly skilled and well respected investigator. He is honest and thorough. He reports the facts. He doesn’t make them up. If his report shows Sandy was not having an affair with Mike Campbell, then you can be very sure she was not having an affair with Mike Campbell.”

  “I’ll give him one more day. If he doesn’t uncover anything tomorrow, then I’m going to find someone who will.”

  “That’s your decision, Jason. I just want to tell you I will not file a wrongful death suit against Sandy with any information that does not come from Chuck Boyd.”

  “Suit yourself. Send me your final bill.”

  Tom listened to the silence as Jason broke the connection. He was worried about his old client. He decided to call Sarah. He would have to be very careful not to violate the lawyer-client confidentiality, but he felt an obligation to try to save J
ason from himself.


  The Avenger sat on his sofa reading the morning paper. He liked to peruse the news after dinner instead of first thing in the morning. He liked to take his time reading the paper so he wouldn’t miss anything. He skimmed the articles that didn’t interest him. He read the comics and the sports page and then zeroed in on the police log.

  There hadn’t been anything of interest in the log for the last week or so. He wasn’t interested in burglaries, traffic stops or disorderly conduct. Harassment and assault by a man on a woman always caught his interest.

  He stopped about halfway through the list. Here was a harassment arrest in Manheim Township. A woman called the police because her husband was violating a protection from abuse order. He would have to look into this one a little further to see if this situation warranted the intervention of the Avenger because a PFA usually meant there was a history of harassment and abuse.

  He opened his laptop and went to the newspaper’s website. He accessed the archives to see if this event was the first occurrence or the latest of many. A half hour later he shut down his computer with a smile. He would be spending the next couple of nights checking out the comings and goings of Mr. Peter Baker. The Avenger knew there would soon be another woman who would never have to worry about her safety again.


  Chuck Boyd decided his freelance writer persona would be the best way to approach the people around Mike Campbell. He knew he couldn’t come right out and ask the question that was at the heart of his investigation: Was Mike Campbell having an affair with Sandy Flanders before Dave’s attack on her? He would have to be subtle about his inquiries.

  He started with Mike’s next door neighbors. His internet research indicated they were a retired couple who had won the lottery and now spent their winters in Florida. He saw a car in the driveway so knew they had returned home.

  He knocked on their door a little before 10:00 a.m. He thought they might be early risers, but he didn’t want to take the chance of waking them.

  When Carl answered the door, Chuck introduced himself and asked if he could have a couple minutes of their time to discuss their soon-to-be-famous next door neighbor.

  “Why would he be famous?” Carl asked.

  “I’m a freelance writer and I’m gathering background information for a story on the suspect who is killing wife-abusing husbands and Mike Campbell is one of the investigating officers.”

  “What publication are you writing the article for, Mr. Boyd?”

  “I haven’t sold it yet. When I do approach a publication, I want to have a story worth publishing.”

  “Meaning what?” Carl asked.

  “I don’t want something that just delivers dry facts. I like to round out my stories by bringing out the personalities of the main characters. Mike Campbell is one of the cops investigating this case, but he’s also a guy who has a personal life. I think that gives a story depth and humanity.”

  “All right, Mr. Boyd, Rose and I will talk to you for a few minutes.”

  Chuck entered the house. Rose was standing in the living room and asked if he would like a cup of coffee. Chuck said yes and Carl directed him to sit on a chair facing the sofa. Chuck looked around the room. The furniture was not new, but it was well-used. He could imagine many happy family get-togethers here. He had just met this couple, but already he liked them.

  Rose returned with three mugs and a plate of muffins. Chuck thanked her for the coffee and declined the muffin.

  “What is it you would like to know, Mr. Boyd?” asked Carl.

  “How long have you known Mike Campbell?”

  “Mike bought the house next door about three years ago” Carl said. “The couple who owned it moved into a nursing home. Unfortunately, the real estate market bottomed out. Their son sold the house shortly after his parents moved. We met Mike not long after he moved in.”

  “How old is he?”

  “Close to thirty I think” Rose said.

  “Any wild parties?”

  “Mike is a cop. The only ‘parties’ he has are family barbecues or holiday dinners. He’s a quiet guy and spends a lot of time working on the property, either inside or out.”

  “Does he have a girlfriend?”

  “Don’t know and that’s his business”, Carl firmly stated.

  Chuck backed off and tried a different approach. “Do you know if Mike knew the Flanders before he was called out for the attack on Mrs. Flanders?”

  Rose sipped her coffee and then looked at Chuck. “He told us he was shocked when he recognized Sandy because she graduated the same year he did from Penn Manor. When Dave showed up after Sandy was taken to the hospital he was surprised again. He didn’t realize they had married.”

  “Do you know if he knew either one of them in high school?”

  “He didn’t say,” Rose commented. “He only said they graduated the same year. Penn Manor is a large school, so it’s possible he only knew them from their pictures in the yearbook or seeing them in the hallway. He did say Sandy was a cheerleader and Dave was the hotshot quarterback.”

  “Do you know if Mike played sports in high school?”

  Carl looked at Boyd and shook his head. “We’ve never talked about his high school days, Mr. Boyd. You’ll have to ask the friends he had back then.”

  “Do you know if he’s still in contact with any of them?”

  “He’s known Joe Wagner since he was a kid and they were in many classes together in high school. In fact, Joe is coming over soon to give us a quote on some work we want done.”

  “What time is he coming?”

  “By the time you finish your coffee, he should be here,” Rose volunteered.

  Chuck couldn’t believe his luck. “Do you mind if I stick around until he arrives?”

  Carl was about to answer when the doorbell rang. Joe had arrived early. Carl let Joe in and introduced him to Chuck Boyd who quickly filled Joe in on his reason for visiting the Websters.

  “So you’re planning on writing a story about these murders?”

  “That’s how I pay my bills. I figured if I started interviewing before this case is solved, I’d be ahead of the competition,”

  “So what do you want to know?” Joe asked.

  “One of the oddities in this case is the fact Mike knew Sandy and Dave Flanders from high school.”

  “Yeah, he told me it really blew his mind when he recognized her when he answered the assault call.”

  “Do you know if he’d seen either Sandy or Dave since high school?”

  “He didn’t know they were in the area or that they had married.”

  “Rose told me Sandy was a cheerleader and Dave played football. Did Mike play any sports in high school?”

  “No. He was considered kind of a nerd.” Joe chuckled as he said it. “I think the main reason was because his father was a math teacher. Mike preferred to play sports in the back yard. He had his mind set on becoming a cop and didn’t let anything sidetrack him.”

  “How about dating?”

  “He did.”

  “Anyone is particular?”

  “He was a perfectly healthy high school kid. We hung out a lot together. We double dated frequently and we played the field. Why are you asking that?”

  “I was just curious if he ever dated Sandy? That would really add a twist to this story.” Chuck tried to make light of the question, but hung on Joe’s answer.

  “He did ask her out once. She said no and that was the end of that.”

  “He never tried again?”

  “No. Dave let Mike know Sandy was off limits.”

  “What did Dave do?”

  “According to Mike, Dave, backed up by his offensive line, told Mike Sandy was taken. Mike recognized the threat and didn’t ask her out again.”

  “And he was never in contact with either one since graduation?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Do you know if he’s seeing anyone right now?”<
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  “He’s a free agent at the moment.”

  Chuck closed his notebook and stood up. He knew he couldn’t push any further with his questions. He thanked the Websters and Joe for their time. He left his card with each of them and asked if they thought of anything else to give him a call. As Chuck headed to his car, Carl looked at Joe and said, “I’m not so sure a story is all that man is interested in, Joe.”

  Joe agreed and decided to talk to Mike that night about this new development.


  Mike had not slept well. He couldn’t shut his mind off so he tossed and turned until the wee small hours. His morning shower and coffee did little to get rid of the cobwebs in his head or the bags under his eyes. When he walked into the office, Max took one look at him and asked with a slight smirk, “What were you doing last night? You look like you haven’t been to bed yet.”

  “I actually went to bed early, but the sandman must have run out of his magic dust because I just couldn’t fall asleep.”

  “Usually means you’ve got something on your mind that needs solving. The case must really be getting to you.”

  Even though he had thought about what to do all night, Mike still had not come up with the right way to approach Max about what he had uncovered, so he just agreed with him. They settled down into their usual routine since the case began; checking e-mails, the hotline and any other reports which may have come in overnight. Lt. Harper had instructed the tech working on internet support to send a daily report. No one had posted anything on any of the sites they were monitoring. Nothing new to add to their case book. Both men looked deflated.


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